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93.75% Rom-Com Fusion / Chapter 13: My Oh Mai

Kapitel 13: My Oh Mai

Mai's smile was faded, she never thought recent happenings would wear her down to the extent she was at now. Well, it really was just one thing. One factor that had been haunting her for years now. Her mother.

"When are you going to grow up and stop acting like a childish little brat." She recalled the conversation she had just hours prior.

It sucked. She could remember a time where her mother was gentle and caring, a time before her rise to fame and the greed that came from it. She spent so many night crying herself to sleep.

And then came the swim suit photoshoot her mom forced on her. Talk about a straw to break the camels back. If it weren't for the memories she had of show biz when she actually enjoyed it, any hope of her returning would've been non existent.

In fact, 'Maybe I shouldn't even go.' As she stood in a white sundress just outside her building she suddenly felt an urge to go back in and claim sickness.

That was until a familar voice brought her out of her head. "The sun dresses are back, huh?"

"I knew you'd say something like that." She adressed the boy who approached her. "I thought I'd bless your eyes."

There was a time where all she ever wore was sundresses. She enjoyed the fabric and it's light feel, oh and the look Kosuke would always give her.

"Consider them blessed." Kosuke said to her as he touched upon the frills.

"You don't look to shabby either." She looked down at his attire. Her eyes got caught for a minute where his white button down opened up to reveal his chest.

"Why thank you, I made sure you had plenty to look at." His smirk annoyed her and with a snort she turned away.

"Good eye candy is about all you have going for you."

"I have several other sources that would say differently."

"Perv, get away I might get infected."

The two bantered as they began to walk. It was a rather nice day out, so why add onto the growing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

As the two sat side by side on the train, Mai with an ever twitching expression tried to ignore the constant ringing from her phone.

"Wow she must be really eager to talk to you, what an amazing mother." He teased as she for the seventh time silenced the ringing.

"Too soon." She punched him in the arm before she groaned when yet another call came through.

"Im tempted to handle it for you, though I don't think she'd give me her blessing after." Kosuke retorted, he had met her mother before and indeed she wasn't the greatest.

"Please, if it was up to her we'd be married on the spot… and then divorced two seconds later with no prenuptial agreement." Mai scoffed as she debated throwing her phone on the tracks.

"Harsh, I think it'd be worth it." His smirk caused an immediate eyeroll from the girl as she elbowed him.

The next time the phone rung Kosuke was quick to snatch it out the girls hands. Mai tried her best to get it back but before she could the video call was answered and a middle aged woman that looked rather similar to the girl next to him answered.

"LISTEN HERE YOU DAMN-" The woman stopped abruptly as she looked at the young man holding the camera. "Ah! Miyamura." Her scowl faded and a smile overtook her.

"Hey." Kosuke waved lightheartedly.

"Um, sorry but is my daughter there? I've been trying to reach her you see."

"Mhm I can see that, we're on a date and I'd really appreciate if you stopped calling so much."

"I-I see, as a mother I do worry, I had no idea you two were so close." Kosuke could practically feel the schemes forming in her mind.

From the side Mai looked up at him with a defeated and desperate look. Pointing the camera up out of his face he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer until she rest against his arm.

"Well then, we're pretty busy. Bye."

"Ah, yes bye, please-." Before she could say anything more the call was ended and Kosuke returned the phone back to the girl.

"I didn't ask you to do that?" She groaned and pocketed the now silent electronic.

"It was annoying me too." He shrugged. "And I'm sure all I did was buy you time."

"You couldn't be more right." Mai sighed and sat up straight. "I trust you'll be a good distraction."

"Is that all I am to you." His tone sounded hurt but Mai knew better.

"Yep, what else would you be?" Her words were slightly muffled by the brakes on the train activating.

"You're right, I should've known better from the way you look at me, my eyes are up here you know."

"Pft." Mai tried to stifle a fit of laughter as she looked up at the mock insulted look on Kosuke's face. The two walked off the train and onto the crowded platform.

"We seriously need a better method to handle this many people." Mai groaned as she took in several deep breaths. Trying to get by that many people proved to be tiring.

"Unlikely, it's been like this for a while. It says a lot that people have entire jobs just for pushing people into trains." Kosuke added as he fixed the few out of place hairs on her head.

"Thus the working class remains stagnant, you think a revolution will entail?" She asked as the two started walking again.

"We both know the answer to that." A resounding no, there was a unspoken rule amongst the entire population, "don't upset the status quo." Oddly enough, those suffering under it upheld it the most.

"It would be interesting to see, I'm sure you could gather a few overly exploited onto your side, go have a field day." Mai smiled encouragingly.

"I'm not staging a revolution for your amusement." He deadpanned.

"It's for the people." She smiled innocently.

Ignoring that they were both on the rather privileged side, the two bantered until they reached the large rectangular building.

"Sakurajima Mai, we cannot express how delighted we are to recieve a visit from you." A rather round man with aged features said as the two walked in through the front doors.

"The pleasure is mine…" The girl bowed and shook the mans hand waiting for the man to introduce himself.

"You can just call me Mako."

"Mako then." She released the mans hand as he then with a bit more familiarity greeted Kosuke.

"The boss is in a meeting discussing a possible merge, for now I'll give a tour and tell you about upcoming projects." Mako said as he led the two down a hallway.

From film sets to costume areas the two toured around right until they made it into a room with a bunch of cameras and different lighting.

"Woah, if it isn't Miyamura and Sakurajima, how about a few pictures?" As a young woman left the room, the man who had just finished taking pictures of her called them over.

Before Mai could say anything Kosuke took her by the hand and dragged her in front of the camera.

The first few shots were stiff as she remembered the last photoshoot she had ever done. However, soon her familarity with being in front of a camera returned and along with it the enjoyment.

The camera clicked several dozen times and after each few their poses would change. These not being for the public Mai was unafraid to jump on the boys back and put bunny ears over his head.

She also had a lot more composure when he held her waist and leaned ever close until their noses touched.

In the end, they had a bunch printed out while they did a few improv scenes on stage. Around that time an older woman stepped into the room and waved at the two.

"You two are adorbale." She took a seat in a nearby chair as she addressed the two. "Reminds me of a rom-com."

"Don't get any ideas." Kosuke deadpanned as he and Mai walked over to the woman.

"You're no fun." The woman responded then turned to Mai and outstretched her hand. "I'm Hana Mizuki, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Sakurajima Mai, I've seen a lot of the movies you've directed, you're amazing." Mai complimented.

"Ah I have the easy part, I just get blessed with good talented youngsters like yourself." She waved her hand though anyone could tell the compliment went straight to her smile.

"With the new projects Mako was talking about I'm not sure if that's true."

"Oh, can I take that to mean you're interested?" Mizuki's hope dapened by the restrained look on Mai's face.

"I… do want to act again, but more as a hobby, at least while I'm in school."

Contrary to what she was expecting, Mizuki's face widened as she turned to Kosuke.

"You're boyfriend here said damn near the same thing you know." She reached in her pocket and pulled out her phone. "That's not a problem though."

On her phone she displayed to the two a few pages of notes with the title, "Love Chronicles". In short it was a series where each episode focused on a new couple finding love with each other.

"I knew you were going to try and drag me into a rom-com." Kosuke muttered as he read through the notes.

Ignoring him Mizuki turned to Mai, "So what do you think? It's not a big time commitment."

"It sounds interesting." She admitted. "May I contact you later?"

"Of course its still a ways away from production." Mizuki nodded earnestly. "And if you agree I'm sure lover boy here would glady follow."

"Whatever." Kosuke shrugged, he couldn't deny facts.

While Mai took down the contact info, the man from earlier came in with the printed and laminated photos.

The two left shortly after.

"Thoughts?" Kosuke asked as the two sat at a bus stop. He had made reservations for a not too flashy restaurant a while later.

"It was fun. I missed it more than I thought." She admitted with a soft smile, and maybe it'll get my mom off my back.

"Please don't do it for her." Kosuke sighed, the last thing he wanted was to full circle back to the source of her depression.

"I won't… it's just a plus."

"That includes making sure your profits stay entirely your own." Kosuke added and the girl visibly deflated.

"Yeah, that won't be as easy. She loves the whole 'I gave you everything you have and you need to repay me speel."

"Your mom sucks.." Kosuke deadpanned unable to sugar coat his words.

"Believe me, I'm aware."

"Ultimately, you do hold the power here. Though, I can imagine it's hard to use it."

"Yeah." With a sigh all the energy in her body seemed to leave her and she fell with a soft smile into his lap. Her face lay upward and she looked into his eyes.

There was not another soul in sight and the bus was a fair bit off, she deserved a break.

Lightly, Kosuke ran his hands through her hair as she closed her eyes and smiled.

Dinner passed nicely, and the sun disappeared along the horizon. This time around Kosuke called a car to pick them up as they mindlessly chattered all throughout the ride.

"So eager to go see your harem already huh?" Mai asked with a raised eyebrow as she held the boys hand before he could walk to his door.

"I thought you'd come, we also both need to change." He tilted his head confused and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry about that." She pulled him along to her apartment and with the other hand unlocked the door.

"Wait here." Sitting him on the couch she disappeared into her room and moments later came back with a pair of pajamas that were undoubtedly his.

"You let me borrow them a while ago, I forgot to return them." She noted quickly so that he may not get the idea to call her a creep. "They might be a bit tight now though."

"Thanks." He nodded and began taking his shirt off.

"Have some shame there' a maiden in the room." Mai hiding any and all fluster chastised and recieved nothing but a flat stare.

"You can turn around, you just don't want to." Kosuke shrugged as his button down fell from his shoulders.

"Too bad, I don't have any cash on hand to throw at you, though I don't think a pervert like you needs much motivation." Though she said so Mai made no effort to avert her eyes, even as his pants began to fall.

A smile graced his lips just then as he stepped out of his pants and turned to the girl. He held out his arms wide and with a smug grin said, "want a hug."

This time she was flustered as her face gained a red tint. "Get dressed idiot." She then ran to her room and the next time she came out she'd changed into a blue tank top and matching sweat shorts, both of which revealed a healthy amount of the more fleshy parts of her.

Joining his similarly changed self on the couch, Mai picked up the remote on the coffee table. "How about a movie?"

"Sure." He nodded and soon after the familar chimes of a streaming service played out. Unfortunately, there wasn't much of anything new that interested them and they decided on one they just hadn't seen in a while.

"Hmm." About five minutes in Kosuke suddenly remembered something. "Isn't this the movie that you said was abysmal, and then cried to later on that same day?"

Mai went still and for a second it almost seemed like she was frozen. Suddenly, she leaped from beside him and landed on top of him. Her hands went to cover his mouth as he deadpanned.

"Sorry, I'm going to have to ask you to forget that." She said in a threatning tone and with narrowed eyebrows.

Deciding she wanted to hear a response she slid her hands off his mouth and watched as with a grin the boy muttered, "not if it means you stay up there."

It was only then she realized her mounting of his waist and along with that realization came a blush and a smirk.

"How hopeless you are." Her eyes traced everywhere but his face before she weakend the strength in her supporting arms and allowed the rest of her body to follow.

Her eyes locked with his briefly before she closed them. Her hair draped over his head and shielded them in.

A few moments later strength returned to her arms and she sat back up, still firmly mounting him. Her smile was nervous yet happy.

"That was your reward, today was fun." She unconsciously touched her lips where they had joined moments prior.

"Oh was it." Kosuke grinned. "I think I'll take a few more." And with those words as a signal, he sat up and sent her sprawling back down to the couch.

She landed on her back and watched in awe as his form hovered above hers. His knee between her thighs he manuevered one hand under her head and lifted it ever so gently.

Experienced lips met inexperienced as the former led in their oral dance. They took in shirt gasp before each exchange and it wasn't long before their tongues joined.

Mai seemed unsure of what to do with the rest of her pinned body and decided to wrap her arms around his neck while her legs remained limp.

Her was beating fast in her chest and she was 100 percent sure Kosuke could feel it with the zero distance between themselves. What she WAS hoping he didn't feel though, was the result of his knee pushing against her private.


Apparently he didn't or maybe he did, either way the way he suddenly kissed her neck did not help.

Backing away, he pulled the girl back onto his lap this time in a way that they were both sitting up.

His hands rest on her creamy rather fleshy thighs and pushed her further into his lap. This time Mai led, or rather tried as she locked her lips with his. She ever so feintly rocked her hips barely even concious of her doing so.

The tingles returned and her mouth was left agape when he licked and kissed at her neck. He trailed them down until they reached just above her cleavage.

She knew what was coming next but she still stiffened when he grabbed the hem of her shirt and began pulling upwards.

"Y-you're really going for a home run after the first date." She muttered and lifted her arms up.

"More like after years of repression." He spoke in her ear after throwing away the tanktop, leaving her in a pure white bra. "Unless you want me to stop?"

"You say that now." She had a strong desire to strange him but she felt rather weak in his arms. Instead she just sighed and grabbed a hold of his head. "Say it first."

"Why don't you say it, I did everything else." He retorted meeting her pout with seriousness. After a while she deflated and with a defeated sigh she drew closer to him. Her nose touched him and with a short breath, she spoke, "I love you." Three sinple words that summarized years of a strange relationship. One in which the two danced around eachother until finally, at last they connected.

"Nn, I love you too."

(Sora POV)

Master is a few rooms down with Mai Sakurajima. Hopefully, Master this time has some mercy and doesn't leave her temporarily paralyzed. Mai is fragile after all.

It was just as I was thinking that, that my phone rung from none other than that same girl.

Picking it up, I answered only to sigh and hang up moments later. "SHORAAA HELLLLP, ISH SHOO MUSSHH~!"

I was wrong. Master is a beast. Unfortunately, this is something she'd have to handle alone.

It started off slow.

They kissed as Mai sat on Kosuke. She wrapped her arms around his neck and grinded her hips into his lap. His hands gripped the creamy lumps hidden behind her bra. She had nice C cups.

Kosuke took note of the girls love for kisses on the neck. She also seemed to really enjoy the way his fingers roamed her form.

Soon though, she wanted more. With a string of saliva between them, she broke away from the kiss and repurposed her hands. Like he had done to her, she trailed them down to his waist and pulled at the hem of his shirt.

Reluctantly letting go of her mounds he put his arms up and let her take it off of him.

Her eyes trailed down to what she uncovered. She couldn't help but to softly lick her lips and feel her way around from his stomach to his arms. It felt very textured and so different from her own.

"Just eye candy right?" Kosuke teased.

"Yeah~." Mai sighed and burried his face in her chest. She barely had the mental capacity to be sarcastic. Her breath hitched when his warm breath pressed against her chest. She was very aroused, and if her shorts weren't so thick she was sure he'd be able to feel it.

Forcing her just a few centimeters back, Kosuke popped his head out of her chest and looked into her eyes. He kissed her again briefly before he guided her to the side and lay her down on the couch. She remained still, just watching as he took control.

He gripped her shorts and she flexed her stomach and lifted her hips until he had enough space.

She felt his eyes lock onto her legs and one of the only parts still hidden to his eyes. She felt embarrassed but curious. Her eyes looked to his own pants and then blushingly met his gaze. Kosuke smiled and with quick dexterous movements peeled his legs out of his pants.

With both in nothing but their underwear, Kosuke hovered above her again. Their kisses were few but passionate until Kosuke started working his way down. Starting at her neck and ending at her stomach.

He looked at her panties. Her fluids were seeping out and onto her inner thighs. With a soft and slow touch he touched the dappened area. Immediately, her hips went up along with a short gasp.

He trailed circles around her and slowly began adding pressure. He could feel her folds beneath the frabic along with her ever swelling clit. He felt her grab his hair as she moaned out his name.

Her frustration built up and soon enough she decided to act herself. She sat up even under the torment of his fingers. She slowly made herself back on his lap and as if compelled to do so locked lips with him again.

This time though, her hands though shaky went straight down to the thing pressing into her stomach. She held it in both hands and backed away to actually look at it.

"It's big." She muttered under her breath. It bulged through the fabric and it was a wonder it could even contain in.

"I'll fit all of it inside you." Meanwhile, Kosuke expertly worked his fingers along her bra strap and deliciously watched as the cloth covering her breast fell and was thrown to the pile of their other clothes.

He took one of the pink nubs in his mouth and looked up into her overly stimulated face. He played with them for a while until he decided enough was enough. He stood up and with the action for his lover to as well.

Without hesitation Kosuke peeled the last remaining cloth off himself and felt as his errection sprung out of his pants. Mai again hitched her breath at the sight and spurred by it began taking off her panties.

Her beautiful pink pussy tasted the evening air. She would've been more embarrassed by the fluid dripping down her leg if it weren't for the fact that Kosuke's own precum wasn't a few seconds away from dripping onto the floor.

He approached her curvy form and she welcome his embrace. He held her in his arms for a while and felt her warmth.

"Shall we go to your room?" He whispered and instead of a response Mai jumped on him and wrapped her arms and legs around him.

Kosuke felt her snatch leave a clear trail on his torso, but nonetheless began walking over to her bedroom.

Then just a short our later, her ass rippled with every thrust of his large cock. She gripped the sheets hard and drool trailed down her chin as Kosuke rocked her world.

Her tits swayed in every direction in the air, her nipples hard enough to cut diamonds.

She was tight, so tight that Kosuke had to fight just to back out a bit before he could knock at her womb again.

On one particular thrust Kosuke seemed to go a bit too hard as with a loud moan Mai rocketed forward off his cock.

Taking that opportunity, he grabbed the girl by her legs and flipped her over onto her back. Her eyes were glazed over and damn near all sense had been fucked out of her.

He wasn't done though. He put both her legs over his shoulders and aligned himself with her quaking quim. He rubbed his dick against her clit and watched as life returned to her.

"Kosuke~, you're shoo good!" At the same time he pressed his dick a bit down and felt as his head was immediately engulfed by her folds.

"Ahhh~, I love you!" She screamed out as he drove his hips in. Her toes curled and her legs spasmed. She was a cumming mess.

The bed creaked and groaned under the force of his pounding.

"Again! I'M CUMMING AGAIN!~" Her tongue lolled out of her mouth and her eyes went to the back of her head. Kosuke felt his own climax and with a grunt, he sent another bucket load of his seed into the girl.

(A/N: Grammarly is acting up so I'm going to leave this unedited, hopefully, it isn't too bad.)

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