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39.28% Promised (Reluctant) Victory In Remnant / Chapter 11: Alex's System Bound Involuntary Hunter School Slice Of Life Is Exhausting, As Expected. Part 6

Kapitel 11: Alex's System Bound Involuntary Hunter School Slice Of Life Is Exhausting, As Expected. Part 6

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(A lil Author's note - Some of ya'll are taking this Fic a teenie tiny bit TOO SERIOUSLY. So I'd like to convey something real quick: This fic is firstly intended as Entertainment and only then it will be about Action, Plot, and Drama. Especially at the start of the fic (Which is where we're at). I try to mix things up here and there and you can notice me setting a few seeds with the chapters, but if you're here to read something turbo serious (Lol turbo granny joke) forgeta about it.)

(I try to NOT reach Crack levels. Take this as a character study if it helps you. Alex is NOT realistic in any sense of the word. You need to go through some oddly specific trauma or whatever philosophy to reach his mindset. He will develop, of course, but the "Reluctant" part of the title will stay for a while. Take that into consideration when reading.)

(If you decide to drop after this, then I thank you for reading thus far! Have a good one!)

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

It was like all the first days of the semester at Beacon Academy.

However, there is always some sort of small difference that makes it all the more exciting, at least for the usually stern Glynda Goodwitch.

As she rose beyond Floor 200 on the elevator of Beacon Tower, she contemplated the day's events; recalling the performance of the new 1st years as well as their Initiation performance.

She was a firm believer in the first days - They set the tone for the rest of the year.

At times, the first years are particularly vigorous.

At times they are particularly lower quality.

At times they are a decent batch, but childish - Characteristic of the times of relative stability which is so rare in Remnant.

And at times...

They are exceptional.

Of course, the fact that they had actually passed Initiation gave them some base standard of quality as well.

As a proud Professor and Vice-Head of the greatest Huntsman Academy in the world - It is her job to steer the Students in the right direction, adjust to their flaws, and eventually turn them into pristine and exceptional Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Upon reaching Floor 400, the door opened automatically, greeting her with a hallway leading to Ozpin's office - The only room on this entire floor.

Her heeled steps echoed with each step on the relatively squeaky clean floor; it appeared Ozpin had quite a few visitors on this day.

Nevertheless, she had something critical to convey to Ozpin.

About one of the exceptional ones.

In fact, he might as well be the most exceptional they ever had:

Alex Andrite.

...The primary issue is his attitude which seemed to align with what the other Professors who barely noticed him could tell her, but she was here to discuss that as well.

Approaching the door, she gently and rhythmically knocked on its metallic and decorated appearance, "It's me. May I enter?" She called out.

"Come right in, Glynda." A pleased tone answered her call, as the door opened automatically.

Entering, she was immediately assaulted by the aroma of freshly brewed Coffee, and a brilliant light she had only recently familiarized herself with earlier on this day.

Her eyes shot toward the unexpected guest.

Glynda's eyes widened momentarily as she called out at the person sitting in front of Ozpin, "Mister Andrite?"

There he was.

Sat leisurely in front of Ozpin, his usually stoic expression was now an expression filled with bliss, a small smile on his face as he closed his eyes to enjoy another sip of the fine coffee in his hand.

On the table that separated the two men, was the source of the brilliant light - The boy's semblance.

Also known as...


The blade being examined by one fascinated and mesmerized Ozpin.

Even from a distance, Glynda could sense the vividly familiar and oppressive weight it held.

For such a poorly named blade, Glynda couldn't blame Ozpin for his curiosity - It felt that powerful and even Sacred.

He turned to Glynda with a broad smile, "I apologize in his name, I believe he's far too fixated on his cup to notice the world around him." He shook his head in slight amusement.

Detaching her eyes from the majestic and magnetic appearance of the blade, Glynda turned to Ozpin with a sigh, "I suppose you were too impatient to await my report?" She pinched her brows.

He raised his hands in surrender, "Guilty as charged." 

A loud sip reverberated as Alex gulped his Coffee with pure pleasure, "Damn that's good." He couldn't help but mutter, only to take another sip.

"Damn, I ran out." He complained bitterly, setting the cup back on the table with a look of pure regret.

...The System's radio silence was due to a stroke from having heard Excalibur's name tarnished once again.

With Alex's attention returning to the world, he turned to Glynda, giving her a simple wave of his hand as a greeting.

"Evening to you as well, Mister Andrite." She simply and quite dryly replied.

Ozpin's call-out made Alex turn to him, "I cannot read the language of what's engraved on your Semblance." He admitted with a hint of bemusement and awe in his eyes.

"Same," Alex admitted simply with a nod.

"I'm done examining it, thank you... After tasting the coffee, what have you thought of my deal?"

Alex immediately dismissed Excalibur and the blade dissipated in beautiful wisps of light, his monstrous Aura sealing itself.

Glynda's eyes twitched, the thought of Ozpin bribing a student and playing favorites so soon already irritating her.

First, it was Ruby Rose.

Now it was Alex Andrite.


Though Alex seemed to hold greater promise in her opinion.

"You get me a machine like that and any subsequent upgrades and you've got a deal," Alex replied without a hint of hesitation, pointing at the pristine and exclusive coffee machine in Ozpin's little kitchen corner.

Ozpin suppressed a major grin, as he extended his hand for a handshake, "A deal then."

Alex extended his hand without a moment's hesitation and they shook on it.

Glynda could only observe the interaction with an arched eyebrow.

Nodding once more, Ozpin dismissed Alex, "I thank you for your time and patience, it was a pleasurable conversation. I believe dinner may be over, but tell the Chef I sent you. He'll procure you something, no student of mine goes hungry." He smiled warmly.

Collecting himself from his resolved coffee mood, Alex's usual aloof expression returned as he nodded with a simple, "Thanks." He got up and turned around to leave.

"Have a nice rest of the day, Mister Andrite." Glynda nodded to the boy who passed her by.

"You too, bye." He waved as he left the office, the doors closing as his lone steps reverberated from afar.


A trickle of sweat went down Ozpin's spine as he smiled placatingly, "Are you perhaps mad, Glynda?"

She gave him a withering stare in response, years of familiarity allowing her to see through his attempt to lighten the mood.

If there was one thing she knew about Ozpin, it was that his friendliness often masked schemes running deeper than he let on.

"Bargaining with a student on the first day?" She asked with a note of disdain and disappointment.

"I assure you it is nothing outrageous..."

She sighed, shaking her head at the headache already forming, "At the very least, did you review his first simulated combat session?"

He smiled, "Of course." He recalled it fondly.

"And had you seen what I've seen?" Her eyes gained a particular glint, one of hope.

A sad smile formed on his face, "You'll excuse me for my cynicism. I've had many beacons of light and hope in this millennia-long struggle."

"Though I would admit that he's by far the most promising of them all," Ozpin confirmed, allowing himself to hope just a little more.


Glynda smiled warmly the atmosphere a degree warmer, "I hope the deal you struck is meant to try and figure out or fix his attitude?"

Ozpin shook his head, "More or less, however, patience Glynda. If he's here, he has intentions to be a Huntsman, whatever reason one has is inconsequential."

He reminded gently, "We did host the Branwen Siblings, after all."

"We all know how that ended." She arched an eyebrow at his weak argument.

"A fifty percent success rate is more than we need in our struggle." He shook his head.

"You know I have made more mistakes than any other man in the world. I have taken to heart my lesson with Raven. Do not worry, all will be discovered in due time. Our deal is meant for me to get a greater read on him."

"How?" A sense of dread crossed her features.

He repeated with a knowing smile, "I assure you it is nothing outrageous."


Having enjoyed his coffee and small talk with the less shady-than-expected Headmaster Ozpin, Alex silently enjoyed his travel to the Dining Hall.

Managing to grab a fine delicacy from the leftovers - Beans on toast.

'Ah, the taste of home.' He fondly recalled the nostalgic flavor as he headed back to his Team's Dorm with a satisfied expression.

He wouldn't lie, this latter part of the day has been going quite smoothly.

Not too shabby, if he could say so himself.

[I mean who wouldn't be satisfied? An exclusive coffee machine and an endless supply of the highest quality coffee beans obtained through questionable work ethic means.] The System nodded in agreement, with a touch of sarcasm.

'Nothing tastes better than the hard work of others.' Alex freely admitted.

[...I question your morals.]

'I mean, I do feel bad for those underpaid workers... But I do love coffee.' He gave his two cents.

[You, of all people, can actually solve that issue if you so wished.] The System offered.

'Nah.' He shook his head and waved the system off.

[Alrighty then~!]


[Sub Quest - "Mistral Work Rights Revolution!" has been issued!]

-Sub Quests-

[NEW!] Mistral Work Rights Revolution!↓

Requirements - A lot of factories and production lines around Mistral are suffering from unethical practices and work ethics - Leading to a dystopian even slave-like way of life for the poor workers.

Slavery has been abolished in the past... Or has it?

Save them!

[System Recommendation - Brute Force]

Static Rewards - 1,000,000 Lien.

Performance-Based Rewards - ???? & Significant Societal Change

Time Limit - 5 Years.

Punishment For Failure - ????

Difficulty - A


Alex's disappointment was immeasurable, and his day was ruined.

'Why the question marks?' He sighed in pure agony.

He recalled only the Main Quests had question marks on occasion.

[It is a far-reaching quest. The punishment and reward may spoil your future, so in the meantime, it is kept secret. It may be significant, it may be slight~!]


Standard Alex Procedure dictated that the System is to be ignored at this moment.

So he did.

Chewing on the beans with toast, with hints of exasperation and disappointment on his face at the sudden quest from System, he finally reached the door to his dorm.

He could already hear the boisterous sounds from Team YRBN in the dorm room behind him, mostly coming from the chaotic duo of Nora and Yang.

Internally, he was happy with his team when he considered the grim alternatives.

Lazily grabbing his scroll, he stuck it towards the door, the lock audibly clicking open.

With the toast in his mouth, Alex pushed the door open with a creak.

Revealing the lit room with his teammates freezing at his appearance, seemingly ceasing a conversation or something.

Blinking, he muttered with his mouth full, "Bwad tuime?" 

Jumping from her bed, Ruby rushed towards him, stopping just in front of him to look up at him.

"Give me your number." She demanded with a resolute expression that seemed almost apologetic with an extended hand.

"Gimme gimme." She pushed forward.

He blinked once more as he pocketed his scroll to grab his toast, gulping the bite he took.

Replying with an uncharacteristically considerate tone, "Umm, sorry but I'm into older wom-"

Pyrrha's chuckle cut him off, "Not that, we were worried about you. We couldn't call you without your number."

"Oh, I see. Sure." He nodded as he extended his scroll to the beaming Ruby.

"Is that beans on toast?" Weiss inquired with a cringing and disdainful expression, as she hopped off her bunk to approach him as well.

"Yeah." Alex nodded as Pyrrha approached to grab his number as well.

[Wow Master! So popular~!] The System cooed.

'Zip it.' He sternly chastised

Scoffing as she grabbed his scroll, she smirked, "A questionable palate for a questionable man."

Arching an eyebrow, he surrendered quickly, "If you say so."

Alex couldn't help but notice that Weiss was in a much better mood.

Turning to Ruby, he noted the same from her.

He shrugged, 'All's that ends well. I guess they solved their issues.'

Lowering his head to look at his scroll, his eyes widened momentarily, noticing that he had some new saved contacts.

With the exception of the recent one - Ozpin.

There was now Ruby, Pyrrha, and even Weiss.

He turned to the mischievously grinning trio of girls, and he blatantly asked, "Did I miss something?"

""Nothing~"" They replied with broadening shit-eating grins.

A warm atmosphere enveloped the room, managing to sweep even the aloof Alex in it, as a tiny unnoticeable smile formed on his face.

[There is no better unifier than a common enemy, after all.] The System wisely lectured.

'The Grimm?' Alex hazarded a guess.

[You.] The System confirmed.


'I'm not that bad.'

[Lacking self-awareness.]

And just like that, with 'Peace' established in Team RAWP...

A week had passed.


On yet another routinely boring Combat Class, a much-anticipated match had finally been drawn:

"Alex Andrite! Pyrrha Nikos! Step into the ring!"


[Sub Quest - "Invincible... No Longer" has been issued!]

-Sub Quests-

[NEW!] Invincible... No Longer↓

Requirements - Pyrrha Nikos has long suffered the isolation of strength, 'The Invincible Girl'. She sees in [User] the potential for a rival.

Save her from isolation by defeating her!

Static Rewards - 1,000 Lien.

Performance-Based Rewards - Significantly raised Relationship Progress with Pyrrha Nikos (#N/A)

Time Limit - The Duel.

Punishment For Failure - Significantly lowered Relationship Progress with members of Team RW. Significantly lowered Relationship Progress with members of Team YRBN. Significantly lowered Relationship Progress with Beacon Staff. Extremely lowered Relationship Progress with Pyrrha Nikos.

Difficulty - E+


'No infuriating curse or anything of the sort?' Alex wondered with internal gratitude.

[Nope, it's up to you.]


He sighed, rising up from his seat at the expectant gazes and Pyrrha's excited and hopeful look.

'Even I'm not that big of an asshole... Besides, I gotta pass the class.'

[Nice~! I am confused as to why you haven't taken a peek at the [Relationship] feature of the System, though.] She admitted.

Arching an eyebrow, 'Extremely disrespectful and insecure. Frankly, that's a disturbing invasion of privacy.' He stated his distaste for the feature with an indifferent tone.

[...Oddly charming of you.]


To Be Continued!

next chapter
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