Read 30+ chapters ahead on p.atreon
"One day, a few of my close friends and I decided to explore the Solaceon Ruins. Due to the proximity of our homes, we often take the time to read what the Pokemon have to say. They are relatively risk-free despite their size.
To keep this brief, let me just say that they had literally plastered the entire room with pages from a book. The Unown are known to write about a wide variety of bizarre topics, but this particular material was absolutely insane. There was a consistent emphasis on the word "retribution," but I believe there were also other languages present. Unown that aren't shaped like letters from the alphabet are something I've never seen before, so this was a first for me.
It took us a few days to read everything and translate what we could understand. What I took away from it was the realisation that someone or something is upset or angry, and that things will be resolved in one way or another.
Some weird stuff..."
Evan Hill is located in Hearthstone City. Resident
The next morning, Rob was at my house at the crack of dawn to wake me up for our workout. He was dressed appropriately, with his vest and everything. Together with me, my Pokemon groggily got out of bed in the morning. June imitated me as I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms out in front of me. The Shinx stretched its back while lying prone on the bed, yawned slightly, and then yawned again. Rob complimented me on my success in endearing the Shinx to me and assured me that the badge from the gym in Violet City would be awarded to my Pokemon without fail. He went on to tell me that gym badges represent the skill level of a Pokemon Trainer and that the gym leader tests to see if the Trainer is ready for the 'next level' He also mentioned that I would probably need more experience in battling though. He told me that gym badges represent the skill level of a Pokemon Trainer.
We all assembled in the fields to begin our workout. To prove his superiority over the other trainers, Rob summoned his Charizard and battled alongside those who specialised in bird Pokemon. Watching the orange dragon fly around in tight circles was a fun activity for June, Shinx, and I. As it flew through the light violet sky with its trainer on board, the tail flame of the Charizard appeared to be a miniature jet.
Rob gave the Charizard a kick, which caused it to descend on the hill next to me and the Pokemon, and then Rob hopped off of it. The Charizard showed Rob the saddest eyes I've ever seen on a fire-breathing monster by watching a group of Fearow and Staraptors carrying their trainers across the sky. The Charizard was anxiously watching a group of Fearow and Staraptors.
Rob rolled his eyes, let out a sigh, and moaned under his breath. "Ugh... Go on "He spoke in a mumble.
The Charizard took off and joined the other Pokémon in the flock without pausing for a second look. Rob observed it as it left.
"He is nothing more than a large brat. I dunno why. He is constantly wanting to engage in some activity, "He gave a gibe. He appeared to be racking his brain in concentration. Charizard did an excellent job of mimicking the loop-de-loop manoeuvre that the bird trainers performed in the air.
I remarked, in a jealous tone, that "he's awfully good." After hearing from Felicity that June would never be able to fly, I couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointed in her. My mind conjured up an image of a colossal June carrying me aloft on her head while I clung to her feathers as we flew above the clouds. A silly smile appeared on my face for no apparent reason.
"It took him an embarrassingly long time to master flight. I had no choice but to throw the cretin over the edge of the cliff, which overlooked the river "Rob heaved a sigh and placed his hands on his hips in a nonchalant manner as he watched his Pokemon fly through the air.
Suddenly, I became aware of what Rob had said. "...What the devil?! Are you serious?"
He let out a chuckle. "To be honest, it wasn't that bad; however, I was required to knock him out. When the wind caught his wings, there was a whoosh sound." He made windy sounds with his mouth while holding his arms out in front of him. "And the training of your Pokemon goes like this!"
I had a mental image of a cowardly Charizard standing at the edge of a cliff while an evil-looking Rob pushed it off. As soon as Rob moved his head to look over the edge of the cliff, the Charizard shot up into the air and turned him into a pile of ash. "Have you ever received an attempt at revenge from Charizard? If you were to treat him in that manner, I can easily picture him becoming irate..."
Rob looked at me with an expression that suggested I had just said something strange. I noticed that June and Shinx had somehow reconciled their differences and were playing with each other, with June running after Shinx. Shinx was in need of a moniker.
Rob muttered in a suspicious tone, "You called my Charizard "Charizard,"..."
He was correct; I was guilty of doing that. "Yeah. To tell you the truth, I got sick of constantly using the word "the" when I was around Shinx. Aren't the names of Pokemon considered proper nouns? And you said you didn't give Charizard a nickname."
Rob displayed a faint frown. He walked up to me and began roughly rubbing my hair while making a mocking chuckling sound. "You mentioned that you were unsuccessful in some math classes or something. Were you able to maintain a perfect grade point average in all of your other classes?"
I applied additional force as I pushed his arm away from me. The fact that I was treated like a young child irritated me. My eyes were daggers on him.
Rob chuckled and said, "That's awesome, now I know how to push your buttons!" It dawned on me at this moment that when he wanted to, Rob could be very childish and annoying. Another attempt was made to touch my head. I resisted his hand and pushed it away.
"So, what are you going to do if a girl wants to mess around with your hair? Do you also push her away? You won't get girls like that, "Rob remarked in an obnoxious manner. He appeared to be having a more enjoyable time than I was at the time. When I turned back to look at the sky, there was Charizard leading a group of bird Pokemon that were arranged in a diamond formation. I did not respond to his inane inquiry.
"Since you were able to make your Charizard fly, could you tell me how I could make my Pokemon use their abilities?" I asked unequivocally.
Rob was able to calm down, but he maintained his silly grin throughout. He rummaged around in the pockets of his vest and extracted a red lighter as well as a small silver battery. He hurled them downward in my direction. I fumbled with the battery, but the lighter ended up falling to the ground after bouncing off my stomach. I picked it up and held it along with the other item in the same hand. I figured that June would call for the lighter. Shinx was the one who needed the battery.
"Rob, I don't know what you plan on making me do with these, but I'm curious to know whether or not whatever it is that you have planned is even ethical." I let it all out. June and Shinx had just arrived at my feet, and a Starly had followed them and was now fluttering away from us. It appeared as though they made a new friend. The bird with the white face and black beady eyes looked at us in a seemingly nonchalant manner while flapping its grey wings.