" He's a demon, I tell you! He doesn't understand human emotions!"
" Ma'am, please-"
" He's evil! He's the Devil's spawn!"
" Ma'am, you're son is right there and-"
" He doesn't care about what I say. Because, even I told him, I hate him to his face! And you know what he said?!"
" *sigh*... What did he tell you?"
" He said and I quote: Why would I care? You're going to die in a few decades. So, why would I care about some dead person's opinions about myself?"
Watching this argument is an emotionless young boy around six years old, with short hair that is blacker than the night sky itself, possessing bright blood-red eyes retaining an unusual pattern inside them, having pale white skin. He wears a long-sleeve black T-shirt and black baggy pants, with the additional black footwear. This is: Loki Kaiser Schweinorg. A name his great-grandpa gave him, before disappearing, wanting to 'Help' out more people.
' Humans are frail creatures, always try to hide from themselves the certainty that they will die. They do not see that it is death itself that motivates them to do the best things in their lives. They are afraid to step into the dark, afraid of the unknown, and their only way of conquering that fear is to ignore the fact that their days are numbered. They do not see that with an awareness of death, they would be able to be even more daring, to go much further in their daily conquests, because then they would have nothing to lose- for death itself is inevitable.' He thought, watching his adopted mother yell at the unique psychiatrist, he has been coming to see every Friday to get 'Fixed'.
Only after some more yelling and swearing a lot, did his adopted mother: Brenna Durchdenwald, stop and sit down next to him, breathing heavily with an almost psycho look.
Looking around, Loki noticed a lot of unusual ornaments and trinkets behind the psychiatrist, while the only thing that made him look twice at is a baseball bat, with a clown drawing at the end of it.
" Well, are you done?" The rather young female mature therapist: Harleen Frances Ketevan, said with a long sigh, while still having a relatively strange smile on her lips, after taking a look at Loki.
" Yes. I'm done for today." Saying this, Brenna got up and walked out the door by herself, leaving an emotionless Loki behind with the psychiatrist.
Watching his adopted mother leave, Loki's eyes flickered oddly too ancient for Harleen's liking,' Humans are like isolated islands, floating in the sea of fate. Human encounters are like the collision of these lonely islands, and once they touch, there would be an effect. Sometimes, the islands would stick together, in the name of 'interest', 'kinship', friendship', 'love' and 'hate'. But eventually, they would separate, walking towards the path of destruction. This is the truth behind life.'
" Mmm, so what's wrong with me Doc?" Loki asked in a blank tone, looking into Harleen's bright ocean blue eyes, completely changing his thought process in nothing much than a blink.
" Nothing much. Just a really bad case of Alexithymia." Harleen exampled nonchalantly, making it seem this is an everyday thing. And considering what her job is, then it is probably.
" Huh, not as bad as I thought." Loki let out with an unusual creepy smile, hearing what he is diagnosed with.
" Well, anyway. Is this a normal thing, leaving your child with some random person for you?" Loki asked with a fairly Innocent smile.
" Agh, more than you think, honey," Harleen said with a comical hurt expression, as she went on to say, getting up and grabbing two cheap beers from a mini-fridge under her desk," Want a beer?"
"... Did you just ask a six years, if he wants a... Beer?" Loki asked, as a look of surprise flashed In his eyes, scanning Harleen's well-developed curvaceous and voluptuous body.
" Yup~ As I say: If you're old enough to go to a psychiatrist, then you're old to drink whatever you damn want!" Harleen exampled sagely, putting the beer on the table in front of him while missing a six-year-old check her out.
" Let me guess, a Harleen style saying?" Loki asked, mechanically opening a beer, making it seem he did this more than once his six years of life. Following his movements, he picked up a QS(Quick-Stop) red and blue stylophone cup and poured the beer in it,' I'm luckily those lecherous teenagers at the library, never delete their history. Ah, such a noob mistake.' He then thought unnaturally, not realizing he himself is just a six-year-old child and not some lustful grandpa with hundreds of years of experience in the field of sex and lovemaking.
However, Loki suddenly thought once more oddly remembering something,' Wait, why doesn't Brenna get any? Doing it somewhere else? Maybe... Or is she still really sad about her fiance dying in the war? Agh! Whatever, it's not like it's my problem for the time being.'
Pushing these thoughts outside, for now, he started drinking the beer without making an expression, taking long and large gulps, through a black plastic straw.
" Hahaha~ Ye know it~" Saying this, Harleen also started drinking her's straight out ot the can, while still kind of surprised at Loki's boldness.
" Haaaa~ That hit the spot," Loki said, after finishing the whole cup with a smile that blinded Harleen in cuteness, hitting her Motherly Instincts spot. Putting the cup down, he started scanning around with a cute 'pure' Innocent expression, making it even harder for the odd psychiatrist to concentrate.
' Don't hug him. Don't hug the cute emotionless young child. Don-' Harleen repeated in her mind with closed eyes, only to feel a small ever-so cold body hug her. Similarly, she can now feel little hands petting her head softly with a hint of affection, that she could have missed if she didn't sense it right.
Opening her eyes, she was greeted by a blank face Loki hugging her," Why are you hugging me?" She asked slowly and quietly, looking into the child's demon blood-red eyes.
" Because if I didn't hug you, you would have probably hugged me for a long time." He said this, breaking the hug.
However, Harleen Frances Ketevan, had other plans, jumping at Loki with her arms spread wanting to hug the rather emotionless young child," Come to Mommy~!"
' Huh, dying hugged by a white-skin crazy Goddess is a great way to go.' He then thought, feeling himself getting hugged by Harleen, cuddling his hair and body.
If one would have walked Into Doctor Ketevan's room, then they would be greeted by a stunning beautiful young lady with white clear skin and long elegant long golden hair, wearing a Doctor coat and black clothes, hugging a cute young child with pale white skin and really unusual bright red eyes, that would look like they are spinning if one stares into them, also wearing all-black clothes, possessing short black hair that can blend in with the very night sky itself.
Looking at the door, Loki thought plainly,' How disappointing, no one walked in.'
" Okay, you're Mother will come any minute now, so I will stop," Harleen said, only after a few more minutes of cuddling with the cutest thing on Earth, that is Loki.
" Huh, not as bad as I thought it will be," Loki said, looking at his psychiatrist.
Right as he said that, a mature well-developed voluptuous young lady with long black hair and bright blood eyes walked in, wearing a simple black long sleeve T-shirt and black pants with the additional black footwear. At her neck, hangs beaded several black-red necklaces and a black belt that wrapped around her waist, very nicely.
" Oi! Loki come on! A new burger joint just opened up on Bedford Avenue by the House, lets go!" She yelled out with a thick Brooklyn accent to Loki that oddly sounds beautiful and lovely, not even glancing at Harleen.
' Agh! A double personality disorder is a bitch to deal with. Especially if they're your Mother.' Loki thought seeing the difference between the Brenna that stormed out with the psycho look, to this almost childish happy Brenna, excited about going to a new burger joint.
' I sometimes pity my older self. Truly, future me don't come back from, well the future and kill me, for being like this. Well, it's not my fault, for being nice to my only living somewhat relative on this disgusting rock(Earth).' With these thoughts coming into his mind, Loki sat up and walked to an almost annoyed pouting Brenna.
" You couldn't walk any faster can ya, Mr.I'am-too-dead-inside? Huh?" Brenna let out with a smirk, looking at her adopted son.
" I have Alexithymia," Loki said, plainly without any expression, walking out of the door.
" I have no idea what the fuck that is," Brenna said, following behind Loki, missing a shock Harleen.
" I know."
" Oi! What is that supposed to mean, you little brat?!"
" Nothing. Nothing like some 9th grader will know."
" You shity brat, get back here! Your ass Is begging for a beating isn't it?!"
" Hehehe~ Nope! My ass is just fine."
Watching all of this, Harleen thought,' What an odd family.'