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18.6% Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF) / Chapter 16: Red Cloak

Kapitel 16: Red Cloak

The night before.

"How many men are we killing, eh? I'm killing a good ten of them." Rolan grinned by the campfire, munching on his meat. "I bet Arthur gets beaten by some angry peasant boy and runs far, far, away."

"Ten men? You'd be lucky to kill ten boys." Arthur countered.

"Best to live another day than to die a foolish death." Bryce remarked, shaking his head. "Imagine being trapped by swords as far as your eye can see. Even the mightiest warriors can't survive such a place, can they?"

"We'll be in the flanks." I stated, stroking my chin. "At least, that's what the King wishes. The scouts report that the Lannisters are camped across the three Forks. They've fortified all major crossings and spread themselves across the battlefield."

"That means they're spread out thinner." Rolan added, grinning slightly. "They're divided, meaning we can beat them easier, one group after the other."

"Attacking their lines as one singular force would give them time to reinforce and make crossing the fords even more difficult. If I were the strategist, I would avoid the Blue Fork and hold the Red Fork long enough for the northern reinforcements to arrive."

"-That would also prevent them from retreating west." Arthur added.

I nodded. "If they manage to retreat to Casterly Rock, this war will be far longer than anyone would wish."

"We're going to be holding down the western front, then?" Rolan smiled, his eyes shining with excitement. "I can't wait… our first real battle!"

Dorian scoffed. "Thousands like you will die in the battle to come."

"Like me?" Rolan raised an eyebrow. "There's only one Rolan." 

"Aspiring heroes always die young… even those with great ability." Dorian remarked, glancing at me. "Do not mistake being a careless fool for bravery."

"You know I'm careful." I frowned slightly. "I wouldn't throw away my life if I knew I couldn't win."

"Sometimes the realisation sets in too late. That advice goes for all of you boys green with inexperience. You're not legendary heroes from the books, knights of great martial prowess or even men quite yet. There are many out there who have killed for years upon years and they will eat you alive if you give them the chance."

"Yeah, right." Rolan scoffed. "Most of them are peasant boys who can hardly lift their cheap spears."

"Dorian is right, you ought to be careful." Bryce added "That spear still cuts."

"Hahaha… I'm sure they do, Bryce." Rolan laughed, standing up and dusting himself off. "It's getting pretty late so I'll be heading off to rest. Wouldn't want to be waking up tired."

"Yes, a good night's rest would surely benefit all of us." Arthur agreed, standing up. "Edric, you too."

"I'll stay by the fire for a bit." I smiled, looking at the fire. "Don't fret about me and get your rest."

"Suit yourself, my prince." 

Arthur did a courteous bow before turning away to his tent.

"Shut your mouth." I chuckled as he continued to walk away. "Bastard."

"Says the bastard." Arthur smiled slightly before continuing his walk. "I will pray for our survival and great victory. Surely the Warrior will guide us all, his believers."

"Goodnight, m'lord."

After watching each of my friends leave, I noticed a figure approaching from afar. I got a little unsettled when she came closer. It was Melisandre, the red woman. R'hllors devout servant. Very sexy servant, might I add. I still felt very strangely knowing that she might very well be an ugly old hag disguised with glamour magic. Actually, it was most certainly true.

"What do you see in the fire, Prince Edric?" Melisandre questioned, sitting down beside me.

"I see fire." I replied, shrugging my shoulders. I really didn't see anything special. The only reason I was looking at the fire was that it was soothing as I remained in my sea of thoughts. "Not much else."

 "Look deeper. See past the shape of the flames and deeper into the Lord of Light's signs."

I glanced at her unsettling red eyes before turning back to the fire. I narrowed my brows slightly, focusing on the fire. I tried to see something… I truly did. The flames startled to blur as my eyesight suddenly deteriorated. Then I saw it… a purple tear in the midnight sky from which a Goddess floated. She raised her hand, her face covered by darkness and yet I knew… I knew who it was.

I reached out with my left hand…

I wanted to see past the darkness, to feel her warmth.

To see her again…

Something had kicked me back down and the illusion shattered.

"Idiot." Dorian scoffed, shaking his head. "You were about to burn your bloody hand in the fire."

"Uh… thank you for stopping me." I sat back up and took a moment to leave my dazed state. "I did see something."

"Do tell if you wish." Melisandre spoke with a curious tone, her eyes alight with fire. "What did the Lord of Light show you?"

"I saw someone dear to me… and so, I reached out." I replied with honesty, shaking my head. "Alas, it seems that I couldn't reach her."

"Her?" Melisandre questioned, frowning slightly. "It could be interpreted many ways, this sign. Is the person dead or alive?"


"It may very well be her waiting for you in the darkness." Melisandre remarked, looking into my eyes as she grabbed hold of my shoulder. "You must not allow the dead to drag you down with them. You have a great destiny… you are the Prince That Was Promised, the one chosen by R'hllor to defeat the Other. Should you die, the world will die with you."

"Yes… I know that." I grabbed her hand and moved it away, standing up. "Who gave you the impression that I wanted to die? I'm going to live, fulfil my promises and see her again. That is what I'll do and nothing is going to stop me."

I felt lightning surge in my body… Raiden's blessing. Even now, she was with me.

"May I ask who she is, this person who is so dear to you?" 

"You don't need to know." I replied, turning away. "I'm going to get my rest."

"That boy is magical, isn't he?" Dorian remarked as he saw Edric's eyes glowing purple. He was sitting by the fire and sharpening his knives before turning to Melisandre. "I can see why you have so much faith in him and the whole Prince That Was Promised prophecy. Well, I can say for myself that R'hllor has spoken to me once or twice."

"You believe in the Lord of Light?" Melisandre remarked, glancing at Dorian.

"It is difficult to deny what the eyes have witnessed." Dorian replied, smiling slightly. "There is magic in fire. Though, I do not like to hold great faith in any mystical Gods or their prophecies. I like to believe that every man has free will over his destiny and fate. Nothing is predetermined. If Edric were to die before doing anything truly great, people like you would simply say that you misinterpreted the prophecy and then twist it until it is right. You would find another Prince That Was Promised and spew the same shit into his ear."

"Not the most devout believer, I see." Melisandre nodded, smiling slightly. "R'hllor's visions never lie… it is the fault of us mortal priests for we cannot comprehend R'hllor's will as precisely as we'd like."

"Of course." Dorian shrugged. "Well, then… what do your mortal eyes see?"

"I see the fall of the Stag and Lion." 

"Any old idiot can come up with a conclusion like that." Dorian chuckled, sheathing his daggers and knives. "I have a great prophecy that Edric Baratheon will be King… and sooner than most think. That's my prophecy."

"R'hllor shows me much of the same…"

"Mayhaps I am R'hllor?" Dorian questioned with an amused expression, shrugging his shoulders. "Ever thought about that, eh?"

"You are a curious man." Melisandre shook her head. "Though… I doubt it. Rh'llor does not walk among men.." 

"Guess we'll never know." 

Dorian turned away and departed to a warm camp with the company of a rather pretty woman. That gold from Edric never goes to waste… nor Dorian's many 'persuasive' talents.

Edric laid on his back, staring at the glowing insignia on his hand.

'My first real battle… I can't lie, a part of me is scared. Scared to lose my friends, scared to get fatally wounded, scared to die… scared to never see you again.' Edric sighed, shaking his head. 'There are so many things to be scared of and yet I'm determined to fight through it all. With your blessing, how could I fail?'

'I'm going to protect my friends, I'm going to crush my enemies… and I will see you again, no matter what I have to do.'

His eyes widened slightly as he observed lightning form and crack around his hand.

'For Eternity.'

The Lannisters had the majority of their forces stationed across the lands between the Red and Blue Fork, holding the centre of the Trident with well over twenty thousand swords. Jaime Lannister was the head of this force, camped at the very spearpoint of their defensive position. Further up north between the Blue and Green Fork, Lord Tywin held the rear with eight thousand reserves. As for the rest of their forces, they were suspected to have gone south of the Red Fork.

Meanwhile, the royal forces were split into three with the main force being led by Robert Baratheon. He had eighteen thousand men along the south of the Red Fork which would cross the fords and target the central Lannister forces, aiming to take Ser Jaime's head directly. As for Lord Eddard, he had marched past the Crossroads Inn with a little over twelve thousand men and would join him in attacking the Lannister forces from the east. Meanwhile, Lord Stannis held the left flank of King Robert's forces with five thousand riders in case of the Lannisters surprising them from the west. If not… then they would strike the Lannister flanks from the west.

That's the force that Edric had joined.


Jaime Lannister rode along the bank in gilded steel armour, a golden lion engraved in each shoulder. He wore a full helmet that had the shape similar to a lion's head, golden as the sun. His crimson cloak fluttered along with the wind as he stared at Robert Baratheon, slowly but steadily riding along. Beneath him stood a wide and formidable formation of mainly spearmen and archers along the whole bank.

Robert Baratheon stared back, clenching his new warhammer as he stood firm with his vanguard of knights and riders. Ser Barristan the Bold stood beside him, taking a short glance. 

"He is baiting you to cross the fords and attack." Ser Barristan remarked, observing the Lannister army. "It would be wise to wait for reinforcements from the north and encircle them."

"We will face him head on." Robert Baratheon replied, keeping his head still on the target. "Any longer and the Lannisters will run with their tails between their legs. I want them dead… attacking now is the best way to make sure of that. I know Ser Jaime will not shy away from fighting me. He knows well I killed his bitch sister and lover. The greater warrior will win today!"

"... I will do my duty." Ser Barristan nodded, knowing full well that Robert wasn't the best match for Ser Jaime due to his physical condition. He was thinner and more fit than before… slightly, yes, but still fat.


Robert Baratheon rushed his horse forward, taking the lead of his formation. The other riders followed, roaring alongside him. They rode to the bank and directly onto the river crossing. Jaime Lannister drew his sword and the pikemen around him stepped forward, lowering their pikes to form a lethal wall. He rode behind the formation, observing Robert's charge.


Ser Jaime raised his sword and the first volley of arrows fell, taking down many men. However, others rode forward to replace them. The first line of cavalry struck the line of pikemen head on, leading to many horses being impaled while others went back in fear. Some even fell and crushed the Lannister men. 

Robert Baratheon's horse had charged straight into a pike and so he fell… but rose back up with fire in his blue eyes. He grasped his warhammer and used the chaos created by the charge to break into their formation. He crushed the skull of one Lannister soldier before moving onto another and shattering his ribcage with a single blow.


A second volley of arrows fell, dropping more of Robert's men. The Lannister pikemen stepped back and attempted to make a second wall. More of Robert's riders fell due to their horses being impaled. Robert, however, kept marching on and made a hole in the Lannister formation which allowed more to cross the ford.

Jaime Lannister frowned, dismounting from his horse and going straight for the King. Only Robert's vanguard had broken through while the other fords across the three Forks remained firmly in Lannister control. Eddard Stark had begun marching his men further, attacking from the north-east. Meanwhile, Lord Tywin called upon his reserves and intercepted the attack. Instead of being the one flanking, Lord Eddard found himself the one being encircled by the two Lannister forces.

The battle to determine the future of the Realm had begun.


Watching from afar atop a hill, Edric Storm began to feel as if he could be doing more. A worried frown appeared on his face as he watched hundreds clash miles away. Robert Baratheon had most certainly thrown himself straight into their defences… and while the Demon of the Trident could have afforded to do so, the current Robert Baratheon wasn't the same man. Edric knew this full well. 

If Ser Jaime wished… no, he most certainly did. If the opportunity presented itself, Ser Jaime would most certainly slay Robert.

'If the King falls in battle… forget the Lannisters running away, the royal army's morale would collapse.' Edric thought to himself as he observed the field. 'Robert is too damn impatient. At this rate…'

"I'm going to support the King in battle." Edric stated, turning to Stannis Baratheon. "He needs me at his side."

"It is as suspected." Stannis Baratheon was looking east, leading to Edric doing the same. In the distance, a great force of riders came into view carrying crimson banners. "Do you still wish to go?"

Edric paused for a moment as he heard a voice echo through the core of his being. 

"You must become King… or you can forget about seeing her again."

'It might be too late regardless…'

"This changes everything," Edric Storm shook his head. "I will aid you, uncle. We have to shatter this force and then break into the Lannister flanks."

"Yes… but it will not be so simple. This isn't a melee, it is a real battle." 

"That only means that I have no reason to hold back." Edric Storm replied, grinning slightly as his eyes glowed a more purple hue. "Let's draw them closer to this hill and hold its surroundings. That way, there will be few formidable fighters that I won't be able to reach. If they ride for the main force, then we will be able to follow them and strike from the behind. Also… have Sandor Clegane join you. He'd do better as part of the vanguard."

Sandor Clegane's expression did not change as his eyes remained clear on the approaching force. Though, his fists were clenched tight.

"..." Stannis Baratheon frowned slightly before nodding. "You have a mind for battle, nephew. Mayhaps even more than your father."

'Maybe I did spend hundreds of hours playing strategy games… maybe thousands. Maybe it didn't all go to waste.'

'Then again, this is hardly the same as a game.'

"... Well, I have no right to order you." Edric Storm admitted. "I am just a boy, in the end. You are the commander with all the experience. I'm only giving you logical suggestions that come to mind."

"We will see how effective it is." Stannis Baratheon drew his sword and raised it high up in the sky. "Riders, with me! Archers and infantry… guard the hill and your prince!"

"You might want to brew a storm or two for this one." Dorian remarked, spinning one of his daggers around his finger using the open centre of its round pommel. He was on horseback, along with all of Edric's other companions. "Or you can't do it willingly? Or… was it all just one coincidence that keeps repeating itself?"

'Best I can do is rain… under normal circumstances.'

"Believe me, if I could brew a storm, I would." Edric replied, shaking his head. "I want to win this battle as much as anyone. The longer this war lasts, the more the Realm and its people suffer because of it."

"Spoken like a King already." Rolan remarked, chuckling. "I think that crown might fit you better than you thought."

"Hmph…" Edric Storm smiled slightly. "Words are just words. Actions speak louder and so far… I haven't proven myself."

"See what I'm saying? Becoming a prince made him thrice as wise." Roland turned to Arthur who nodded slightly. 




After obliterating several more Lannister men, Robert Baratheon came closer and closer to Jaime Lannister who was steadily approaching him. There was a raging fire in his emerald eyes as he positioned his sword against Robert. He turned his sword and grasped its blade with both hands, one near the point while the other closer to the guard. 

Robert raised an eyebrow at the unusual technique, stepping forward.

"He is mine to kill." Jaime Lannister stated as he looked around his men. "Mine alone."

"Tired of running away, Jaime Lannister?"

"No… I've been waiting for this. For the day that I would avenge my sister's death." Jaime Lannister countered, stepping even closer. "You've sealed your fate by charging here."

"You are not half as good as you think you are." Robert Baratheon stood with confidence, raising his warhammer. "I've seen this before… at the ruby ford. Instead of silver, the cunt is golden. You'll die the same way as he did."

"I'm not Rhaegar… and you're not the Demon of the Trident." Jaime Lannister stepped forward. "Not anymore."

Robert Baratheon swung the first strike, going straight for his head. Jaime Lannister stepped to the side, smashing his pummel against Robert's helmet. The blow struck hard… leading to Robert's blue eyes widening slightly in a short daze.

"You are too slow."

Jaime Lannister remarked, dodging Robert's next two swings and countering with another thunderous blow to the helmet. He had effectively danced around him, though his expression remained much the same. Not a single glimpse of an arrogant grin or confident smile behind his helmet. Only a man on a mission.

"Argh…" Robert Baratheon grunted, taking a deep breath after missing again. "Bloody Kingslayer-"


Once again, he struck him against the head and the blunt force disorientated Robert past his heavy helmet. As Jaime looked behind Robert, he saw Barristan Selmy cutting through the Lannister lines. He closed his eyes for a moment before pointing his sword at Robert Baratheon.

"Butcher him."

One of the knights on his side struck with a morningstar right into Robert's shin, spiked head and all, while another dug a spiked mace into his left arm. One Lannister soldier grabbed his horned helmet by one of its antlers while others kept battering him. Robert swung his warhammer all around, killing several men at arms. 

Jaime Lannister sheathed his sword and took a morningstar from one of his knights, striking right into Robert's head in a flash.


Robert Baratheon collapsed onto the ground.

"This is where it ends… for you."

Jaime Lannister stated, raising the morningstar. 


He struck his head again at full force.

"Even if I may not be half as good as I think I am, that would still make me thrice as good as you…"


"In the end… you're just an old, fat, drunkard king… deluded by visions of who you once were."


"Even then, there was not a single moment of time where you deserved my sister… and yet you dared to dishonour her. You dared to take her life… and send her head to me…!"


"You piece of shit… killing you isn't enough!"




"It will never…"

Jaime Lannister kept hammering at his head… eventually taking Robert's helmet off entirely and proceeding to make a mess out of his face.




Barristan Selmy's face fell when he saw Jaime Lannister hammering at Robert Barathoen's corpse. The morale of the main force sharply fell as well. Their King, the seemingly invincible warhammer behind the royal army, had fallen. 

Barristan cut a swathe through the Lannister formation, forcing his way through to Jaime Lannister. Behind him was a trail of blood and corpses enough to paint a hall red. Seeing him, Jaime Lannister raised himself from Robert's corpse.


"Twice, I am Kingslayer." Jaime Lannister chuckled, looking up at Barristan Selmy. "Twice… I've broken my vows. I know… I know my honour is forever stained. I also know you despise me, Ser Barristan. You are a man of the highest honour and duty-"

"Do not waste your breath!-"

"As I thought…"

"I will slay you today if it is the last thing that I do, Kingslayer!" Barristan Selmy cut through several more men at arms, leading a one-man heroic charge. "You will die on this very field!"

"This battle is lost, you know that." Jaime Lannister grabbed his sword. "Retreat while you are still able to or I will slay you as well."

Drop… drop…

'Rain…' Jaime Lannister frowned as he looked up at the darkening sky. 'Edric…?'

Barristan Selmy paused, looking back. The royal army had completely lost its momentum and their morale was at an all-time low. This battle was most certainly lost. As the rain continued to pour, Barristan hesitated between Jaime Lannister and his truest duty as a Kingsguard.

"One day… I will."


"One day, I will slay you… Kingslayer!"

He grit his teeth and ran back before the Lannister men could encircle him. 

He chose to live another day.

Jaime Lannister sighed, lowering his head.

'This is what I am and will always be seen as.' He raised his sword, observing its edge. 'The Kingslayer. I suppose I've grown to live with it, haven't I?'

'What was I to do, let King's Landing burn?'

'Let the killer of my sister slay me as well?'

'No… the Lion does not care for the thoughts of the sheep.' Jaime Lannister recalled his father's words. 'There is no coming back from this. This is the path that I must walk… I can never be like Ser Arthur.'

'That dream has died twice over.'

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