Sunny remained on the porch for a while longer, thinking about nothing in particular.
He wondered about the future, and about the past.
What had happened to the real Noctis? What had happened to the real Hope? What had really happened to her cursed kingdom?
He had seen the corpses of Sevras and Sun Prince in the Dream Realm. However, Solvane had still been alive. The Obsidian and the Ivory knives had never been used, hinting that the real events of the liberation of Hope had been both similar and vastly different from how they had transpired in the Nightmare.
Had Noctis succeeded in his ambition to make a deal with Weaver? Had the Demon of Fate helped him find a way to break the eternal shackles of Hope without using the knives?
If so… had the sorcerer, perhaps, survived his mad rebellion?
What price had he paid?
The end is here! :]
I hope you have enjoyed the fourth volume of Shadow Slave. I will take a day off to drink a cup of tea, and return with the first chapters of volume five the day after tomorrow.
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