The Mirror Lake hid unspeakable horrors, so very few people would have dared to bathe in it.
But Morgan did not care.
She had no choice but to come to this dark place, and for her, there was no escape from the war. The siege was not going to end any time soon, but she could at least endeavor to not spend the rest of it feeling dirty.
It was her home, anyway.
The black water was deceptively tranquil and still, reflecting the moonlit heavens. Stepping into it was like stepping into the night sky, and bathing in it was like bathing in stars.
Enjoying the cold embrace of the lake, Morgan sighed in contentment and studied her reflection.
It was important to know that her reflection was not doing anything strange, like tracing her movements with its gaze or trying to speak. Morgan was safer than most from being preyed on by the Others, since she had killed her reflection many years ago… but she still had to be careful.
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