After a night rest in Viridian City I decided to head towards Pewter City via Viridian Forest.
Before I had started my journey I had brought a bunch of supplies and evolved 3 of my Eevee's onto Flareon, Vaporian and Jolteon. The main reason I evolved them is because I would like to divide my Pokemons into 8 hours shifts. Of course one pokemon would be allowed to stay for a longer time, and the winner of the raffle was one of my Eevees. In the end I divided my Pokemons into 3 teams.
Team 1: Charmeleon*, Wartortle, Eevee, Eevee
Team 2: Flareon, Vaporian, Jolteon, Eevee
Team 3: Charmeleon, Pikachu, Eevee, Pidgeotto
Before I headed to Viridian Forest I decided to take a detour towards Viridian Lake which was a bit outside of Viridian City. I had spent about 3 hours near lake fishing and I had managed to catch two new Pokemons for my team which were Magikarp and Polywag. While Magikarp would stay in my Spiral Space with Lugia, Polywag was added as a member of Team 3.
Afterwards I decided to travel towards Viridian Forest via Rocky Terrain and it was there where I had seen my first live battle between high level pokemon. It was a battle between a Rhydon, Onix and Graveler. I don't know the reason for it but it was a sight to behold. As the battle was going on the Graveler seemed to have lost until it used explosion which severely damaged the area and had caught me and Team 1 by surprise. After we recovered and viewed the surrounding I had discovered the area was a mess.
I had taken Pidgeotto from my Spiral Space and had her scout the area a head while I go towards the battle field. Once I reached there I had seen that the Onix was injured and fainted so I had captured it. The Graveler died due to using the move explosion whike Rhydon died due to the damage sustained by it. I had taken all the corpses of the dead pokemons I found and threw them into my Chaos Pool. I had gained about 363 points and used them all to help Lugia recover a bit more. I decided that I would send Onix to Professor Oak when I have the chance since I can't control it yet. Selling or trading it would be my best option.
After I cleaned up the battle field I decided to continue my way towards Viridian Forest but I had encountered 2 Pokemons that I managed to catch. They were a Geodude whom I assigned to team 1 and Rhyhorn who was assigned to team 2.
After a bit more of travel I had reached a Rest Stop that was situated near Viridian Forest. This Rest Stop also doubles for a ranger station as well so you would be get in touch with rangers here as well.
One of the first thing I did was contact Professor Oak.
Blake: "Hello Professor Oak, How are you doing?"
Professor Oak: "Hello Blake, how are you doing?"
Blake:"I am doing fine Professor. I was wondering if you could sell a Onix I had recently caught. I got lucky in catching the Onix and it's too strong for my current team."
Professor Oak: "Really? How did you catch it?"
I proceeded to tell him the story about the battle I had witnessed which he was interested to hear.
Professor Oak: "Looks like the area near Viridian City may get a bit chaotic for now. Anyways send me the Onix and I will add it to your profile and mark it for sell."
Blake: "Thanks Professor."
After my call with the Professor, I called home to let them know where I was and my plans before hanging up to rest for the night.
The next day I headed towards Viridian Forest.
Team 1: Charmeleon*, Wartortle, Eevee, Eevee, Geodude
Team 2: Flareon, Vaporian, Jolteon, Eevee, Rhyhorn
Team 3: Charmeleon, Pikachu, Eevee, Pidgeotto, Poliwag
Spiral Space: Lugia, Magikarp
For Sale: Onix
Travelling through Viridian Forest wasn't easy even with a team of Pokemons out to guard me. This was especially so because I didn't follow the recommended paths but instead took many short cuts. Due to not travelling in the recommended paths I had many horde battles some of them I lost and some of them I won. When I had lost the battles I would retreat into my Spiral Space till the situation cooled off a bit and then escape the area. Due to this it had taken me one month to get past Viridian Forest but I did get other benefits, like catching some new Pokemons such as Weedle, Caterpie and Scyther and my Pokemons evolving.
Another benefit is that is Lugia is now fully healed.
Pokemons: Pikachu, Eevee, Vaporian, Jolteon, Flareon, Leafeon, Espeon, Umbreon, Sylveon Charmeleon*, Charmeleon, Lugia*, Wartortle, Pidgeotto, Gyradose, Polywhirl, Graveler, Rhyhorn, Beedrill, Scyther, Butterfree
For Sell: Onix
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