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100% Rise of the true alpha in Teen Wolf / Chapter 25: Clash of brothers (edited: I read it over and didn't enjoy it so i rewrite it, hope you enjoy this one better)

Kapitel 25: Clash of brothers (edited: I read it over and didn't enjoy it so i rewrite it, hope you enjoy this one better)


Before you start reading, the tags say overpowered, so my mc is gonna be overpowered in any fight he's in. But I don't enjoy fight that are 1 tap so a do a bit more detail to them and if you wondering why the fights sound so unrealistic, it's because when I'm imagining the fight, I think of more animated fights that looks extremely epic (like the van Helsing movie or some of those epic wolf shows, I love them so I make my fights sound exactly like them to show detail so I can imagine the fight happening when I'm reading it. Not just knowing the mc is so overpowered he knock everyone out). Also I won't make the mc go all out on character that don't deserve it, it would be a waste of time and overkill, remember he's also a Hellhound hybrid also, but he won't use that power until later on in the series. His eyes also change if you haven't notice it's not just red anymore, it's like red with fire inside of them. Ok that's all.

Also Sorry for the delay, you guys know I won't post a chapter if it isn't atleast a 1000+ words, and as I said I'm really busy so I don't got that much Time do I hope you can see with me, aIso I won't be dropping any of my fanfic so you don't have to worry about that.


Michael could be seen standing over Isaac's unconscious body, a triumphant expression on his face. Scott's voice could then be heard saying, "How are you even alive?" Michael glanced back at Scott saying with a smirk, "You think I'll die so easily." Just then, Michael heard Isaac growling . He turned his attention forward, only to see Isaac regaining consciousness.

Isaac started to open his eyes slowly, he looked up and noticed Scott. But as his vision cleared up a bit more, he saw Michael standing there. Fear gripped Isaac, and he began to crawl backward until his back hit a locker. Trembling, he stuttered, "Your....your an is that possible I thought Derek was the only alpha," as he stared at Michael.

He stared at Isaac letting out a small chuckle before replying to his question, "How am I an alpha... Didn't Derek tell you about me?". He then thought to himself "So it's true... Derek has become an alpha." Whilst he approach Issac slowly, his hands in his pockets, who instinctively covered his face in fear as he neard. Isaac then started to plead, "Don't hurt me."

Kneeling down in front of Isaac, his eyes glowing red, he heard Scott voice behind him saying "your not gonna kill him are you". He then glance towards Scott direction assuring him he won't hurt Issac, before he looked back at Isaac, his gaze intensifying. "Now tell me, what does my brother want with Lydia?" he demanded. Isaac's eyes widened at the revelation of Michael and Derek being related, before stuttering out, "He's planning to kill her."

With a serious tone, Michael demand, "Why?" Isaac gulped, sensing the pressure intensifying around them, he then replied, "Because she's the Kanima." Confused, Michael thought to himself, "Kanima... what the hell is a Kanima?"

Meanwhile, in class, Lydia was holding an ice crystal on a sigil. As Mr. Harris stated to the class, "And for this part of the expirment... I know you guys will enjoy it... as you can eat it... now enjoy." He then glanced at Stiles and remarked, "Well, I guess some of us will be enjoying it," noticing the disaster Stiles had created.

Allison, who was sitting beside Stiles, looked at the green blob in the container and asks him with curiousity, "Are you planning on eating that?", Stiles lets out a nervous chuckle, staring at the disaster in front of him. After their playful banter, Allison looks back at Erica, who seems out of it, lost in her thoughts. turning back to Stiles she asks, "Why isn't Scott back yet?" Stiles replies, "I don't know." Allison sighs adding, "What do you think they plan to do to Lydia?" Stiles shrugs his shoulders , and with a serious expression on his face and responded to Allison question, "I think they want to kill her."

After finishing, he noticed Lydia across the room who was about to eat the ice crystal. He glanced at Erica and saw a small, barely noticeable smile on her face as she looked at Lydia. Stiles exclaimed, "It's the crystal!" Allison heard what he said and replied, "What do you mean?"

Realization dawned on her face as she noticed the ice crystal that Lydia was about to consume. Just as Lydia was about to swallow it, Stiles's voice echoed through the room, screaming, "STOOOOOPPPP!" The entire class, including Lydia, turned to look at him. Confused, Lydia asked, "What?" Stiles sensing everyone stares sat back in his chair and muttered, "Nothing."

Lydia proceeded to eat the crystal, leaving both Allison and Stiles sweating nervously as they watched. Stiles was shocked when nothing happened to Lydia as she consumed the ice Crystal. He stared back at Erica and whispered to himself, "They're gonna kill her."

Just as the words left his lips, the classroom door swung open, drawing everyone's attention. Mr. Harris, lifted his head from his book and looked towards the latecomers, saying, "Good for you guys to finally join us back."

"Well.....funny story...a black cat cross our path... so we had to turn back and take the other way around." Michael's voice could be heard explaining as he rubbed his head, glancing back at Scott and Issac, daring them to say otherwise. Both Isaac and Scott sweat-dropped at the excuse but nodded nonetheless.

Mrs. Harris not wanting to question them anymore to continue his book, commented "Okay, you may take your seats," before returning to his book. After hearing those words, Michael looked towards his seat noticing stiles was sitting there beside Allison. He then decided to search for another seat to which he notice an empty spot beside Erica...he then started to make his way over towards her as he thought to himself, "Well, I guess we have some catching up to do."



As Michael made his way over towards Erica's, her heart skipped a beat as she saw him approaching her. She couldn't help but feel happy to see him alive but also angered that he hadn't contacted her not even once for the past 3 months.

As they sat beside eachother ,minutes go by neither of them saying a word to each other. Not able to take the silence anymore errica muttered in a low tone "Where were you all this time?" Her head slightly lowered. The words escaped her lips, barely audible to anyone but Michael, looking towards her direction he ask with a raised eyebrow, "What do you mean?".

"You know what I mean." She retorted anger laced in her voice, as she stared at him..... furry burning in her eyes, which started emitting a low yellow glow. Michael noticed this but remained silent, unsure of how to respond.

Frustrated by his silence, Erica smirked and slowly extended her claws, placing her hands on his heavenly marbles. In that moment Michael knew he messed up, as his expression turned to one of fare, he then stared in her eyes saying in a low tone "come on.....let's do this after need for violence".

Erica huffed in annoyance as she slowly withdrew her hand, staring at Michael with a hint of frustration. "Okay," she muttered, turning her head away from him. Just then, the bell suddenly rang, signaling the end of the class period.

Michael sighed in relief, realizing his heavenly jewels have just excape death, he then staired at her saying, "We'll continue this conversation later."

Meanwhile, Scott and Isaac couldn't help but evesdrop on the intense conversation between Michael and Erica, causing them to sweat nervously. Isaac felt bad for the poor guy, despite their earlier encounter, as he couldn't imagine someone threatening him with his jewels. In that moment Scott glanced in Allison's direction, she then notice his stare and smiled at him. He thought to himself, "I hope I never find myself in a situation like that.".....In that moment.....Almost simultaneously, Isaac and Scott exclaimed, "Women can be quite intimidating."



Time skip.

Derek was walking in the hallway of the school, with a tall, dark-skinned, bulky guy named Boyd trailing closely behind him.

He glanced back at Boyd and spoke, "Boyd...still no word from Erica and Isaac yet?" Boyd shook his head, indicating that they hadn't heard anything, sighing Derek continued walking. He soon stopped and started to sniff the air, trying to see if he could pick up Erica or Isaac's scent.

After a few seconds, Derek picked up Erica's scent, but there was something strangely familiar next to her. He looked at Boyd and said, "This way," as he started following Erica's trail.

Meanwhile, as all of this was happening, Michael could be seen sidestepping a claw that was directed towards him. He quickly ducked as another claw swiped over his head. Michael let out a sigh and said, "Are you done yet?" He glanced up at Erica, who was now in her wolf form with glowing yellow eyes.

Erica growled at Michael,as she lunged her self at him once again, attempting to strike him. Michael sighed once more as Erica swiped her claws.....this time Aming for his testicles, he then sidestepped her and grabbed her arm, swinging her around and holding her from behind....saying "what is it...with you and my jewels". Before he move closer to her ear Whispering in a low tone, "Are you done yet?" She growled even more aggressively at him.....Michael thought to him self "she's not gonna let go of this isn't she". Errica then swiped her feat attempting to kick Michael in the groin, but he managed to push her away, avoiding the hit. Unfased by the push Erica ran at Michael once again, this time aiming a punch at him.

Michael let out another sigh as he grabbed her fist. He then grabbed her by the neck and pushed her against a locker, holding her in place. Looking into her eyes, Michael said, "Okay, I think that's enough." Erica, still filled with anger, demanded answers from Michael.

"Not until you tell me where you've been... and why you didn't tell me you were alive," Erica said with frustration. Michael replied, "You really want to know?" He began moving his head closer to Erica, causing her to blush at his proximity. However, before Michael could get any closer, a growl echoed from behind him.

Before he could even register what was happening, he felt a sharp pain in his back, making him scrunch his face up in pain. He looked behind him to see Derek with his claws inside his back. Derek then threw Michael into a locker, knocking it down.

Derek looked at Erica and said, "You're welcome." Erica was silent, her mind struggling to fully register what had just happened. She then looked at Derek with anger in her eyes as she said, "What did you do?" Derek, confused, replied, "What are you talking about? I just..."

Before Derek could finish his sentence, a growl could be heard from where he had thrown Michael. Derek turned back to see the guy getting up. Michael chuckled and said, "That hurts, Derek," as he slowly got up and dusted off his pants. He looked at Derek and added, ". You've made a grave mistake, and now I'm gonna make you regret it... Brace yourself...because the payment is gonna be painful."

A voice suddenly echoed from the other side of the locker room, saying, "Oh really." Michael glanced back to see Boyd. He asked, "And who are you?" Boyd replied, "You don't have to worry about that," as he slashed his claws out. Boyd lunged towards Michael, aiming a fist towards his head.

As this was happening, Derek couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity about Michael. Just as Boyd's fist was about to connect, Michael swiftly grabbed his arm, shocking Boyd. In a low but dangerous tone, Michael said, "Didn't Derek tell you... not to challenge an alpha alone?" His eyes started to glow a firyred as he stared at Boyd.

Boyd was stunned, stuttering out, "How are you..." But before he could finish his sentence, Michael grabbed his head and smashed it into the ground, cracking it and knocking him out. Michael then turned his gaze towards Derek, his eyes still glowing with a red, intense fire as he released his alpha presence.

Derek, taken aback, as he felt Michael's alpha pressure. He asked, "Who are you?" as his own eyes started to glow red, flashing his claws out.

Michael noticing Derek claws couldn't help but chuckle. The sight of Derek's aggression amuse him. In response, Michael slashed his own claws out, gesturing for Derek to come at him with his hands.

Derek's seeing Michael taunt got angery, and he let out a challenging roar as he dash towards Michael, slashing his claws towards his throat.

To Derek's surprise, Michael's face twisted into a wicked grin, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. In a split second, Michael slid effortlessly under Derek's slashing claws, evading the attack with ease.

Seizing the opening, Michael swiftly grabbed Derek's arm and swiped his foot away, causing Derek to lose his balance. With merciless force, Michael grabbed the back of Derek's head and smashed his face into the locker, leaving Derek momentarily disoriented.

However, Derek retaliated with a swift strike, using his other arm to hit Michael in the gut. The blow caused Michael to release his grip and stumble back, clutching his belly.

Breathing heavily, Derek's frustration and confusion grew. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice laced with a mix of anger and curiosity. Michael chuckled before replying, "Don't you recognize me, Derek?"

Derek's mind raced, trying to make sense of Michael's words. Before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, Michael's expression turned serious . "Okay, time to get serious," he declared, his gaze fixed on Derek.

Derek pushed aside his questions about Michael's identity, knowing there would be time to figure it out later, after beating him down, " I'll worry about who he is later," he thought to himself.

As Michael started to walk towards Derek slowly, cracking his neck, Derek prepared himself for the next round. With a burst of speed, Michael rushed towards Derek, his movements even faster than before.

"He's fast," Derek muttered to himself as he slashed his claws towards Michael, aiming to strike him down. However, Michael who's reflexes were sharper, dodged under Derek's claw.

countering with a powerful roundhouse kick, sending Derek crashing into the shower walls, causing him to Gasp for air. Derek felt the impact reverberate through his body as his back connected with the hard wall.

Michael wasted no time,and rushed towards him once more.

Thinking on his feet, Derek used the wall to propel himself into the air, attempting a spin kick aimed at Michael.

But just as Derek thought he was about to land the kick, Michael ducked underneath his foot, grabbing Derek's foot mid-air and forcefully smashed him to the ground, breaking it with a sickening crack.



A look of shock could be seen on Errica's face as she thought to herself, "I never knew this is how a fight between two alphas would be so brutal and damaging." As she glanced around.

Meanwhile, Boyd, now conscious, was in disbelief. He had never thought Derek could lose to anyone, but this alpha had proven him wrong. He started to wonder to himself who he was.

Meanwhile with Derek and Michael.

A look of pain could be seen on Derek face, he then looked towards Michael saying "aren't you gonna kill me". Michael chuckled in response to Derek's question. Derek, anger seething in his voice, demanded to know what was so funny. Michael looked at him with a serious expression and replied, "And why would I kill my brother?" Derek's pained face transformed into one of shock as he took in Michaels words, he then started to take a closer look at Michael. He began to piece together the puzzle, noticing the striking resemblance between the man standing before him and his brother he thought to be deceased, with the only difference being his white hair.

Stuttering, Derek managed to voice his disbelief, "How is this even possible?" He paused for a moment, his voice trembling, before continuing, "You died... how?" Michael smirked slightly and replied, "You think I'll die so easily."



Authors note.

Sorry for the wait, as I said I'm gonna be really busy for this Christmas so I don't have much time to write but I'll do what I can and still continue it. Comment how you enjoy this chapter and any future updates you'll like to see. Also please can you guys drop some power stones. hope you like chapter comment on it so I know what to change and how to further continue the story.

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