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0.75% Red-Eyed. Devil.(Hiatus). / Chapter 1: Awaken to the truth.
Red-Eyed. Devil.(Hiatus). Red-Eyed. Devil.(Hiatus). original

Red-Eyed. Devil.(Hiatus).

Autor: ClearSkySage

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: Awaken to the truth.

I've always been a short-tempered person. No, maybe short-tempered isn't the word for it, it would be more accurate to say I am a hate type person. I didn't get angry easily, so why the short-tempered label doesn't fit, but I guard my rage and hate close to my chest, I let it fester on my psyche and mind growing day by day, some people can even describe this as forgiving, but I never forget. All this Rage normally would fester and grow like some kind of fungus or unknown disease, and when it becomes big enough. When it becomes unbearable to hold such a big rage. I explode.

Not literally, of course, it is humanly impossible to self-explore for all I know, I could be wrong the world is after all a big place. As a child my temper would bring me some problems, some teachers even though I had some kind of mental issues, maybe I had but I never went to a psychologist to check, what simply got them was that I was a normal child until a certain point, them I would explode and show then some kind of hate demon few people thought possible in a child.

This of course brought the attention of my parents, that soon enrolled me in karate, they thought good martial arts will be a good way for me to spend my energy, they were mostly right on the wrong things. Karate indeed helped me a lot, there I learned to control my rage, I would still explode but the episodes were so rare that most thought it just a normal occurrence of stress.

But the most precious thing I learned from my classes in karate was PATIENCE, yes I was a pretty active child and patience was something extremely precious that I managed to learn, something that would help me in this life and the next.

Now, you must be asking questions, why bore you with such a monologue? Well, it's simply a half-assed tentative of character development, a peek of my psyche, something to start history with. Hope I hadn't bored you to death yet.

Aside from my abnormal Rage, my life could be told as pretty normal, as normal as a life in a third world country can get, both of my parents worked to the bone to give me and my siblings a semblance of comfort, it worked for the most part, sadly the fact that they worked almost 16 hours a day made me quite distant of them, but father wouldn't miss his 'advice time' or 'life lesson time'. besides the most absent parents I grew up normally, my grades were average, my appearance was average, everything about me screamed average, the only special thing being my Rage, but that was more something to be ashamed about than proud.

Soon I went to college, my meager intelligence at least granting me some discount to not burden my parents much, but even with that my life felt so empty, so tedious... Always being an otaku I was well versed in the anime world and most popular games, but soon I would find something that at least made my day better or worse, depending on your point of view. Novels.

I instantly found my love of reading, my most liked type of novel the self-inserts and OC's out there, System novels on the other hand quickly bore me and made me want to drink bleach every time I see System in the tags. Reading made my life more bearable, but way worse at the same time.

Worse because I would read about the fantastic adventures of the protagonists and envy them extremely while cursing at my own shitty limited reality, which was only bearable because I could at least live some of these adventures through those characters.

Another passion of mine was games, I had a very average PC as any kind of electronic was more expensive than jewelry in my country, but while my Pc was average and I couldn't play the bad optimized or the new games, I could always play the old gems, and oh boy there was a lot of then. Turn-based RPG quickly became a favorite due to it needing even less of your computer than a normal one, Pokemon, FinalFantasy, Fire emblem. I played most of these games on emulators of old consoles and they quickly became my bread and butter, but then one day a friend of mine recommended a game, The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind. Just the scene of a simple bug stun-lock his character to death due to some paralyzing poison, immediately made me interested.

Then I entered the rabbit hole that was the TES series, the games being fairly old were able to smoothly run on my veteran PC, I think I played Morrowind one or three times before tossing it on my library and forgetting it. Well my English was shit at that time so I had no idea what I was doing, and simply pressing the same key to skip and advance dialog can carry you for so long.

My friend seeing my predicament recommended Skyrim, it was a relatively more noob-friendly game, so while I should able to mod translations to these games as I previously did with FF and Pokemon. I thought it would be a fun challenge to try to play a game in a language I sincerely had no clue about.

Skyrim runs on my computer not even close to the max graphics, but I was able to enjoy myself. My first playthrough was definitely a mess, I only pressed the enter key and somehow managed to progress on the history, it brought me some fairly funny dialog options that if a had the grasp I have on the English today I would surely laugh my ass off. After playing Skyrim for the first time and seeing how important the English language was, I decided to man up and start to learn it for real.

Another playthrough, but this time I did not use the easy way out of modding a translation. So it would be fairly common to enter my room and see me play the game with a dictionary on my side. I translated every line of dialog religiously, and I was able to somehow understand the game.

So I quickly focused more on learning the new language and after some playthroughs like that and some forcing myself on reading things in English I quickly started to grasp the language. There are no better stimuli than entertainment. I quickly learned my English, I wasn't fluent by any means but I was able to easily read things and somehow write short sentences.

With my new language and without my translation crutch I quickly went back to playing the TES game, and quickly I had fallen in love all over again. Now able to at least understand what the hell I am doing I was able to appreciate and immerse myself in those games, in the lore, in the magic, in the fanfiction, I think I may have finished Morrowind two times, Oblivion three. But Skyrim, oh boy if I had more than a thousand hours I wouldn't be surprised, I literally played with every race possible, with every build I could think of, and then there were the mods. You won't notice how deep you are until you have more than 40 mods exclusively for the appearance of your female character as if she wasn't hot enough with the first 10. But you couldn't help but add that succubus race mode, could you?

Mods literally made the game feel more alive, besides my perversions with the appearances mods, I was able to enjoy some high-quality shit thanks to nexus, some crazy dudes literally made entirely new maps and questlines for you, new magic, new moves, a new character, the community literally made a better game than Bethesda.

But besides my enjoyable otaku life, I was still empty. Every time I had to get up from my chair and face IRL I cringed. It was literally like the Real World had less color.

And on a particular day, it had been literally years since I last exploded, I thought myself I had the temperament of a monk right now. But the internet is a wonderful thing filled with human idiocy. So a little shit that is probably twelve years old and thinks himself the center of the universe managed to piss me off to such a degree that I raged like never before. I was alone in the house, and I knew instinctively that destroying furniture was extremely dumb, so I punched the wall. Of course, my punch did nothing to a solid wall, it only served to hurt my hand. But at that time I was so deep in my rage that pain was a very faraway concept.

I continued punching and venting all my accumulated Rage, wounds started forming in my hands, and I could guess they were at a maximum broken and at a minimum fractured. But I didn't care and continued punching, my heart beat faster and faster, blood flooded and flowed in my veins at incredible speeds, soon I was exhausted, my physical condition was never one of the betters. So I decided at the end of my rage-filled state and with my blood still hot and most of my hands numb, to simply lay in my bed and close my eyes, for the last time in this life.

Yep, I died. Heart attack to be more specific, apparently, my heart couldn't handle my fury.

And yes all you've read until now is completely useless information, not even a tiny bitsy important to the novel or any subsequent plot, just simply an amalgamation of words used to fill some strange satisfaction or meta of a bored author. And while what you read until now can be sure considered a huge waste of time, some novels inspired this piece that you should surely read, they are way more worth your time than this thing here. Dragonborn Saga, made by our most deary Don, is a work in progress but I can confidently say it's a masterpiece. Courage by Twubs in Fanfiction dot net, a good take on magic and definitely a huge inspiration for this novel. Lastly, The Breaker is not fanfic but a manga, the protagonist is kind of meh, but his character development is pretty good. These works and some others that I don't remember and couldn't care enough about to research were the inspiration that derived me to write this thing. And while I am almost certain I already bored you to death or made you angry enough to write a shitty review, the show must go on.

And while I wasn't the most religious person, and always thought of death as the END. I always had that hope that the fanfictions and novels were right, I didn't care about meeting a god or a ROB, all I wanted was another chance at life with my memories intact, having to start again without my memories will surely make my previous existence so pointless that I may enter a depressed state without even knowing why, and if the world wasn't simply the old boring gray normal world, even better.

And apparently, all that multitude of authors got something right, I was able to reincarnate. And thank god I didn't have to watch my birth, don't know how I would deal with that.

I won't bore you with my baby days, its the same shit you've read on all those shitty isekai fics, and you were probably going to skim it or simply skip it, you can only read the same shit about babies so many times. The only thing really worthy of note is that I was really born in a normal world, I may have cursed a bit on my mind, now I wouldn't be able to have my harem of elven beauties that I acquired effortlessly and somehow made it work in some strange isekai logic, it not like people don't like to share right?

My shattered dreams of an isekai harem aside, my new normal family was pretty great, they aren't like my old one, different people different lifestyles, this time even both of my parents working they had time for their kid, and while I had a pretty good relationship with my previous life parents I didn't shun them, I appreciate my new childhood and enjoyed it to the fullest, I quickly grew to love my new parent like my previous ones, try to be a dick to someone who loves you unconditionally, gives you food, and play ball with you when you ask, it's impossible if you have a semblance of a heart.

Yeah, my father was apparently a soccer enthusiast. The guy simply loved it, and I sure abused his love of soccer to play it with him and spend some quality time with my family, I sure miss my old one, but I already died there, so why mop and brood in the corner instead of finally enjoying a childhood. but while my father was the fun and cool parent, my mother was the strict one, when I and my father enter the home after playing soccer covered in mud she would give us an earful about hygiene sounding like the strictest of teachers. After reprimand both of us, she would smile and made some refreshments while we clean ourselves.

The most positive thing until now was that my Rage didn't appear, and while the fact that very few things angered me now and I had quite a good experience controlling it from my past life I sincerely don't know, but I am sure my fury is just there, accumulating, growing spreading until I snap again until I lose control, it's waiting there on the back fo my mind whispering...

Sure everything is normal and all, but I notice something abnormal and different, or maybe I consider it different because I don't remember my past four-year-old self very well, anyway, the thing I found abnormal is that I am full of energy, really full of energy, it felt so strange at first having so much energy, I, of course, attributed it to my younger body, but quickly discarded that idea, I wasn't that old when I died, and I was relatively healthy, so the fact that I was recuperating faster and I had generally more energy in me made me think it is strange, not strange enough to be something superhuman but strange nonetheless. I just felt more alive, every time I breathed I felt energized, alive. Maybe these are some effects of reincarnation?

The second strange thing about this new life is my vision, and while in my previous life my vision was pretty bad, I used very thick glasses, after all, this one my eyes are something else entirely, I had never seen things in so much detail, so much color, if breathing made me feel more alive, my eyes made me see the world more alive. But my good vision and good health could be easily attributed to my genetics, maybe I had just won the genetic lottery this time? for all my observations on these four years, the world is exceedingly normal, so these "Strange" things about myself could easily be just attributed to good genetics.

Well silly me, you know so much about my person already, but you don't even know my name, sorry I've been insulting. "My name is Yang Jin, I am four years old, my blood type is A+, and I am an extremely healthy young man.".

Well, I just said it to my reflection on the bathroom mirror, there you can see a cute kid, smooth black hair, black eyes of such a perfect blend that they look almost pupilless. A face that any aunt would want to pinch until the cheek is totally red, overall I was happy with my new appearance, I will definitely be more handsome than in my previous life, a pretty boy even. And while everything in my appearance is almost the same, same color of hair, same eyes, etc, you could see the huge difference some little details make to a person's appearance prettier, genetic lottery indeed.

And while you know a lot about me, you know very little about my parents. I ought to correct that, my mother is called Yang Ling, she is pretty and she has the same black eyes and black hair as me, she is Chinese, while my father Yang Ju is Korean, my father also has the same black hair and black eyes, if I had been born a ginger father would sure have flipped a table, heheheh.

We are a happy family, I am a strange kid, but it's in the scope of a normal strange kid, so my parents just took it as some form of a quirk of mine. Why I am saying things in front of the bathroom mirror you may ask? well I will go to "school" today, and while I've already done it and my adult mentality should make it a breeze, I know how kids can be cruel, and punching little shits in the face can only carry you so far. So a little practice of my presentation can be good.

"Son are you ready yet?"(Mom).

"Going mom."(Jin).

Some more quick fixing and I was good to go, I practically flew down the stairs, as I already had breakfast I just need to literally go to school right now, why did I climb up to the second floor to use the bathroom? father has to take a shit to you know.

I take the backpack mom prepared and I am good to go, at this moment my father exits the bathroom, ruffles my hair, and says.

"Let's go champ."(Dad).

"You washed your hands right?"(Jin).


"Ahh come on, now I need to clean my hair..."(Jin).

"I was just messing with you, of course, I washed my hand's little gremlin. I am the one that needs to keep reminding you."(Dad).

"Sorry, tehehe. So what is the silly fact of today?"(Jin).

Yeah, my father also made a habit of saying a new silly fact every day, he treats this almost religiously, it made some good laughs for the both of us ngl.

"At the end of 1800, a baboon was employed by a railroad as a signalman. He never committed an error and worked happily to the railroad until his death."(Dad).

"Wow, cool. "(Jin)

And its indeed cool and interesting, father has been saying these little facts daily as some sort of incentive for me to learn, it certainly worked as I am more inspired to learn new things in this life.

"Come on champ, don't wanna be late to your first day, do you?"(Dad).

"Let's go."(Jin).

Soon the whole family was in the car, father started the radio and some Korean pop music started playing. The ride to the school was pretty quick the building is close to our house after all. Soon we arrived.

Dad and Mom accompanied med until the school's gate, I already know my classroom so reaching there is no problem.

"Hey champ, now I want you to be brave and go there. I am sure you rock them all."(Dad).

"Try to be polite and gentle with your classmate's sweetie."(Mom).

"Ok I will. Bye mom, bye dad."(Jin).

"Ahh... they grow up so fast.."(Dad).


I easily found my classroom, the big number and letter being a pretty good indicator of it, so I entered and the teacher saw me, calls me to the front of the class.

"Class, this will be your new classmate, please introduce yourself."(Teacher).

"Hello my name is Yang Jin, I am four years old, my blood type is A+, and I am an extremely healthy young man."(Jin).

Everyone looked at me like I am some kind of rare animal, but being the kids they are they quickly lost attention and went back to practicing their excellent abstract art. I just found an unoccupied table and sit there, some colored chalk was there, and there were some papers, I just went and started making my abstract piece of art.

I won't bore you by describing my tedious class, we did typically 4 years old things. I think some girl even pissed herself. And for the same reason, I didn't bother describing the teacher, she is totally irrelevant to the history, a literal side character in my life that I will probably forget next year when she changes, do I feel guilty about it? Well yes, but actually no. I already forgot her name...

I was going to skip directly to the end of school time, as I already imparted upon you, four years old school life isn't interesting. But something happened at the playtime.

I was on my corner making some sandcastles, what? I may be a grown-ass man but I still liked making sandcastles, everything was good and peaceful until a little shit attacked.

The guy had the best young master attitude I've seen in a 4 years old, he should receive some kind of prize for it, and I really mean it. The little guy nailed the young master cliche to a T.

Well, things already started badly with him kicking the start of my sandcastle, my anger was boiling... But the fact that I didn't immediately erupt in tears made the little shit very surprised. As proud as 4 years old can be he said:

"Do you know who I am?"(Little Shit).

I just looked at him like he is some rare kind of idiot(which he is), and said:

"Do you know who you are?"(Jin).

This seems to paralyze the little shit, I just went back to the classroom. I honestly didn't expect him to contemplate his existence with just a phrase of mine, little shit looks smarter than he appears.

Soon classes were finished, no I won't spill the secret of knowledge I learned there and you can't make me!

On a more serious note, my parents were talking with the teacher, apparently, I am a well-behaved student that likes to do activities, yadda, yadda, yadda. Seeing me my mother immediately went for a hug.

"Ah, my baby boy, how was your day?"(Mom)

"It was pretty good. I made a lot of cool things."(Jin).

"Well, you can give me the detail later..."(Mom).

"Hey champ, I've heard you did pretty great on your first day, and such a good occasion is our cue to celebrate. You can choose where we are going to eat."(Dad).

"Well, I want BK."(Jin).

"Sure, you deserve it today."(Dad).

We quickly went to the car, putting on our seatbelts dad started driving towards the BK. We start discussing which burger we are gonna choose, I've already chosen mine, and currently, mom is trying to convince me of a smaller one. But I want my 4 floored burger and I won't budge. A great time to be honest.

Soon we entered the BK and asked for our burgers. Dad paid and we waited for it to be cooked, it was made pretty soon and now I had a burger almost as big as half of my head looking at me. Something clicked finally when I was grown up in my previous life I could eat this burger with relative ease, but right now I am 4, I bet I can barely eat half of it...

"*sigh* It doesn't matter if you can't eat everything now, we can always save the rest of it for later, now enjoy this monster of a burger."(Mom).

"Go champ, chomp chomp."(Dad).

I indeed wasn't able to eat everything, but I can be the cool kid in school that brings fast food to lunchtime, nice. I don't know why, but I somehow feel very ashamed now...

Soon we ended out eating time, dad quickly drove back home. Some more things happen, and soon the day was finished, even with all my energy I was pretty exhausted so I slept like a log.

Nex day I was woken up by my dad shaking me.

"Hey, champ Rise and shine."(Dad).

"I am awake."(Jin).

"Good, now champ goes get ready time awaits no one."(Dad).


I quickly went to get ready, all the same routine. Exactly what I did yesterday, well at least I am more energetic in this life, having a body that can really rest while sleeping is sincerely a blessing.

Soon it was time for the silly fact of the day

"Hey champ, silly fact of the day."(Dad).


"Did you know that sunlight acts as a natural antidepressant, causing the brain to produce more serotonin?"(Dad)

"Wow, that is actually pretty cool."(Jin)

"Now, get ready champ, time for school."(Dad).


Soon we were in the car driving to the school. It is a beautiful day outside, the sky is pretty clear and I can feel the sun on my skin, my father is smiling and chilling to some music on the radio, and everything feels so harmonious.

"We are here champ, time to shine."(Dad).

"Thanks, dad. See you later."(Jin).

"Take care son."(Dad).

Classes went on the normal setting. But something changed during playtime, the little shit of yesterday went to talk to me, but today he didn't have his young master pose, today he looks just like a normal four years old. Wait, don't tell me this guy reached enlightenment or something.

"You, I want to apologize for my attitude yesterday, it was unbecoming of an heir like me to act like that, and your words of deep wisdom made me reflect on my attitude and personality, I apologize and I would like to be your friend."(Ex-little shit).

I am honestly shocked right now, not gonna lie. But if he is saying sorry I don't see a reason to not befriend the ex-little shit.

"Sure. My name Yang Jin, nice to meet you."(Jin).

"My name is Song Wei, and I am the heir of the Big D corporation."(Wei).


"Aren't you surprised and flattered by my amazing status?"(Wei).

"No. And if we are gonna be friends you will have to scrub that shitty attitude of yours."(Jin).

"Oh child of deep wisdom, I shall ponder on your precious advice"(Wei).

That day I made a friendship with someone who one day was going to be my best friend Wei. At the start the guy's attitude was almost unbearable, his parent's influence no doubt, thankfully he mellowed out a lot in the future, I would have probably punched him if he hadn't.

The school time quickly finished, my new friend Wei definitely making things way more entertaining than they should be, it was frigging hilarious seeing he talking with the teacher, definitely gonna try something like that one day.

My life quickly entered a cycle, something that I liked and hated at the same time. I became friends relatively quickly with Wei, the ability of four years olds to make fast friends is something exceptional, we even went to each other houses to play.

The thing is that only I had a house, Wei had a mansion. The guy has a frigging playground in his backyard, a soccer field, and a basketball court, even an Olympic pool, man the guy is really loaded. It was pretty fun trying all these different sports, sadly neither I nor Wei was able to make more friends, the others being simply "too dumb and uninteresting", Wei's words, not mine. The guy can be pretty savage when he wants. He even introduced me to his brother Song Hanm which was still a baby this time.

Time passed, we changed classes, got to know some new teachers and classmates. Now with eight years old on my back school still look as useless as ever, maybe it's because I have already done it? Nah, the school was always terrible no matter the time and place. Wei completely agrees with me, well the guys have private tutors FFS, of course, he would think of it as useless.

I am relatively happy that in these 8 years I managed to have a total of ZERO fury episodes, I am of course concerned about the outcome if I explode one day, but my general happiness of being eight years without exploding in rage overshadowed my worries. No one knows about my Rage problems in this life at least, I hadn't had an episode yet... but I am afraid of holding it for such a long time...

Well, classes ended, finally. Now Wei is talking to me:

"Finally it ended, sometimes I wonder how can even the teacher handle it..."(Wei)

"I know right, I bet they have some kind of superpower to handle boredom..."(Jin).

"Hey Jin, wanna play some basketball home today, my cousins from japan are coming over."(Wei).

"Sorry Wei, I can't do it today, I promised my mother I would help her in the house today."(Jin).

"Sure, no problem. Next time?"(Wei).

"Next time."(Jin).

I quickly exited the class while talking to my friend Wei, soon we reached a place close to the entrance, Wei went to the driver that is here to take him to his mansion, I just sat on a bench and awaited my father come pick me up.

In ten minutes my dad was already here, I swiftly entered the car.

"Hey champ, how was school?"(Dad).

"Pretty normal to be honest."(Jin).

"Don't talk like is bad it was normal, being peaceful like this is a good thing. It will get worse the older you get, the pressure principally."(Dad).

"I know."(Jin).

"Knowing is different from feeling it personally, one day you will understand."(Dad).

You have no idea dad, no idea. The travel home was pretty pleasant and when we were in the middle of the way dad asked a question.

"Hey champ, it has been some time since we played soccer, how about playing it today, for old times sake."(Dad).

"Hah, you say it like I am some kind of old man."(Jin).

"Well you aren't, but I am getting there. So do you accept?"(Dad).

"I have to help mother on the house today, but I don't see a problem on playing a little bit of soccer after it..."(Jin).

"Good, it has been some time since we had a father and son time."(Dad).

"Yeah, I guess it would be nice."(Jin).

"You bet it would son, you bet."(Dad).

The rest of the way back home was way more cheerful, my father had this effect on people sometimes, he has an incredible charisma, and he can literally talk the price down from any kind of vendor, it is impressive how good he is with people, he is literally the soul of the party, or in this case the heart of our house. Mother being the strict one is always reprimanding my father in the proper behavior, but he always made her smile before she finishes, making all her seriousness useless in front of him. I am lucky to have a father like him.

Reaching home, my mother immediately grabbed me to help her with some tasks, I even helped her cook too. It was an interesting experience cooking, in my previous life I always just made instantaneous food that you could easily make in a microwave, so my cooking knowledge was as extensive as frying an egg and heating water for cup noodles, it was a surprised my mother wanted my help cooking, in her words "It would be a very useful skill from when you marry or is living alone.", I agreed with her, and cooking was fun too so I didn't see any kind of problems.

So after cooking it was some other menial tasks around the house, easy but laborious stuff. I can feel a bit about how much work mother puts on maintaining the house, pretty impressive. Dad helped too, of course, made a family event out of it too, and things around dad are always fun, so even the most menial of tasks we completed with a smile.

And then we were finished, practically a whole afternoon of work to get everything done we even celebrated a bit with lemonade. Now I am a bit tired, but the fact that I am more energetic in this life I could probably do everything I did in this afternoon four more times.

The sunset is painting the sky and clouds orange, it is a beautiful to view, something that I came to enjoy in this life, for some reason or the other in my previous life I never did stop to just see the views. I step into our backyard, father has already prepared the field for our soccer game, the mini-goals I used with him when I was younger-looking as good as new, you could spot just a few scratches on them. I took a deep breath feeling more energized, spirited, and alive than ever. I smiled at my dad that is bringing with himself the soccer ball. He smiled back.

"Prepared to lose, son?"(Dad).

"Fat chance Dad."(Jin).

"Hehe, take this... "(Dad).

With that, he tosses the ball on the ground and gives a kick on it aiming for my goal. Rather skillfully I was able to kick it back, my father countered and kicked a little bit stronger scoring a goal. And while he didn't use his full strength, being an adult male he could easily injure me if he kicked the ball at full strength and it hit me. But he will never do that, he is my father, he still has an unfair advantage though.

Using his distraction after he made a goal, I kick the ball with all my strength, and I was able to miraculously make a goal. Father looks very surprised, but he smiled at the end. We continued our game until evening, father looks quite happy and pleased.

"You did great champ, all this time without playing didn't get you rusty and that's a relief. Great kicks you got there."(Dad).

"Thanks, Dad, we should definitely do this more often, I really forgot how fun it can be."(Jin).

"Yep, definitely need to do this more often."(Dad).

"But I am really hungry right now. Dinner?"(Jin)


"First boys, you gotta have to clean yourselves up, no dirt in my kitchen."(Mom).

"Ok, mom."(Jin).

"Sure honey."(Dad).

We quickly went to the bathroom to wash our hands and clean ourselves up, dad showed me a happy smile and soon we were at the table eating, the food was pretty good, mom is a great cook no questions there.

I went to sleep as I was relatively tired, and sure I am not in the mood to spend the entire day off tomorrow tired and sleepy, soon I was sleeping like a log. In the land of dreams.

But it wasn't a peaceful night, I had dreams, no it's more accurate to call them nightmares. I was alone in a black void, I looked all around me and didn't see anything, I didn't feel anything, I didn't ... think... anything...





Suddenly an angry sea of purple flames appeared, it burned with the rage of a thousand exploding suns, its intensity was otherworldly... Then I could think again, I could feel again, I could see again. There I was, in the middle of a sea of purple flames being burned and consumed by them.

I woke up with a *gasp* for air, I looked at my clock and I was able to see that I am at least 15min earlier. I used this time to take a breather and try to process my strange dream. I may have used more time than I did think

"Wake up-..."(Dad).

"Oh, you are already awake... Are you okay son?"(Dad).

"Yeah, just a nightmare..."(Jin).

"Well, maybe telling me would make you feel a little better."(Dad).

"Ok. I was suddenly-... I can't remember?"(Jin).

"Relax son, a dream can be pretty crazy and wacky and easy to forget too. So you don't need to panic over such small thing. Just take a breath and follow with your day normally."(Dad).

I hugged my dad and said.

"Thanks, dad. But I better be going."(Jin).

"Let's go then champ."(Dad)

I quickly went with my normal routine, dad even told the curious thing of the day. Soon I was already in the car going to school, again. So I decided to look outside for a bit. The sky and clouds were dark, a sign of rain coming, but there was something strange in the air, I couldn't put my finger on it but there is definitely something wrong... some kind of pressure? no, I am not feeling anything with my physical body... Strange, no... Bizzare.

Soon we arrived at the school.

"Bye champ, have a nice day."(Dad).

"You too dad. Bye."(Jin).

"Ah, before I forget, I will have to work this afternoon, so I will pick you up lightspeed here, be prepared. I have little time, so I will need you to do things fast, can you do it champ?"(Dad).

"No problem dad. You can count on me. Bye."(Jin).

"Bye, champ."(Dad).

Them dad drove off to work, I slowly went to my classroom, there is still 30 minutes before anything starts so I am not in a hurry, dad having to work in the afternoon is not some new thing, sometimes he had to do it before. So I am not that surprised... But why I couldn't get this strange sinking feeling off me?

For some strange reason the classes passed even slower today, I know it is my anxiety fault. But it appears that the teacher had chosen this day to make my life more difficult, classes moved so slow today. So. Fucking. Slow.

Wei didn't come today, must've been feeling lazy seeing how is the weather, it's indeed a nice day to stay at home warm and cozy, the sky and clouds started darkening even more if it was possible, I think a tempest is incoming, just hope I can reach home before it.

Thankfully the torture- I mean classes finished. Time to go home now, I organized my things as fast as I could, father said to be swiftly after all. After I little bit of running and I was already at the gates. father was there smiling and waiting for me. I entered the car.

"Sup champ, how are you doing?"(Dad).

"Fine dad, how was work?"(Jin).

"Fine and dandy son, some problem here and there but everything was normal."(Dad).

"Hey dad, can we go to the movies this weekend, it has been a long time since we last went to it."(Jin).

"Sure, a little bit of variety on our routine will do us some good."(Dad).

"Yay, I can't wait to see Shrek. It will surely be a blast."(Jin).

"Heh, hope it's fun as you are making it out to be."(Dad).

The ride home was quiet afterward, dad turned on the radio, and [Kansas - Carry On Wayward Son], was playing. I couldn't help but feel a bit nostalgic, I had watched Supernatural in my previous life and it was fantastic, couldn't help but remember some of my good moments watching it during my high school days in my previous life...

Soon I was interrupted by my musings as we reached home, dad smiled at me and said.

"We are here champ. Be sure to take care of your mother for me, remember that you are the man of the house until I am back."(Dad).

"You can rest assured that I will."(Jin).

"That I am certain my boy. Love you, son. Bye."(Dad).

"Love you, Dad, bye."(Jin).

He smiled again and drove off back to his work probably. I immediately had a sinking feeling in my stomach, the previous welcome atmosphere of my home was now a bit grim, but I pushed out all those thoughts aside, I was just being silly thinking about these things.

I entered my home and my mother greets me with a hug and kiss on the cheeks.

"Hello, swetie. How was your day?"(Mom)

"It was nice, mom. Dad has already left to work too."(Jin)

"Hah, that man. Not even stopping for lunch, he will get an earful from me when he comes back. But now we should eat, lunch is ready, so go wash your hands."(Mom).


I swiftly washed my hands and went back to the kitchen to eat, my father's plate was there turned downside it will probably be there until he comes back to eat, now it's just me and mother. During lunch, I told how school was going, that Wei didn't turn up today. It was just our typical talk. Soon I finished lunch and decided to go to my room for a bit.

Seeing as reading was a good pass time of mine I picked up one of the books my mother from the previous life always recommended for me to read. Agatha Christie, it was some pretty old books, but they were interesting nonetheless. A really good pastime and I was so close to the end of the book, no I won't spoil it to any possible readers, you can rest assured.

But while I was finishing my book I heard the bell sound, finally going out of my "reading high" as I call it I looked outside, it was dark and it still hasn't rained, but the sky looked like its gonna fall at any minute now. Wait, it's already dark, so why has dad not returned yet? must be the traffic or his work or something.

But while normally I wouldn't care about who has pressed our bell, today I felt a particular curiosity. I didn't know if it was because dad words to help mom, or simply a curiosity impulse of mine, but I decided to go down and at least eavesdrop on what is happening. There was a police officer and he was talking to mom, my stomach dropped and that sinking feeling returned with a vengeance.

Going down the stair I took a deep breath and closed my eyes focusing on my hearing sense.

"... sorry to inform you of this bad news ma'am but your husband has deceased, in the recent gang wars between the Hound Dogs and the Red Comand, and I am just telling you this because it will be all over the news tomorrow, its better you hear from the mouth of a person than a..."(Police -Officer).

I immediately ran back to my room locking the door as I entered. My eyes were wide from shock at the revelation that my father that I just talked to a few hours ago is now dead. I couldn't hold it and tears started spilling from my eyes, it started slowly with one or two drops, but soon they were a river of tears, my emotions were in turmoil and raging inside of me. I didn't know what to do... Everyone is dead again...

Everyone is dead again...

Everyone is dead again...

Everyone is dead again...

Everyone is dead again...

Everyone is dead again...

Everyone is dead again...

Everyone is dead again...

Everyone is dead again...

Everyone is dead again...

I am alone... again...

My previous normal tears stater to become crimson, and soon I wasn't spilling normally tears, I was crying blood, that moment something fundamentally changed in my eyes. My eyes became blood red with a single black tomoe laying in them, but at this time I didn't care I just couldn't control my bloody tears, so I continued crying and crying

Soon some flashback appeared in my mind, a trip with the family...

A discussion because I didn't want to go...

An explosion of Rage, forgotten...

A car in the distance full of people and baggage...

A call of an accident...

Now you are alone...

Burying myself in any kind of entertainment...

A special bad Monday that resulted in me raging, punching the wall until my hand was bloody in some twisted form of washing over the guilty...

Resting in my bed one last time, drained both physically. mentally, and emotionally...

I am alone again...

I am alone again...

I am alone again...

I am alone again...

I am alone again...

In my desperation, I couldn't recall my mother, every time I thought about it, I thought she was dead...

I felt lost and...


I opened the door fully expecting a policeman or a lawyer, but what I found was my mother...

Mother is alive...?

She hugged me, she drenched in tears and snot, today I've lost my family, my father. She lost the love of her life, her other half.

I mechanically hugged her back, still crying with my crimson tears...

ClearSkySage ClearSkySage

Well, this is a plot that I couldn't get out of my head so I had to write it somehow, new chapters for this novel will be slow and periodic, basically, I will only post when I have the will to do it, I may pick it up after my main focus Mokuton Authority is finished.


WARNING: I will take some liberties with the content, IT WON'T BE CANONICALY ACCURATE. So please don't state the obvious, it's just a waste of time.


~~Thanks for reading~~


And yes, people can lie.


As always.


~~Thanks for Reading~~




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