As the lights went out and the reactors of the colossal vessel grew quiet, Sunny froze. His Shadow Sense extended outward as he sensed other people doing the same.
Condition Black meant that the fleet was on the cusp of dire danger. After the alert was issued, every member of the First Army aboard the forty ships had to cease all activity. They weren't supposed to make any noises or movements. They were not even allowed to agitate their essence in any way.
The problem was…
The strange navy officer was still mere meters away from Sunny. He, too, stood motionlessly in the darkness. His head was lowered, so Sunny could not see the man's face.
He could only hear his breathing.
It sounded… wet.
"Don't do it. Don't…"
Suddenly, the man's shoulders twitched.
Frozen a few steps away, Sunny gritted his teeth.
'Curse it all.'
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