Prince Qui knew that he was being stubborn by refusing to see his father. He received summons every day, and every time he declined his father's request to see him. The Emperor must already be fuming. But Prince Qui thought that his father was still kind as he had not yet ordered for their meeting. He was still entering the situation as a family member and not as the ruler of their land.
If Prince Qui was going, to be honest, he did not know what he was going to tell his father. His men refused to speak about what happened in the presence of Tianshi Xue, and yet he did not want for her to leave the room, not when she had been taking care of him tirelessly ever since he woke up.
So, as soon as Prince Qui could get on his feet, the military base was the first he visited. His whole body was still aching as he put his uniform on. He should REALLY stretch 'cause HEAVENS. He was hurting all over.
Okay, we've reached this point and I'm very excited to share with you guys everything else!!
I can't wait to write it all down and for you guys to read it.