38 level 10 zombie killed 1 level 13 and 1 level 15 zombie killed EXP 4,450
{author not: I did the calculations and man there weren't very easy because some of the ways I did calculations of EXP would have made jack very op and then would have made a boring store.}
Name Jack Canon Witwicky
Age: 7
HPE: 23/23
level: 13 {EXP needed for level 14. 450/6000}
Strength: 23
Resistance: 23
Dexterity: 13
stamina: 13
Agility: 17
Intelligence: 113
Regeneration: 13
vitality: 15
luck: 25
Mana: 10/10
{ Shop points 235} [author note I did not like the sound of system points so I change it to shop points]
{ stat points 47}
{skill points 6}
{Mana control} {understanding of computers 11} {understanding of Mechanical parts: 15} {Cybertronian language} {Dungeon create: 1}
Jack: dame it I hate being so young. System: why is it Jack that you hate being so young.
Jack: Because I hate that people think that I'm just a stupid little kid and it is very hard to keep up act of being a stupid six year old kid,
and I think that is enough of me complaining about my problems, because it is almost time for me to go to school and well I think it is time that I start to show how smart I really am. {Time skip to being at school} Jack: "teacher I'm done and can you pleas give me some hard work next time".
Teacher: "you can't of finished all of that work that quickly".
Teacher walks over to Jack's desk to check his work. she is then is a little surprised that Jack got all of his work don in under five minutes. So the teacher decided to give Jack some more work that was harder.
another five minutes later, Jack: "teacher I'm don". Teacher: "already done" said the teacher as she walked over to me, to check my work.
Teacher: my word Jack you are very smart. the teacher said to me.
Jack: Teacher I would like to me a bet, Teacher: What sort of bet are you want to make Jack. Jack: "one where you put in a recommendation for me to go up two grades", Teacher: "So what is in it for me".
Jack: " I well buy you any cake you want if I lose, Teacher: "Ok that sound's like a deal. Jack: "So give me you hardiest work and if I can't complete it before the end of class, then I owe you a cake.
Teacher: "Ok then I will go and get you your work", the Teacher then walked over to her desk and sit's down on her chair, then she look's down and opens the bottom draw and pulls out some year 6 work that is meant for the class that she is teaching tomorrow.
The Teacher got up from her seat and walked towards me and then hand's me the work, Teacher: "hear you go Jack, and by the way you have 35 minutes to complete the work before class end's. Jack: " Ok thank you teacher".
the Teacher then walk's back to here chair and sit's on it, 10 minutes later, Jack: "Teacher I have finished all of the work you gave me".
Teacher: " How have you completed the work so fast?", Jack: " I Guess I'm just very smart". the Teacher get's up from her chair and quickly walk's towards me and stop's at my desk, she then pick's up my work and start's to examine my work.
Then I see her facial expressions change from a look surprise to a look of shock on her face, Jack: man the look on her face right now is priceless.
"So Mis black can I go up a few grads". Miss black: "I will put in a recommendation form for you Jack to go up a couple of grades". Jack: " thank you Miss Black. Miss Black: holy hell this kid is a bloody genius. the bell for the end of school day Jack: "Well Miss Black I will be off then".
(Time skip a month after)
Jack: system I'm so Bored can you please let me have access to the dungeons function.
System: No jack.
Jack: Why won't you let me have access to my dungeon's.
System: Because Jack as I have told you before you are to high of a level for your age and since that technical glitch that gave you stat points ever time you killed a zombie and then that when also when I found a glitch in the level system,
where it thought that level 50 was normal but it was not because that is the level of the beast athletes in the world not the level of a normal person,
which should have been level 25 between level 30, these levels go up as you get older jack until you turn 25 or 30 it depends on when the person stops growing up and starts aging,
I am also stopping you jack form using the dungeon fiction or dungeon create skill because you currently at the level of a thirteen year old person and if you got a another level up your body would have to grow to meet up with your level and that would draw attention to you, because people would ask why is a boy who is 7 years old the Hight of a fourteen year old boy.
Jack: ok fare point I get it now.
System: finally you understand and that remind me that I need to exchange some stat point for shop points and that is don, you can have a look at how many stat points you lost.
Jack: ok Status.
Name Jack Canon Witwicky
Age: 7
HPE: 23/23
level: 13 {EXP needed for level 14. 450/6000}
Strength: 23
Resistance: 23
Dexterity: 13
stamina: 13
Agility: 17
Intelligence: 113
Regeneration: 13
vitality: 15
luck: 25
Mana: 10/10
{ Shop points 262}
{ stat points 20}
{skill points 6}
{Mana control} {understanding of computers 11} {understanding of Mechanical parts: 15} {Cybertronian language} {Dungeon create: 1}
Jack: Hey system is there a way for me to train my skills and get knew ones as well.
System: like what?
Jack: like a fighting arena/training area
System: Yeas that can be don but it will be hard.
Jack: It is ok if it is hard, because at lest it will keep me busy and I get to learn new stuff.
System ok Jack then just say or think training area or fighting arena.
Jack: ok before I do that am I allowed to know what I will be trained in.
System: Jack you will be trained in hand to hand combat and that dose include martial arts, you will be trained in weapons handling and combat, you will also be trained in vehicle handling in land sea and air and combat.
Jack: ok lest enter the training area.
System: are you sure you want to enter the training area {yes / no}
Jack: Yes
Jack: I can see an area that looks to be a training area and a building that looks a lot like a Colosseum. I notice some movement then look closer to see two people one male and one female. I decide to go over there to say hello to them because they are most likely my instructors, As I get closer I can see the man is in a boxing stance and lady who is in a marital arts stance
{End of chapter 4}
thanks to you all and just want to say sorry this chapter was supposed to come out before Christmas and not even joking I got writer's block two day before christmas and could not get out of it and then went away for a week. Then got back start writting more of this chapter and decided to finsh the chapter here.
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