Seated at a large rectangular dinner table Okami and three other vampires sat waiting for the two heads of the estate to make there appearance
'The atmosphere seems so tense..did something bad happen?'
Okami looked around observing the vampires around her
Across from her was a young man who looked aw if he just sprouted out of his teens, he had perfectly clear skin with a strong jawline the rest of his features wernt really that note worthy as they matched the majority of the family such as dark black hair with silver eyes
Sitting next to her was Lilith herself, She matched the family aswell with long and straight black hair that was curled in some places, but the slight curls were hardly noticable, along some gorgeous narrow eyes that shone through the dimly lit dining room
'Noted: dont stare at Lilith to long or thoughts will start to errupt' Okami shook her had looking at the person seated to her right
To Okamis surprise this girl was extremely different from the two obvious siblings, instead of straight black hair and silver eyes she had wavy brunette hair that was pulled into a low ponytail and deep golden eyes that stood out amongst the sea of silver
What was more shocking was that this girl wasn't dressed up like her and Lilith, she simply wore some tight fitting leather armor and pants with a cloth under shirt that showed off a full helping of her cleavage
'Che, if she can wear such light clothing why the hell do I have to wear this stuffy ass dress?!' Before the dinner Lilith took Okami to her wing of the manner and made her wear a black dress that was lined with scarlet and had many lace attachments, Lilith also wore a similar dress but hers didnt seem as tight
"So sister Lilith.." a masculine voice spoke finally breaking the awkward silence
"Would you care to introduce your guest, I don't ever recall having the pleasure of her company" It was the brother that spoke first, he seemed kind enough and was pretty well spoken but for some odd reason he gave off an extremely eerie aura, 'Maybe its simply because hes a vampire? But I dont get this same feeling from Lilith..strange'
"This is an acquaintance of mine, we met on my journey home while I was traveling through the Dead-Zone she is a
sanguimancer like father so I couldn't just leave her"
Okamis eyes widened hearing her words, 'Shit..I should probably do something to hide my race and class, well its probably to late by now anyone who used a simple inspection spell would have seen it'
"Surely you speak in jest, father has been the only sanguimancer in any vampire clan for the past two to three hundred years and your saying you just found one on the side of the road?!" The brothers tone grew a view octaves from either anger or disbelief Okami couldn't really tell
"I speak the truth brother Alucard, I have not been a witness to her blood magic but I have checked her class with an inspection spell, sure it could be a disguise but who would want to disguise themselves as a user of such a thing?" Hearing there conversation the sisters golden orbs glanced over towards Okami with a sense of disapproval and doubt
"Then prove she use blood magic then sister Lilith, if she does have the class then it should be a simple matter to preform a basic spell" Her voice echoed out with her gaze still locked onto Okami
'Shit I haven't practiced with my new powers yet!! But it couldn't be that difficult right..blood is kinda like water in a way and I'm already pretty good at that..'
Lilith sighed looking over twords the distraught girl with an apologetic expression
"Do you think you can do it Okami? If not its perfectly fine"
Okami sat there lost in her own world for a moment as she thought about how to properly use her magic, She was already used to manipulating liquids but she didnt know how powerful blood magic was and was worried she wouldn't be able to control it properly
If she was in battle this simply wouldn't matter since it would most likely only kill either people she didnt care about or her enemies, however she would rather not piss of a family of ancient vampires so controlling herself would probably be best
"Our sister is speaking to you, it would be proper for a commoner to answer a noble womans question" Alucard spoke with a slight aggressive snapping Okami out of stupor
Locking her glare onto Alucards confident face Okamis body began to unconsciously release an absurd amount if bloodlust that was all aimed directly at the young vampire
'Who does this boy think hes talking to?' Forgetting about her thoughts just a few seconds ago a Dagger made of a black crystal like ice slowly began to form in her hand
Thankfully Lilith jumped in just in time to stop whatever she was about to do
"Brother Alucard, Okami here is currently mute and cannot speak all to well I believe you owe her an apology" Lilith quickly said while pinching Okamis sleeve trying to get her to calm down
Looking at the floor embarrassed Okami immediately tamed her killing-intent and cancelled her spell, 'What the hell happened to not pissing off the ancient vampires you idiot!!'
"Yes, I- I apologize that was very rude of me i shan't repeat my mistake" Alucard said nervously much to the confusion of Okami
'Dont tell me that small amount of bloodlust actually frightened him, what kind of vampire gets scared from something like that?'
"Now Okami can you carry out my Sisters request, if you cannot that will be perfectly fine aswell" Okami let out a short exhale with a small nod
Picking up her steak knife that was set out before her with other utensils a bit earlier Okami laid her hand onto the dark oak table while flipping the blade into a reverse grip
After taking a short moment to enchant the blade with a bit of her mana Okami slammed its tip through the palm of her hand shaking the entire table
The three vampires looked at Okami as if she were utterly insane but what happened next only enhanced there disbelief
All the blood leaking from her palm immediately began to float upwards in small streams before swirling in the air just above the handle of the blade
'This is much harder then expected..' She thought as beads of sweat rolled down the back of her neck causing a few hairs to stick to it
Manipulating the blood and moving the blood was extremely trivial to her it was as easy as breathing, however the taxing part was actually controlling her power output as she had never used any magic that was above
tier 4 till now
It felt as if she was trying to tame a rampaging dragon that was helbent on destroying everything around it
After condensing the blood into a orb about the size of a small melon Okami then dispersed ever drop into a mist that mixed with the air and dissapeared leaving a clean steak knife and scarred hand on the table separate from each other
Okami let out a large breath that she didnt realize she was holding while kneading the palm of her hand with a frown, 'This scar better fade or else..'
However just as Alucard and his sister were about to speak the doors to the dining hall creeped open and in walked Liliths father with a beautiful aged woman close behind
The man wore a dark black trenchcoat and pants with a crimson vest and a simple dress shirt underneath, his black hair was long and wavy with thick eyebrows and short and neat beard, one would believe this man was in his early thirties at most if not for the dark rings under his eyes, deep laugh lines, and lined forehead
Walking into the room the man sniffed the air with a frown as he sat down in his chair located at the very end of the table with his wife taking the spot right next to him
She was a beautiful woman with slightly pointed ears and deep golden eyes that seemed as if they could look deep into your soul, matching Liliths sister she had straight brunette hair that covered her shoulders and neck, wearing a calm yellow gown you wouldn't dare think she was just as old if not older then her husband as the only indicator of her age were a few grey streaks entangled between the brown locks of her hair
Matching her husbands frown the woman quickly covered her nose with a cloth while glancing over at Okamis direction
"Who's blood am I smelling? I doubt it was one of you three as it is extremely potent" Okamis father spoke first while eyeing Okami aswell
'Is my blood special in some way? Why are they both looking at me like that..' As if answering her question directly the mother spoke next
"Yes it is quite..Ahem!.. effective to say the least" Okami smiled weakly while point twords herself in order to answer there question
"FATHER!!" Alucard yelled "You wont believe this, that girl can actually use blood magic we must adopt her into the clan"
Okami sighed they must think she's a vampire aswell, when they were getting dressed Okami had found that she was able to shrink her wings this was extremely helpful as they got in the way alot
The father raised an eyebrow at his son with an interested look, "Son what are you talking about, only pure bloods can become a sanguimancer"
"But its true she just preformed the fest infront of us!" Alucard said raising his voice as he jumped from his seat
The father sighed looking over to Lilith for confirmation who in response gave a slight nod
"Are you able to show me aswell then?" Okami was annoyed by his words she did not want to stab herself again she already proved she could use blood magic so she wasn't too keen
performing the spectacle again
"Father, I believe it is enough that your two children have both given you confirmation besides I am sure Okami is tired from using it once already as she isnt even a vampire" Lilith shook the room as everyone other then Lilith and her dad looked over Okami I surprise, even some of the servants who were watching on standby had a dumbfounded expression
"I can understand your sister and mother, but Alucard I am very disappointed with this much of her blood in the air how could you think she was one of us?" Alucard sat back down with an ashamed face while looking down at the floor
"Yes, I apologize father"
"Lilith you said you found her in the Dead-Zone correct? Where exactly was she?"
"Our route had us travel through the Dead-Zones core, we found and picked her up there what was most surprising was a few moments before and after we found her the entire Dead-Zone seemingly went dormant"
"Lilith this is important information that you have given me, however we must discuss it later as there is a more immediate topic to attend to... your purification. Before you left you agreed that youd go through with the ritual once you had returned, Your brother has already gone through this ritual, I cannot delay this any longer"
Liliths face turned sour as she clenched her fist in her lap, "Father you cannot expect me to trough something I do not agree wi- "
"My word is final your opinion holds no weight against me this your mothers and the lords wish, for her sake and for the sake of the church you will go through this ethier willingly or forcefully the choice is yours"
Hearing how this man was treating his daughter Okami immediately lost all respect for him and his family, 'Who the hell treats there family like that?'
"You will be thankful for this later I promise but as of now you are simply blind to the world this ritual is meant to help you, reamber what happened to your previous mo- "
Liliths anger surged forth as her body jutted up from her seat sending it flying backwards a few inches
"Dont you dare use that against me!" Lilith was furious as she glared at her father however no one made any attempts to stop her In fact everyone seemed to have there heads slightly down so they wouldn't draw there father or Lilitha wrath
"Lilith, watch your tone your M-" Lilith interrupted again as he clenched fist came down on the thick oak table sending cracks spiderwebing through the table
"No!, You treat her death as if it was my fault when I did nothing wrong! I loved her just as much as you possibly even more and you know what you did as soon as she was gone? You threw her memory to the side and remarried to a whore of a woman who is only with you for money and status and then forced that whores thoughts and beliefs onto her children like they are some kind of fucking deity" Tears streamed down Liliths face as he nails dug into the palm of her hand
"You treat me and my brother like we are some dammed tool for you to use as you will but as soon as we ask something from you you can somehow never provide it, or In fact you just don't want to" The fathers mouth opened to speak but was Lilith wasn't finished just yet the anger and hurt she had bottled up for years had finally shattered infront of everyone
"In truth I know you loathe us because the very sight of us reminds you of her, but who's fault is it that she died in the first place?! It wasn't ours but yours your the one who abandoned her when she needed you all for that fucking church you put so much faith in for some unknown reason, what has that church ruled by humans ever done for you?!
other than placing a leash and collar around our families neck what the hell have they done? Your own wife died by there hands and you let it happen because you afraid of them, afraid of weak little humans who you know damn well couldn't even scratch you but NO you had to let her die because she was corrupted according to guess what that fucking church she still had her sanity and full control over herself yet you did nothing to help you turned your back on her for your pathetic beliefs" Liliths horse and tear filled voice filled the room as her body began to shake
"I am done with this family, I have done so much, put up with so much all for you and your pathetic beliefs because she loved you but no more I am done with this bullshit" Turning away Lilith stormed out of the dining hall with her head maid following behind after offering a simple bow
Okami went to follow but as she stood up a heavy force forced her to sit back down into her chair, she tried to fight it but was unable to move even an inch, 'What the hell is this?!'
Swiveling her head quickly to her left she saw the father's angry silver colored eyes bore into her with his hand outstretched, "You. What have you done to my obedient daughter!? I can tell your corrupted dont tell me you've infected her aswell!"
The man yelled refusing to believe he was in the wrong
Okami didn't bother responding in any way but a death glare filled with murderous intent how ever the father didnt back down and stood up from his chair bearing his clipped fangs as a crimson red orb formed in his hands aimed straight for Okamis head
'So troublesome..' Okami took a deep breath and closed her eyes 'Fine..if you want to fight then feel the full brunt of my wrath'
Flaring her magic power Okami now stood up effortlessly while opening her eyes, unlike before were they seemed full of life and joy no emotion was left in her violet orbs they were hollow and full of bloodlust
'Time to really test my new powers.' reaching her arm outward Okami adopted a devilish grin as her black wings tore through her dress and sprouted out from her back sending a few loose feathers fluttering down to the ground
Everyone that was seated before were now across the room with fear in there eyes as the servants surrounded them while casting multiple protective barriers around them and there masters
'Like that will protect you, just wait till I'm done with this old man I'll charge you all a hefty fee for making my dear Lyn cry'
Okamis mind now stood clouded by her own thirst for death as the sclera of her eyes slowly began turning black starting with the corners
'All of you will pay... All of you will suffer'
The father stood there with cold sweat running down his face as a single notification popped up on his display that was shared with everyone inside the noble district
A Nearby Calamity Class MMonster Has Entered A Berserk State Flee Now, Or Prepare Your Self For Death.
Defeating Said Monster Will Offer <Black+> Quality Gear And Items.
<Duration Of Bezerk Status:4hr 60min Or Untill Stopped >
I'm really bad at using the correct version of
There,Their, Where, were and etc ughh why is english so complicated