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24.91% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 71: Kanto

Kapitel 71: Kanto

The next day, Ash trained with his Pokemon while explaining his plans to them. He wanted to send Banette to the lab so he could meet his mom and the rest of the family and call Primeape to travel with them for a while. The ghost type was very curious about the rest of the family but also reluctant to leave because he was pretty nervous about leaving Phantump and meeting new Pokemon without him or Ash around.

Ash pat his head, "You know I'm not abandoning you right? You would actually be meeting the rest of the family."

Banette looked at Ash and nodded, "Bann!"

Ash, "Tell you what? I will first call Primeape over and we can have breakfast together before I send you home."

Bannete perked up when Ash said home and Ash made a mental tick mark on that. After training was over Ash called the lab, the Professor was just getting started on his morning routine when Ash asked for Primeape and explained his plan to the older man. The Professor agreed to it after a while and promised to have one of their assistants get Banette's ball once it reached the lab before calling out to Primeape. The fighting type agreed quickly to be sent to Ash and join them for breakfast. Ash got Primape's ball and released the fighting type Pokemon who glomped him very happily earning a laugh from Ash.

Ash, "I missed you too Primape, come here meet Banette and Phantump. They are the newest Pokemon and the youngest too."

Primape turned to the two and hugged them, "Ape ape ape primape."

Banette looked at Primape bewildered as he was hugged, "Ban Banette."

Phantump giggles, "Phaaaaaa."

Ash, "Come on let's go and get breakfast."

Ritchie looked at Ash, "You called your Primeape?"

Ash gave a laugh, "Seeing your Primeape made me miss mine. So I thought I would call him and see if he wanted to join me again."

Misty, "Ah, I get it. I might call Daisy later on to check on my other Pokemon too."

Brock smiled at them as he served warm breakfast for the Pokemon first then everyone else. Jameson took out the bread and distributed it while Ash shared bottles of Moo Moo milk. Misty took out the bottles of water and Jessilina took out the berries. It was a very simple breakfast all things considered and they all hoped to reach Celadon city soon. Once breakfast was done Ash and his Pokemon hugged Banette and said goodbye while promising him he would love the others and mom. Banette gave a grin before Ash sent him to the lab and they went towards the camp which was located on the road opposite of Celadon. They had come across a fork in the road and one road went to Celadon while the other to the camp.

Jessilina checked the map, "Well if we go to the camp we can go around and enter through the city gate that is closest to the Pokemon centre."

Misty, "Really? That's good isn't it?"

Gou, "Alright let's go check it out."

They went towards the camp and half way through they saw a group of Pokemon consisting of Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Hitmontop, Tyrogue, Poliwrath, Medichan, Sawk, Hawlucha and Machoke. Ash was a bit surprised to see Pokemon from different together but realized they probably belonged to someone already. The two Primeapes watched them before bounding over to talk to them and joining them in their training. Ash and Ritchie looked at each other before shrugging and sitting a bit away from them as they trained.

Gou, "I want to catch one."

Brock, "You can't catch them."

Horace, "Why not?"

Jessilina, "They are wearing belts that participants in the P1 Grand Prix wear. So it means they already have a trainer or trainers."

Misty, "That Poliwrath looks tough."

Poliwhirl nodded, "Li."

Poliwrath noticed the young Poliwhirls and motioned to them, they approached the older Pokemon as he started to ask if they were here for the match. The two Pokemon looked at each other before shrugging, it was up to their trainers more than anything before they called Lucario and told him what the water fighting type mentioned. Lucario tilted his head curiously before walking back to where Ash sat with Ritchie and Phantump laying on his lap, Sparky and Pikachu were speaking to each other sitting comfortably on their trainer's shoulders. Looking at the little Ghost type, Lucario could tell the little guy was having a bit of trouble getting used to doing things without Banette around, he wondered how the other one was doing.

Lucario, -The P1 Grand Prix is starting today according to the Pokemon there. They were asking if we wanted to take part.-

Ritchie, "Grand Prix for fighting types?"

Ash, "It's starting today?"

Gou, "It sounds interesting, but I left my Primeape at the Cerise park. Eh he he he he."

Ritchie turned to Primeape, "What do you think? Want to take part?"

Ritchie's Primeape nodded enthusiasticly, "Pri primeape."

Ash's Primeape looked at him with pleading eyes making him laugh, "Alright, alright, stop looking at me like that. Let's go register first yeah."

Fearrow and Pidgeot cawed before they led them towards the camp up ahead, which they learned was not a camp but rather a large training area. Fearrow personally thought humans were a very curious mix. There were people like the trainers who always came to the forest to bother them and fight with them risking their health and life. Then there are humans like his trainer and his flock who were very kind and would risk their lives for others. He still remembers the promise that him and the other Pokemon made unanimously and he would keep it.

Brock, "We are here."

Ash, "Cool, let's go register, it'll be fun."

They heard a man laugh, "You are quite spirited young man."

Gou blinked before getting starry eyed, "You're Anthony, the three times Champion of fighting Pokemon and a world renowned Fighting type Master."

Anthony laughed, "Yes that's me, although the title of Champion now belongs to someone else."

Brock, "I think you will always be the Champ for Kanto."

Anthony grinned, "So who are taking part and in what."

Horace, "Huh?"

Anthony, "There are two types of tournaments, the single tournament and the double team tournament."

Ash hummed, "I think I'll take part in double team tournament. Lucario, Primeape what do you think?"

Lucario, -It'll be interesting to see how well we can fight together against others.-

Primeape nodded, "Ape."

Brock, "Do you want to go get seats?"

Misty, "Yeah, it'll be a good experience for my Poliwhirls."

Anthony bent down, "Planning on evolving one of them into Poliwrath?"

Misty grinned, "Yes sir, watching other Poliwraths battle will be a good experience."

Ritchie smiled, "I'm going for the single."

Anthony, "Wonderful, you will make the 8th double team and you the 16th single fighter."

Jameson frowned, "Why such a low number of participants?"

Anthony sighed, "A lot of criminal activity has taken place the last few months. And most of the fighters who normally take part has been called in to help out."

Jessilina grimaced, "I see, let me guess, it was either poachers or Team Rocket right?"

Anthony nodded, "One of those, yes, now why don't you boys go get registered? Registration will close in two hours before the tournament starts one half an hour after the registration is done."

Ash nodded grabbing Ritchie's hand, "Right, let's go Ritchie."

Ritchie, "Woah slow down. I'm coming."

Anthony laughed, "They sure are enthusiastic."

Jessilina laughed as she and the others went to get tickets for their seats, "Well I can't blame them. It's a good opportunity for them to test themselves."

Ash had a strange epiphany as they were getting registered, he realized, he had barely used his pokedex. Except for getting rooms or registering himself for gym battles and tournaments he had not exactly scanned a Pokemon, ooops. After getting the tickets Anthony wished Ritchie and Ash good luck as the tournaments were about to begin. Misty held Dewpider as her two Poliwhirls sat besides her, while Gou and Horace were infront. Brock, Jessilina, Jameson and Meowth sat behind them as they listened to Anthony's welcome speech and opening of the tournament. Misty grinned as her Poliwhirls were excited to watch the opening battle was double battles. Ash was up against a girl called Vidi who had a Hitmonchan and Machamp.

Ash, "Let's go Lucario, Primeape. Show them what you have got."

Vidi, "Let's do our best, Hitmonchan, Machamp."

Referee, "Begin!"

Ash, "Lucario, sword dance, Primeape fire punch."

Vidi, "Hitmonchan, bullet punch, Machamp mega kick."

Ash, "Add agility."

Lucario and Primeape nodded to each other before dodging the opponents attacks and hitting them with their moves. Then they switched their targets and hit them again twice, it was one of the oldest training method they had learned together back when Primeape was still Mankey. Lucario smirked as they separated from the opponents, looks like all those hard work was finally paying off.

Vidi, "Are you guys okay? Looks like I underestimated you because you are a coordinator."

Ash shrugged, "Just because I'm a coordinator does not mean I don't train in battling."

Vidi, "Bulk up Machamp, Hitmonchan vacuum wave."

Ash, "Lucario jump on top of Primeape and ready your metal claw, Primeape earthquake."

Lucario jumped as Vidi's eyes widened when Primeape unleashed a strong earthquake to hit her Pokemon off-guard. Lucario moved once the earthquake was done, he moved quickly inbetween the Pokemon and hit both of them with powerful Metal Claw knocking them both out.

Referee, "Machamp and Hitmonchan are unable to battle. Lucario and Primeape are the winners."

Ash grinned, "Great teamwork you two. That was awesome."

Lucario nodded before speaking only to Ash and Primeape, -It felt good to work together again.-

Primeape was excited, "Pri ape primeape."

Ash grinned as they watched the other double matches waiting for the semi final round where he'll face off with one of the other challengers before going to finals. It was if he was being honest very exciting to take part in tournaments, this would be his second tournament officially speaking. He was a bit troubled by the fact Team Rocket seems to be becoming more and more active but didn't allow it to dampen his spirits. He cheered for Ritchie asked he took part in the opening singles match and Primeape won the first match. For a Pokemon who was just caught yesterday, Primeape was doing really well in the tournament and following Ritchie's command.

Ash, "Congratulations on winning your first official match together Ritchie, Primeape."

Ritchie grinned, "Thanks Ash, Spirit is amazing huh?"

Ash, "Your naming him Spirit? Cool."

Primeape, "Pri ape primeape."

Ash, "Best of luck for the rest of the matches."

Ritchie grinned fist bumping him, "Same to you."

Misty was watching them from up in the stands, "Awww man, I wanted to take part too."

Poliwhirl pat her back, "Li li poliwhirl."

Meowth who was munching on popcorn, "Ya can try 'ext y'ar kid."

Jessilina, "This is a yearly event."

Gou, "Next year I'm taking part with Primeape as well so let's take part together Misty."

Misty grinned, "Sure Gou."

Horace, "You know you could take part with Heracross and Combusken too."

Gou looked where Horace was pointing, "Oh yeah! I could. Eh he he he he he he, I can take part in both doubles tournament and singles tournament."

Brock, "You would have to enter twice then."

Gou, "I don't mind."

Misty sweatdropped, "Am I seeing stars around him?"

Poliwhirl, "Li li."

Ash meanwhile was going against a Machoke and a Breloom, "Aura sight power up punch, Lucario, Primeape, focus energy fire punch."

Lon, "Machoke use dynamic punch, Breloom force palm followed by leech seed."

Lucario clashed with Machoke while Primeape clashed with Breloom. Ash noticed the fire type attack did not affect the grass fighting type and decided to change tactics.

Ash, "Drain Low kick seismic toss ice."

Both Lucario and Primeape nodded before changing their opponents and delivering the drain punch followed by low kicks. Taking advantage of their opponents being caught off-guard Primeape delivered Machoke a powerful seismic toss while Lucario hit Breloom with an ice punch. Breloom managed to hit him with leech seed but Lucario sliced the vines using bone rush. It was a very crude use of the powerful move, but it got the job done. The two stood back as their opponents refused to be defeated easily and stood up.

Lon, "Are you guys okay?"

Machoke nodded, "Chok."

Breloom, "Oom."

Lon, "Breloom synthesis, Machoke bulk up, we have to give this our all."

Ash, "Primeape prepare thunder and fire punch, Lucario laser focus followed by metal claw."

Lon, "Machoke Megapunch, Breloom mega drain."

Ash watched as his Pokemon rushed forward to attack, as Lucario and Primeape got closer to Breloom and Machoke, "Jump."

Lucario dodged the mega drain while Primeape dodged the mega punch before coming down on the Pokemon. Lucario hit Breloom with his metal claw knocking him out and while Machoke managed to defend himself from the thunder punch, he was hit by a fire punch that left him down and out for the count. Lucario and Primeape were pretty exhausted as well, they were breathing heavily watching their fallen opponents.

Referee, "Machoke and Breloom are unable to battle, Lucario and Primeape are moving to the final rounds."

Lon, "Return Machoke, Breloom, you guys were great. That was a fun battle Ash Ketchum, let's fight again sometime."

Ash, "Sure, why not, you are a pretty cool guy. Oh just call me Ash."

Lon smiled, "Lon."

Referee, "This is an announcement. We will take a break to have lunch before resuming the matches."

Ash cheered as he ran up to hug Primeape and Lucario who glomped him back making him laugh and fall. They went to the stands to rejoin the others and were jumped on by Pikachu and Phantump, Phantump mostly just followed Pikachu's lead. Gou was telling Ash how much fun the tournament was and next year he was definitely taking part, to which Misty nodded in agreement. Ash grinned when Ritchie joined them and left towards the communal area where they could sit and have food. Ash was sure he noticed a few familiar faces in the crowd but shook his head and focused on eating his lunch. Lucario nudged him with aura but Ash just smiled and sent back nothing was wrong and he thought he saw someone. They were getting better in using aura to speak to each other from the first time they tried it.

[A. N.: I love the song Coco from the latest movie. I can't wait to watch the movie either. It's my second favorite song after Acacia - Gotcha. (。'▽'。)♡]

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