Sunny remained on the southern wall for two days, silently staring at the ocean. In the meantime, thirty-six people vanished. Some of them were Awakened, and some of them were mundane. Despite safety measures growing more and more draconian, Verne had failed to prevent the disappearances. It was all futile.
And deeply, eerily frightening.
The stern Master came to talk to Sunny at some point, but left more frustrated than he had been before.
The fortress withstood another attack from a transient swarm of Nightmare Creatures. Just like the previous one, it came from the north. This time, Sunny did not participate in the battle, choosing instead to remain where he was. There were a few casualties.
The Awakened soldiers were all exhausted after remaining awake for more than a week. The stimulant patches were gradually losing their effectiveness. The mundane soldiers were better rested, but much more disturbed. They were all wary of the Nightmare Spell.
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