Naeve stared at him in bewilderment for a few moments, then glanced at the column of military vehicles that stretched far into the distance.
"You are the commanding officer? Things must have changed, then… not that I'm complaining! It's actually great to see a familiar face. I just thought that you were supposed to be in charge of a single cohort of elite Awakened."
Sunny sighed.
"Yeah, well… the situation is a mess, so I ended up being in charge of an entire battalion instead. As well as around twelve thousand refugees. Anyway, thanks for the rescue... I really owe you one, Naeve. That battle could have turned ugly without your ship's support."
He studied the gargantuan shape of the beached vessel, finally recognizing it as the battleship that had delivered his cohort to Antarctica several months ago. Or what was left of it, rather.
Naeve let out an amused chuckle.
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