/ Anime & Comics / POKEMON RISE



Anime & Comics 120 Kapitel 1.0M Ansichten
Autor: Theothegiant

4.16 (17 Bewertungen)

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis


Waking up in the cold depths of space, no memory of what happened and what got me here, out in the distance i felt the presence of something, something greater than anything i've ever seen.
The light sparkles my way as a celestial being calls out to me.

"You're not going to die just yet," It muttered, a bright light quickly obstructing my view.

and that's how it started, so hey. If you got some free time why don't you check out my first and last pokemon adventure

General Audiences
  1. Theothegiant
    Theothegiant Beigetragen 157
  2. Kevin_Barclay
    Kevin_Barclay Beigetragen 67
  3. Cody_Lee_Hoffman
    Cody_Lee_Hoffman Beigetragen 15

Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

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  • Qualität der Übersetzung
  • Veröffentlichungsstabilität
  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
  • Welthintergrund

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I really enjoyed my readthrough of this story, I haven't delved into pokemon stories so this is a first for me. But it's safe to say it has finally scratched my pokemon adventures itch that I've had for so long and that's having only read through ten chapters at the time. I'll start off with writing quality, the pacing and structuring throughout chapters is very well done. Allowing the reader an easy read, for me I could go through 8 chapters in a breeze and still want more. Followed by great scenes and character descriptions. Stability of updates is very consistent, keeping to 5 chapters a week so you're bound to have more if you wait a little. Very impressive considering the author is updating 4 novels at once which would be pure brain melt for me XD. Story development, throughout my readthrough a lot of the normal directions pokemon go down, the author put his own spin on. Good example being the mc getting his first pokemon. Not just this but there are hints of something under the surface of the plot I don't want to spoil because it's good to get it blind like me. Character design. I love that the mc is not acting the typical way of a normal trainer since he has no knowledge of the pokemon world. So it becomes the fear of the unknown in the beginning making his developing perspective more believable. This allows a much more realistic opinion of pokemon to form rather than hamfisting into you their friends. The pokemon have distinct traits developed from what I've seen so far especially in Zorua. World background, the author knows pokemon in and out so the background is very stable with his own spin on certain things. This makes the scene transition great because they always know the specific name of where they want to go. As well as filling in the background of those said spots. I loved reading through the viridian forest. Very fun time there. If you're looking for a pokemon story that strays from the norm this is the one. Was such an enjoyable first readthrough and I can't wait to continue when I have some free time. Very excited to continue Keep going strong Theo!

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Hi I'm the author of this book POKEMON RISE and I'm writing this review incase anyone wants to read but your not sure if you should pick it up or not. Writing Quality My writing style is decent i should say. I ask my friends to review my work often for any grammatical or story errors. Even this review! O(∩_∩)O Stability of updates Not to brag but, I never miss a time to update i normally update on Sundays, Saturdays and Wednesdays if your wondering. Sometimes I update before then like Thursdays or Tuesdays but those chapters are relatively short 90% of the time and are leading up to bigger more impactful chapters. Story Development So far the development of the story is going to plan. I try to make a story about time and timelines as simple as possible/ easy to understand. My goal with this book is to make it without a grandfather paradox even though that's the name of the evil team. Character Design The character design of the characters in this fanfic were inspired by other Pokemon trainers in the cannon story with my own twist on them to the point where they are completely original. I'm not the best at writing trauma but I try my best when writing these characters especially the main character. World Background Since this world is the world of Pokemon i didn't have to do much but shift the time points around and in doing that alot has changed along with a new region called "the Granite region" which is a region that apparently came from the past because of Celebi's influence. and that's about it. Hopefully this review encourages you to read it would mean a lot to me. O(∩_∩)O

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honestly I barely read 5 chapters and skipped to the end , to see what more drama , man if you have a talent for drama , see ... guys who will want to read this , if you enjoy drama , pro crybaby and a sadistic author this fanfic is for you , now if you don't delete it from history.. it's not worth it, first it's already the name of the prota ayuna '-', then one drama after another, evil team and such, death of teammates and all the time he cries, good luck author

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LV 3 Badge

THis thing is mindblowing to be very honest i usually scrim through novels but oh god this one was absolute treat to read. brought me back to old days when i used to love pokemon series alot ahhh nostalgic and the way this author introduced character, the battles, pokemon and specially those jokes like ahh that meowth one Love it imma keep reading this till end

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Pokemon + Reincarnation = Awesome I enjoy Pokemon, but it's been a while since I've read, seen, or played any games. However, this novel has given me the opportunity to dive back into the world of Pokemon with a fresh perspective. The pacing of the story is just right. It's not too slow, nor is it rushing forward. It reminds me of the Pokemon cartoon that I first fell in love with. While I've always liked Ash (and please, no one question my preferences), I have to say that I'm even more drawn to Ayuna, the main character in this novel. Overall, I found the reading experience to be thoroughly enjoyable and I am eagerly anticipating where the story will go next.

2 Antworten anzeigen

thats one big imbecile of an author for you. naming of a retard, mc and plot one of the dumbest ever read. and the cherry on top? this moron knows nothing of reality. he describes a 5 year old as if he speaks about 18+ year old. what child takes a shower in the morning?

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C pas de la reincarnation si il pas de souvenirs [img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]

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i dont know mc gender anyone reply plz. ayuna?

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Not the biggest fan of Pokemon but this book is amazing! Can't wait for more chapters to come out! Keep up the good work and the consistent posting! ^^

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Loved this book! A few grammatical errors but it wasn't hard to read at all! The beginning got me hooked and before i knew it i was already at chapter 30! The jokes are good and never feel forced and some parts really make this book earn it's "Dark" Tag.

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The story seems interesting to me and flow so well. I hope there ’s more description of every pokemon charas because why not 🥺🥺🥺 they ’re the cutest 🥰🥰🥰

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LV 3 Badge

Love the book so far. Authors tend to portray kids as either too far knowledgeable for their age, or too stupid, but our Mc is just right. I also do love the inner monologue that constantly allows us to understand the Mc and not go off infrences. I can’t wait to see more chapters from you author.[img=update]

4 Antworten anzeigen

Fun fan fiction of pokemon, if you enjoyed the anime you can give it a go. The plot is simple and easy to understand, recommend it.

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Dive into the enchanting world of Pokémon, where you'll be greeted by a delightful and wholesome universe filled with captivating creatures and intriguing characters. The vivid descriptions of the Pokémon and the engaging interactions between trainers truly bring the story to life. However, there are a few minor grammatical errors, and it would be great to see more depth in the main character's personality. Exploring their thoughts and emotions would enhance the reader's connection to the story. Nonetheless, this is an enjoyable and captivating read that will certainly pique the interest of Pokémon fans!

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Hey man I've become a big fan of your book I can't read all your books right now I'm going to know what happens next remind the language length readers know when your next chapter is coming out Because I'm dying to know what happens next

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It's a great story so far at least from what i read but it kept me interested so far so cant wait to see what's next.

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LV 1 Badge

So far i like this. The fact that this is an isekai but also not completely forget the past of the mc is a troupe i always liked. not to mention the slow introduction of time and timelines in the fanfiction cant wait to see how those turn out!

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Autor Theothegiant