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25% Reborn as a Dothraki (GOT SI) [haitus] / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Dothraki things happen

Kapitel 4: Chapter 4: Dothraki things happen

Chapter 4:

~First time Raiding a Town~

After absorbing most of the Khalasar we defeated Khal Drogo has decided to march South East to Lhazar, again, we rode for two and a half weeks until we reached the lands of sheep herders, to say that we ate lots of mutton would be an understatement, still better fresh Lamb than Horse jerky, that thing is hard to chew but at least keeps your mouth busy.

This was going to be our first Raid, at least for Rahako and me, I did not know what to think, on one side my morals from earth told me that it was wrong just to attack some peaceful farmers, on the other hand if I didn't do it, it would mean me getting torn apart by everyone not only for being weak but for not following orders. if the Khal says jump you don't ask why, you ask how high.

I just sighted and readied my Arakh, we were approaching the small town, it was barely a town, it did have walls but they were more for keeping animals out rather than Dothraki attackers.

"I see you are troubled, did you ate something that was not fresh?'' says Rahako while riding next to me, trying to lighten up my mood.

"You already know what I think, so no need to say it again, let's get this over with, the faster the better" I say in a defeated tone.

"what is it that you said to me once? "When forced to sleep with an ugly woman you just best close your eyes and get done with it, but that does not mean you can't use your imagination to make it less painful" or did you not oh wise one" the last part he said mocking me.

"This must be done, but like you always said, don't do something that you will regret, and don't cross some lines, for me to be reminding you of the things you taught me" he finishes as he just shakes his head as if he was a disappointed father, still with a smirk on his face.

"It's our way of life. for now, so nothing we can do, does not mean I have to enjoy it" I answer as the town appears in the horizon

"Never said we should. All right, let's get this over with" Rahako shuts up and focuses on our task.

Drogo has sent around 4000 riders to take over the town and plunder it, most of them are from the recently cannibalized Khalasar, and some of the greener Riders from his own, that include the two of us.

Meanwhile they are setting a semi-permanent camp for the non combatants and slaves, there are around 5 towns in less than a day ride from it, so we will be hitting them all and there is no reason for us to move with the "civilians" since they make us go slower.

The main force stays with the Khalasar and protects it from other Khalasars so we don't get ganked since the camp is going to be staying there for at least a fortnight, small forces like ours will ride out and hit the spots of interest, then return with the spoils. then a rotation of warriors and fresh riders are sent to raid… rinse and repeat.

People in the nameless town started to panic when they saw us approaching, population wise they probably did not have more than 20k people, the smart ones fled abandoning everything, the less smart ones or the ones that could not escape immediately or were not as quick were either cut down or captured.

The "battle" if you can even call it that lasted less than 30 minutes before the Dothraki has complete control over the town, around half of the town managed to escape or were hiding somewhere.

Not that I cared, I'm not going to bother walking around tapping floors looking for hidden cellars or look in the attics or other places, what I did do is start to round up the cattle,

Yes, the Khalasar is freakishly big if we count the civilians and we need food.

Some of the civilians came with us and now that we have secured the town they were loading carts with grain and other supplies.

I walked past what seemed to be a bakery, the smell of freshly baked bread drove me inside. The best thing Dothraki had was Flatbread made in improvised earth ovens done in a rush for the camp, either that or it was days old, dry or stale if you were lucky, if you were unlucky you got the moldy one.

walking in I see an oven that is still hot, I check inside and see bread baking and its already brown and ready to be taken out.

Perks of having worked with wood ovens back on Earth.

Leaving the Arakh against the wall I grab the wooden bread peel and start to scoop out the freshly baked bread and put it on the flowered stone counter one by one with a grin on my face.

Total: 14 loafs of bread, and since I still have some space in my spatial ring I store 6 of them still piping hot, the other 8 I start to put in a sack.

Rahako enters and asks what the hell I was doing, I tell him to check it out and break one of the loafs in half and we start eating with gusto. for the first time since entering I see the back of the shop. my eyes land on an older plump lady and a younger girl hiding behind a table, both of them trembling. 'f*ck'

I grab my arakh and approach, I don't know what to do, they are both terrified.

bah, not my business. they did not run, so will leave them to fate. I look around and see a large piece of cloth on the wooden table covering some uncooked loafs, probably used for proofing the bread.

"give me a hand '' I say to Rahako with my piece of bread held in my mouth, it makes me sound funny.

I gestured to him to grab the other end of the big piece of cloth. we approach the trembling bakers and we just cover them with the cloth, in Lhazareen I tell them "you never saw us" and then we leave the bakery with the sack full of baked bread that I give to one of the Khalasar non combatants that followed us to load in to a cart.

The town had some steel and other valuables but I did not care for those, I had gold and steel I could trade. Fresh baked bread? Now that was a luxury I simply could not have while living in a nomadic tribe.

I would duel Drogo without a second thought for a pack of toilet paper. you never know how good you have it until you have to wipe your ass with ripped out grass from the floor around you.

We keep on walking around town, finding nothing of interest so we return to the main group of Riders, they are guarding the cattle and the slaves so they don't try to escape.

Ridding here was quick, maybe 4 hours, getting back it's going to take us the rest of the day taking into account the amount of goods and slaves we will have to guard.

"Lets water the horses while we wait for the orders from the Ko" we were being led by one or two Ko (they are like captains or Lieutenants) of Khal Drogo. As we approach where we left our horse's reins tied to a post I see a Dothraki Rider grab a captured woman by her hair and drag her inside a Hut.

"see that? We saw some of that shit in the Khalasar, but that is what Dothraki do, that is how the world will see you if they know that we are one of them, a savage, a rapist and a raider. When you were young you told me that you wanted to travel, to see the world. That sh*t? it will not fly anywhere that is remotely civilized, you will either get your cock cut off or killed, maybe worse." I finished saying as we approached a watering trough that the Lhazareen used for their livestock.

"I already know, you've been saying the exact same thing since we were kids, I know our people's ways are not compatible with the rest of the world." Rahako sighed in a tired sort of way.

"Just making sure you remember and don't get lost in the heat of the moment, if you are to travel you will need to get used to how the rest of the world works, and it's hard only knowing the way of the Dothraki" I said as I was petting my horse on the neck, it made happy noises as it drank water.

"You are talking like you know any better than I do, we were both born and raised in the same place by the same people." Rahako answered with a scoff

"Maybe true, but i learned how the world is from the Slaves the Khalasar has from an early age, you only started learning a few years ago, the Dothraki is stronger in you than me" I chucked while saying

"Yea, you and your slaves that taught you everything you somehow know" he mumbled under his breath

Fuck. he was suspecting him? impossible even for him being as smart as he is i don't think he can come up with the theory that I'm a reincarnator or that I remember having a past life.. no friking way. He probably thinks I'm either insane or a genius, maybe something to do with magic or some shit, but never that I used to be an Earthling. Crap, I did tell him stories about aliens when we were kids did I not? well better Alien than a Maegi in his eyes probably.

"what did you say, I did not hear you" I say with a poker face.

"Nothing. That probably we should head back. The Ko probably gave an order to get back to the Khalasar already" Said Rahako as we mounted and returned where all the Dothraki warriors were congregated, this entire time we have been on the side, away from everyone's eyes and ears. Time to return.

~Khalasar Problems~

A few months after our First Raid with the Khalasar we had a few encounters with small Khalasars, Drogo swallowed them all, the fights were boring and one sided, me and Rahako spend most of the time as scouts ether forward scouts or as outriders on the flanks. We always joined a group of 8 other riders, and in 10 man units we patrolled between half a day to 1 day on marching distance from the Khalasar, much less time if riding hard.

This way if we spotted other Scouts or Outriders we could send word to the main force, especially important job when dealing with other Khalasars.

Sometimes Scouts or Outriders find trading or slaving caravans, if it's not heavily protected the team might engage and plunder, if it is then we are to send word for others.

This is done in shifts, we ride either during the day or during the night, sometimes three or four days at the time before we run out of supplies or encounter someone.

Returning after patrol duty was not what we were expecting, the camp did not move. Turns out there is a disease spreading around, it causes fever, vomiting and the runs on people. I'm just praying it's not cholera and just regular dysentery.

Worst part of it all? Rahakos mother got it.

I'm immune to disease, but I did not know if it was contagious or if it was a water / food problem so I told Rahako to crash in my tent that was next to this one in which he and his mother stayed, I used the whole "I learned Healing from Malahe and Kycelian" as an excuse of why I could stay and he should not.

She can't keep any fluid in and after 48 uninterrupted hours of me feeding her minuscule amounts of boiled water to see if she can recover I knew that she did not have much longer, she seemed to realize so too.

"Call for Rahako" she said in a weak voice, her lips were cracked and she was showing clear signs of dehydration, last time she had to use the loo was almost 24 hours ago, fever mixed with the heat of the Dothraki Sea... she was sweating her way to death slowly.

I call for Rahako and wait outside, far away so even with my enhanced hearing I'm not involuntarily eavesdropping.

After some time He comes out with puffy red eyes, he has been clearly crying, not that i blame him.

"She asks for you." Then he leaves and walks away, I lose sight of him as he disappears in between the sea of tents.

Already knowing what I'm going to be asked to do I mentally prepare myself for it. After a few calming breaths I think I'm ready. but I know I'm not.

It's one thing to kill those i do not know like I did with those first poor souls out of mercy, or when fighting an enemy, another different one is to gift mercy to someone you have known for years.

Someone you shared meals, laughs, someone you consider an Aunt, maybe not in blood but in spirit, someone you have come to respect.

After meditating in front of the tent flap for a few seconds I collect myself. It's either me or Rahako that has to do it, and I'm not letting my brother mercy kill his own mother, this might break our friendship forever but I'm not letting him do that to himself.

After a few deep breaths I enter. and kennel next to her.

"you know what I heard once a man say?" I ask, she shakes her head weakly "Dying is thirsty work" I tell her as I procure a pitcher with wine out of thin air from my storage ring, its the same wine pitcher I stole from Qotho's tent all those years back. her eyes open just a little bit before they go back to the weak look of a dying person.

"What do you say, one last drink before parting?" I take a big swing straight from the pitcher, then I grab her water cup and throw the water it had outside the tent only to fill it up with wine.

it usually took her around 20 minutes to vomit the water she drank, I don't know how long she will be able to hold down the wine though. I help her into a sitting position and place the pillows so she can have some back support, hand her the cup, She with shaky hands takes a big gulp.

"Tastes like shit" She said, and I just chuckled at her comment.

"I will bring your complaints to Qotho, it was his after all" then for some reason I remember a poem from back on earth.

[Once more into the fray

Into the last good fight I'll ever know.

Live and die on this day.

Live and die on this day.]

"What language is that? never heard anything similar to it" she asks

"It's called English, it's not a language from this world," I say with a sad smile on my face.

She takes a drink from her cup and says "neither are you" she says with her weak voice. I just shake my head. She raises her cup towards her lips but she is too weak and her hands are shaking, I help her finish the wine.

"I always had this feeling that I was talking to an old man every time I talked with you. at least now i know why" she said, now it was almost a whisper.

"will you watch my son's back when I'm gone?" I nod. She takes a few deep breaths, looks at me in the eyes and nods before leaning back and closing them, exposing her neck for me to cut.

I just place both my hands on the side of her neck and with my index and thumb I prepare to stop the blood flow from the carotid artery.

"it will not hurt and you will be on the other side before you know it. I wish you luck in your next life. Know that this is not the end" a small tear falls from the corner of her eye as I apply pressure on both sides of her neck blocking the blood flow to the brain, in around ten seconds the cup falls from her hands and around thirty seconds she stops breathing.

After getting her out of her clothes and washing her body clean I wrap her in some Crimson silks I stole along all these years back, she was of valyrian descent, Crimson red is her color, or at least it was of her ancestors.

I prepare a makeshift stretcher for the body and then leave to find Rahako, we need to dig a grave. I'm not throwing her corpse out to be eaten by wild dogs or vultures like they are doing with the other people who died of the sickness.

I find Rahako getting hammered with some full grown Dothraki, he is not drunk "drunk" yet but at the pace he is drinking he will be soon.

"we need to get some shovels" he keeps drinking and I do not move from where I am standing.

After two more cups he chugs down we leave to get some shovels. We just walk were either slaves that dig trenches and the latrines, we walk in and take two shovels, no questions asked, no questions answered.

Since the tent was closer to the northern edge of the camp we headed that way, after taking a torch with us we headed outside of camp. I spot an area that is decent enough and has rocks around so we can cover and mark the grave.

Digging took a good hour without taking a break, the hole was wide enough for her, and deep enough that the risk of animals digging her body was low, not to mention that we are going to cover the grave with rocks.

After placing her body inside I discreetly procured two golden dragons from my "belt" and placed the golden coins on top of her eyes. I took out the long dagger I had in my belt and placed it in her hands. Why? IDK but that ancient tradition from earth always fascinated me.

"If you wish to say something now its the time" I tell my friend who just shakes his head.

"May you find peace and happiness in your next life. farewell dear friend" I grab a handful of earth and drop it on top of her body, after looking at Rahako he picks up the clue and does the same thing. We fill up the grave and cover it with rocks making what is basically a small Karin.

Heading back to the Khalasar in silence felt like something normal to do.

The next day I left a piping loaf of bread and a jug of wine at the top of the Karin as an offering of food and drink.

Why was I doing all of this? I personally do not know. it just feels like the right thing to do.

~ order 66 ~


"it's a simple concept" Said Ogatto as he was sparring with Rahako "it's an order of betrayal, it's an order that is done by the high chancellor of the republic."

"what republic and what chancellor?" Rahako said as he came at him on the offensive with wide swings with his Arakh.

"as I said, just a concept, an idea" a younger Ogatto said as he parried every hit that was aimed at his vitals

"so you are saying to betray our brothers in arms and kill them and stage a disappearing act"

Rahako said as he tried to sweep the legs from underneath him with a low kick.

"what I'm saying is that we have nothing, nothing, we don't even own our horses, and who will miss us in the Khalasar, we are just two riders, besides, like I said the conditions must be in our favor to make the escape." I said as I did an Uno-reverse and started going on the offensive.

Ever since I have been able to trade for a straight westerosy sword we have been alternating our training with the arakh which is good for chopping off unarmored targets with the more piercing/stabing oriented westerosi sword.

Rahako and me where aiming for something bigger, so we started to learn to fight with a regular sword for in time we will meet an opponent that has armor.

"so Order 66 is just that when we become warriors, if we have the opportunity of escaping this life we take it, even if it costs the lives of our fellow Riders'' I finished saying before I used SSserum agility and managed to put him on his back, the blade of my sword resting on his neck.

"I yield" Rahako said, I put the blade away and helped him up.

"So you are in or out?" i finish asking

he just laughs and says "of course, someone has to watch your back kid"

"very funny indeed, perhaps you should become a jester" I say as I punch him in the guts lightly

"Again" I say before we start to fight once more.

next chapter
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