After the conversation with the disembodied voice of the void — whether it was real or not — Sunny felt different. Not exactly better, but at least not as lost and unmoored as before.
'That would be really ironic if the voice was just a figment of my imagination, wouldn't it?'
The empty void around him didn't seem as empty anymore. Even if it was now full of potential danger, the danger was better than nothing.
…Anything was better than nothing. After four days spent in the endless silence of the dark abyss, Sunny realized just how terrible nothingness was. The human mind was simply not built to withstand it.
In any case, he wasted some time staring at the distant stars, and then got to thinking.
Now that his cores were once again full of essence, he had no tool left to measure time. After considering his options for a while, he summoned the Cruel Sight and activated the [Dark Mirror] enchantment.
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