Lin didn't want to kill him.
That evening, after finishing up everything Lin went to bed with Sol. She even read him some fairytales. Sol always loved fairytales. Particularly about the three lords and the forgotten princess. But not just that. He loved hearing about all sorts of stories. Dragons, sea serpents, the demigods, everything. He just ate up the stories yet, hardly ever listened to the end. Why? Because halfway through, he'd always fall asleep. Adorable- in Lin's own words. She traced her fingers through his hair. 'Maybe… maybe I'll come with you.' Sooner or later she had to part ways with Sol. But it was still too soon. If Sol couldn't stay here, surely she could just-
Lin's eyes snapped to the door and she slowly slid out of bed, grabbed a knife and carefully twisted the handle.
It was faint, but someone just entered the house. She'd locked everything and she should have heard the intruder before he came in. Yet, she didn't. Meaning it had to be an assassin or at the very least someone agile. But… would the church really send in an assassin of all things?
No. 'They won't.' They'd rather capture them with proof and then execute them as an example.
She didn't exit the room and just kept a close watch outside. The intruder was definitely inside the house and he was in the living room.
"I know you're awake," he said.
The intruder, Priest Zanak didn't hide himself and just walked to the center of the living room. Tucked inside a robe, he'd come alone, it would appear.
"What are you doing here Mr. Zanak?" She hid the knife in her sleeve and walked flawlessly forward.
"Well, I just came here for a quick chat."
"At this hour?" And while breaking in no less.
"Yes, I think the topic would inspire great interest," he smiled.
It was dark. Too dark to make out either of their facial expressions. Yet, Lin could tell, the man wore a rather greedy smirk. Almost… lust driven. She could feel it. She could feel his piercing gaze rise up from her legs to her chest. If the man could feel her expression though… perhaps he wouldn't have spent another second in there.
"Well, do continue," Lin said, motioning for the chair.
The man however didn't take a seat. "Well, the thing is, I heard your pe- boy has recently contracted his first spirit. So, I came to congratulate you. Perhaps, I was wrong in my assessment?"
"Thank you. But it's quite late so-"
"It would be quite a hassle-" the man walked closer, fairly close to her, an inch away. His breath fell on her neck, her supple thin neck. He whispered. "If I were to inform the bishop. Not only is he untalented, but contracting an evil fiend."
Lin had worn a nightgown, and though it wasn't revealing, it did outline her well enough for him to guess her size. And his eyes were often glued to certain parts of her body.
"Yes, quite the hassle. But I'd expect you didn't just come here to say that and not offer a solution."
In the past, Lin and Den had threatened the priests to keep quiet about things. However, a curse was a far greater deal compared to mere lack of talent. Just threats alone wasn't going to get Lin anywhere.
"Correct." He smiled. A vulgar smile. "As long as I keep quiet, he would be fine."
"And what would it take for you to keep quiet?"
His smile widened as he stared at her chest. "You know, I was quite humiliated that day," he touched her neck, gently caressing her, tracing his fingers around the soft warm skin. "But I promise it won't be that embarrassing. I mean, your son is asleep, yes? As long as you stay a little qui-" Almost surprised! Lin leaned in for a kiss. "He he, that's right." He kissed her back.
Her lips planted on his as he desperately tried to suppress a chuckle and caress her chest. He tried to grab them soft delights, but a stinging sharp pain broke his focus. "Hngh!" He tried to speak but only croaking noise came out, as he choked on his blood. Impossible. To think the Southerner would impale him… a priest of the Church of Askavan? Impossible!
He struggled but Lin held him in place and forced the remaining life out of him. Zanak stared in disbelief the entire time. He finally saw those eyes. Those cold… detesting eyes.
Killing a priest was akin to high treason and soon she'd be hunted. Of course, only if the high church found out. And the church would always find out. Lin sighed as she lowered the body.
All the dreams she had, all the possibilities of life in front of her slowly faded away. Slowly… crumbled to pieces.
But then, her thoughts just disappeared. Sol had seen her, covered in blood. Sol had seen her.
"Go back and don't come out for a while."
Lin was a murderer. And soon she'd be hunted by the church and executed. But at this rate, Sol too. Even if she chose to leave with him, they'll eventually catch up and kill him. So… she had to make a decision.
Get rid of the body for now. Send Sol away with Den and… leave herself. Go somewhere far away, far away from all this. Lin could live alone. Lin could do everything alone. And by the time Sol would graduate, he'd also be able to live alone. Maybe she'd never see him again. But knowing he was alive was good enough for her. And in time, Sol too would probably appreciate she chose to do it this way and… yet, why did it hurt so much? "Damn it!" She groaned inwards, almost slamming her fist on the wall. Almost.
Tears streaming, she cried in silence. 'Weak… you've grown weak Lindell Arnius….'
She caught her breath, stared dead ahead at the darkness in front. 'However.' With a deep breath, Lin picked up the body and headed into the woods. 'What's done is done and you gotta own it~!'
Some days later Lin sent Sol away. Chest tightened, with a baited breath, she watched her boy disappear into the forest.
As the sun rose, some of her friends came to see her, no, they came to see her off.
"You sure you didn't need to tell him?" Lyra said.
"I'm sure Den will. Guy's a blabbermouth," Lin said, packing up her stuff.
"Maybe wait for Den to-" Xerec attempted.
"I could stand guard as usual till he comes back," Serec offered.
"No," Lin said and smiled. "I'm sure he wouldn't want to associate with a murderer and get dragged-"
"Lin," Zena grabbed her shoulder, looked her in the eye. "I prefer not getting into other peoples' businesses but, but you should know how he looks at you. You know he'll follow-"
"I know," Lin said. "That's why I don't want him to come along. I don't want him to suffer with me."
"But it'll just make him suffer even more…" Xerec sighed. "Look, at least let the man make his choice. Please."
The others shared the same sentiment as they almost forced her to stop packing. But Lin didn't want to stay here anymore. She couldn't bear to live in this house, alone… "Can I come over for a few days?" She asked Zena.
"Of course!"
She was of course going to cause massive trouble for them, for her friends. Yet… Lin just discarded all that and accepted help. Lin could do everything and prided herself in that. She loved being independent.
But… she had to admit, sometimes, having friends who had her back, really did feel the greatest in the world.
Thank you for reading this novel. And this is the end of Vol 1.
Volume 2 will start next week.