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100% pokemon ash harem / Chapter 30: chapter 30

Kapitel 30: chapter 30

After finishing up his meal, Ash left the table, making his way to his home, only to be stopped by Annabel, who called him over the radio.

"Master, I have some intel for you. Shall we meet in my office, or will I come out to meet you?" The violet haired slave submissively asked, open to either option so long as her Dominator got her final say.

"I'll meet you in your office, my little fuck toy." Ash replied over the radio, changing course to the office building.

Upon entering his slave's office, Ash closed the two, leaving the two alone.

"What do you have for me slave?" He asked her.

"Well I dug up some old info on some of the top scientists around the world, and I found us a promising women for you to break her will." Annabel offered, turning her tablet so he may see the screen. "Her name is Malva."

"Malva?" Ash asked. "Wait, I recognize her. She was a news reporter I met during the Kalos League when I was a kid. If I remember correctly, she worked under that bastard Lysandre without knowing his true goals. Are you sure she's our next catch?"

"Yes, I'm completely sure, Master." Annabel replies confidently. "You see, Lysandre's inner circle in the former Team Flare consisted entirely of scientists. Malva was one such scientist before she moved to the public eye as a reporter to popularize Lysandre's company."

"I see." Ash said, happily thanking his slave by feeling her bare skin, happy how exposed his Team attire made his slaves. "You only continue to deliver me good results. You're such a dirty little cop."

As he whispered that teasing sentence in her eyes as he continued to touch her body, Annabel could only blush, her submissiveness toward the human god she worshiped showing true as ever. Breaking off from their intimacy and allowing himself to focus, Ash began to issue his commands of her.

"I want you to send Alexa out to capture this woman. I will give her the satisfaction of breaking her mind to my will as well." Ash said pridefully. "From what she's told me recently, she's been taping a 'special film' to break the minds of stubborn women."

"I will do as you command, Master." Annabel said with a bow. "Just as she was about to leave to tell her subordinate in person, Ash grabbed her by the wrist.

"I was thinking you'd radio her. I want to enjoy the night with my slave who's been so helpful." Ash said in her ear, her face flush red by the suggestion.

"Ok then." She said with a smile.

After radioing Alexa her orders, Annabel was then led to Ash's private quarters for some one on one time. While the Master of the island took his living sex toy out for a ride, Alexa began packing her essentials for travel, making her way with Skyla to the airfield.

"Been a while since any of us have left Providence." Skyla said wistfully. "I can't wait to get back up into the air again. Master must have big plans in mind if he's asking us to travel all the way to Kalos."

"Yeah, he does. He's asked me to break the mind of our next slave sister, Malva." Alexa responded.

"Malva of the Kalos Elite Four?!" Skyla asked aloud. "Wow, Master truly does have good taste if he's picking her."

"I'll say." Alexa replied in a slutty tone. "When I was working as a reporter before I was made an eternal sex toy for our Master, I once met Malva at the TV studio. She's got a smoking hot body, almost literally if you count her Fire Type Pokémon."

After the duo made their way down the island and to the airstrip, Skyla refilled the fuel tanks and prepared for departure. It was but a little while after than by the time the plane took off, its destination, Kalos.

"So, how do you plan on breaking her mind anyways, slave sister? Master didn't give you his glorious Mind Stone, did he?" Skyla asked her passenger.

"No, I got something special planned in mind." Alexa said playfully, flashing a specially made mind breaking headset, a device from the crates brought in from Skyla before, from her satchel.

"Ooh, naughty. I hope I can see that little slut beg to be made a slave like us." Skyla said with a laugh. "There's not a woman on the planet who would ever truly turn down the opportunity to be made a slave for our godly Master."

"I just can't wait to turn that smoking babe servile. Seeing their resistance break and embrace their new life fills me with so much pleasure." Alexa said with a giggle. "I just hope that this little video I have will be satisfying for her to watch."

Deciding to allow herself some sleep, Alexa went to lie down in her seat, her mind drifting off into dreamland. Upon the moment she opened her eyes next, the two of them were already in Kalos.

"That felt quick." Alexa yawned, stretching in her seat.

"Have I even told you how hot you look sleeping, slave sister?" Skyla said.

After the two share a quick laugh together, Skyla prepared the plane for landing. Upon docking her aircraft in a vacant hangar, the two walked off the tarmac with conquest on their mind.

"So, how are we supposed to find Malva anyways?" Skyla asked her slave sister.

"According to Mistress Annabel, she was apparently teaching a class of students on engineering at the Lumiose University of Science." Alexa replies, pulling out her data pad, a standard tool used by the slave acquisition squad for support.

As the duo walked down the populated city streets, they had trailing eyes focus them down, the population taking notice of their skimpy Team Rose attire. Continuing down South Boulevard, passing the familiar Professor Sycamore Pokémon Lab, the two ladies were stopped by a trio of ogling men.

"Well, hello there little lady." The smaller man of the group said.

"What's two little pretty little dolls like yourselves doing out here wearing those little bitty things?" The taller, slimmer man on the right teased, looking at their pair's leather miniskirts.

"You two look a little lost. Maybe we can help you find your way around the city, but..." The middle, most muscular man of the lot said, his hand reaching around to grab Alexa's ass. "It'll cost ya."

Without a single shred of hesitation, Alexa used martial arts training she gained for being tutored by her slave sister, Korrina, grabbing the man by his arm and flipping him over, throwing out his back instantly.

"Nobody but my Master and my slave sisters are aloud to touch me, you perverted bastard!" Alexa snapped.

As the man screamed in agony due to the pain he was in, his wingmen drew out their Pokeballs for defense.

"You little bitch!" The man on the left said, calling out his Houndour. "Use Fire Fang!"

"Agh!" Alexa said in panic, as she and her slave sister were not prepared for retaliation.

"Houndoom, use Dark Pulse!" A woman's voice called out.

Across the street came an energy beam of darkness, its target being the charging Houdour. Striking its mark perfectly landing a critical hit on the Hellfire Pokémon, it's legs giving out, fainting instantly from the blow.

Upon turning to see who intervened in their antics, the looks on the men's faces were struck with terror.

"Oh no, it's her again! Let's get outta here!" The tall, slim man cried out.

As the duo carried their fainted friend and Pokémon alike, the two slaves turned to see who had saved them.

"Ah, it's you." Alexa said, her attitude lightening up.

It was Malva who stood at the steps of the University they stood before. Her hot red yoga pants pressed up against her body, revealing her curvy hips, slender legs and bubbly ass. Her shirt was a stunning crop top that exposed her smooth and stunning midriff.

On her face was a pair of seductive librarian style glasses and her violet ponytailed hair that matched the color of the flower she was named after shined beautifully in the sun.

"I'm sorry about the trouble those pigs caused you. They've tried to do the same thing to the girls I teach at the campus here, but I never give them the satisfaction." The former Elite Four member said to the duo.

"But honestly though, with outfits like that, I can't imagine a man passing up the chance to hit that." She continued, secretly admiring the confidence they had in wearing such clothes.

"Hello there Malva. Remember me?" Alexa asked the violet haired women. "It's me, Alexa."

"Oh yeah, I remember the studio job we did together. You're story was really great for rating, but that doesn't matter much anymore." Malva said wistfully. "I'm no longer a reporter. Ever since I outed myself as a Team Flare member ten years ago, I've been desperate to repair my public image."

"So, they finally let you out of prison then, huh?" Alexa concluded.

"I got out early on good behavior, so now I'm putting my scientific knowledge to use here." The former Elite Four member continued.

Realizing how long they'd been standing there talking, Malva changed the pace of the conversation.

"So, were you just happening to walk by, or were you hoping to talk more?" Malva asked the duo. "I'm actually done teaching classes today, so if you want to step into my office, I wouldn't mind a conversation."

Offering the duo inside the building, the two instantly took her up on it, for their true goal was to get her alone regardless. Walking up to the teacher's office, the three looked around the halls.

"Pretty quiet around here, isn't it?" Skyla asked Malva.

"Classes ended about an hour ago, so most of my students left for home already. Honestly it's just us three in the building at this point." Malva explained to her guests.

"Just what we wanted to hear." Alexa said with a giddy sinister vibe.

"Hmm?" Malva asked.

"Oh, it's nothing." Alexa said in a teasing manner.

Opening the doors to her office, Malva aloud the duo a pair of seats opposite of her chair, a massive wooden desk situated in the middle.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about anyways?" Malva asked the duo.

"Well, to be honest, we're here under orders of our Master." Alexa admitted. "He wants you to devote your mind and body to his cause in the name of his glorious Team Rose."

Upon hearing what she said, Malva got a better look at their attire. She was too late to notice the truth however, for Alexa prepared a Pokeball.

"Noivern, stun her with Supersonic!" She commanded.

As the towering Pokémon barely fit in the room, it aimed its sound wave producing ears toward Malva's head. Alexa and Skyla then covered their as Alexa's Pokémon let off a sonic blast. The sound cut into Malva's ears, the women now shrieking in pain from the experience, she was left dazed and confused.

"Quick, help me tie her up!" Alexa asked her slave sister.

"Yes!" Skyla replied, the duo jumping out of their charis, restraining the violet haired woman.

Upon coming too, Malva hummed our a moan. After taking a bit more time to wake up, the former Elite Four member began to struggle in her chair. Looking down, she had noticed that both her legs and arms were tied to the chair, her bare, stripped body exposed to a massive vibrator already fitted into her snatch.

"What the fuck is this?!" Malva said, struggling in her bonds.

"Sorry we have to tie you up like this, but without our Master's gift of mind control, we thought this was the best way to break your mind and spirit." Alexa taunted the bound woman, sitting seductively on the desk whilst Skyla ate away at her pussy.

Blushing from the sudden sexual act occurring in front of her as well as the feel of the phallic object that penetrated her, Malva struggled to get words to come out of her mouth.

"Mmm, what do you mean break me?" She asked through a grunt of pleasure from the plastic member.

"We are slaves, our minds conditioned to serve our benevolent and sexy Usurper. Our Master said he wanted you, so we'll be taking you to your new home soon." Alexa said through moans as her slave sister continued to lick away at her moist pussy lips.

"I've developed a nice little video that will make sure you become a nice little piece of property for our Master." Alexa continued, gesturing her slave stop licking.

Pulling out the special headset from her satchel, Alexa threw the bag aside, moving the device onto Malva's head.

"No, don't! Stop!" Malva begged, her head struggling to fight off the attempt to have the headset placed on her head.

"God I love it when they try to resist." Alexa snickered.

"She doesn't know how good her life will be yet." Skyla added in, stepping around the chair the woman was restrained in, holding her chin in place so the device clamped on.

Turning on the headset, Alexa beckoned Skyla back over to the desk, the two jumping on top of it to strip and eat each other out. While the slaves had fun with each other, the specifically made film played on the device, Malva helpless to watch.

Images of Providence island flashed across the screen, the words "home" and "paradise" repeated often. As these images flew around the screen, recordings of the other slave girls having sex with each other played back too.

The sexual moaning of the slaves played a trigger in the vibrator that was fitted into Malva's now wet entrance. As the moans grew louder and lewder, the device picked up speed. The sights and sounds of it were beginning to drive Malva Wild.

As the minutes turned to hours of exposure to the device, she no longer was fighting her restraints out of resistance, but out of pleasure.

The words continued playing in her mind. "Give up control." "Submit to your Master.". "Don't think. Only obey.". "You have no free will.". "He owns your mind, your body, and everything you own.". "Give in to your superiors.". "Give up. Resistance is futile.". "Your mind will break soon.".

As these phrases repeated on and on, Malva began to give into the repetition. As the words dictated how she act, she echoed them out, emptiness in her voice.

She was on the cusp of breaking, her mind only simply repeating what it was told, but then the screens changed, Ash's face starring Malva's in the face.

"Master?" She asked the image, her emptiness turning into bliss.

"This is Master. Obey Master.". "You pledge your life to him.". "He is your reason to live.". "You will serve his every need.". "His pretense gives you meaning.".

"My Master gives me meaning..." her voice trailed off, her mind fully broken into her slave conditioning.

For a reward of her acceptance to her new life, Alexa removes the headset and vibrator, untying the slave from her restraints.

"So, has our little mind break plan worked on you?" Alexa teases her, knowing full well it was successful.

"Yes, my slave sister. I've given up my free will. I want my Master's presence to guide me. I was a fool for trying to resist his Majesty's gift of slavery." The broken minded Malva smiled back, her mind now fixated only on serving her new ruler.

"Good, than I think you deserve an award." Alexa hummed, bending her slave sister over the desk, burying her face in Skyla's crotch.

As Malva happily lapped away at her slave sister's pussy, Alexa converted the special vibrator into a strap on, placing it inside Malva's tight asshole.

As the three of them moaned in pleasure, Malva's conditioning truly showed it's colors. She was completely submissive, happily allowing her ass to be drilled all the while servicing her fellow slave.

"I'm gonna cum! Oh fuck!" Malva gasped, her pussy juices leaking all over the floor whilst Skyla's own cum decorated the new slave's mouth.

After pausing to catch their breath, the trio shared a three way Kalos kiss session before cleaning up. Before they left for the plane to bring their new slave sister to Providence, Malva spoke up.

"I'm just gonna leave this here." She teased, flashing a simple note that said "I quit.", all before the trio left back to home alongside with a bunch of blueprint designs Malva had developed.

Upon returning home, Malva finally got to meet her new Lord and Master.

"Ah, it is so good to finally see the man who I shall serve forever." Malva said. "To think it was that boy I met during the Kalos League all those years ago.

"I'm glad you remember me slave. I'm also glad at how well you were broken. I might not need the Mind Stone for you." Ash said to her from the comfort of his bed, a mewling Annabel and Cynthia keeping him company.

"I know I was made your slave for the sake of my scientific skill. Slave sister Alexa filled me in on the way home. I can only hope my knowledge on engineering can provide you some support in the trials to come." The broken women said with a bow, lustful fantasy of being dominated on her mind.

With several blueprint schematics now in his possession, Ash now had a little more potential to fight back against the organized Team Rocket and Interpol. Still, he always needed more slaves. Now was the time to claim a slave to tend to his Pokémon.

next chapter
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