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93.75% Road Of The Ghost Rider / Chapter 15: The shadows

Kapitel 15: The shadows

Alpha and his pack are walking as a group in a large hall with their wounds healed, but not their pride as they all were angry at their outcome going up against Ghost Rider.

"Boss, are you sure this is okay to talk to the big man because we lost half of our men?" one of the pack said to the alpha right next to him, as he knows how the big boss gets.

The Alpha looked at him but kept on walking. "I know it's better to face him now other than him calling us." As they reached the main throne room, they were greeted by 12 men in robes with ancient letters all over their robes with masks covering their whole faces, just showing their shadowy eyes just as they were in two lines facing 5 feet from each other as they saw the throne empty.


Alpha walks forward, seeing the big man not here. He looks around and just sees the 12 men standing there like statues. Alpha then said out loud "Father".

"He's not here. He is at the fountain doing something, Alpha," a man in the shadows leaning against the pillar that it was so dark you only see glowing yellow lines showing the shape of a man holding a glowing ball.

Alpha looks at the man in the shadows "Prophecy it's good to see you again it has been a long time hasn't it" The man came out of the shadow showing himself where the same thing as the robes men but he looked different as his aura was radiating magic and wisdom as what it looks like the crystal ball glowing magical power that is transferring through his body itself.


Prophecy walks up close to him. "Yeah, we haven't seen each other since we split up from the high table," recalling that they hadn't seen each other in a long time. He looked at Alpha Pack and said, "And it looks like you took a big hit".

Alpha was having a flashback of his counter, remembering what he had lost as he was angry at himself, not knowing that Ghost Rider was that tough, and said in a calm tone, "Yeah, we thought it was going to be easy, but something is bugging me when we counter ghost rider".

Prophecy looked at him as he was rolling his magical ball and said in curiosity, "Oh, and what's that?" curious as he had never seen this type of alpha fighting against someone before.

Alpha looked at him for a moment and said, "Later, when we talked to the big boss". After hearing what Alpha said, Prophecy nodded as he got to hear what Alpha thought.

"Well, let's go meet Mr.Death then," Prophecy said as he walked to the other side of the door leading to the fountains and called his group of men too to come with.

Alpha follows Prophecy and his group behind. While they are all following behind, he hears one of his men whispering to him, "Hey boss, who is this guy?".

Alpha looked over his shoulder and said "Prophecy and his group are the overseers as they can translate ancient runes and prophecy for the future as well as they can see the glimpse a few seconds into the future to predict their opponent's movement as well having the sit in the high table" when he said that the men call it out was surprised of what his hearing knowing that they're tough opponents if they cross them.

As soon they got there, they were greeted by Mr.Death tutoring someone up in the air as he was screaming in pain.

"Please let me go I promise I won't tell anybody who you but please ahh"

Mr.Death just kept on looking at him as he was screaming in pain as you heard the person's bones breaking.

Mr.Death walks around him and says "You know I can't let you go you discovered who is controlling the government in the shadows" and then snaps his finger making the man in the air scream in pain as his leg bone is sticking out showing as Mr.Death motion his hand to the side following the bone to fly out of the man body seeing the men right leg hanging now as it does have a bone there now.

Alpha and his pack, along with Prophecy and the overseers, are uncomfortable with what they are seeing right now as the truth is Mr.Daeth wasn't tutoring him. He is just playing around with him as they see Mr.Death tutoring someone before.

As he was torturing the men more, he noticed there were people here now he stopped and looked at the group, letting the men fall hard on the floor, screaming in pain.

Alpha walks up to him with his head down. "I have failed you, Father. We let our emotions get to us as -" but he got caught off as Mr.Death grabbed his mask roughly to look at him.

"I want you to look at me when you talk as what I'm seeing right now is weakness." he looks at Alpha in a calm tone as if he doesn't like what he is seeing. "So tell me, did you learn, my child?".

Alpha looks at him for a moment to get his emotions checked. "Yes, I learned from my mistake." But Mr. Death just squeezed the mask harder and said in a rough tone, "And why did you retreat then?".

Alpha was trying to talk as Mr.Death was squeezing his jaw but felt his whole body in pain. "B-because I-I don't want to lose more of m-my p-pack."

Alpha is standing there in pain as Mr. Death watches him in pain. He looks over his shoulder and sees Alpha's pack looking as if they were fighting not to interfere.

He looks back and lets go of him. "Mmm, I see a man with a pack is strong of what they hold, but a man without a pack doesn't fight for nothing of what they stand for". He gasps Alpha's left shoulder and motions for Prophecy to come too.

As soon as he was, Mr. Death gasped his right shoulder as he put the two close to each other, shoulder to shoulder.

He looks at them. "Look at my children. Even after a long time, they come back to me again, forming the high table once more" he looks at them. "And don't worry, your brothers and sister are coming in due time."

Both Prophecy and Alpha look at each other at what Mr. Death said, as they are his children. But the truth is they know that they aren't his kids but they are his children because he created them.

Prophecy was just a wizard who was in the war dying in the woods as his team betrayed him for not being a strong wizard or more like a true wizard as he is a muggle-born he prayed to someone to help in his last breath but he was thanks full as his prayer has been answered when he got discovered by Mr.Death and made him who he is today as he has the power of know wizards or witches has every dreamed of is that he can consume Wizards and witches magic that makes them become there worse nightmare muggles as well achieving godhood with just magic.

Alpha was one of the last lycans, as all his kind had been killed because of the government trying to execute them. He was just a child then when Lycan could only turn into a monster on a full moon. But thanks to Mr. Death finding him, he was created to become the most powerful predator to ever walk the earth as he can control animals with his mind while turning other people to become lycans as lycans can't turn people only if they are in a bloodline of their ancestors. Every time he consumes blood, he gets stronger so that he can go up against the gods themselves.

It was all thanks to Mr. Death as he made them perfect, along with their brothers and sister. That they don't know his story but it was thanks to him that they can be who they are today. And they never seen him at his full power as when they went up against him that he always finished them with just a look in his eyes or his words.

As Mr.Death let go of their shoulders, he took a step back and walked towards the person he was torturing, who was trying to get away.

Alpha looks at the floor for a moment and speaks up, "Father, there is something I want to say".

As he sees Mr. Death floats the man in the air again, he nods his head as he is saying what he wants to say.

"It's about the ghost rider" As soon as Alpha said that Mr. Death stopped what he was doing and continued hearing Alpha "It's just that why are you so obsessed with him I mean sure he killed your meat bags doing your operation but so has the other heroes but why him that you're so focused".

Mr. Death took a moment and turned to look at them. "Do you want to know why" his children nodded. "It's because he has the power, something important that impacts all creation itself. But more importantly what that power or person that is inside of him".

Alpha and Prophecy look at each other for what they just heard. Prophecy looks back. "What do you mean someone is inside him?" He is confused about what his father has said.

Mr.Death nodded "That is exactly what I said because the person inside of him is an angel, a fallen, and a demon all mixed into one person, and that person is" walked towards them as the man in the air followed along "Zarathos a demon of the spirit of vengeance, an Angel of Justice, the fallen of the wrath of God. But most importantly, he is the Fire of creation and destruction of all existence that is alive because he is one of God's greatest creations, like Lucifer, who is the Lightbringer or God's favorite child. That person inside of the ghost rider is Zarathos who is Lord Cinder of the beating Hart of the Multiverse".

When he finished what he said, all around him was silent as his children and their group were taking all in of what their father and emperor said. It was a secret that not many people knew of Zarathos true power as he never told people about his power in stories like any of his brothers and sisters.

"And that is why I want this ghost rider as he is the perfect rider that will discover all the secrets of Zarathos powers and I want to know what is these flames of creation and destruction and have it so I can make my own multiverse be a God with a capital G itself" Mr.death spread his arms out "And in due time my children because the world is about to get messy hahaha".

He looks back at the man in the air. He reached his hand out and started pulling something. As he did that, the man screamed in pain as he was dying as blood came out of his body, leaving nothing left. Mr. Death had drained all the man's blood out of his by and was forming into a ball.

As he was forming the blood into a ball, he spoke a language that they never heard of. As they kept on hearing, his voice became even darker, and he spoke faster.

As he finished it the ball split into three and started to shape into a person but just a head itself.

"I'm glad you answered elements" walking forward and said "Wind" the middle nodded "Water" the left end nodded "And Earth" the right end nodded "I have a job for you three and that is to have fun with Ghost Rider it doesn't have to be now but choice what you think perfect and thank you for allowing me to talk to you".

As soon as the three nodded, the blood fell to the floor, and Mr.Death knew that they had ended the call and walked inside the castle. "Come, we have work to do".

Prophecy looked behind and started flowing, "Father, if they are the elementor where is fire then." But Mr. Death chuckled and said, "My child they are the fallens and the fire is the ghost rider so it's going to be a family reunion now call one of the changelings to replace that person who was a government agent and call the other spies that are in the government and ask them to start making dead soldiers Alpha".

Alpha nodded as he motioned his pack to follow him as he went to find a changeling that was working for them. Mr. Death looked at Prophecy and said, "Now tell me about Voldemort and Harry Potter because they have something important and as well the kid has for my next project."


Cain is leaning against his motorcycle in front of a two-story house as it is early in the morning.

As he was waiting for someone he remembered his dreams as well as meeting Zarathos when he woke up he wrote his journal of what he had seen in his dreams as he saw the stories of each Riders but he wanted to know how Zarathos knew he was from another world and he never read Zarathos story or more like history as he was a mysterious person. He always thought he was a crazy person, but when he was face to face with him.

When he met him, he was in shock as Zarathos carried himself as a warrior who had been in many battles, but as well as a wise man who knows many secrets as old as time itself. This Zarathos is different from any comics he has ever read because it feels like he holds something on his shoulder that he has to protect.

But got out of his thoughts and looked at the person getting out of the house. As the person turned, she was surprised to see him.

"What are you doing here"

Cain walks up to her. "Well, it'll be a dick move not taking you to school because of a one-night stand, so I'm here now to show you that you're not more of a one-night stand as you should be. And because what you said is that I'm your fire that lights up your darkness, but the truth is you're my fire that still makes me burn brighter".

Hermione smiled brightly as she was thinking last night if what she said was just nothing to him. He was so pent up with his powers that he needed something or someone to release them to, but she was glad that he didn't do it for sex but did it for love as she was hoping for

Cain put his hands in his pocket. "So you need a ride or you-" but got caught off as Hermione grabbed his head, pulling him down for a kiss. She kissed him passionately which was returned with the same intensity.

As they split apart from each other, Hermione smiled as she kinda looked red at what she did. "Yeah, you can take me to school".

Cain smirked and grabbed her hand. "Well, let me take my girlfriend to school then." As soon he said girlfriend, it just made her day even more as this was the boyfriend she always wanted.

As they walked towards the motorcycle, he grabbed the helmet that he used for his vigilante. "Sorry, this is all I have, but hey, nobody ain't going to know," putting the helmet on Hermione's head for her protection.

"It's okay. I want to see what you see when you go out being Ghost Rider," she said as they both got the motorcycle with Hermione sitting behind Cain as she hugged him tightly.

Cain turned on his motorcycle and made it rumble, surprising Hermione as she could feel the vibration. He looked over. "You ready?" She nodded as he kicked his stand and started driving to her school.

As they were leaving, Hermione parents were seeing all this at the living room window. Mr Grainger looks at this with an angry face. "So this is the man who changed my sweety to a woman".

Mrs.Granger giggled as she slapped her husband "Calm down and did you see her expression when he was waiting for her to come out" She was surprised at what the young man said to her daughter as she wasn't just a one-night stand "And we talked to her last night saying he just did it for her body but looks like we were wrong about him. He got balls coming here, so let her have this. She's been through so much, and I've never seen her so happy before".

When Mr.Granger heard from his wife he smiled a little bit as when they first moved here he thought his little girl would not find any friends but she did as well finding a guy too plus he's never seen her this happy when she discovered she was a witch so he'll let this one slide but he will have a talk with him someday.


As they stopped at the front of the school, they saw people getting inside. As Cain saw this, he was so happy he didn't have to go to school anymore, and he was glad he had a job now because he could see people didn't want to come.

As Hermione gets out, she can see some of the girls who always called her names are in shock when they see her getting off the motorcycle as well as seeing a handsome person with her.

She smirked at their reaction and looked back at him as she handed him his helmet. "So this is going to be now on." Cain chuckled and grabbed her hips pulling her closer to him. "Well, do you want to?".

She nodded as she kissed him one last time a little longer as she was getting used to this now. Cain was surprised at what she did, but he could feel the love that she had as she was happy with what she was doing right now.

As she split away from him, "I'll see you at work, okay?" he nodded as he said his goodbye and left away from her and the school as she saw him disappear. She turned around and was met with her friends, whose faces were full of jealousy.

As soon she saw them, she forgot they were all crushing on the same guy, but she remembered something as she could barely handle him in the bed as well as his love for him. She started getting an idea for her friends as she started to see them as her sisters now she was thinking if they see each other as sisterly friends why can she make all of them in a relationship sisters then as she doesn't want to lose them and will make them closer as she can finally tell them that she's a witch as well as a mutant.

The girls look at Hermione as she has a smirk on her face as well as an idea when she always has a look on her face when she's thinking of something big.

They don't know if it's a good thing or not, but they want to talk about what they have just seen right now as they're crush kissing one of their friends and start losing hope. But they didn't know what Hermione was thinking as this would bring them closer together even more now. Other than sisterly friends, they are more like relationship sisters from now on.

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