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87.23% Red West / Chapter 82: Charms of women

Kapitel 82: Charms of women

A front door of the biggest house in Leadville opened even before Augusta managed to smooth out the wrinkles on her skirt and a black face with wide eyes and even wider mouth appeared there.

"Madame!! It´s so good to see you again!" the female servant rushed to the street to help Mrs. Tabor with her hand luggage, while the elderly coachman loosened the belts, which held the heavy trunk on the back of the carriage.

"I´m glad to see you at good health, too," Augusta reacted and gave one proper look to her home, two-story building with a sharp roof and neat balcony, before returning attention to her servant.

Bertha had been working for them ever since their house in Leadville was no more than a kitchen with one room attached to it, and her attitude hadn´t changed a bit since then – she was loud but caring. Despite the fact that living in Denver was definitely luxurious; Augusta had always liked staying in Leadville more and the black woman was just one of her reasons for that.

"Come inside! You must be so tired, Madame! And you – hurry up with the luggage and carriage, Tom! It´ll be raining soon! Come, Madame, please!"

Bertha was overexcited as always, but it made Augusta smile. She let the servant lead their way inside the cool, calm house gratefully.

"It has been a long way," she sighed, pulled the traveling gloves off her hands and looked around the spacious, and as always properly cleaned up, hall. "But it feels nice to be home again."

"I´ll prepare a cup of my special tea for you, Madame. That will put you back on your feet," Bertha flattened the gloves and put them aside on a small table under expensive mirror, which they bought with Horace long time ago - during their honeymoon in Washington.

"That would be nice," Augusta agreed. "What about my husband?"

Bertha´s expression stiffened a little: "Mister Governor is not present, Madame," she replied politely, but a hint of contempt could be heard in the servant´s voice.

Augusta frowned: "So, he´s at that hotel again."

"I don´t know, Madame, he didn´t say…" the black woman meant no harm, but Augusta was already too annoyed with her husband´s affair to let herself be soothed with half-truths and excuses.

"Spare your breath, Bertha. I´m neither blind nor stupid even if my husband thinks so. After that tea, prepare a bath for me, please. I need to get all that travel dust off of me."

"Of course, Madame," the servant nodded diligently and then continued a little hesitantly. "If you wish so, I can ask some errand-boy to find your husband to let him know about your arrival."

"No," Augusta denied immediately. "I will not beg him to show his face around me. Let him come on his own, if he notices my presence at all… Understood?"

"Yes, Madame."


A sudden heavy rain chased the sunshine away in the late afternoon, and poured even all over the covered veranda, so the Black Riders gathered inside the cottage, sitting or standing around the table, all of them focused on the map spread on it and their leader.

"Tabor´s house is here, right in the city center, but when he resides in Leadville, it´s more likely to find him in the Clarendon Hotel on Harrison Avenue," Leo drew a little circle in the outskirts of Leadville.

"How comes?" Jin, standing behind his brother´s chair, asked.

"It´s a public secret that he has a mistress – Baby Doe," Ryo replied from the opposite side of the table. "He spends most of the time there with her."

"There´s a gossip that Tabor treats his wife quite awfully for almost two years already," Jack, leaning toward the table above his black-haired friend, noted.

"I think I dislike him more and more," the older Akanishi assumed.

"That affair may turn against him eventually," Leo added. "Augusta is very popular in their circles and the prestige of the couple rose quite high in past years especially thanks to her."

"While Baby is just a pretty doll, moreover twice as young as Tabor," Cullen, studying the map from the right side, completed the information rather annoyed.

"Good for shagging, I´d say," the blonde Rider, standing right behind Kame´s chair, assumed.

"You´ve seen her?" Jack goggled at him amazed. "Is she really that beautiful as they say?"

"Yeah, she´s a real beauty, man," Koki admitted. "No wonder Tabor fell for her. But she seems pretty dull to me too. So I pass."

"As if she´d have ever even glanced at you," Ryo snorted tauntingly.

"She did?" Jack literally beamed. "Oh, man… I´d like to come across her too…"

"Don´t be envious, buddies," Koki laughed confidently. "It´s not my fault that my charm naturally attracts the women´s attention."

"It´s more like the curiosity about who might be that crazy to bleach his hair," Ryo reacted right away.

Koki leant above Kame, grinning at his buddy: "You´re just jealous."

Ryo rolled his eyes and demonstrated his white teeth as well: "And you´re naive."

"Shut up, you two!" Cullen snapped. "This is a serious discussion, not your playground!"

The young Riders quieted themselves quite offended, and Leo, who seemed to be impatient already, could finally continue.

"Our last information is that Tabor keeps his personal safe in Denver, but there´s a chance he has one in Leadville as well. I think it´s worth checking out."

"Do you mean both those places?" Kame, who was sitting on the left side from Leo and had been very silent so far, asked. "His house and the hotel?"

"Yes," the Riders´ leader confirmed. "And at the same time would be the best. The less time it takes, the smaller chance for us to get caught. If the safe is there, we need to make Tabor open it or tell us the combination to get our hands on his money."

"And if not?" a kind of gloomy Jin murmured from behind him. "I don´t doubt your interrogation methods, Bro, but if we don´t find any cash there, then what?"

"Then it will come down to the plan B," Leo stated in a somewhat careful tone.

"B as the bank?"

Both the younger and older Akanishi focused their eyes on serious Kame, who put up the question. Also Jane, sitting next to him, gave the younger one a sharp look, but Kame´s face was calm, as he repaid the leader´s look seriously. Leo leant back in his chair, eyeing the map again thoughtfully.

"Well, I wondered if we might try another cash delivery, but since we lost our contact, it would be a long time run…"

"It´d have meant waiting around the main roads for weeks, and even that wouldn´t have to pay off," Cullen expressed his opinion to support the leader.

Leo nodded: "Therefore – yes, I propose to crash on the bank directly then. Nick, can you please repeat what do we know about it?"

The older Rider moved with his hand and placed a finger at the spot not far from Tabor´s house.

"The bank of Leadville, naturally founded by Tabor a few years ago. With high security, but not many guards, two men during the day, none during the night, the building is always locked up. The safe, safety deposit boxes and alarms are new, unfortunately."

"The same type as in that casino, I guess," Jack murmured gloomily.

"Exactly. The main banker is a fat pig and Tabor´s puppet. He lives on the opposite side of the street. There´re three regular employees and it´s open every day except Sunday. The biggest amount of money can be found there at the beginning of the month, or when the groups of silver hunters appear to exchange their findings, but those are exceptions."

"Sounds tough," Jin evaluated.

"Can we do it?" Ryo wondered. "That security around the safe..."

"If we´re careful enough, I´m sure we´ll manage," Leo stated firmly.

"You can never be careful enough with something like this," Jane noted a little darkly. "Don´t you remember what happened the last time?"

"Of course, I do," Leo frowned. "It doesn´t mean we´ll give up in advance."

"Having Tabor with us while going there, would have make it a piece of cake," Cullen said suddenly.

"You mean to take him as hostage?" Ryo raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah… What do you think, Leo?"

Their leader didn´t seem to be very thrilled about the idea and neither Jane was.

"He´s not so easy to deal with as you think," the brunette reminded.

"I agree, it´d be too risky, but if it comes down to it…" Leo seemed to think that idea over in a short silence.

"We´re going to hang if they catch us," Jack murmured gloomily.

"Then we have to make sure they won´t," their leader reacted rather calmly. "I´m not so happy about it either but… If we want to get to Hereford quickly, we need money."

"If we didn´t like all of this so much, we´d have run from this fight long time ago," Ryo assumed. "Don´t you think, guys?"

Nobody protested.

"That´s right… So," Leo leant over the table again. "We will act separately in two groups for the plan A. Me, Cullen, Koki, Ryo and Nick will be going after Tabor. Jin, Kame, Jane and Jack will secure the house. According to what we know, there shouldn´t be anyone except some staff, the hotel will be a harder nut to crack. Nick and Jack will be guarding outside and in case anything happens, they will alarm the others. Kame, I´d like you to be in the lead of your group. Are you fine with that?"


Kame had to bit his tongue not to express his opposition against the bank idea. There was always another way how to survive on the trip. They could hunt and fish, they could find some temporary jobs, to do a favor here or there, they could earn some money any other way. But the Riders wanted the fast and easy way, not the hard and long one. Unfortunately, at the same time it was the most dangerous one.

He was well-aware that most of all, they wanted to repay to Tabor somehow, even a little bit. They lost too much because of the man to let him go away with it. But as the things were going, it was clearer and clearer they would have to run off and leave the Governor to rule Colorado in his own way and they couldn´t get over it just like that. It was supposed to be a final move against the Governor, before they would leave, at least for some time.

Kame understood that, and that was why, even though he was against the bank robbery, he was willing to go with them and help them. He didn´t like it, but if they were careful enough, it could work out just fine. Especially, if it wouldn´t come down to the plan B at all.

The thing was that he was worried. For everyone, but most of all for Jin… The older Akanishi had already proved to everyone what he was capable of when something concerned his brother.

What if the scenario like that happens again and Jin won´t be so lucky this time?

Lost in his thoughts, Kame didn´t notice Leo was talking to him, until a hand waved in front of his face.

"Stop daydreaming, Kame-chan," it was Koki dragging him back to the conversation. "Are you in love or something?" he asked with a mocking grin.

Kame´s cheeks warmed up, as everyone, except Jin, who stared at the blonde Rider rather irritated, laughed.

"I´m sorry," he murmured.

"It´s all right!" Koki placed both hands on his shoulders, patting him calmingly. "We were just surprised. Usually, you´re not the one who turns his brain off," he noted, obviously in Jin´s direction.

That amused the others even more. Kame rather avoided looking at Jin directly; he could imagine his upset stare at Koki anyway. And in the common laughter, he didn´t notice a suspicious look Jane gave the blonde one.

"Leo asked if you can be in charge of the group securing Tabor´s house," Cullen repeated, making Kame look at the Riders´ leader in surprise.

Leo shrugged: "Jin is too hot-headed and I need Cullen with me to press on Tabor. So, I want you to do that."

Jin took an offended breath: "But I´m not too…"

"Hush, Brother, it´s nothing personal," Leo cut in immediately. "I´ve talked about it with Cullen too. Kame has better instincts to decide correctly if anything goes wrong. So?"

There´s no way back anymore… Kame reminded himself in his mind and nodded: "I won´t disappoint your trust, Leo."


All tall windows of ´The Board of Trade´, the very first saloon ever built in the so-called Cloud City, were shining more brightly than usually in the late evening. The stools and tables made of white oak were shifted to the walls to make more space for guests who came to celebrate the day of Leadville´s foundation five years ago. The celebrations were held throughout the whole city, with citizens drinking and singing in the streets, unattended children playing catch-up among them and alarmed horses stomping in their stables nervously from all that uproar. But only the cream of society attended the gala night in the saloon formerly owned by the Lieutenant Governor himself.

Tens of gas lights were hanging above the complicated haircuts of ladies in colorful dresses and the expensive hats of men, sparkling in the diamond dust mirror behind the mahogany bar counter, as well as in the plenty of glasses filled up with the stunning choice of liquids. So far decent conversations were getting louder and more vulgar with the passing hours, often being interrupted by giggling of tipsy women and by laughter of bolder men.

The most of general attention was focused around two persons. Horace Tabor was engulfed in an exciting poker game in the back room, while his mistress Baby Doe was attracting many admiring glances and flattery from the male part of the celebration party and mostly envious ones from the female one, as she was smiling in the circle of her admirers. Even though the two kept distance from each other, there was hardly anyone in the saloon who wouldn´t have known about their relationship.

So, it was no wonder that the cheerful chatting ceased a little, when another Leadville´s famous personality appeared. Augusta Tabor came in accompanied by the Mayor; in rich dress, which flattered her still slender figure, and she was almost immediately surrounded by people welcoming her back in the city, which she had founded with her husband. Augusta was more than expected at the celebration for that very reason.

Nobody dared to even mention that Mrs. Tabor arrived only after her husband, but quite a heated discussion in the shadows fired up once Horace appeared in the main taproom to stretch his legs after a long game and he was obviously surprised by his wife´s presence. And even bigger ruckus was caused once Augusta crossed the tile floor and with a smile, she kissed her husband on the cheek, coldly ignoring the fierce stare of the blonde beauty, whose smile froze once she noticed her arrival. Some present ladies started to whisper to each other gleefully and even some men exchanged the knowing looks.

That year´s founding celebration started to be quite interesting…


There was a greeter and a guard in one person standing at the entrance of the saloon roaring with voices and music, a tall black man in his forties. After greeting and taking the coats from each guest, he already seemed to be quite tired and just let everyone pass by him inside without looking at their faces or their ´invitations´ properly. Thanks to that, it was no big deal to slip in the flood of lights and smell of alcohol and food practically unnoticed, since everyone´s attention was at the famous triangle.

The tall brunette in simple burgundy dress entered the crowd naturally, snatching a glass of sparkling wine from the plate, while the older man in a bit shabby suit followed her. The couple managed to take a spot between the entrance to the back room and the table full of profiteers having fun with the drinking beer competition.

They chatted a little and the brunette woman smiled at every man who glanced in her direction, just to be discouraged by a very sharp stare of her escort. Just once the woman was allowed to dance, with a sturdy man, who seemed to be quite charmed by her and kept talking almost non-stop, while they moved. Then the couple looked around the guests in the high mood once again, before they slipped out of the salon, just as inconspicuously as they entered.


"Stop sulking, Chief," Koki poked in his leader´s shoulder gently. "It´s clear to us that you´d like to dance with your lovely girlfriend till the very morning."

"But unfortunately, your awesome face is too famous for that," grinning Ryo joined his buddy.

"Shut up, I know that more than well," obviously annoyed Leo grunted, not taking his look off the entrance of The Board building with both arms crossed over his chest.

The Black Riders were waiting in the narrow aisle between the closed tobacco shop and open brothel. It was a convenient spot with more than enough shadows and fuss to hide their group from the curious eyes, as horny cowboys kept pacing in and out the house with red windows. But still, Jin didn´t like his brother´s precious nose peeping out on the street, so he grabbed Leo´s shoulder and pulled him back a bit.

"Keep that awesome face in the dark then," he reminded him.

"Come on, even you, Brother?" his brother reacted offended.

"I get it why you´re so worried. Jane is gorgeous in that dress; someone might snatch her from you," Jin teased him.

Leo huffed grumpily, but before he managed to react, a slim figure in black slipped into the aisle among them.

"They´re coming back," Kame, so far guarding further away on the Harrison Avenue, announced.

"That didn´t take long…" Ryo noted and stuck with his head out from the dark space to check on the ´couple´. Leo would do the same, if Jin didn´t hold him by the shoulder.

"How that great celebration of theirs looks like?" Koki asked curiously.

"It seems to be quite a big event," Kame summarized his observation of the nearby saloon. "The guests keep arriving even now."

"Aww, there must be tons of barrels with alcohol…" the blonde one made a longing remark.

"And lots of noise along with it," the older man´s voice grunted, when the well-dressed pair entered the aisle.

"So?" Leo eyed his girlfriend not without a fancy; even in the shadows Jane looked simply beautiful. "How did it go?"

"They´re there, both of them," the brunette replied, while pulling her hair back into a ponytail, so that they would finally stop bothering her in the face. "Obviously not together," she added caustically.

"Tabor´s wife has arrived as well, so they´re causing quite some disarray," Cullen completed her, after he pulled the uncomfortable jacket off his shoulders impatiently.

"But neither of them seem to be leaving any time soon," Jane assumed.

"Great, we´ve got enough time to search the house and hotel and prepare ourselves then," Leo reacted. "What about the director of Clarendon? Did you manage to get to him?"

"Yes," Jane smiled in a very satisfied way. "And apparently, he doesn´t know how to close his mouth. He practically confirmed that Tabor requested a safety deposit in the hotel. But he danced as a bear, my poor feet," she complained, while she supported herself over her lover´s shoulder and slipped out from the heeled shoes.

"I can massage them for you later," Leo promised her quietly, but loudly enough to make his companions look at each other amused and Cullen roll his eyes.

"I take you at your word, love," Jane reacted and kissed Leo´s cheek. "But now, I´m mostly glad that I can get off this. I want my trousers; this is awful," she kept complaining as she passed by them holding her skirt up further to the aisle, to the other end, where they had left their horses with Jack and Nick.

Leo, and not only him, thought there were many words for the dress Jane wore, and ´awful´ was definitely not among them, but there was no point to argue about that with the annoyed brunette.

Once Jane changed into more comfortable clothing, all of them gathered at the dark backyard of the brothel. The lights behind the red curtains in the first floor made their faces look kind of creepy and their faithful animals stomped on the spot restlessly. It was about time to trigger their plan.

"Everybody knows what to do. Take any cash available, try not to harm anyone fatally," Leo said, giving to every member of his gang a short look. "If anything goes wrong, get the message to the other group first. Nick, Jack – I´m counting on you."

Both of the mentioned nodded seriously. Leo turned to Kame now.

"If the safe is here in the city, once we get the combination from Tabor, we´ll come to you. But don´t wait for us, if it becomes dangerous. Is that clear?"

"We went through the plan like ten times, little Brother," Jin reacted a little annoyed. "We know."

Kame just nodded and Leo sighed: "All right… You know the meeting place – the north side of the cemetery," he reminded them in the end.

"Hopefully not in the wooden boxes," Koki sneered with his typical grin.

But Leo remained serious: "Be careful."


I shouldn´t have come, Augusta thought, as she walked through the brightly lit streets toward her empty home.

At first, it was satisfying to see a sour face of that blonde whore, when she noticed her presence and Horace, not being able of proper talk for once, was quite amusing as well. But then Augusta noticed the looks, the whispers, the fake smiles. It was as if there was nobody among the guests, who would not know that she was a cheated, abandoned woman. Some pitied her, others laughed behind her back. It got even worse with Baby Doe being cheeky enough to flirt with the Governor right in front of her eyes.

In the end, Augusta was too fed up of being the source of amusement and left without a word. She didn´t even call a carriage, as she really needed some fresh air and a short walk in the chilly evening was more than suitable for it. Naturally, there were some forgotten existences in the dark corners, and also drunkards lacing the streets from one side to another, but nobody gave her a second look, as she walked around covered from head to toes in the dark coat, so that her expensive dress could not be seen. And their house was not so far. Their house… Even that was not true anymore.

Augusta felt pleasantly tired, when she reached the back door, so she could hope for the good sleep without any dreams at least. A sudden, loud neigh made her turn with one hand on the doorknob.

There were some stalls nearby, so that sound wasn´t anything unusual, but this one seemed strange to her. It felt as a warning and it came somewhere from the outside, somewhere from the dark. Frowning, Augusta turned to the house again, and noticed that the windows were all black… Bertha had gone to sleep already? The black servant usually waited until she got back, no matter how late that was.

A flickering light appeared in one of the upper rooms, and quickly disappeared again. Augusta Tabor kept looking at the window for a while, before she opened the door determinedly, but very quietly.


Jack was squatting in the bushes near the entrance of Tabor´s residence, observing the main street closely. The sharp neigh behind the house made him stiffen for a while. Maybe one of their horses was frightened of something?

Nothing else was heard and when he peeked from behind the corner, the back yard seemed to be just as black and calm as they arrived. So, he returned to his previous spot, watching the direction of the biggest celebrations, so that he could let the others know immediately, if any of the owners would be coming back.


Tabor´s house was huge, but not big enough to hide the ugly iron box with the combination lock in the workroom upstairs. A young man with the black scarf covering his features, drew the heavy curtains over the window carefully, while the older one, also wearing the same scarf, let the light from their kerosene lamp increase, so that they could check on the lock more closely. So in the end, Lieutenant Governor had the private safe in Leadville as well.

"Exactly as Leo thought," Kame sighed quietly. "It´s one of those complicated ones."

"Without a combination, we´re screwed," Jin assumed.

They both kept their voices low, even though it was not necessary. Only the black servant was present in the house and they tied her up to the chair downstairs in her tiny room, with Jane guarding her.

"Should we send Jack off to them with the message then?" the older one wondered.

Kame shook his head: "No, I think it´s better to wait for the result of Tabor´s interrogation."

"All right, let´s go search the bedrooms then," Jin proposed, straightening up. "Maybe he´s one of those, who stuck their money everywhere, so we could just try our luck with the mattresses."

"I can´t allow you that, Messrs," the female´s voice made both Riders freeze. "I´m quite fond of the cushions."

Jin reached to his gun sheath and Kame stood up, when a light flooded them, much brighter than their lamp.

"Don´t try anything funny," the voice said threateningly. "I´m armed and I assure you I could hit from this distance, even if I was half-blind."

Jin and Kame exchanged the identical confused glances: What the hell was Jack doing?

"Put your hands up in the air. Very slowly," the woman, whose face was hiding behind the sharp light from the lamp, ordered. "And turn to me."

They obeyed without objections and stood up face to face with the barrel of a quite big revolver. Once their eyes accustomed to the light, they recognized a stern face of the dark-haired woman after her best years, but with something very sharp in her eyes. She was definitely not a servant, Kame noted based on the rich dress she wore. There was only one option, who might that be – Augusta Tabor.

The lady of the house eyed both of them, as if she evaluated the intruders, and then she noticed the open cupboard behind them, which was hiding the safe.

"I suppose you´ve already figured that this theft will be kind of difficult."

"Yes, Madame, unfortunately," Kame didn´t know what made him speak that way, and if it was even a good idea, but he just followed his instinct.

Surprised Augusta blinked and lowered the lamp a little, though the revolver remained firmly aimed at them: "A young man with manners… How comes you´re a burglar?" she wondered.

"That would be a long story, Madame. I´m afraid, it´s not very convenient to tell it right now," Kame replied politely.

"Well, I agree. You obviously didn´t come here to talk," the woman assumed. From some reason, lady Tabor didn´t seem to be angry, more like curious. "Judging from your… outfit, I guess you´re the members of those infamous Black Riders, am I right?"

No matter how calm Augusta Tabor seemed to be, Kame didn´t consider it to be a good idea to talk with her much, and he couldn´t think of a proper reply right away.

"Do you really think that we´d confirm it even if we were?" Jin murmured from behind the black cloth instead of him.

Mrs. Tabor pondered his response for a while.

"Well, in case that you are them, I…" Augusta didn´t finish, what she intended to say and both her expression and stance stiffened.

"It doesn´t matter if we´re or not," another female´s voice was heard behind Mrs. Tabor´s back. "Put that gun down, lady. I doubt you would use it, anyway."

"That is a good point, I admit," Augusta noted surprisingly calmly, as she slowly lowered the hand with the revolver.

Both Jin and Kame breathed out in relief almost aloud. With two quick steps, the younger one approached the woman and quite gently pulled the weapon away from her grip, while Jane kept burying the barrel of her colt in the woman´s back. Mrs. Tabor didn´t fight, when they pushed her to sit in the chair at the wall.

"Don´t move," Jane, whose face was also covered in black, ordered her strictly. "You let yourself caught up like kids," she hissed toward the two. "Tie her up."

"I assure you that won´t be necessary," Mrs. Tabor announced, her hands placed one over another in her lap.

"Naturally, you´re not the one to decide that," Jane snapped, but she was also surprised by the fact how the woman behaved. "You returned alone?"

"Yes," Augusta confirmed. "My dear husband keeps entertaining himself a little more."

"Really?" the brunette´s eyes above the scarf narrowed.

"She´s telling the truth," Kame assumed confidently, already helping Jin to tie the woman to the chair, with the thin long rope, which was part of their equipment for the mission.

Jane murmured something unsatisfied, before she took the bright lantern, which Mrs. Tabor brought and checked on the safe on the other side of the room: "It seems we´re stuck, right?"

"That´s quite a fitting statement," Jin reacted.

"Will we wait for the others?" Jane looked at Kame, who straightened up from binding of Mrs. Tabor´s ankles and nodded.

"I think that would be for the best," the younger one said.

"Fine… Give her the gag then, we don´t need any unwanted attention," Jane pointed at the still so calm lady.

"I have a better proposal," August spoked suddenly. "What if I told you the combination?"

Three Riders remained staring at the woman in utter surprise, while she repaid their stares calmly. Kame was the first one to break the shocked silence.

"Why would you do that, Madame?"

"Let´s say that I have my own reasons."

"What if it´s a trap?" Jin frowned. "Isn´t there a bomb inside or something?"

"I can assure you it´s not, young man. What would be the point in opening it if I was here as well in that case?"

"True enough," Jin murmured agreeing.

Kame was looking in the woman´s eyes curiously. There was something about her that somehow impressed him. He couldn´t remember exactly what he thought about Tabor´s wife, when the talk came up before, but he definitely didn´t think she would be like this. Despite the intruders in her home, she remained so composed.

Augusta Tabor seemed to be a strong woman and far from being dishonest. He could understand why she was so popular. It was strange that she was willing to cooperate with them, and who knew what hidden intentions she could have, but he didn´t see any reason why not to try…


The founding celebration was not such a thrilling and successful night as Horace Tabor supposed it would be. All of the guests had more than enough amusement, he could tell, but he didn´t like the fact that the huge part of that amusement was caused by his personal affairs.

He didn´t expect Augusta to appear that evening, he didn´t even know that she was in the city. It was more than an unpleasant surprise, and obviously, that was the point of her action. His wife seemed to enjoy that attention she arose a way too much.

Even when Augusta left, and her absence finally made Baby stop flying around the room flirting with every man around, he didn´t find the feast, drinking and cards so enjoyable anymore and soon he gathered his lover, ignoring the whispers from all the corners and called a carriage to take them back to the hotel.

"Why did you want to leave so early, my love?" Baby whined from the corner of the carriage for the third time. "The fun was just getting started."

"We can have some fun even without tens of eyes around, can´t we?" Horace looked at her sharply.

"Sure, but there´re so few opportunities as this one was and…"

Lieutenant Governor leant forward and sealed the blonde one´s mouth with a kiss, more wanting to shut her up for a while than anything else.


The couple staggered through the corridors as the blonde one kept pouncing on her lover with kisses. The empty reception didn´t bother them, though under other circumstances Horace might have wondered about it, since the director made sure someone was there all the time, despite the late hour. The eagerness of his young lover overcame Horace in the end, and he pushed the door open hastily. Only when he searched for the key blindly, he realized something was wrong.

"Wow… Just continue, it wasn´t a bad show," a mocking voice was heard from the corner of the room, which was sinking in shadows until that moment.

Baby yelped in fright, while Horace froze. Who dared to…?!

Two lamps were lit at the same moment, blinding them with the brightness. Horace pushed Baby behind his back, while he reached in his coat with the other hand, but his reaction was too slow.

The door got opened behind their back again and before he could react, his lover was pulled away from him screaming shortly, before her mouth was covered by a strong hand. When Horace´s eyes accustomed to the light, he recognized four men in the room, all of their faces covered with black scarves.

"I wouldn´t try anything stupid, Tabor," a harsh voice of the man, who had Baby in a firm grip, warned him. "Pull that gun out of your coat very slowly. She will pay for any suspicious move you make."

Standing there, in the middle of the room, surrounded by enemies, still a bit drunk and upset, the wave of anger went through Tabor. How could they dare?! Right in the hotel, in the middle of his city!

Looking from one to another, he could only recognize three younger men – the talker and two other holding kerosene lamps and one older – the one who had Baby. It was hard to tell, which one of them was the leader – Akanishi, if he was there at all.

"What do you want?" he gritted through his teeth.

"That´s an easy question, Tabor. We want a certain combination."

Bastards… It was a cheap move to go after his money in such a way. Horace had to admit that he didn´t expect it. After all those distant attacks and delivery ambushes and Akanishi-almost-captured issues, they had become bold.

"I´m afraid you´re losing your time, I don´t have any safe here. This is a hotel, as you can see, I wouldn´t keep any savings here," he announced sarcastically.

A muffled scream made him turn. That oldest Rider shifted Baby´s arm to her back, swirling with it painfully.

"No lies," the man warned.

"I wouldn´t describe that deposit box downstairs as nothing," the Rider sitting in the chair, who talked to him before, continued. "The receptionist was so kind to tell us that you stored quite an amount in there."

Horace made fists from his hands: "So why didn´t that coward give you the combination, too?"

"Because he said you´d fire him," one of the others reacted. "We had no heart to push him."

It was incredible how cheeky they were, making fun of him, threatening his lover… What a screwed up evening it turned out to be.

"That combination, Tabor," the speaker repeated seriously. "If you think that we won´t hurt her just because she´s pretty, you´re badly mistaken. We have no time to wait until you swallow your damn pride. So, spit it out."

next chapter
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