Sitting on the bed, Leon and Carla were facing each other. Carla has both of her small hands supporting her chin as she stared at Leon with smile on her adorable face. She's waiting for him to continue telling her the story Leon told her before.
" What do you like more, Carla? Story or games?
" Story. "
" Story or food? "
" Story. "
" Hmm... story or hug? "
" Hug! " Carla cheerfully raised her hands in the air before jumping to Leon, giving him a clumsy bear hug.
Leon obviously didn't expect her to do that also suddenly which caused the two of them to fell on the bed.
" Hehe. Carla is really super cute and sweet. " Leon only laughed that minor incident. He also hugged Carla back for awhile. This girl is simply too cute and adorable in her own simple ways. She can effortlessly make him happy just by continue existing alone.
Leon offered his hands to Carla and two of them slowly got up and returned to their previous position.
" Continue telling me the story now, Leon. I want to know what happened to little Carla next. "
* sigh *
" Fine. I will tell you the rest of the story now but.... where are we again, Carla? " asked Leon wanting to see if this adorable girl in front of him can still remember where they'd stopped before.
" Ermm.. where was it again... " Carla cutely crossed her arms on her still none existent chest and began recalling the events for awhile. " It's where little Carla was taken away by the ugly toad and her mommy Pauline began crying, Leon. "
" Very good. Carla is so smart. " Leon he pats her head and gently ruffles her hair. " Okay, let's start. "
* Ahem *
" Little Carla slowly opened her eyes, stretches her arms and saw that something was dreadfully wrong. She looked around her and saw nothing but water. That she was surrounded by water in all directions.
" Where.. where am I? How did I came here? Where's mommy? " she asked herself while looking around her trying to find her mommy Pauline bit, she didn't saw her.
Instead, little Carla saw the two toads swimming towards her direction before climbing up on the lily pad where little Carla was in.
" Hello little human, I'm Albert. You can also call me Papa toad from now on. And this is my son here, he will be your husband. I just know you two will be happy together so I brought you here. " said the ugly toad to Carla after they arrived in front of her.
" Little Carla became scared after hearing that. She wanted to say something but before she can do so, the ugly toad and his son already jumped back in the water to build a new home for his son and little Carla.
Feeling helpless, little Carla can only cry on the side of the lily pad. "
Hearing till this part of the story, Carla can't stop herself anymore so she interrupted Leon and asked, " Leon you.... do you... hate little Carla? "
" Ehh? Why would I hate little Carla? She's very adorable and cute just like you, Carla. I will never hate her."
" Really? Then...then why are you not helping her escape from them, Leon? Do you.. want her to marry the toad? "
" Of course not. I am just about to help her but you interrupted me. I think it's you who don't want little Carla to escape. "
" Eh? Me? No no no. " Carla continue shaking her head denying what Leon said. " I want little Carla to escape. I want her to meet with her mommy again. I... I won't interrupt you again so... help little Carla okay? Leon? "
" Sure. I promised. Can I continue now? "
Seeing that Carla nodded, Leon continued.
" A school of pike fish heard little Carla's sobs and decided to help her. They bit through the stalk of her lily pad, and little Carla drifted away on the water. "
" Yehey! Little Carla escaped! Little Carla had escaped, Leon! Muaaah! * giggles * " In her excitement, Carla gave Leon a kiss on his left cheek which brought another surprise to him though not major. " Leon is the best! Please continue, Leon. "
After saying that, Carla once again sat down crossed legged like as if she did nothing at all.
Leon can only smile wryly then shook his head before continuing the story.
As little Carla floated downstream, a black-winged beetle flying overhead noticed her. " What a remarkable creature , " he thought. " I'll bring her home with me. "
The black-winged beetle swooped down and snatched her off to a dim forest. His fellow beetles gathered around and looked at little Carla carefully.
" Ugh! Look at that long and shiny black hair, so ugly! " said one of the beetle.
" And she has two legs! " said another. The beetles decided that they had no used for such an unattractive thing, and they sent her away, even though the beetle who brought her hopes she could stay. Little Carla was left to wonder alone in the forest as the cold winter winds began to blow.
* sob *
* sniff *
" Bad beetles. They called little Carla ugly. Am I ugly, Leon? " asked Carla as she tried to wipe away her tears while looking at Leon waiting for his answer.
" No way! My Carla is the cutest in the whole world. I'm sure Carla will also become very beautiful in the future just like auntie Pauline. "
" Really? Then.. then why did the bugs called little Carla ugly, Leon? "
" Because they are insects. As insects, they have different preferences. "
" Preferences? What does preferences mean, Leon? "
" Hmm... you'll know it when you grew up, Carla. For now, the only thing you need to know is that, you are not ugly okay? If someone called you ugly, just tell me okay? I'll deal with them. "
" * giggles * Thank you, Leon. "
" Mn. So don't cry anymore okay? How can I finish the story if you keep on crying like this? Look at the readers' expressions in their faces while reading this story, they might comment in this paragraph and then curse the author to death. "
" * giggles * What are you talking about, Leon? What readers? Please continue the story. I want to know what happened next. " said Carla confusedly as she didn't have any idea what Leon was talking about.
* sigh *
" Okay then, I'll continue. "
* Ahem *
As little Carla wandered, shivering and hungry, she stumbled over a small hole on the ground.
" Who's there? " demanded the squeaky voice. But little Carla's lips were too frozen to move.
" Dear, dear, " said the field mouse as she poked her nose out of the hole. " Come inside before you catch your death! " The mouse could be quite friendly when she wanted something, and she offered little Carla a home for the winter.
" Leon. Leon. " said Carla trying to get his attention before saying, " The field mouse is good. She helped little Carla and let her stay in her house. She's good, right? "
Hearing that, Leon shook his head before putting his right hand only Carla's left shoulder. " Carla, you shouldn't trust others immediately and think that they are good just because they showed you good things. You must always let your guard up if ever you encountered strangers. Aside from your mommy, your grandma, me, and my mom, don't trust others so quickly. Better asked your mom first if she knows them or not, do you understand? "
Leon wanted to use this opportunity to teach Carla not to be so gullible. He wasn't sure if what he's doing was right or wrong but he believes that doing this will protect her in the long run.
" That... Mn, okay Leon. I trust you and mommy the most. I know you won't do anything bad to me."
" That's right. I will never do anything bad to Carla. So Carla can trust me. I will always protect you. "
" Really? "
" Of course."
" Hehe. Thank you Leon. Please continue the story then. "
" Okay. This is what happened next. "
The field mouse did indeed let little Carla stay inside her house but not before saying, " I'll let you stay here but you must keep the house clean and tell me stories at tea time. You must also do the same for my neighbor. He's a wealthy mole who, by the way, is looking for a wife----. "
At that instant, a furry head with spectacles poked its pink nose through the entrance.
" Why, speak of the devil! " shrieked the mouse. " Mole, allow me to present, little Carla. "
" She's... beautiful. " mumbled the near sighted mole as he bowed low. " Mouse, you simply must see how the new tunnel is coming along. "
The mole then took the field mouse and little Carla down the dark passageway that he had been digging between their burrows. On the way, the three of them passed the frozen body of a swallow.
Little Carla wanted to help the bird but the mouse stopped her and said, " Never mind him little Carla. "
" Be glad you have arms instead of wings, " muttered the mole, " and more sense than to let yourself freeze to death. "
That night, little Carla went back to where the bird lay. Listening at his breast, she heard the faintest heartbeat, so she covered him with grass blanket and put her arms around him. After awhile, the bird opened his eyes.
" Where am I? " chirped the swallow, coming to his senses. " You've saved me! How can I possibly thank you? "
Little Carla just smiled and promised to nurse the swallow until he was strong enough to fly.
Meanwhile, the field mouse, who wanted a maid, and the mole who wanted a wife and a maid, agreed that little Carla was just what they were looking for. They decided that when summer came, little Carla and the mole will be married.
" Eh? Marry again? Bad field mouse. Bad mole. They wanted to bully little Carla again. Hmmp! " Carla complained after hearing this part of the story. She pouted her lips before saying, " You are right, Leon. Not everyone can be trusted immediately. I will be very careful. "
" Very good, Carla. You learned fast. " said Leon as he once again patted her head making her smile happily.
" Leon, Carla, are you inside? I brought some bread and juice for you two. Can you open the door forever a moment? "
As Leon was about to continue telling the rest of the story to Carla, they suddenly heard Christina's voice coming from the other side of the room's door.
" Coming mom. " Leon went off the bed to open the door.
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