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11.11% Pokemon: New Ash / Chapter 1: Awaken

Kapitel 1: Awaken


Struck by a thunderbolt. The boy dances as the electricity fried his body. He fell down with a thud. Shocking the people around the laboratory.

"Hey Ash! Are you okay?" An enchanting voice worriedly called out. Helpless to what was happening. She approaches the boy as she tried to help him.

"Wait, Little Leaf. Don't touch him yet, there still remnants of the electricity on his body."

A deep grown voice stopped the girl from reaching the boy. The old man also look worried at the little boy who fell down, quite helpless. He knew how, unruly and stubborn the little yellow rat, it already electrified many young trainers.

The boy wanted to pick this pikachu, since it's the last pokemon left in the lab, He warned him that he would get hurt. Shaking his head. They waited until the electricity coursing through his body disappear.

"Hahahaha, Ashy boy, You can't even tame your starter pokemon. tsk tsk"

A haughty voice sounded, coming from a boy who have the same look as the old man, obviously the two are related.

"Stop it Gary. Don't laugh at him."

The girl, Leaf berated Gary. She glared at him. But Gary also glared at her.

"Hmph, What's with that look leaf. Do you want to fight?"

"If you want a battle, I will give you so."

Not wanting to lose, Leaf stated with confidence. Leaf is not a hot headed girl who loves to battle anyone, anytime and anywhere.

It's just, Ash is her dear friend and she doesn't like Gary's attitude to Ash.

"Even if you have elemental advantage against my squirtle with your Bulbasaur, I won't lose easily. Right Squirtle?"

"Squir Squirtle!" Squirtle crossed his arms just like Gary and look at Leaf's Bulbasaur haughtily.

Gary look at his pokemon proudly as he said with high pride.

Leaf rolled her eyes as she whispered under her breathe. 'Like Trainer, Like pokemon'

"You kids stop it. Ash is waking up." The Old man, The most famous pokemon specialist, Professor Oak halted the duo's rowdy behavior.

Ash's eyelid tremble and suddenly opened. He blinked multiple times as he look around. His eyes look confused and lost.

'Where am I?' He thought.

He look around and saw a familiar scene. He tried to recall where he saw it but he was greeted by a sudden splitting headache. He grab his head with both of his hands and screamed.


This was the most painful thing he'd ever experienced in his life? Wait, I was dead? Memories he didn't own quickly surges through his brain making him wanting to throw up.

Ash ketchum, Delia, Leaf, Gary, Professor Oak, Pallet town....Pokemon.

"A-Ash! Are you okay. Professor what's wrong with Ash!?" Leaf who saw ash suffering from painful headache suddenly panicked as she turn her head to professor oak with worried filled expression.

Gary also was also dumbfounded. He didn't expect this to happen. He might be an ass to to ash, no pun intended, he is still his friend. So, he suddenly turn his head to his Grandfather with worry.

Professor Oak quickly took action, He grabbed ash and put him on the sofa. He hastily called out one of the pokemon he have on hand. He may not be nurse joy or a doctor but he is a pokemon specialist.

"Clefairy come out!"

He threw a pokemon ball and it opened mid air and a pokemon appeared.

Clefairy is a bipedal, pink Pokemon with a chubby, vaguely star-shaped body. A small, pointed tooth protrudes from the upper left corner of its mouth. It has wrinkles beside its black, oval eyes, a single dark pink oval marking on each cheek, and large, pointed ears with brown tips. A tuft of fur curls over its forehead, much like its large, upward-curling tail. Each stocky arm has two small claws and a thumb on each hand and both feet have a single toenail. There is a pair of tiny, butterfly-shaped wings on its back.

"Clefairy?" The cute chubby pokemon looked at Professor Oak, confused.

"Clefairy use your ability to heal this young boy." He pointed at Ash who was squirming from pain.

Clefairy, turn her attention to Ash and she became worried. She hastily walk next to the sofa and raised her hands, using her healing ability.

Ash painful expression quickly lessened until he felt cool sensation in his brain. He watch as the memories of Ash Ketchum merge with his.

A few minutes later. Ash's breathing calmed downed considerably. He open his eyes again and look around. He sees a beautiful and cute girl next to him with worries in her eyes.

"Cute." Unconsciously, Ash quietly said. But, Due to close approximate between the two, Leaf heard Ash's mumbling.

Leaf's cheeks quickly turned red.

"W-W-What are you saying Ash!? Calling me cute out of the blue. Even though, I'm worried about you."

Leaf shouted at Ash. Leaf was panicking when Ash complimented her.

'Ah, I said it aloud.' Ash thought. He admitted that leaf panicking really looks adorable. Making her more look cute.

This time he didn't say it aloud. He might get a smack if he did so.

"It's true you know. Leaf you're cute. Right Gary and Professor?"

This time he called the two people present.

Professor Oak nodded while Gary just harrumphed.

"What the heck are you talking about Ash. I saw you dying in pain and now you're flirting with this little girl."

"Who's Little girl!" Leaf glared at Gary.



When the two glared at each other there is a lightning sparks between them.


Professor Oak stop the two.

""Hmph! I will get you next time Little girl/Asshead""

Professor Oak stared at the two with incredulous expression. Kids be kids. He laughed mildly. He then turned his attention to Ash.

"Ash are you okay?"

"Yes, Professor I'm fine. Thanks to Clefairy, I feel rejuvenated."

Ash smiled at Clefairy who was still healing him. Clefairy also happily smiled at Ash.

"Cle Clefairy."

Even though the pain already subsided, He still feel drowsy from the thunderbolt Pikachu struck him.

"That's good. Anyways, Ash are you sure you don't want to change your starter pokemon?"

Ash turn his head to the little guy who attacked him with thunderbolt. That little guy was on the table chilling. It turn his head to him and glared at ash.

Smiling wryly. Ash nodded.

"Yes, Professor I will take him with me. He will be my first companion."

Professor Oak feel Ash's resolution on taking the stubborn pokemon as his starter companion.

Ash then turn his head to Gary and Leaf. The two should've already parted before the original Ash could have arrive at the laboratory. That was according to the Canon he knew.

'Maybe this is a parallel universe of Pokemon. After all, If it was my fault the timeline change then Ash's wouldn't be late, right? No use in thinking about it. Despite the change, Leaf and Gary both got their respective pokemon they wanted. That was also the same originally.'

Ash approached the cute yellow rodent. It was eating it's favorite berries.

"Hey, Buddy. Thanks for zapping me."

"Pikapi?" Pikachu turn his head sideways. Confused why his trainer thanked him for zapping. He looked at ash and snickered.

"Don't give me that look, I don't have masochistic tendencies."

"Pika Pika?" Pikachu wore a doubtful expression.


Ash sighed.

"Anyways, do you want to become strong that no Pokemon could ever defeat you?" Ash said.

"Pika." Pikachu listened to ash and became interested at what Ash is trying to say.

"Then come with me. We will travel all around the world, challenging gym leaders, winning leagues and battling against legendary Pokemons." Ash said with a straight face. Confident and Resolution cover his face. Pikachu was mesmerized by Ash's words and replied with affirmative nodded.

"Pika Pikachu!" Pikachu hop on Ash's shoulder. It clearly wanted to join Ash.

"Bold words Ash." Gary commented. "Don't think winning leagues when I'm here, If you want to win, you'll have to defeat me first."

Ash look at Gary and smirked. "Don't worry Gary, I'll wipe you off the floor."

Gary frowned as he didn't expect Ash would taunt him.

"I will remember those words, The next time we meet, we will battle." Gary turned around and walked out from the lab.

He knew if the two fought. He would be in disadvantage. Leaf's Bulbasaur, he could manage, but against an electric type pokemon, he knew it will be hard. Though, Gary is confident he would win. But, He still need to train his Squirtle first. It's his first pokemon after all.

Ash look at Gary fading back and shook his head. When they meet again, He was confident Gary would lose.

"Here Ash, Your pokebelt and 5 Pokemon balls. Lastly, you're Pokedex, I suggest you scan every Pokemon you encounter. Then here is Pikachu's pokeball."

Professor Oak gave ash what he needed as a trainer.

"Thanks Professor."

"You're welcome Ash. If you need my help, you can call me at Pokemon Center, If you don't have a space for your pokemon you can transfer it to me. Remember, You can only use 6 pokemon. If you caught more than six, the pokeball would not work...."

Ash nodded. He knew about that.

After listening to professor Oak for a while. Leaf was also with him, listening to Professor Oak. She already heard that lecture but she wanted to talk to Ash so she waited for him.

Pikachu didn't want to go inside his pokeball. Ash didn't mind it, on the contrary he also prefer Pikachu sitting on his shoulder.

"Hey, Leaf, Do you want to go on journey with me?"

Leaf stared at Ash for a while then shake her head.

"I'm sorry Ash, I wanted to go alone for now. But, If we meet again, I will surely go with you."

Ash was kinda sad. Since the storyline didn't matter to him anymore, He wanted to go with leaf. Quite frankly, Ash is interested in Leaf. The two was close since childhood, Although, the original Ash was dense and didn't notice this girl's feeling for him.

Right now, The new Ash wasn't dense and naive old Ash so he clearly see the emotion Leaf was showing to him.

"Also, My mom wanted to see my starter pokemon. So I will go home first. Maybe I will go on journey a few days later..."

"I see. Next time we meet. Let's go together alright?"

"Un, I promise." Leaf smile sweetly. She raised her pinky finger.

Ash who saw her pinky also raised his and the two pinkies twined.


Ash hesitate for a bit but close his distance and wrap Leaf in a hug. Surprising the brunette, She also hug ash tightly.

"See ya Ash, be safe. May arceus look after you on your journey."

"You too Leaf, be careful."

Waving a goodbye to Leaf. Ash grab his backpack and camping gear. Pikachu also hop on his shoulder again after getting down earlier.

"Let's go Pikachu! Onwards!"

"Pikapi!" Pikachu also excitedly said.

'I hope he won't zap me again.' Ash thought.

As the two, trainer and pokemon go on their first stride towards the top. Ash suddenly said .

'Now then, What the heck is this?'

Opening his hand. On his palm was a round white glossy ball, the same size of a pokeball. Hovering above his palm, he tried to touch it but his finger passed through it. As if it's not existed physically.

He didn't know what's this. It's not a pokeball, He tried throwing it out but it wouldn't let go of his hand.

This thing suddenly appeared after that splitting headache. Ash was puzzled by the sudden appearance of this thing.


Their first stop will be Viridian City. According to Professor Oak, Ash should skip Viridian gym since it's locked. He needs to collect 7 gym badges from the rest gym leaders in order to challenge Viridian Gym leader.

As he goes his way into the forest with pikachu. He heard a loud cry from a bunch of spearows from afar. Ash was alerted by the cries of those, unreasonable birds, They are quite aggressive to humans.

Pluck their feathers and they swarm together.


This time Ash heard a heart wrenching cry from a girl. Without even thinking, Ash run as fast as he could.

He knew how cruel the spearows can be. When he arrived at the scene, He saw a girl around his age, swinging a fishing pole towards the spearows flocking around her.

Tears around her eyes.

"Help me! Someone!... Stay away from me!"

Her bright short red-orange hair tied into a side ponytail. She has green eyes filled with tears. She wears a yellow tank top that reveals her midriff, red suspenders, denim shorts that stop at her thighs and red sneakers with yellow lining and white laces.

Ash look at her with pity and admiration. He knew her and she's one of his favorite pokegirl along with Dawn, May, Hilda, Serena and Cynthia.

Snapping out from his admiration. He quickly command Pikachu.

"Pikachu buddy, let's help her."

"Pikapi." Pikachu hop out from his shoulder and landed on the ground. Ready to attack.

"Pikachu use Thunder Shock to those spearows."

Pikachu ran towards the flocking spearows and releases a volt of lightning, zapping the spearows attacking Misty. Some manage to dodge as they quickly change their target to pikachu. The ones who was zapped lost consciousness with twirling eyes. Ash was quite surprised of how powerful Pikachu is.

Without breaking his calm, issued another command.

"Pikachu use agility to dodge the incoming spearows. Then quickly use quick attack to the last spearow."

There were three spearows attacking Pikachu. The first and second spearows miss pikachu and the third was brought down to the ground.

"Good Pikachu."

The other two was furious as the first spearow used Leer on pikachu as the second used fury attack.

"Oh no! Pikachu get away and quick, use agility to dodge."

One or two hits from spearow, Pikachu is done for. Ash hastily formalize a plan. The second spearow continues to attack Pikachu, The first spearow dive down to attack.

After the fury attack. Ash hastily said.

"Quick attack on the second spearow and use agility again to dodge the first spearow."

Pikachu hit the second spearow, knocking out the little bird. However, due to pikachu lessened stamina, Pikachu couldn't dodge the first spearow on time. Pikachu was thrown after being hit.

"Pikachu! Are you okay?" Ash worried asked to his companion who was looking tired. But Pikachu stood up, Not willing to lose out. He now knew Ash is a good trainer, He can help him become strong. He doesn't want to disappoint Ash.


"Great!" Ash exclaimed. "Now wait until spearow get close and use Thunder."

As the furious spearow gotten enough close. Pikachu rub his red cheeks and release a thunder. Zapping the approximately close spearow.

Spearow drop down to the ground. As Ash, wiped his sweat. That was a hard battle.

He approach Pikachu and put him on his shoulder. Looking very tired.

"Good job buddy. You're awesome."

"Pika Pika." Tiredly said by Pikachu.

Then Ash turn his head to the girl he saves.

"Hey are you alright?"

The girl approach ash and said. "Thank you for saving me. Those spearows suddenly attacked when I let my guard down."

"Thankfully, you're not hurt."

Misty smiled and reach out her hand said.

"I'm Misty, I'm from Cerulean City."

"I'm Ash Ketchum, Pallet town."

Ash shake her hands but she didn't let go and exclaimed.

"Oh Isn't that close to here!?"

"Yeah, Today is my first day on journey to became a pokemon master."

"Wow, It's your first day. You're amazing, You handled your pikachu well. I love water type pokemon and I wanted to become Water-type pokemon trainer. I dream of capturing every type of water type pokemon." Misty enthusiastically said as her eyes is filled with stars.

"Hahaha You're overprasing me, I'm not that good, I still have long way to go. That's an amazing dream. I hope you can achieve that dream." Ash scratch his head feeling embarrassed when Misty complimented him.

"Thank you."

Misty appreciate Ash's response. Her sisters wasn't really exactly supportive of her dream. Seeing someone support her dream made her happy.

"Are you going to Viridian City by chance?" Misty asked.

"Yes, I'm going there to register for indigo league."

"So soon!? Isn't it your first day, I heard the league will start next 7 or 8 months." Misty was shocked.

"Yeah, I wanted to become a pokemon master. Indigo league will be the first challenge I will take. Even if I don't win, I just need to improve and win the next league." Ash said with resolved.

"Wow, you're amazing Ash. You're like a grown up. I'm jealous of you."

Misty said with a feint envy. The people around thinks she's a brat and won't take her seriously. Seeing Ash confidence, she felt envious of his aura. She also wants to look grown up.

"Don't be, we're still young Misty. We should not be hasty and skip our youth days. There are many adult out there who are also envious of our fair skin." Ash pointed out that no matter what, enjoying youth is priority than thinking of becoming an adult hastily.

"But, Adult won't take us seriously." Misty said.

"You're right about that. But don't let that stop you. Pursue your dream and don't let any obstacle block your way."

"Ash, you sound like an old man." Misty chuckled. Her smile melt Ash's heart. "Thank you for advice Ash."

"Un, If you have questions about philosophical of life, just ask me. I can give you some advice." Without breaking his wise sage aura, Ash said like an Old man.

"Hahahaha, Stop it Ash. It doesn't suit you."

Misty arch her body from laughing as she wipe her tears from her eyes. While ash scratch his cheeks, smiling wryly.

"Anyways, Misty, do you want to go with me?"

Misty stopped laughing as she pressed her finger on her chin, thinking.

"Hmmm, Okay. I feel like being with you will be great."

"Great. Let's go!" Ash widely smile.

".... Yeah, By the way what will you do about that? Won't you capture those spearows?"

Ash who was excited on his journey with Misty stopped his feet from moving and look at where Misty pointed.

There, a bunch of Spearows with eyes twirling. As he was thinking on what to do, The spearows woke up and cried out. They then look at Ash and they quickly fly away, fearing what would Ash do with them.

"Ah, they're leaving." Misty commented.

"Well, they left one." Ash said and quickly throw his poke ball to the last remaining spearow. The ball dinged, signifying it successfully captured the spearow. Before that, Ash didn't forget to scan the spearow with his pokedex.

Rubbing the head of pikachu, Ash watch Misty for a bit and noticed she didn't have a bike with her like in canon.

He assumed that this pokeverse wasn't base entirely on canon.

next chapter
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