Because he wanted to.
For once, Sunny's heart wasn't full of fear and despair. Instead, it was filled with defiant indignation. He was tired of bending under the pressure of the world, furtively clutching to the tiniest glimmers of hope, always afraid, always willing to do anything, abandon anything, just to survive for another day. It wasn't enough anymore.
He wanted to make the world bend to his wishes instead.
He wanted to live like a human being instead of an animal.
In these past months, Sunny had changed without even noticing. Somehow, he had grown unsatisfied with his previous way of life, one where his sole goal of survival at all cost overshadowed everything else. Whether he lives or dies had always been the only thing that mattered. But now, how he lived mattered more.
What was the point of having no master if he lived like a slave?
Gritting his teeth, Sunny dove into the dark abyss.
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