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80% Pokemon: Unforeseen Devastation (Yu-Gi-Oh x Pokemon) / Chapter 4: Horror Of The Beast

Kapitel 4: Horror Of The Beast

A/N: Before starting this, I just want to say that I may end up making mistakes when it comes to some decks. To write this story, I actually need to learn decks that the characters use and how to make a duel with them. So, I apologise for any mistakes.





"Do you guys hear that?"

"Yeah... what is it?"

Haruto, along with both Marshadow and Tapu Koko, as they ran through the forest towards where both Haruto and Tapu Koko had sensed the energy. Though, as they ran, Haruto realised that the energy signature was acting strange. It started to spread out through the area, not being in a single spot anymore, but almost like it was everywhere.

What really unnerved Haruto was how potent and malicious this energy felt, far greater in blood thirst than Orion and Alvex, and they were bad enough. He could only imagine what this next enemy was going to be like. He was also worrying about what kind of deck he would end up facing, what did he need to look out for?

At present time, Haruto had stopped running as a strange noise had made its way into his ears. The other two seemed to also hear it as they all looked around trying to locate the source of it, and from what they could tell, it sounded like small explosions as well as the sounds of small shockwaves.

"I think it's coming from over there." Marshadow voiced. They both looked towards where Marshadow was looking to see that he was pointing towards an opening within the forest that seemed to lead to what Haruto could see was an open space within the trees. "Whatever is making that sound is probably over there."

"Then we shall head over there, it might have some relevance to the person we are looking for." Tapu Koko stated. Haruto and Marshadow nodded in agreement before they all quickly began making their way towards it, which didn't take long at all since they were all incredibly fast. Both pokemon were really surprised by Haruto's speed since he was a human, Tapu Koko less since he knew of the boy's situation.

As they made their way through, the sounds were getting louder and louder as they also seemed to notice that voices were starting to get louder. They didn't hear them before, but this must mean that there were people over towards where they were heading. Meaning, they should probably be careful of if they reveal themselves.

"Be careful, you two. We don't know what we might find." Haruto warned. Marshadow and Tapu Koko nodded as Haruto then placed his hood over his head, once again obscuring his features from view. It didn't take long now as they stopped just on the edge of the open area, to which Haruto plaed his hand on one of the trees as they looked down at the area from where they were elevated a bit from. "What in the world?"

What they saw was not something any of them expected, and it was certainly not anything to do with what they were sensor previously, they could be sure of that. What they saw were a group of kids that appeared to be his age as they were watching a battle that was going on between two beings.

Another groups of individuals could also be seen watching, and this group being none other than Team Rocket, though Meowth appeared to be stuck in what looked to be a yellow sticky substance. Haruto looked at the creatures, which he assumed were pokemon, one being a big bear and the other lean white bug-like pokemon with a feminine appearance.

"Whatever those things are, they're definitely not duel monsters..." The other two agreed. Marshadow understood as well, that being because Haruto had ended up explaining everything to the pokemon, who was understandably astonished afterward. Considering that the pokemon was coming with them to face this threat, Marshadow would might as well know what they were going to be going up against.

"What are they though?" Marshadow wondered.

"That pokemon is a Bewear, and that other one is an Ultra Beast." Tapu Koko had voiced. Both Haruto and Marshadow turned to him in confusion, and seeing this, he decided to explain further. "An Ultra Beast is a creature hailing from Ultra Space, another dimension of sorts. I've fought against them to protect Alola before, but they have started appearing once again."

"Huh? Creatures of another dimension, huh? Meh, not the first time I've heard that." Haruto shrugged. Both Tapu Koko and Marshadow sweatdropped at the casual response to Tapu Koko's explanation, it seemed that it didn't surprise the boy in the slightest. What kind of crazy world did he come from?

"Looks like those two are brawling it out..." Marshadow muttered as the three of them watched the Ultra Beast and the Bewear duking it out. Tapu Koko was impressed that it was actually overpowering the Ultra Beast, which spoke volumes of its power. Marshadow didn't really know what to think, the Bewear was probably as strong he was.

Haruto was the only one that didn't exactly look too impressed by the display, he had witnessed far greater beings of power battling before, them being duel monsters of course. If he had to compare their power to duel monsters, they would be on the lower end. It just seemed that duel monsters were in a completely different dimension of power compared to pokemon.

"Huh? Oh crap!" Haruto widened his eyes, along with the other two as they noticed something. When the Bewear destroyed one of the nearby rocks, the shards that had been scattered around flown in different directions. He noticed that a few of them were heading straight towards one of the members of the group.


The blonde haired girl that was wearing a rather strange bodysuit, which was the same as the outfit that the other members of her group were wearing, but was pink in colour. She watched with eyes widened considerably as the shards came flying towards her! She didn't have enough time to react as both her and the pokemon beside her couldn't move.

"Oh no, Lillie!"

"Is she alright?!" The voices of her friends had called out as the shards had ended up causing a small explosion where the girl known as Lillie was standing, making her friends watched with eyes full of shock as they expected her to be badly hurt along with her pokemon. Though, they were surprised when the dust that had been stirred up dispersed.

"E-Eh? What happened?" Lillie muttered as she was now sitting on the ground on her knees. She had opened her eyes to look at herself in confusion, wasn't she hit by the rocks? Her friends were also majorly confused by the turn of events. Lillie looked down to see the fox-like icy-blue coloured pokemon also seemingly confused. "Snowy, are you okay?"

"What in the world happened?"

"Not sure..." Kiawe had responded to the female that was wearing green, Kiawe being the one wearing the red bodysuit and Mallow having been the female that was donning the green one. The other two in their group were just as confused as they were. Snowy, the fox-like pokemon, had cried out with a smile in response to Lillie's concern.

"Are you two alright?" A male voice had caught their attention as they all finally took notice of something, there was someone that was standing in front of Lillie and Snowy. When they looked to see them, it revealed to be a person with a hood over their shoulders like a cape and with the hood covering their face. The only thing they could really distinguish was that they were male considering their build.

Despite not being able to see his face, Lillie could easily hear the concern that laced his voice as he slightly had his head turned to look at her as he faced towards the battle between the two pokemon. She stared for a second frozen, though she soon shook her head before replying with a stutter.

"Y-Yes, we're fine..."

"Good, that could have been fatal." The figure was none other than Haruto, who had jumped in just in time to destroy the shards that had came flying. His actions seemed to also catch the attention of the battling pokemon as they stopped their battle and were looking towards him, though he didn't show any fear or anything under their gaze. "I suggest you all stay back. This will get dangerous."

"W-Wait, but that's an Ultra Beast! It's no ordinary pokemon!" Haruto looked to see that it was the shortest one out of the group that shouted this towards him. He didn't know the name of the person, the only thing he knew was that he was wearing the orange variation of the bodysuit they were wearing.

"I am well aware of that. There's no need to worry." Haruto assured. He kept his gaze on the Ultra Beast as he saw that she, he, or it was the major threat here, the Bewear didn't seem to hold any malice towards him. That was when two pokemon appeared next to him, coming from the sky at fast speeds.

"Well done, you reacted quick and protected her." Tapu Koko praised as he crossed his arms. Haruto just shrugged his shoulders as he then noticed something, he looked around to see that Marshadow wasn't with them. Where did the guy end up going off to? "Where's Marshadow at, Tapu Koko?"

"I'm not quite sure. He told me that he was busy doing something, though I am clueless as to what it is exactly." Haruto nodded his head in understanding. He then noticed the group staring at Tapu Koko in awe, much to his confusion. He then heard the male wearing the blue bodysuit shout. "Tapu Koko?!"

"Does that guy know Tapu Koko?" Kiawe wondered as they all stared in shock at the island guardian. Haruto just blinked underneath his hood as he didn't really see the reason for having such amazement, though he wasn't one to judge. The female that was wearing the lighter blue body suit, this being Lana, then added. "It seems so..."

"Hold on, I'm here!" Haruto and Tapu Koko, as well as the others, all turned their heads to see a pokemon running out from the trees and towards Haruto. The pokemon was none other than Marshadow, though he appeared to be wearing a hood made of leaves that covered his entire body. "I-I was just making this!"

"Marshadow... is that you?" Both Haruto and Tapu Koko sweatdropped as they looked at the pokemon. It seemed like Marshadow was hiding in the trees to make this grass cloak of his to hide his appearance, Haruto wasn't going to complain since Marshadow came out, but it kind of looked ridiculous. He looked like walking cabbage.

"This was what you were doing?" Tapu Koko sweatdropped.

"What? What's wrong with it?"

"Just that... you know what? Nevermind." Haruto shook his head, much to Marshadow's confusion. The group were just watching the three, Haruto seemingly being able to actually understand what they were saying. Was that really possible? Did the boy that saved Lillie actually understand them? It was hard to believe...

"I see it, a crystal. I must have it." The voice of the Ultra Beast sounded as they all turned towards the pokemon, to see that it was eyeing something. Haruto cocked an eyebrow in confusion at this, though he traced her line of sight to see that she was looking at something in his hand. 'Is this what she wants?'

"Haruto, you have a z-crystal?" Tapu Koko asked in confusion. Haruto looked towards the guardian, giving Tapu Koko a confused look. What the heck was a damn z-crystal? In Haruto's hand was a diamond-shaped crystal that was pale blue in colour and had a snowflake-shaped image in it. "You mean this? I just found it while walking through the forest."

"Give it to me!" The Ultra Beast shouted as she narrowed her eyes at him. The Bewear just watched the whole thing happen, Haruto has heard the bear cry out, but couldn't understand what it was saying. He noticed that despite it being strong, it didn't have that much spiritual energy to allow communication.

"I don't know why you want this stone, but you aren't getting it." Haruto responded firmly. The Ultra Beast didn't seem happy about the reply, though Haruto soon narrowed his eyes as he felt his instincts shake. He quickly ducked down as he noticed the Ultra Beast appear in front of him and sent a kick at his chest. When he dodged, the pokemon widened its eyes in surprise.


"You're going to need to do better than that if you want to get this crystal from me. It won't be easy." Haruto smirked. He then continued to dodge a bunch of attacks from the Ultra Beast, he used his self defense skills to counter and parry the attacks that it sent at him. He was lucky that people of his world were far more physically capable here, otherwise he would probably not last long at all, he was barely holding on as is.

"How is this possible? Are mere human being possessing such prowess?!" The Ultra Beast cried out as she continued to attack Haruto. Haruto didn't respond, though he gave a small smirk underneath his hood. He then shouted while still dodging the pokemon. "Tapu Koko, Shade! Defend those guys while I'm dealing with this!"

"Understood!" Tapu Koko replied. Marshadow nodded his head at this, he could already tell that Haruto called him Shade to hide his identity when wearing the cloak of leaves. Both pokemon stood in front of the ground of trainers alongside their pokemon as they observed the little bout between the Ultra Beast and Haruto.

"How is he keeping up with Pheromosa? That's an Ultra Beast!" Sophocles, the one that was wearing the orange bodysuit, had shouted in disbelief. None of the trainers could believe what they were seeing, how could a human keep up with a pokemon? Let alone an Ultra Beast? Ash, who was the one wearing the dark blue bodysuit, turned to look at Tapu Koko.

"Tapu Koko! Do you know who he is?" Ash asked as Pikachu, his partner pokemon, also seemed to give a cry to the guardian as if asking the same thing. All the trainers and their pokemon looked at Tapu Koko with curiosity. All Tapu Koko did was turn his head slightly to look at them as he nodded before turning back.

"Do you think he'll be alright?" Marshadow asked in concern sa he continued to watch the battle between human and pokemon. Tapu Koko nodded his head as he continued to watch, unblinking. "I'm sure he'll be fine. I can tell Haruto is still holding strong, he won't go down so easily. Certainly, the humans of his world are incredible."

"A-Are you seeing this?"

"Y-You mean how another twerp is somehow fighting a pokemon?!" Jessie had cried out in response to James's question. Their pokemon also watching in shock as the whole scene unfolded, even Bewear appeared to be bewildered as it stood beside Team Rocket while observing the battle.

"Don't give up, my sweet! You can do it!" Meowth had shouted as he was still struggling to get out from the sticky situation that he was in. It didn't take long before Haruto flipped and jumped over the glue that Meowth was stuck in, to which Pheromosa used Meowth's face as a platform to get over the glue without getting stuck.

"Alright, this has gone on long enough!" Haruto shouted. He decided to go on the offensive as he rushed forwards, surprising Pheromosa by the speed which he displayed, to which he then placed his hand on her stomach area, to which he then seemed to end up releasing a sort of force, sending her flying back. 'Gotta love taking those martial arts classes. Knew it would be useful one day.'

They all watched in shock as Pheromosa crashed into the cliff that was nearby, to which she shook her head in a daze. The force in which she was sent back was incredible, while she could still fight, that actually did quite a decent amount of damage. Haruto smiled as it seemed that the battle was over, he hoped that Pheromosa would see that it is hopeless to keep trying.

"You see now, right? Just stop, there's no point continuing this pointless fight. And considering the fact that you are so insistent on getting it, I can already assume that you have already stolen others. Am I right?"

"..." Pheromosa just glared at him, though Haruto didn't seem to flinch at all. He just began to slowly walk towards Pheromosa, she lowered her head in defeat, she had to admit that there was no way of her winning this. It really angered her, being defeated by a human of all things. Not even a pokemon.

"Hand them over, there's no need for any more fighting." Haruto said as he held his hand forwards. Pheromosa stared at it for a second before sighing as she slumped her shoulders, Haruto smiled as she accepted his help as he helped her stand back up. He then saw her reach into the disc-like part of its chest before taking out a bunch of z-crystals of all kinds before handing them to Haruto.

"Thank you."


Around ten minutes had passed since Haruto had gotten the crystals back from Pheromosa as he had ended up giving them to the group that he helped out, which they were grateful for as they were going to return them to their owners. Afterward, they had convinced Pheromosa to be captures by them so that apparently they could send it back to its home, at least that's what Haruto guessed.

"Well, now that that's over. Time to get going." Haruto said as both Tapu Koko and Marshadow nodded towards him. Haruto then turned before he started walking off, Tapu Koko flying after him as Marshadow walked beside him. Though he was stopped by a voice calling out to him.

"Wait, hold on!" The three of them stopped walking as Haruto turned his head slightly to look to see that it was Ash that had called out to him. He just watched as Ash ran up to him along with his Pikachu as they stopped a meter or so away from him. "Thanks a lot for helping us! What's your name?"

"I'm afraid that I would like to keep that a secret." Haruto responded. Tapu Koko nodded as he also seemed to agree, they all saw the guardian nod, so there wasn't much they could argue if Tapu Koko agreed with keeping Haruto's name a secret. Just as Haruto was going to turn to walk away again, he suddenly stopped.


"Haruto!" Both Marshadow and Tapu Koko shouted as they noticed the boy fall to his knees gripping his head. He was seemingly screeming in pain, his eyes widened considerably underneath his hood as sweat was dripping down his chin and onto the ground. The trainers watched with shocked and confused eyes.

"Hey, are you alright?!" Ash asked in concern as he ran over and bent down as he placed his hand on Haruto's back. Haruto didn't response as images continued to flash into his view, they were the exact same images that he saw when first coming to this world. The red-eye in endless darkness, collapsing spheres, and the bodies of light clashing.

'Just... what do these visions mean?' Haruto wondered as he was panting heavily. These visions had been shown to him two times now, why was this even happening? Was there really a reason for them or not? He'll think about it later. For now though, he needed to find this guy that Steven told him about while flying over to Alola, Hala if he remembered right.

"That was interesting, what a show!"

"...!" They all widened their eyes at the unknown voice as they all looked around for the source of it, which didn't take long as they noticed someone walking towards them. What confused them was that they were wearinga black hooded cloak that obscured everything about them, the only thing they saw were red lights that seemed to shine a bit through the hood.

"Wh-Who are you?" Haruto asked as the person stopped a bit away from them. Haruto, Marshadow, and Tapu Koko could all feel the sense of dread that seemed to suddenly wash over them. The others appear to have yet notice it as they just seemed confused, but Haruto could already tell this person was dangerous by the aura they released.

"I-It's him!" Team Rocket all shouted in despair. Their pokemon all huddled together with them as they stared at the figure with eyes filled with absolute horror, more so when the figure removed their cloak and chucked it to the side. Revealing the bodysuit and the sinister looking helmet, making Haruto widen his eyes.

"You...! You're one of them!"

"Yep. You're the target, huh? Perfect. I can feel it, the strength you possess merely from that aura you have! How interesting, this should be fun!" The figure laughed madly as both Haruto and them stared into each other's eyes. Haruto had to admit, he was honestly feeling immense fear right now, and he didn't know why!

"So, who are you then? Friends of Orion and Alvex?" Haruto demanded as he struggled onto his feet, the pain from the visions still present. Tapu Koko had his eyes narrowed as he stared at the figure, so this was one of the enemies that Haruto told him about. He could tell, this person had the aura of someone powerful and dangerous.

"Those guys? Ha, yeah right! We may be allies, but we are nothing more than acquaintances!" The figure laughed. He then listed his arm and pointed his finger towards Haruto, who narrowed his eyes. "My name is Horror, a member of the Dark Estrada. A future and present nightmare to you."

"I think it's time we should get out of here...!"

"Yeah, that would be ideal!" James agreed to Jessie's statement as Bewear stared at Horror. Bewear could feel the dread that rushed into its body as the mere presence of this character filled the whole area with an uneasy feeling, the danger was quite evident. So, Bewear did the smart thing and decided to quickly grab Team Rocket, as well as Meowth from the glue, before running off at high speed.

This was one time that Team Rocket was glad for Bewear taking them away...

Horror ignored those idiots completely as he continued to stand tall and eye down Haruto, the feeling of fear finally making its way into the eyes of the trainers and their pokemon after the figure had removed their cloak. The mere sight of the helmet alone make them shiver, it was a horrific design.

"I want answers! What is your goal? Why have you come here? I already defeated two others within your group, and I still have yet to find answers!" Haruto demanded. While he technically didn't defeat Orion, he was just going to count it. Horror laughed madly with one hand on his face as he threw his head back and arched his back, creeping them out.

"And those answers are something you don't need to know! All you need to know is that you're our target, and shall be eliminated!" Horror laughed. He then raised his arm into the sky as a red flash of light struck his arm, they covered their eyes before opening them and seeing a duel disk, the same design as both Orion and Alvex, but this one had red instead of blue or gold. "Which shall be done now!"

"A duel, huh? Very well!" Haruto shouted. He pushed away all the fear that he had by being in this person's mere presence as he gained a serious and determined glint in his eyes, he took out his duel disk before slamming it onto his arm as it activated. "Prepare yourself, Horror! I'm not holding back!"

"Good! Don't expect me to either! You're the only challenge I'll end up actually getting here in this place, every single person I have come across before now was pathetic! To think this world has such fragile and deplorable creatures!"

"Shade, Tapu Koko. Protect the group while I deal with this!" Haruto demanded seriously. Both of them just nodded as they could already tell that Haruto was the only one that could take this guy on, the aura that they exuded were of beings that were considered legendary, maybe even more so. Their monsters being on an even much greater level.

"Wh-What's going on?" Lana asked in confusion. Truly none of them understood at all, the two males in front of them had distanced themselves as they stared one another down, the tension in the air immense. Lillie stared at her savior and the other male in confusion, as well as fear when looking at Horror, what was going on?

"A battle perhaps? Not sure..." Kiawe muttered as his eyes narrowed. Sophocles was looking more at the duel disks that were on their arms, he had never seen such technology before, and it intrigued him greatly, despite his fear right now. Ash and Pikachu seemed hold their breaths as they couldn't rid of this uneasy feeling in him.

"Are they really going to battle?" Mallow wondered.

"Who knows..." Ash muttered as Pikachu also gave a low cry in agreement. Tapu Koko and Marshadow just watching silently as they stood in front of the group, protecting them just in case something happens. Haruto told them about this so-called duelling, but not much. So, they were still as confused on what was going to happen.

"Allow me to show you the pinnacle of duelling! Deck set!"

"Duel!" Both of them shouted as the group were surprised when holographic numbers appeared above both of their heads. What else shocked them were the winds that had suddenly picked up, though both duelists didn't seem to flinch at all as they glared each other down firmly.


Duel Recognised. Initiating Duel Sequence. Duel Authorised.

Shock Level: A


[Turn 1]


Haruto - 4000 LP [Hand: 5]

Horror - 4000 LP [Hand: 5]


"Draw!" Haruto drew a card from his deck as a gust of wind blew through the area due to it, surprising everyone aside from Horror. Haruto then looked at his hand before looking up calmly towards Horror. "I don't know what deck he uses, but I just have to be careful... I start off by activating Call of the Red! I can select one Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my deck and summon it to the field, but I have to halve its attack points!"

The trainers and the pokemon were staring in shock as a massive black dragon with piercing red eyes appeared on the field as it released a roar that most likely travelled miles upon miles. Tapu Koko and Marshadow weren't as surprised as they had already seen Blue-Eyes in person, though they were still staring at the dragon in awe.

"I-Is this some kind of new pokemon?! I must document this!" Rotom, which appeared to be a pokemon occupying a Pokedex, had shouted in disbelief before taking countless pictures of the mighty beast before them. None of the others could say anything as they found their voices blocked by their utter sheer shock.

"Next, I'll activate the spell known as Gaze Fusion!" Haruto declared as he placed the card onto his duel disk. The card displaying a glowing circular slitted eye with red and blue energy circling around it, seemingly starting to intertwine with each other. "This allows me to fusion summon a monster using materials from my field and or my hand!"

"Starting off with a fusion, huh? Very nice!"

"I'll fuse Red-Eyes on my field along with the Blue-Eyes that is in my hand!" Haruto shouted. Red-Eyes flew up into the air as the trainers and their pokemon watched in awe as Blue-Eyes made his appearance before flying alongside Red-Eyes. They then turned into blue and red energy before merging with one another in the air in the form of swirling colours.

The appearance of this seemed to release an immense energy pressure as the winds around the area picked up greatly, but not enough to knock them all down. They watched with held breaths as they stared up at the swirl which soon began to shift, seemingly starting to the take the form of a figure.

"Casted by light. Blessed by the dark. Tear this world a new age, and build it anew as you descend onto this cursed ground! Fusion Summon! Level 8! Crimson-Eyes Void Dragon!" Haruto chanted. An unimaginably powerful roar shook the area as pokemon could be heard panicking inside of the forests.

They watched with silent shock as a massive creature had formed from the swirling colours. The beast was massive, far larger than any legendary pokemon they had ever seen, while it wasn't as big as Necrozma when it gained back its light and could be seen from all the islands, the being was no doubt larger than the likes of Solgaleo and Lunala. Except, the beast released power far beyond Necrozma.

The dragon had a humanoid draconic form but its body was slouched as its long built arms were digging into the ground. It had a black muscular body that was covered mostly by metallic silver metal plating, its claws being silver and incredibly defined and sharp. On its back were three pairs of long sharp wings and it had an angular head with silver shining horns and a pair of crimson blood-red eyes.

"With that, I'll end my turn by summoning forth Heteros Dragon Knight to the field!" Haruto declared as the monster appeared on the field in front of him beside his dragon. Horror smirked under his helmet devilishly before reaching his hand to his deck as he shouted. "It seems that what has been said about you isn't hot air after all! Draw!"



Crimson-Eyes Void Dragon: [ATK: 3500 DEF: 2000] [Level: 8 Dark] [Dragon/Fusion/Pendulum/Effect]

Heteros Dragon Knight: [ATK: 1000 DEF: 1500] [Level: 4 Light] [Warrior/Effect]


[Turn 2]


Haruto - 4000 LP [Hand: 2]

Horror - 4000 LP [Hand: 6]


"L-Lusamine?" Ash stuttered slightly as they all turned towards the holographic screen that showed a blonde-haired woman sitting down at a desk of sorts. She seemed to have a panicked look on her face. "Ultra Guardians, are you all alright? None of you are hurt, right?"

"We're fine Lusamine. Do you know what in the world these creatures are?" Kiawe had responded for the group. Lusamine shook her head as she responded to them, this question was something that they all had. They wanted answers. "I'm afraid that I do not. Though, the energy levels we've detected from them are... immeasurable."

"Mother, what do you mean?" Lillie asked. That was when a woman with purple eyes and yellow eyes walked into view of the screen, alongside another woman that had medium-short white spiky hair that pointed backwards. These two were Wicke and Professor Burnet respectively. Wicke was the one that seemed to respond.

"It seems that the energy that these creatures are releasing are incredibly high, and they seem to have no stopping point whatsoever." Wicke explained. Professor Burnet seemed to chime in as she then added while looking on a tablet of sorts. "We dare say that the power emanating from them is beyond even the power that Necrozma had after we brought its light back to it."

"You can't be serious!" Sophocles shouted in disbelief. They all looked up at the dragon that Haruto had summoned in complete awe and shock, they would normally doubt such a thing, but the presence of the dragon was so great that it was that more believable. Lusamine then said. "I'm afraid we are. It seems that whatever they are, they're creatures of unknown origins. The only ones we know that most likely know what they are, are those two individuals."

"What about you, Tapu Koko? Do you know what they are?" Ash asked as he turned to face the guardian deity. Tapu Koko just looked at him before nodding his head, that was all they got as Tapu Koko turned his attention back to the duel. They would have appreciated it if they could understand the guardian, then they could ask more.

"Is it possible that they're Ultra Beasts?" Mallow wondered. That would be a plausible explanation, they're appearance and such would justify it. Though, the aura and energy released from them felt different. Were they even pokemon to begin with? So many questions! Lusamine shook her head.

"We're afraid to say that they're not. We detected no Ultra Aura coming from any of them at all." Lusamine responded seriously. They then saw Wicke type something on the computer before a graph of sorts appeared on the screen to them. Wicke then explained. "We're detecting completely foreign energy, something greater than even Ultra Aura."

"That's all we have managed to gather about them. If we want any true concrete information, we'd have to ask that young man ourselves." Professor Burnet stated. They looked towards Haruto, who was focused on the duel as his dragon stood protectingly in front of him. "We'll continue investigating, keep safe. Good luck!"

"Ultroger, Lusamine!" They all said in response as the screen turned off. They then turned their attention back to the duel, which seemed to not lose any tension at all as both duelist continued to glare at one another as Horror then started his turn. Horror then took a card before placing it onto his duel disk.

"You started us off strong, so how about I do the same?" Horror smirked behind his helmet. Haruto narrowed his eyes at this as he didn't know what was in store for him, he needed to be careful. "I'll start my turn off by summoning forth Fluffal Rabbit to the field! This is the start of my destruction to you!"

They watched as a monster soon appeared on the field, the trainers and the pokemon were confused when a rather cute looking monster appeared, not something they expected someone like horror to summon forth. Haruto knew better though, he had heard of this deck before, it was known to be a nightmare taken form to people who have seen it, and for good reason indeed.

The monster that appeared seemed to be a cute cuddly pinkish rabbit with a pair of adorable eyes and also what appeared to be angel wings on its back, it also appeared to be carrying a small bag that it held the strap of as it flew. The monster flew there and stared forwards as Horror continued his turn.

"I'll now send my Fluffal Bear to the graveyard to set Toy Vendor from my deck to the field!" They saw Horror discard the card as something soon appeared on the field. It appeared to be a strange machine with a tongue-like addition and had arms with one holding a staff of sorts, it also appeared to have a bunch of capsules inside the compartment of it. "Using its effect, I can discard one card, then draw one card in return. If it's a Fluffal monster, I get to special summon a monster from my hand!"

They watched as Horror proceeded to discard one of his cards before drawing another, when he looked at the card, he gave a smirk underneath his helmet before looking up at Haruto. He then showed the card, which revealed to be Fluffal Dog. "Since this is a Fluffal monster, I can special summon one monster from my hand. I choose Edge Imp Sabres!"

They watched as a rather strange yet disturbing looking monster appeared next to the rabbit, it appeared to be a rack of sorts holding a lot of scissors. The strangest part was that the monster had a pair of sharp red eyes glowing through the darkness of the handles of the scissors, giving a feeling of unease to them.

"Why...?" Haruto voiced as he had his head dropped down as his shoulders shook a bit. Horror seemed confused as he stopped his turn and looked at Haruto, the trainers and pokemon doing the same as his shoulders shook slightly. "Why? Why do you use such a deck? It's a total abomination!"

"Hm? Is that it? Well, don't you think the deck is beautiful? It's perfect!" Horror laughed as Haruto gritted his teeth, he already knew the trainers watching were going to have nightmares. The trainers were oblivious as they found Haruto's statement confusing, why was the deck this guy was using an abomination? The monsters, aside from Edge Imp Sabres, looked pretty cute.

"Eh? Why are they so bad?" Lillie wondered.

"Yeah, they look pretty cute..." Mallow agreed.

"You guys will see soon enough..." Haruto said as he didn't turn his head to look at them. They just blinked in confusion as Horror smirked devilishly under his helmet. He then took a card before playing it. "And soon it will be! I shall activate the card known as Frightfur Fusion! Banishing monsters from my graveyard to fusion summon!"

"Here we go...!"

"I fuse my Fluffal Bear and another Edge Imp Sabres that I had sent to the graveyard through the effect of Toy Vendor to fusion summon!" Horror declared. They saw the two monsters appeared before going into the air and turning into a swirl of colours as Horror chanted. "Claws of the demon! Fangs of the beast! Become one and reveal a new form and power! Fusion Summon! Level 6! Appear, horrifying beast that shreds everything! Frightfur Bear!"

They watched in absolute horror as a pink bear appeared on the field before its arms ripped outwards and formed long arm supported by scissor blades, the mouth of the bear snapping open as a pair of glowing eyes were revealed. The last thing that happened was that the torso ripped out and a pair of open sharp scissors was revealed.

"Don't think it's over yet! I now activate the spell Polymerization from my hand! Fusing both my Fluffal Rabbit and Edge Imp Scissors!" Horror shouted as they both flew into the air and becoming a swirl of colours. "Eyes that track even the smallest of prey, and claws that slice through opposition without mercy! Appear before us now! Fusion Summon! Level 6! Frightfur Wolf!"

The group now watched as a cute blue wolf appeared on the field, though it soon turned horrible as scars appeared on its body as the mouth ripped and a pair of eyes were revealed, scissors then stabbed into its side as the body front part of the body ripped off from the back, barely hanging on by a few strands of string. Its front two legs were also connected by two pairs of scissors.

Both of the horrifying beasts stood on the field as they each gave their own cries, cries of horror characters as the appearance of them made every single one of them shudder in fear, Haruto dealing with it the best. The trainers were different though, they were on the ground shaking as they stared at the beasts, some of them looking away, unable to take it in.

Now they understood why Haruto called the deck and abomination! It was because of these creatures, they looked unlike anything they have ever seen, creatures of absolute horror that would send even the most stone-cold people to the hands of fear. None of them could say anything due to the fear they felt.

Marshadow and Tapu Koko widened their eyes considerably as they stared at the beasts, both of the creatures releasing energy far above Necrozma, much like Haruto's dragons. Speaking volumes already of how dangerous they were. This was the kind of monster this Horror guy controlled?! What a horrifying thing...



Crimson-Eyes Void Dragon: [ATK: 3500 DEF: 2000] [Level: 8 Dark] [Dragon/Fusion/Pendulum/Effect]

Heteros Dragon Knight: [ATK: 1000 DEF: 1500] [Level: 4 Light] [Warrior/Effect]



Frightfur Bear: [ATK: 2200 DEF: 1800] [Level: 6 Dark] [Fiend/Fusion/Effect]

Frightfur Wolf: [ATK: 2000 DEF: 1500] [Level: 6 Dark] [Fiend/Fusion/Effect]


"What do you think? Beautiful, aren't they?!" Horror laughed madly as he seemed to be insane at the moment. Haruto clenched his fist as his monsters glared towards the two horrifying monsters, which they did the same in return. "Now, I'll attack your Heteros Dragon Knight with Frightfur Bear!"

"Oh, crap!" Haruto braced himself Frightfur Bear gave a roar before charging forwards, shaking the ground with every step as he charged. When he got in front of Heteros, he smashed both fists downwards, causing a dust cloud to appear along with a big huge gust of wind and shake due to the impact. "G-Gah~!"

"Haruto/Oh no!" Both Marshadow and Tapu Koko said the first line as the trainers and their pokemon yelled out the second. They saw Haruto being flung away due to the shockwave as he was sent crashing into the rocky ground as he gasped after making contact, his body skidding a good few meters before coming to a stop.


"Stay back! Don't come closer!" Haruto shouted as Marshadow was about to rush over towards him to help. It was way too dangerous for Marshadow or the others to get closer! He struggled onto his feet as his life points had gone down quite a bit [LP: 2800]. "It's not over yet! Frightfur Bear's effect, when he destroys an opponent's monster by battle, I can 'equip' him with that monster and he gains one thousand attack points [ATK: 3200]!"


"Now, I'll activate the quick-play spell card from my hand known as Double Attack! It's pretty self-explanatory, don't you agree?!" Horror cackled in laughter as he was finding excitement in seeing Haruto in pain as the boy gripped his arm in pain. They watched as the bear picked up an unconscious Heteros Dragon Knight, and to their absolute horror, chucked him into its mouth before chewing it up as it gave a cry.

"That's... messed up!" Kiawe cried out with shaking eyes.

"Destroy his dragon!"

"..." Haruto just stood there as the trainers were now shouting at him, along with Tapu Koko and Marshadow, for him to do something to protect himself. Haruto just stood them as the beast ran towards them before sending a punch towards Void Dragon, to which a huge gust of wind blew through the area.

"Hahaha~! This is just gre-! Wait, what?!" Horror stopped his celebration as he noticed that something was happening in the dust. The dust soon cleared as it revealed Void Dragon fine as it threw Frightfur Bear back towards Frightfur Wolf, who stared in surprise that its companion was suddenly knocked back. "How is this possible?!"

"Your plan was to use Frightfur Bear to destroy Void Dragon and have Frightfur Wolf finish me off, and I assume with some kind of effect. But, I'm not losing so easily!" Haruto shouted as he stood tall, though with pain. Horror growled as he then demanded. "How did he survive?! He should be destroyed!"

"Simple, it's because of his effect!" Haruto stated. Horror looked to see that Void Dragon was rushing towards Frighfur Bear, before stopping as it charged up an attack in its mouth, its body glowing with power. "It allows Void Dragon to gain five hundred attack points for every single card that is one the field!"

"That means... two thousand attack points!"

"Correct! Bringing his attack all the way up to five thousand five hundred [ATK: 5500]!" This being because the cards on the field at the time of the activation of the effect were Void Dragon, Frightfur Bear and Wolf, as well as Horror's Toy Vendor. "Destroy Frightfur Bear, Crimson-Eyes Void Dragon! Send it to the next dimension!"

Void Dragon released a powerful roar before firing a crimson red laser from its mouth that completely engulfed Frightfur Bear, vaporising it as it released a pained cry. The attacked had also destroyed a good number of trees, though it luckily then shot upwards into the sky before exploding, not damaging more of the land around them.

"Gah~!" Horror grunted as the electricity shocked him. His life points dropped significantly as he was now on one knee, though a feral smirk soon appeared on his face under his helmet [LP: 2300]. "You are certainly an interesting opponent! I'm going to have fun crushing you soon and making you suffer! I end my turn!"

"Then I draw!"



Crimson-Eyes Void Dragon: [ATK: 5500 DEF: 2000] [Level: 8 Dark] [Dragon/Fusion/Pendulum/Effect]



Frightfur Wolf: [ATK: 2000 DEF: 1500] [Level: 6 Dark] [Fiend/Fusion/Effect]


[Turn 3]


Haruto - 2800 LP [Hand: 2]

Horror - 2300 LP [Hand: 1]


"I start this by act- gah!"

"Haruto!" Haruto wasn't even able to speak as he dropped to one knee, he had actually ended up coughing up a bit of blood, horrifying the trainers and the pokemon as they truly have never seen blood ever being shed before. It was not pleasant. Marshadow had run over and looked concerned at the boy.

"Marshadow, stay back... it's too dangerous for you to... be standing here." Haruto stated as he forced himself back onto his feet. Horror wasn't looking much better either as he was struggling to stand as well, though he actually seemed to enjoy the pain. "B-But, you can't continue this! Just look at you!"

"I know what... needs to be done here, Marshadow! This is the only way I can protect you guys!" Haruto replied as he forced himself to stay standing as he took one of his cards before placing it on his duel disk, he felt major pain, but pushed it aside so he could continue. He was panting heavily. "I activate... Card of Sanctity! We now both draw until we have six cards!"

"Haruto..." Marshadow muttered as he backed a bit away from Haruto's position, since this was what the boy wanted. He couldn't help but mutter in concern as he observed the young male forcing himself to stand, despite the major injuries he had on him right now. While they weren't exterior, they were probably more interior.

While he would normally tell them to leave and escape this place while they could, he doubted that they would, Tapu Koko had the sense of protecting beings on this island and Marshadow seemed to not want to leave him on his own. Plus, he doubted that Horror would even give them a chance to run away, it was far too risky.

"You do realise... you've opened a lot of options for me!"

"I know, but that goes the same way for me...! Don't think of this as a gift though, it is the start of my victory in this duel!" Haruto shouted. Horror seemed amused as both of them then drew until they each held six cards each. Haruto nodding as he looked at them. "Alright, I'm taking you down, Horror!"

"Bring it on!"

"I use the powers of Red-Eyes Overruler and Blue-Eyes Underruler to set the pendulum scale! This duel is now under my rule!" Haruto proceeded to place two cards down on opposite sides of his duel disk as it released a rainbow light as his clothes and hair fluttered in the wind. They all watched in surprise as two pillars of light appeared on either side of his field.

What they saw next were two big dragons rising up the pillars, they both appeared to be similar to Chinese dragons as they had long serpent bodies along with short arms and legs along with no present wings. Red-Eyes Overruler's body was completely black in colour with red piercing eyes shining through, and Blue-Eyes Underruler contrasted Overruler and had a completely white body with piercing blue eyes.

The trainers looked at the spectacle in awe along with their pokemon, despite what they had just witnessed with Horror's monsters, the view of this scene seemed to calm them down as the bright radiance of the light seemed completely put them in a trance of complete awe. Never have they seen such beautiful lights.

"I am now able to summon monster level two through to eight simultaneously!" Haruto declared. They watched as two numbers appeared underneath the monster, Overruler having a number nine and Underruler having the number one, a strange pendant also seemed to be swinging behind them as well. Haruto then raised his clenched fist towards the sky.

"Swing, pendulum of the soul! Carve open the binds that keep reality in balance, become a zenith and guide me through the road of destiny!" They all watched in amazement as the pendant was seemingly was drawing a circle of light that a portal of sorts soon began to appear from within. "Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my prideful companions! Rise Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Blue-Eyes White Egg!"

Blue-Eyes White Dragon emerged down from a crashing light as it gave off a powerful roar, causing the winds to ripple. Another monster soon appeared next to it, a rather small one that layed unmoving on the ground. It was a white egg of sorts with blue crystals surrounding its base and gave off a small glow, they all stared at it in interest.

"I now activate that effect of Blue-Eyes White Egg! I can select one monster you control and negate its effects!" Haruto explained as a red aura surrounded Frightfur Wolf as it dipped its head a bit. "Though, that is not the main reason for me doing so! Since I did accomplish this, Blue-Eyes White Egg now becomes a tuner monster!"

"Say what?" Horror gasped as he recoiled a bit back. He was certainly not expecting this, and he knew exactly what Haruto was going for right now! "You're going to Synchro Summon!"

"Correct you are! I now tune Blue-Eyes White Egg with Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Both monsters seemed to change into orbs of light before lining up with one another, green rings also seemed to line up over them as Haruto chanted. "Warrior of the distant land beyond reach! Raise your blade to the sky and call forth the power from the age of gods! Synchro Summon! Level 8! Dragon Emperor Chaos Exceed!"

They watched as the rings and the orbs of light all exploded into a pillar of light that pierced the very sky itself, to which it soon began to fade as a silhouette of a figure could be seen in the light. As it died down, a knight wearing beautiful white armour with golden accents appeared, the helmet having a black visor and a golden ponytail high at the back of the helmet. The most prominant feature being the beautiful golden blade he held.

The knight descended down from the pillar before standing in front of Haruto, the knight having appeared to be around the same height as Heteros Knight was. The radiance of the knight made the trainers and their pokemon stare at him in awe, the very presence of the being gave them comfort as it felt like they stood in front of a god.



Crimson-Eyes Void Dragon: [ATK: 5500 DEF: 2000] [Level: 8 Dark] [Dragon/Fusion/Pendulum/Effect]

Dragon Emperor Chaos Exceed: [ATK: 2800 DEF: 2400] [Level: 9 Light] [Dragon/Synchro/Effect]



Frightfur Wolf: [ATK: 2000 DEF: 1500] [Level: 6 Dark] [Fiend/Fusion/Effect]


"With this, I can finish you off, Horror!" Haruto shouted as both his monsters stood tall in front of him, protecting him just in case anything happened. Frightfur Wolf seemed to actually back a bit away as it stared at the two powerful monsters in front of it. "My two monsters are more than enough to finish this duel!"

"Well, that would be the case. But..." Horror said as he then gave a small chuckle. Haruto just narrowed his eyes as Horror then took a card from his hand before showing Haruto as he smirked underneath his helmet. "Unfortunately for you though, I have the perfect card to combat you right when you attack!"


"So, go right ahead and attack me!"

"I will, though not before I do something else!" Haruto shouted as he then held his hand forwards, Horror not expecting that response as Haruto then explained. "I already had an idea that you might have something to turn the tide. But, I already have something to combat that! So, that card will be useless soon!"

"What do you mean?" Horror asked with a growl.

"I'll show you! First, I'll activate Exceed's effect, allowing me to choose one monster on the field and banish it! Frightfur Wolf is now gone!" Haruto stated as Exceed pointed his sword at the beast as a golden light shot out, causing the monster to shatter into particles as Frightfur Bear was no longer on the field.

"I now activate Blue-Eyes Underruler's pendulum effect! I can choose the number of cards I want you to send to the graveyard, in expense for four hundred of my life points for each card and add those points to you but doubled!" Haruto explained as Horror widened his eyes at the effect. "I'll remove two thousand four hundred of my life points to discard all the cards in your hand!"

"Damnit...!" Horror grumbled as he clenched his fist. He sent his entire hand to the graveyard as Haruto was then shocked with a lot of electricity, causing him to cry out in major pain as the others called out to him in concern [LP: 400]. Horror seemed to gain life points as he was still angry [LP: 7100]. "Am I really going to lose this? How is this possible?!"

"Anything is... possible! You thought you were... unbeatable? You're sorely mistaken! I already planned for this, and having both my monsters on the field, I have enough attack to finish you off!" Haruto explained as both his monsters roared. Horror seemed to clench both fists as he glared up at the monsters. "You planned this all along?!"

"Heh, a single mistake could have led to my defeat! Of course I prepared in advance just in case you were to have something like that!" Haruto responded. He then pointed forwards as he then declared. "Now, Exceed and Void Dragon! Finish this duel now!"

Horror widened his eyes as both of the monsters rushed at him, Void Attacking first as he fired a crimson beam towards Horror as Exceed then sent an energy projectile by slashing his sword, which merged with the beam as it turned into a beam of gold and crimson energy. It struck Horror as he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Damn you~!"




Haruto - 400 LP [Hand: 2]

Horror - 0 LP [Hand: 0]


"I... did it."

"You are certainly... the pest I was told about! I will have my revenge soon!" Horror shouted as he then soon typed onto something on his arm before his body disappeared from sight. Haruto couldn't even yell at him to stop so he could get answers as Haruto was barely being able to stand, or even stay conscious at the moment.

"Damn... no answers... again." Haruto muttered before his eyes began to close. Soon enough, he began falling to the ground before colliding as he fell unconscious. Marshadow had instantly started running over towards him before looking down at Haruto with major concern written all over his face, though it couldn't be seen.

"Haruto! Wake up, come on!" Marshadow shook Haruto's body continuously, though the male showed no sign at all of being able to move, he seemed completely out. Marshadow then saw the trainers running over, Tapu Koko leading the front as he had quickly flown over to them. "Tapu Koko, he's not waking up!"

"You're right. He needs medical attention now, that duel had caused him incredible damage." Tapu Koko replied seriously. Tapu Koko, the guardian deity, was even affected by the sight of blood that Haruto had shed. There was blood still coming out now from his mouth at the corner of his mouth as he was unconscious, his mouth only being seen thankfully as the hood still kept the majory of his face obscured. "Let's get him to help."

"Where though?" Marshadow wondered as he stared down at Haruto in large worry. Despite knowing the male for a short time, he had already grown very fond of the boy as he had shown him complete kindness and trust. Tapu Koko picked Haruto up as Marshadow looked up at the pokemon and Haruto who was in Tapu Koko's arms.

"Don't worry, I know where."

"Tapu Koko, is here going to be okay...?" They both looked to see Ash was the one that asked as he and the others looked at Haruto in major concern, he looked to be injured severely, the bruises from crashing to the ground present and also the blood. He was the one that protected them not too long ago, and they felt like they couldn't even help him in return...

"I hope he's okay..." Lillie muttered as they all had the same thought as they stared at the motionless male in Tapu Koko's hands, Snowy looking on in the same way as he had protected Lillie and her previously. His arms were dangling as Tapu Koko held him face up. Kiawe nodded as he then added with crossed arms. "Yeah... and look at those injuries. They look pretty bad."

"Hop on, Marshadow. We need to get him help now."

"R-Right!" Marshadow quickly jumped on top of one of Tapu Koko's arms as the guardian soon began to fly up, the trainers just watching on as they still couldn't help but worry about Haruto. He did save them after all. Tapu Koko looked down at them before giving a cry as he then flew at high speeds in another direction.

"Where are we going?"

"To someone who can help him. It's not that far."


"Hm? What's that sound?"

The voice of a man could be heard saying in confusion as he seemed to look out the window of his house. The male is a stocky old man, who has white hair tied in a ponytail as well as white eyebrows and mustache. He was wearing a blue shirt under his yellow jacket with flower patterns, and a shirt tied in a knot over a red and white fan. He also wears white shorts and white and blue flip-flops. In addition, he also had squinty eyes.

This was none other than Hala, the kahuna of Melemele Island. He could have sworn that he had heard a sound coming from outside of his house as he began to walk towards the door, and when he opened the door. He looked around before slightly jumping back when none other than Tapu Koko appeared in front of him in a flash

"T-Tapu Koko!" Hala cried out in surprise. He stared at the guardian deity in awe as he worshipped the pokemon, it was a pokemon that defended their island and the region of Alola after all. Hala seemed confused by his appearance here though. "Is something the matter, Tapu Koko? Is there something wrong?"

"I am in need of assistance." Tapu Koko replied. He knew that Hala couldn't understand a word he was saying, but it was at least good to try. Marshadow jumped off of Tapu Koko as Hala stared at the pokemon in confusion, mostly due to the fact that he was still wearing the leaves. Though, Tapu Koko soon gained his attention.

"What is this?!" Hala actually opened his eyes as his face turned into a look of astonishment. Tapu Koko revealed Haruto who was still unconscious in his arms, his injuries as bad as they were before they made their way here as Hala looked at the boy in shock. "My word! What could have happened to him? I assume you need my assistance?"

Tapu Koko just nodded his head as Hala nodded in response, he had quickly taken the boy from the guardian as he quickly and gently made his way inside the house. Tapu Koko and Marshadow following behind as they saw Hala placing Haruto down on a bed, the boy still unmoving as the blood was still flowing from his mouth.

"This is rather fatal... he needs to be treated immediately." Hala said seriously as he took hold of the boy's arm as he checked the scratches and bruises that were present, some blood was also coming through injuries. Hala didn't waste any time as he got out some medical equipment such as bandages and such. Hala then took Haruto's hood off, revealing his face. "This boy! So, you must be Haruto then. No wonder, you must have gone through what Steven told me..."

Tapu Koko and Marshadow seemed confused by what the Kahuna meant, but ignored it as they watched the older man tend to Haruto's wounds carefully, a single mistake could be very bad for the boy. It got worse when Hala checked under Haruto's shirt, seeing the big injuries that had been inflicted, most likely from crashing into the ground.

Hala then quickly used the bandages to wrap around Haruto's chest and mainly his back, as that was where the main damage was dealt, doing so after applying medicine to it. He didn't need to add bandages to his arm or legs as they had minor injuries, he just applied medicine and wiped it as it should heal well. His main upper body though... that was another story.

"I've tended to his wounds, though I am uncertain if he will heal so easily with that injury that had been dealt to his back. We can only hope." Hala said to Tapu Koko and Marshadow as they looked down at Haruto, who had his shirt and hood taken off as his entire chest and his back were covered in bandages, his stomach only being bare with his right shoulder also having bandages covering it. "We shall let him rest, and check-up in the morning."

The two pokemon watched as Hala left the room, to which they went back to looking at Haruto's unconscious figure, though he was breathing at least, which was a really good sign. Tapu Koko then lowered his head slightly before making his way out the door that Hala did, though not before saying this.

"Come on, Marshadow. We should let Haruto rest, he'll be alright."

"Alright..." Marshadow replied reluctantly before walking over to Tapu Koko, though not before staring back towards Haruto one more time before turning around and going out the door, Tapu Koko closing it as they both exited.

next chapter
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