A jolted breath escaped from my throat as I heard the King's words.
I…no…Hermes…had sworn to protect my classmates?
I had to protect the same people that abused me and nearly ruined my entire life?
"I hope that answer satisfies you, hero." The king said directing his words at Isabella. "My three sons through their expertise will help you to gain the skills necessary to defeat the Demon King and restore peace to our world."
I nearly scoffed aloud.
How the fuck is sacrificing myself to protect a few scumbags an expertise?
This is crazy!
"Any more questions?" The king asked calmly to my classmates.
He was answered with silence. I opened my mouth to speak, but I barely stopped myself. I had so many questions mulling through my head. Why was I brought in the body of Hermes? Why did Hermes, a prince, swear his own life to defend a group of heroes? And above all, was my transmigration planned, or was it a mistake? At that exact moment, I wanted nothing more but to have those questions answered. But I couldn't. I didn't know enough yet. It was too risky to ask questions, especially when I might accidentally reveal my true identity and thus seal my own doom.
So I stayed silent. Reluctantly.
"It seems that you have no more questions, heroes." The king finally spoke, breaking the tense silence. "Now that you understand our predicament, it is now time for your roles to be decided."
"Roles?" A short chubby asked confusedly. The king looked back at him quizzically.
"Yes. Roles. It is akin to a class, but instead, a role refers to position in the heroes' party."
"What's a class?" One girl spoke up. "You talk as if we should all know what a 'class' is?"
The king rose his eyebrow.
"Are you not assigned a class in your world?"
The girl chuckled softly before responding.
"I mean…we have school classes, but I doubt that's actually what you mean…"
A look of surprise crossed the King's face.
"How interesting. Seeing that your world must not have classes, then I must try explain it then."
The king quickly cleared his throat before beginning his explanation.
"In this world, when a child turns 10 years old, they are brought to a chapel of the Holy Goddess to undergo a ritual. At this ritual, the Goddess blesses that child with a class. In effect, this class will dictate their position within society and the skills at which they will be most proficient at. For example, if a child is given the class 'Blacksmith', they will be proficient in blacksmithing skills and will probably undertake that profession for their entire life. Of course, there are many different classes, some of which are more sought after than others, but I don't want to bore you. Do you understand now, heroes?"
My classmates nodded, interest and wonder showing on their faces. However, I frowned. I didn't like this class system one bit. Why did a Goddess get to choose what path your life would head down? And some classes are better than others?
Didn't that seem a bit…unfair?
"Great. Now that's sorted, bring out the Role Crystal."
From behind me, a man wearing the same hooded cloak as the rest of the people in the circle came forward. With my newly gained knowledge of this world, I could now assume that these people were mages. I shivered. There was so much I needed to figure out about this world.
I shook off the thought and instead studied the object in the mage's hands. It was something akin to a medium-sized trophy, with fanciful ornamentations, presumably religious, sculpted out of gold. A colorless crystal was fitted into the top of object. Actually, perhaps colorless was not the right word. Ever-changing suited the crystal better. As light hit the crystal at different angles, it seemed to change colors. I found it fascinating, yet I was also intrigued to how such an object would choose your role.
The mage finally reached the bottom of the throne dais.
"Heroes." The king suddenly spoke again. "Please form an orderly cue and individually place your hands on the Role Crystal. After a few seconds, you will receive a 'System' from the Goddess, which will show you your role and your 'Stat Menu'."
Surprise sprouted from the faces of the students.
"A system? Stat menu?" One lanky boy blurted out. "Like in a video game?"
Once again, the king was confused.
"Vi-vid-e-o game?" The king said, his tongue catching on the word video. "I don't understand. Your world is confusing. Your reactions tell me your world has systems, but it does not have classes? And are systems only used in this strange game of yours?"
The king abruptly burrowed his face into his palm, the confusion growing on his face.
"I must know. If you don't have classes, then the hierarchy of your society must be decided by these games of the vid…eo, correct?"
A few snickers came from the students. Even I couldn't help but crack a smile at the king's obliviousness. Imagine your position in society being decided by video games! It was pure insanity! The king immediately noticed the students' amusement. He chuckled.
"Judging by your reactions, I must be incredibly wrong then." A look of frustration crossed his face, but it was quickly gone. "It pains me, but it seems that I must save these questions for later. For now, please place your hands on the Role Crystal."
The students shook off their laughter and nodded. One boy immediately came forward to the crystal. I recognized him immediately. It was one of the boys from Henry's group. Chase Evans.
"Guess I'll try first then." He said nonchalantly, placing his hand on the Role Crystal. I expected something flashy to happen right away, but it didn't. In fact, nothing happened at all.
"Is this thing even working?" Chase said aloud. "Shouldn't it-"
All of a sudden, a semi-transparent screen appeared before Chase's face for everyone to see. All the students gasped. It was exactly like a game interface.
[The Goddess Has Decided Your Role]
[You are the Lancemaster. Please use your system wisely to benefit the Hero's Party and defeat the Demon King.]
"Lancemaster?" Chase blurted. "What use is a lance? And what in the hell is all of these stats telling me? Level 1? Why-"
"You should not speak so freely about your stats." The king interrupted suddenly, his voice taking on a darker tone. "While everyone here can see your role, your system is only visible to you. It would be wise to keep your stats secret."
"Yeah, I understand that, but these stats look very low. How do I upgrade them?"
"You collect EXP." The king replied simply. "When you complete certain tasks, like learning a new skill or defeating a monster, you gain EXP. This EXP will contribute to increasing your level. When you reach a new level, you should receive Status Points."
"And what can I do with these status points?" Chase suddenly interrupted.
"You can either upgrade your stats, or you can upgrade your skills. You'll understand more when you begin your training."
Chase opened his mouth to ask another question, but the King cut him off.
"Next hero, please step forward."
Isabella immediately came forward, a dirty grin showing on her face.
"I better get a good role Goddess." She said while placing her hands on the Role Crystal.
The King tightened his hands on his throne hearing that comment, but Isabella ignored it. I made a mental note watching the King's reaction. Do not insult the Goddess. Ever.
[The Goddess Has Decided Your Role]
[Your are the High Mage. Please use your system wisely to benefit the Hero's Party and defeat the Demon King.]
"High Mage?" Isabella said distastefully. "That's kinda shit y'know. Does that mean I gotta learn a bunch of dumb spells? Sounds pretty overrated to me."
The King shook his head.
"Spells don't work like that for heroes." He said hastily, his patience evidently starting to wear off. "Your teachers will explain it to you later. Next hero please."
One by one, the students placed their hands on the Role Crystal. I watched the entire process in silence, trying to ignore the seemingly infinite questions in my head and instead retain my composure.
[The Goddess Has Decided Your Role]
[You are the Swordsmaster]
[The Goddess Has Decided Your Role]
[You are the Healer]
[The Goddess Has Decided Your Role]
[You are the Tank]
Most roles were quite ordinary and incited little surprise from the King's Host. However, there was one student that caught everyone's attention.
[The Goddess Has Decided Your Role]
[You are the ???]
"Ohoho!" The king bellowed upon the throne. "It seems that the Goddess has blessed Durham Kingdom. What is your name, hero?"
Surprise took over me. The King had never asked for any of the students' names. Did the King know what role this boy had?
"Royce." The boy said flatly, his wavy black hair covering his eyes. "My name is Royce."
"Hmmm…Royce…" The king rolled the name on his tongue. "Interesting. I will call you to speak with me tonight. Until then, I ask you to not reveal anything about your role."
Royce nodded and stepped away from the Role Crystal. The students began to bombard him with questions, but he stayed completely silent. I smiled. I had only encountered Royce a few times during my time at Greenfield Academy, yet it was evident that he was a shy kid. Perhaps almost too shy.
"My time to shine?"
My stomach gurgled uncomfortably as I heard that voice again. Henry stepped forward and placed his hands on the Role Crystal.
"I wonder…what role will I receive? Sure I deserve a better role than all of these other twerps?"
My fist unconsciously clenched at my side. He was so incredibly arrogant that it made me sick. He had so much power, so much status, and he used it to prey on the weak. It was despicable.
"How about a leading role? I haven't seen one of those yet?"
I hated him. Despised him. He didn't deserve to save this world.
"I think I'm a good leader."
He deserved to die.
"What do you think Goddess?"
[The Goddess Has Decided Your Role]
[You are the Commander]
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you are gracious and would like to help this humble author's poor soul, please add this book to your collection.
Your support gives me the energy to keep writing after all!