Sucklings are mentioned sparingly in extended universe sources and where pictured, appear to be smaller, meeker versions of the adult Yautja. Vk'leita described Machiko's height as being the "size of a child" in his species, putting them around 5'0". According to Forever Midnight, spawnlings are only about a meter tall, or half the size of an adult hunter. Not much is known for sure about them, though one can surmise from their names that their first moments of life are spent as most mammals: suckling milk from their mothers.
The unrefined hunters of the future, Unblooded Yautja are young predators who haven't completed basic training. They are, or are close to, physically mature adults. Most Unblooded, and therefore subsequent classes, are male but female hunters do exist, implying a minority of them within the hunting body.
Young Blood:
Young adult Yautja who are yet to be seen as "adults" and "true hunters" in the eyes of the clanmates. These hunters are refined enough to overpower a skilled human fighter, however their skill against a
Xenomorph varies. Once they kill one, Yautja mark themselves with Xenomorph blood, completing their initiation into Adulthood. Some clans skip this rank and consider all who complete basic training Blooded, while other clans require the defeat of a Xenomorph (or presumably another sufficiently dangerous target) to be promoted from Young Blood to adulthood proper.
These Yautja have successfully killed their first Xenomorph and given that is such a broad title, skills vary. Once a Yautja is blooded, females will begin to pay him mind for breeding purposes and his rank could deviate into more specific ones. A veteran Blooded can serve as Adjutant, a second in command for a higher
ranked Predator.
Elites encompass the more dangerous of the Yautja race. They have the skill to take on several Xenomorph at once, including large, dangerous castes such as Praetorians, Predaliens and even Queens. Elites seem to take on some of the more nuanced, lengthy, and taxing problems and missions in the Yautja world. These can be assigned, as in the case of Dark, or self-volunteered, as in the case of Wolf. One clan, the Elite Clan, exclusively counts Elites amidst their membership.
A Leader is a Yautja who has been selected or volunteers to lead and teach Un-Blooded hunters. They appear to be a specialized version of the Elite rank.
Elder: The Older, wiser members of the Yautja race. Many of them are Clan Leaders. Two Elders have been seen onscreen thus far and both have gifted non-predator species with mementos of a good hunt.
Ancients are very old Yautja, some of which are responsible for creating the laws by which the species abides. To this end, they use Enforcers to put an end to crime, both within and without the species, especially to hunt down and eliminate rogue Bad Blood, Predators who have forsaken the Yautja Honor Code and brought great dishonor to their clans and themselves. In extremely dire circumstances or a massive insult to the entire species such as the emergence of the Predalien Queen, Ancients can join battles directly, such as the Ancient Nuke Carrier, who willingly went on a suicide mission to deploy a nuclear warhead in order to annihilate the Predalien Queen and its entire hive.
A Matriarch is the female counterpart to a Clan Leader. While Clan Leaders rule in off-world affairs, Matriarchs rule and command Yautja Prime and presumably any other world they inhabit. Among one of the highest titles in the species
Yautja (Predator) King/God:
All Yautja, no matter rank or beliefs respect and fear King/God his word is absolute, absolute leader of all Clans, His word is law.
What women should he go after as his "pets"?
Send pics ^