The second passage he was keenly interested in was much less poetic, but tantalized Sunny much more. That was because it mentioned the other daemons... most of all, the nebulous Demon of Fate.
The runes read:
[Gods created all living creatures, but not all creatures they created carry a divine lineage. Only those born of the gods do, and those born of their descendants. Why have the gods forbidden us seven to sire offspring? Why are we destined for loneliness?
Is it because we are of the Forgotten One, who slumbers in the Void?
Where is the Void, and where is its Gate? How did Weaver enter it, and what did Weaver see?
Why did Weaver decide to break the will of the gods and create a lineage?
Blood, bone, flesh. Soul, spirit, mind. And shadow.
The gods shall discover the transgression, but they cannot.
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