Read 30+ chapters ahead on p.atreon
"Yeah...pretty much any Pokémon League location is shaped like a dome. I think it's some kind of Poké Ball theme...I dunno." "Yeah...pretty much any Pokémon League place is shaped like a dome."
We went in. The primary structure was illuminated with a bright and clear light. The spherical room was jam-packed with people and Pokémon that were either strolling or tearing around the space. There were Chansey and Blissey dressed as nurses pushing stretchers containing injured Pokémon. They were wearing nurse hats. The scene brought to mind the Pokémon Lab that I had back in my hometown.
A circular front desk had been placed in the exact middle of the space. I had never been in a Pokémon Center before, so I decided to follow Rob there. It was my first time. The woman who was working behind the desk appeared to be a nurse and had her pink hair pulled back into a bun behind her head. A dozing Happiny, dressed as a miniature nurse, was resting on her lap while wearing the hat.
"Hello," the nurse greeted in a friendly tone of voice. "Hello, and thank you for visiting the Pokémon Center in Violet City; how may I be of assistance to you today?"
Rob did all of the talking while I just listened. It didn't bother him one bit. I have a Charizard that is very tired, my friend has a Torchic that has a large scratch on its chest and some bitemarks, and my friend also has a Shinx that may be suffering from a slight concussion. We would like to have our Pokémon healed.
He gave her the Poké Ball that Charizard had been using. I extended my arm to her and handed her the Poké Ball that I had used to capture my Shinx. June climbed up onto the workstation. She swung her enormous head around, taking in all of the sights and sounds around her. She appeared to be anxious.
I hushed her and assured her that everything was going to be all right. You are going to spend the night in this location, and in the morning, you will feel significantly better than you did before.
I gave her a light head rub. She chirped and clung to my hand while doing so. I concluded by assuring her with a reassuring smile and saying, "I promise."
Rob questioned the nurse and asked if it would take at least one night for all of our Pokémon to recover from their injuries. She was examining the scratch on June's arm. She took her into her arms and turned her around to examine the bitemarks on her back. June attempted to push away from the nurse by placing her wings on her hands, but her wings were not powerful enough to do so. I felt extremely grateful. I supposed that June would become accustomed to Pokémon Centers by this point.
She continued her examination of June as she responded, "Come by three o'clock tomorrow; that would be your best bet." She sat back in her chair and moved closer to the desktop computer that was next to her desk. There was a glass cylinder on a small cloth stand that was placed next to the computer. She then inserted Rob's Charizard's Poké Ball into it, tapped a few keys on the computer, and the ball vanished in a flash of light, as if from a camera, just as if she had taken a picture of it.
"Can I have your Charizard ID, P455I41?"
Rob's response was, "You are entirely correct." She loaded the machine with the Poké Ball containing my Shinx. It vanished in the same instant that we saw it.
"Shinx, ID R3C141M?" you inquired.
I nodded. The fact that the numbers were arranged in a way that resembled the word "reclaim" made it simple for me to remember them. I wanted to know if it was a good idea to put my Torchic into its Poké Ball, so I asked her.
"Could you please accept my yes?"
I sat my rucksack on the ground. I had completely disregarded the fact that it had been on my person the entire day. I arched my back and rotated my arms to get a better stretch. Rob chuckled.
He told me, "If you keep doing that, there is no question that you will get muscles." After giving June's PokéBall a quick glance, I smiled, rolled my eyes, and reached into my bag to retrieve it. I withheld it and then invited her to participate again. I handed the Poké Ball to the nurse, and she inserted it into the apparatus. It was able to teleport.
She questioned whether there was anything else the two of you required by saying, "Torchic, ID R3C141M...okay then. Everything's done."
Rob responded, "There won't be any more work for us to do here; thank you, ma'am."
I did what everyone else was doing and said, "Yes, ma'am, thank you."
The nurse smiled warmly at the patient. "Remember to stop by tomorrow; I'll see you then. I hope to see you soon!"
She turned around to attend to another individual located in a different section of the desk. Rob motioned for me to follow him out the door. As soon as we stepped outside of the Pokémon Center, we could see the inn that was waiting for us. As soon as we walked in, we presented the papers that Felicity had given us to the receptionist.
"You're trainers? Hold on," the receptionist said in a voice that was clearly exhausted. She reached her hand under the desk and removed two keys from the drawer. They were handed to us by her. "Good evening, Room 311, and have a wonderful night..."
We both proceeded to the lift that was located next to the desk in the lobby. I mumbled something under my breath that sounded like, "With an attitude like that, I wonder how." Rob poked me in the ribs while smiling at me. After he pressed the button for the third floor, we started ascending.
Rob yawned and said, "Damn... I'm so worn out." I'm going to take a shower and then head to bed because today was quite the day, and I think you should do the same."
After the lift had stopped, we had to proceed down the hallway. Rob turned the key in the door lock of Room 311 and then flipped the switch. A desk with a lamp stood in the middle of the room between the two sets of beds, which were both red and placed across from each other. The door to the toilet was open, and it was located next to the bed on the right side of the room. I looked around the bathroom and saw the washbasin, the toilet, and the shower. Towels were dangling from a bar that was mounted above the toilet, and bars of soap were positioned adjacent to the edge of the washbasin.
Rob dumped his rucksack on the mattress that was adjacent to the door leading to the bathroom. He unfolded a pair of black boxers and pulled out of his bag along with a toothbrush and tube of toothpaste.
He repeated over and over, "I call first!" He stripped down to his pants and laid them out on his bed. He had a number of small scars scattered across his chest and stomach in addition to the fact that he was ripped. He entered the lavatory wearing nothing but his pants and quickly shut the door behind him before exclaiming, "Awesome! We also provide complimentary toothbrushes and toothpaste!"
After taking off my shoes and socks, I set my bag down next to the bed on the left and removed my footwear. I started by wriggling my toes. My legs and feet felt as though they were finally getting some exercise and some fresh air. The sensation was giving me an uncomfortable sense of familiarity.
I got into a comfortable position on the pillow and shut my eyes. I would keep my eyes closed while I waited for Rob to come out, but once he did, I would open them again.
Regardless of how much light there was in the room, I found that I was able to fall asleep rather quickly. Tomorrow, as soon as I woke up, I intended to write in my journal, which was something I hadn't done in quite some time. The fact that I would be in Violet City for a few days led me to the conclusion that I could write a letter to my parents. The manner in which they had been acting had been a minor source of annoyance to me for some time. I convinced myself that they were concerned about me because I didn't want to accept the possibility that they weren't. I was obligated to reassure them that I was healthy and that I intended to do everything in my power to avoid being coerced into taking on the role of a Pokémon Trainer.
My mother and father were warm-hearted individuals. When I told them I would have to leave home, they reacted in a manner that was not typical of them. Even if they became angry with me for questioning it, I was going to make it a point to enquire as to why they had acted in such a manner.
I didn't bother to remember to take a shower because I didn't care. I rolled over onto my stomach, adjusted my position so that I was more comfortable in the plush bed, and then I fell into a deeper sleep.