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71.42% Pokemon: Farmer's Life, With Redheads / Chapter 4: Olli Village

Kapitel 4: Olli Village

Waking up the next day, I go to the kitchen to use the water there to wash my face. I should go look how much it costs to get the house extended. With more people here now we definitely need a bathroom.

For now we use the outdoor toilet between the house and the shed. Which is annoying at night.

After washing my face, I begin preparing breakfast for everyone. They will probably need to get used to the early hour of working on a farm. When I was almost done I asked Kirlia to go wake them up.

"Kirlia." She nodded.

Going back to finishing preparing our breakfast, I see the others coming outside 5 minutes later. Though Naruko and Ruby look like they are still sleeping while walking,

"Good morning, everyone. Breakfast is ready." I told them with a smile.

Naruko wakes up a bit at that "Fooood."

As we are eating I explain "So today we are going to the village, we will need to buy more food there and other supplies to begin getting the farm started. Luckily everyone had clothes in their bags when they came here so we don't need to buy that. As it is we will need to be careful with the amount of money we use, because we will have a lot of mouths to feed now."

"What about our pokemon eggs?" Rose asked.

"For today use the bag you came here with, wrap the egg with in a towel and then put it in your bag. We will take them with us, because we won't know if they will hatch while were away." While I explained that I thought that we would need Moomoo milk too, because it is the best for newborn pokemon.

But for that we would need to keep it cool…

Let's see if a refrigerator can be bought, it might be expansive but we will need it with so many mouths to feed, otherwise we can't store enough food.

When we were done I went to do the dishes, when Rose came to me. "I will do the dishes."

Looking at her I said. "Okay, thank you for the help."

Rose seemed a bit surprised that I thanked her for that, but I left it for now. After that I and the other three girls went to get ready by putting the eggs in a bag for them to carry.

When we were ready I let everyone trough the front door, where we met Arcanine.

"Wow, what is that Marcus." Naruko exclaimed while pointing.

I went up to Arcanine and patted him on the head "This is Arcanine, he was the Pokemon from my grandfather. He stayed at the farm to protect it, and still lives here. Normally we would ride on him to town but with so many of us, we will have to walk today."

"Umu, he is a very loyal Pokemon then." Erza said, making Arcanine stand a bit taller.

I smiled at her. "Okay let's go, from here to the village is a decent walk so we shouldn't wait to long."

-|Rose Potter|-

She was enjoying this new place quite a bit, nobody had screamed at her, or called her a freak. And while she still had to work at the farm, it was more enjoyable because they did it all together, and she was used to working in the yard anyway.

The early morning isn't really a problem for her, normally she would have to wake up early to make breakfast for the Dursleys, so she is used to the time. When she woke up in the morning and saw that breakfast was already made, she was actually surprised.

She even went to do the dishes after that and was thanked for it, that had never happened before.

So this place was definitely better already, she thought while walking on the road.

Looking around it seems they were in a forested area with a road on it. She occasionally saw a bird flying over them, they looked different to the birds she knew. Were they also pokemon?

"While we are walking I will explain a bit more about pokemon." Marcus began, getting us all to focus on him. "Let's start with Evolution, almost all pokemon are capable of evolving. When a pokemon evolves it usually becomes stronger and gets more abilities, sometimes the typing of a pokemon changes or one gets added or subtracted."

"Pokemon evolve when they get to a certain point in their growth, by either battling or training. A pokemon can also need a specific trigger to evolve, like a certain item. Pokemon Can normally only evolve up to 2 times at most, some evolve less or some even don't evolve at all. That doesn't mean they are better or worse. There are even pokemon who can evolve in different ways, even though they were the same species before." He said, and I could see that Naruko and Ruby were beginning to get to much info.

It seems Marcus noticed too. "Mmm, Let me give an example." He said while pointing at Kirlia walking next to us. "Kirlia here evolved from a Ralts." And showed us a picture of himself when he was younger with a smaller pokemon next to him. It was white and had shorter green hair then Kirlia, it also had only one horn, and you couldn't really see its eyes.

"It's cute." We heard Ruby murmur.

"She is, isn't she." Marcus smiled at Ruby making her face go red. "Now Kirlia can evolve two ways. She can either keep growing stronger and then eventually evolve into a Gardevoir, or she can get one of those special items I mentioned, a Dawn Stone. And then evolve into a Gallade."

"Personally, me and Kirlia have decided for her to evolve into a Gardevoir. She likes that form better and doesn't want to become a fighting type." Marcus said while patting Kirlia hair.

"Kirlia." Kirlia seems to agree, even though they don't speak our language. Somehow you can still understand them a bit.

"So what is this typing that you keep mentioning." I asked.

Marcus gave a smile at that. "Well pokemon have 18 different typings as far as we now."

"18! How will I remember all of that." Naruko said while holding her head.

"Haha, well it takes some time. But most of the typings are elements so you can normally know quite a lot of them pretty fast. For now I will just say them, and I can always repeat them if you want, Ready?" He asked us.

We looked at each other and nodded back.

"All right then, the typings are. Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Flying, Bug, Poison, Ice, Fighting, Steel, Rock, Ground, Dark, Fairy, Dragon, Ghost, Psychic and Normal." And that were really a lot yes, I don't think I will remember them all so fast.

"Wait, Ghosts exist, dattebayo." Naruko questioned looking scared.

"Haha, don't worry. Ghost pokemon, are weak to Dark type moves, and Riolu knows 2 of them." Marcus said while laughing, he continued with. "Now every pokemon has at least 1 typing and at most 2, and like I said with evolution it can change. Every typing also has weakness and strengths. For example Fire is strong against Grass, Grass is strong against Water, and Water is strong against Fire. Later at home I will make a chart where you can see what is strong or weak against which typing."

"U-Uhm, t-then what typing are your pokemon." Ruby softly asked, surprising us that she took the initiative. Progress I guess.

Marcus thought so too, and calmly explained to her. "My Riolu is a Fighting Type, once he evolves into a Lucario he will be a Fighting and Steel Type."

"Ri-Riolu." It nodded while shadow boxing, making us laugh.

"And Kirlia is now a Psychic and Fairy Type, it will stay like that as a Gardevoir. But if she evolved into a Gallade she would become a Psychic and Fighting Type." Marcus explained.

After that Marcus gave us some more info about pokemon while we walked, and we soon came closer to a village after walking over a small hill.


As we walked into the village I saw the girls looking around excitedly, they were mostly looking at all the pokemon around us.

I was also looking around, to look for specific shops to go to, when I went before I only asked someone where the market was for food, before I went back after all.

"Marcus which pokemon is that, the one with four arms. It looks strong." Naruko asked.

I looked at where she was pointing and saw a Machamp. "That is a Machamp, it is a Fighting type pokemon. If you look over there you will see a Machop, and a Machoke, those are the pokemon it evolves from." I said while pointing at the younger pokemon.

"Cooool, can I get one." She asked.

"Maybe, later. First you will have to take good care of your pokemon egg." I replied.

"Okay, I will take super good care of it, dattebayo." She said excitedly.

"Okay, lets first go to a store where we can buy a refrigerator. While it will probably be expansive we will need it to store more food for longer periods, so this will be a necessary expanse for now." I said, and saw the girls agreeing.

After asking around a bit we found an appliance's store, and went inside.

Inside we could see all kinds of devices for at home, Kitchen appliances, TV's, Computer's, Phones and more.

While looking around I saw somebody coming towards us.

"Hello, can I help you with something." He asked, and I looked at the nameplate on his shirt 'Jonas'.

"Yes, we would like a refrigerator." Was my reply.

"Of course, we have the best here." Jonas replied while showing us some different models.

After looking them over I chose a pretty big one for 10.000 Pokedollars, this one should be big enough for us, even if we get more mouths(pokemon) to feed.

I had this one delivered to the farm at the end of the day.

Once we were outside. "Okay lets go now to a pokemon shop, we will need a Electric type for the energy. After all we don't have cables coming all the way to our farm."

"Were going to buy a pokemon for that." Erza asked.

"Yes, pokemon come in all types. And can be helpful in a lot of ways, of course you also have to keep the pokemon happy too. You have to live side-by-side with the pokemon." I explained, because I want a lot of pokemon on the farm. But I will keep them well fed and happy.

When we asked for a shop that sold pokemon, we were send to a pretty big shop in the village called 'Luna's Pokemon Trading'.

Walking inside we found a young women with waist-length, dirty blonde hair and grey eyes, which seemed to be dreamily distracted.

"Hello there, I am Luna. Are you looking for a pokemon."

"Yes, I am looking for Mareep do you have those." I asked, because if I need an electric pokemon I want one that will be happy on the farm, and Mareep can also be kept for farming their wool when it gets to thick.

"Certainly, the only ones I don't seem to find are Crumple-Horned Snorkacks.'' She said confusing me, I never heard of such a pokemon. "A Mareep is 10.000 pokedollars, how many do you want."

"Let's go for 3 for now." I would like more but we will need the money for later.

"Certainly, wait here a sec." She said before going to the backdoor, 5 minutes later she came back with 3 pokeballs. "Here you go, do you need food for them too?"

"Yes, for a week for now." I said.

"Okay, that will be 32.000 pokedollars in total." That leaves me with 56.000 Pokedollars for now.

"Here you go." I say giving the required amount, and turned around with the girls.

"Come back anytime." Luna waved us goodbye.

When we were outside Naruko asked. "So where are those Mareep?"

"haha, in here." I showed them the pokeballs, making them confused. "This is called a Pokeball. This was an invention made long ago, pokemon can get absorbed in these round balls, with it you can catch pokemon and register them as your partners. They are mostly used by pokemon trainers who battle and journey with their pokemon. Don't worry the inside is bigger than it looks, pokemon are very comfortable in there. Once we get home I will let them out." And they accepted that.

"Oh wait a sec, I forgot something." I told the girls quickly and went back inside.

"Hey Luna, can I hire pokemon's for a specific job here too?" I asked her.

"Sure there are pokemon for that, which do you need." She asked me with a dreamy smile.

"Can I hire a Drowzee for a week, I only need it to come at midnight for about a hour."

"Okay, then it will teleport to you at midnight for 7 days. That will cost 2.000 pokedollars." She said with a smile, not even asking why I would want it.

"Thank you." I said give her the money and quickly going back outside.

After that we went to General Store to buy other supplies, such as fishing rods, costing us a total of 6.000 pokedollars.

While there Naruko saw Pokeballs behind the counter. "Hey can we get pokeballs too, for the eggs. Those will be our partners right?" That had the other girls looking at me too.

"Sure, let's get some extra too, for if we find other pokemon that we want sometime." Eventually I bought 20 pokeballs for 4.000 pokedollars, and split it amongst us, giving everyone 4 pokeballs, the girls were very happy about that.

Next after asking around we went to the Botanical store, here we met a women with light green hair and blue eyes. She introduced herself as Florra, and she helped us find all the right seeds for the flowers and produce I wanted, we also bought extra equipment for the girls because what is left in the shed is only enough for one person.

I would also have bought some seeds for berry trees, but I first wanted to look in the forest next to our farm, too see if I could find some varieties there.

Last and most importantly, I bought 5 straw hats. It can get warm working in the sun after all.

In total it cost u around 8.000 pokedollars, and most of that was for the equipment.

"All right now we have 1 last stop before the market, I want to go to a construction store. We are going to let new pens and other things be build or buildings extended/repaired later and I want to know the price range for that." I told the others, who nodded.

After some asking around we found a builder store and went inside.

"HELLO, There my name is Bob. What can I build for you." I had to bite my tong to not laugh at that. Really Bob the Builder, that fit too well.

Once I calmed down I asked. "Hi, we are from the farm that is being rebuild from my grandfather close to here. I would like to ask you about a few things that could be build or repaired and the prices for that."

"Ah, you are the grandson of the late old man there. Certainly, but I will need to see the state of the farm for the exact pricing later." He told me, which was reasonable I guess.

After that I asked him about an extension on the house, a pen for the Mareep, a Chicken coop and other things. The cheapest for that was the pen for the Mareep which was 5.000 Pokedollars, so this was going to be expansive then.

We arranged that he would come look at the farm tomorrow to know the exact prices after looking. And what he would need for the jobs.

When we were done with that we went to the Market, there we bought a lot of food. Though Naruko kept asking about Cup-Ramen, which I bought her 1 from. And Ruby also asked for cookies shyly, so I bought her 1 pack. Erza and Rose didn't ask for anything in specific for now.

The most important thing was that we also bought a crate of Moomoo milk for when the eggs hatched.

While we were talking to one of the people selling rice there, we were told. "If you have a new or reestablished farm, you should go there." While pointing at a small building with a logo of a Applin on it. "That there is the Graze Company, they go around the farms here to buy the products of the farmers and then deliver it here or a different villages/towns for us to sell. You should register your farm there, than they will come around every day to buy your produce."

After thanking the women we went into the building, and registered or farm for the van to come to or farm at 5 pm every day, starting tomorrow.

Only we needed to fill in a name for our farm, so I asked the girls if they had any ideas.

"How about The girls farm." Rose said as a joke, and I let out a small laugh.

"T-The Cu-Cute-Pokemon farm." Ruby muttered though we could all hear it.

"The Awesome Farm, Dattebayo!" Naruko suggested.

"Hmm, what about something with our hair colors like red & black farm." Rose said aloud.

After a while of thinking it all trough.

"Akai-Yozora Farm (Red Night Sky farm). Erza eventually said.

We all looked at each other at that, and seemed to like it.

"Okay then, it is decided. The farm will be called Akai-Yozora from now on." I wrote down the name of our new farm.

At the end of this shopping trip I had around 28.000 pokedollars left, we should definitely begin earning money soon. Otherwise we won't make it to the end of this month at the raid were going.

WorldTree_ WorldTree_

Disclaimer: I own nothing. All characters and worlds belong to their respective owners.

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