/ Book&Literature / RE: Eragon

RE: Eragon Original

RE: Eragon

Book&Literature 27 Kapitel 206.8K Ansichten
Autor: Undeadwizard7

Zu wenig Bewertungen

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis


An admirer of the Eragon series finds himself in the body of the protagonist. what will he do in this strange new environment? What wonders await him? And does this world have more to it then meets the eye?

General Audiences
  1. Jashandeep_Sandhu
    Jashandeep_Sandhu Beigetragen 123
  2. fhisher90
    fhisher90 Beigetragen 112
  3. Imboredanlikebooks
    Imboredanlikebooks Beigetragen 88

Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

Das könnte Ihnen auch gefallen


  • Qualität der Übersetzung
  • Veröffentlichungsstabilität
  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
  • Welthintergrund

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New version of an already great Fanfic? Sold. beyond happy to be proven wrong and see this great author continue their work! I was scared I wouldn't see this story continue. Just want me one good eragon fanfic to make it to the finish line!

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great story but id wait 3 years for the chapters to build up because any time an author says "I want to go at my own pace" instead of a schedule like 1 chapter a week (at least) is set for a bad time. I think any and all fanfictions should have at least 2 chapters a week and that is the bear minimum of my expectations. there are fanfictions that post 3 to 4 chapters a week and have perfect grammar and great spelling with descently long chapters. so in conclusion if your looking for a great story with vary vary slow updates this is the one for you. if you are looking for a story with fast updates (2-3 chapters per week) then this story is not for you.

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I loved paulinis version and have been wanting to see some good fanfics that actually finish what they started. So far this looks promising

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Absolute and pure gold. Eragon Fanfics are too rare in Webnovel, this one is great. There are some mistakes, but the main plot and the development are really great. I wanna read more! And, Samus is calling you, Eragon!

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Great story. I like the changes he made when he re-wrote it as some of the things that were in the old version didn't really make much sense. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this one goes

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c vraiment bien écrit j'adore le fait que brom soit toujour en vie et le fais que le mc ne sois pas un idiot total j'espère que tu va continuer a écrire car il ni a pas beaucoup de fanfic de éragon continue comme ca

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