The runes shimmered in the darkness, surrounded by still silence.
Hypnotized by them, Sunny read greedily:
Shadow: Nightmare.
Shadow Rank: Ascended.
Shadow Class: Terror.
Shadow Fragments: [0/300].
He had known what to expect, but seeing the word "Ascended" still filled him with excitement. At any other time, Sunny would have lingered, enjoying the view of the changed runes, but he was much more interested in something else right now.
His gaze slid lower.
Shadow Description: [This beautiful steed was tamed by the treacherous Lost From Light in the depths of a harrowing dream. The two Shadows battled across countless nightmares, shattering them all apart; neither was willing to give up, so in the end, the nightmares did.]
Despite the excitement, memories of his dreadful battle with Nightmare made Sunny shiver.
Shadow Attributes: [Swift], [Dark Destrier], [Dreadlord], [Dreamwalker].
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