The warehouse where the harvested materials were stored was built from wooden boards, which in turn had been made from lumber harvested in the scarlet jungle. It was an enormous building — it had to be — filled to the brim with the carcasses of Nightmare Creature, some of them relatively small, some of them towering like abominable hills of hide, chitin, and scales.
Godgrave was largely subjugated by now, so the two great armies did not clash with Nightmare Creatures that much. The surface of the arm bones, collarbones, the breastbone, and a few ribs of the dead deity were already in human hands. The rest of the ribs, as well as the spine, the pelvis, and the femurs of the titanic skeleton were still untamed, but the soldiers had little reason to venture there.
Neither did they have many reasons to descend into the Hollows… and, of course, they stayed as far away from the harrowing skull of the dead god as possible.
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