The old man chuckled and looked at his subordinates, who were packing things up in a hurry. After a while, he sighed.
"Whether Nightmare Gates are produced by the Spell or not, there is definitely a connection between the two. Or rather, the three… since Awakened are also part of this equation."
He grew silent after that, and then added in a more serious tone:
"What interests me the most, however, is which of the three came first."
Sunny looked at him with surprise.
"Forgive me, Professor, but isn't that common knowledge? The Spell came first, bringing with it the Nightmares. Then, we Awakened appeared as the result."
He frowned slightly.
"...Of course, common knowledge is not always trustworthy. But in this case, it seems to follow logic."
Professor Obel shook his head.
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