The words had been said, echoing in the beautiful darkness of the glowing night. Devoid of the wind, the sails of the ketch fell down. The boat slowly came to a stop, drifting in the current.
Cassie remained silent for a few moments, as motionless as the Echo of the Defiled sybil sitting by her side. Then, she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of amusement:
"Should I call you the Mad Prince, then?"
As Sunny's expression changed, she chuckled lightly.
"Gods… come now. I know that you only asked that question to probe me for a reaction, but how does it make sense? I'm not Torment."
Sunny frowned, disappointed at the fact that he had not been able to get more out of Cassie. He was considering his next question silently when she turned to face her Echo and said, throwing his thoughts into disarray:
"She is."
He froze, stunned by those words.
Then, Sunny slowly moved his gaze to the silent Echo.
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