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24.44% Pokémon world journey / Chapter 11: Ch 8: A Wild Samurai Appears

Kapitel 11: Ch 8: A Wild Samurai Appears

The next morning Wes finally found an acceptable Bulbasaur for himself.

Bulbasaur: male LV 9. Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Swords Dance (Baby), Seed Bomb (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip.

WES: Ok. Come out Eevee.

Then Eevee appeared ready for battle.

WES: Ok Eevee use Quick Attack.

Then Eevee run all out dealing a direct hit, on the wild Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur while Bulbasaur, stabilized his posture and used Seed Bomb to hit Eevee.

WES: Eevee Stored Power.

Eevee took Bulbasaur's attack like a champ and counter attacked with a psychic wave dealing a lot of damage.

WES: Eevee return. Nidoran♂ come on out and use Peck.

Then Wes switched his Pokemon and Nidoran♂ as he appeared on the field, run all out to strike the already weakened Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur received Nidoran♂ Peck Move and was knocked out. Then Wes threw a Pokeball catching his 4th and newest member of his team.

Wes then continued treading into the forest while training his team. Suddenly a youth cosplaying as a Samurai jumped him.

SAMURAI: I haven't seen you around this parts before. Are you here, trying to reach Pewter City and face in battle, the Gym Leader Brock?

WES: Yes i do. Who are you?

SAMURAI: Me? I am Endou Mamorou. The greatest Bug catcher in this forest.

WES: I'm Wes of Pallet Town.

ENDOU: I see. So you are from the same place as the kid, that won, two days ago against Brock. Ok then i challenge you to a 3VS3 battle.

WES: I accept your challenge.

" So Garry already has his first Badge. He still is really fast like his in ln game counterpart."

Then while Wes was thinking about Garry both trainers realised they're Pokemon. Wes chose to start with his Eevee While Endou chose his Venonat. Wes immediately saw its summary

Venonat: female LV 11. Ability: Tinted Lens Item: no

Moves: Disable, Foresight, Tackle, Bug Bite (Baby),

Giga Drain (Baby), Supersonic, Confusion.

" Ok i should be careful of Supersonic and Disable. With such a limited Movepool so early the Disable Move can really turn a game on its head. Ok time to battle as cancerous as possible."

WES: Eevee use Sand Attack.

ENDOU: Venonat use Supersonic.

Eevee threw a cloud of sand at Venonat's face. Thanks to Eevvee's fast reflexives and the lower accuracy of Venonat, the Supersonic ended up missing It's target.

ENDOU: Supersonic again Venonat.

WES: Use Detect then Sand Attack again.

Then Eevee avoided the Supersonic with the use of Detect and same exchange happened again.

"Ok he is getting flustered really fast. i should better show the Tackle Move as an attacking Move to bait him using Disable on it and have Quick Attack as the finishing Move."

WES: Eevee Tackle, then Sand Attack.

ENDOU: Venonat use Tackle.

Then Eevee dodged Venonat's Tackle and knocked it back with her own Tackle.

ENDOU: Venonat Disable.

Venonat showed a mysterious glint in her big red eyes. Eevee suddenly shuddered and it seamed to forget of how to use it's Tackle Move.

WES: Eevee Tail Whip then Sand Attack.

ENDOU: Venonat use Confusion.

Then Eevee started to move it's tail in a cute way lowering Venonat's Def stat while Venonat finally managed to hit Eevee with its Confusion. In return Eevee countered attacked with Sand Attack.

ENDOU: This annoying tactic. Even if you stall with your only attacking Move disabled you only prolong your eventful defeat.

WES: Ok Eevee use Quick Attack.

ENDOU: Whaaaaaaaatt?

The cosplayed Samurai Endou Mamorou was completely shocked. Quick Attack is a very fast move, that can even make slower Pokémon strike firs,t Pokemon that are faster than them. Wes hiding this move while grinding for time. Eevee only use of the Tackle Move, as the only offensive Move made Endou think that, this Eevee hasn't reached the point to learn Quick Attack yet, so he got caught completely off guard by it.

Eevee immediately followed Wes order and moved with an extremely fast speed and hit Venonat Knocking it back.

Eevee don't let down your offence continue using Quick Attack.

Eevee after that order was given started an unrelenting offence that, completely defeated Samurai Endo's Venonat.

ENDOU: Nice you got me really good with this. Ok let's see what you will do with my next Pokemon. Butterfree i choose you.

Then a Butterfree appeared out of Endou's Pokeball. Wes seeing his opponents next Pokemon immediately recalled back his Eevee

WES: OK Umbreon it's your turn to shine.

Then The mysterious and full of danger Umbreon reaveled itself bathed in the Shadows of the trees of Viridian Forest. Endou's face expression suddenly changed in a mix of utter disbelief and absolute shock. He had never seen such a Pokemon before. Well who can blame him? Of all 151 Pokemon of the Kanto region there is not even 1 Dark type represented in that roster.

ENDOU: What is this Pokemon. I have never seen one before.

WES: It's an Umbreon. An evolution of Eevee

ENDOU: Ok that's interesting. Lets commence the next fight.

WES: YES let's do this.

Then Wes immediately saw Butterfree's summary

Butterfree female LV 13 Ability: Compound Eyes Item: no

Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Gust, Confusion, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore.

"Ok That's a really good for this early. Wait a minute Compound Eyes? Isn't that the Ability that increases all Moves accuracy by 30%. With the system i can see that Butterfree at LV 47 learns Quiver Dance, at LV 41 Tailwind, at LV 31 Bug Buzz and by tutoring, it can learn Teleport (If you are wondering of how Butterfree can learn the Teleport Move. it can learn it in GEN1 by the use of TM).

The combination of the above, plus Sleep Powder is devastating. Also Compound Eyes is a lot better than Tinted Lens in the real world. Since there is no restrictions on the number of Moves a Pokemon can learn. So coverage of all fronts is possible here. Damnit i got hyped for a Butterfree. Guess i can switch my future, planed Venomoth pick, as my Quiver Dance Bug Type on my team, for a Butterfree. Ok time to focus on these battle."

WES: Umbreon use Sand Attack.

ENDOU: Butterfree use Harden.

Umbreon tossed a cloud of sand at Butterfree while Butterfree hardened it's skin the same exchange happened 4 more times.

WES: Umbreon use Quick Attack.

ENDOU: Tch this Damn Pokemon can use the same trick. Ok Butterfree Poison Powder.

Then Umbreon hit Butterfree with it's Quick Attack but Butterfree poisoned Umbreon with it's Poison Powder Move. Or that's what Endou thought, because to his shock, the moment his opponents Umbreon got poisoned, his Butterfree suddenly started to show signs of poisoning too.

ENDOU: What's going on? Why my Butterfree is poisoned???.

WES: It's because of Umbreon's Ability Synchronize. If an opposing Pokémon Move poisons, burns or paralyses my Umbreon, they also get inflicted with the same status.

ENDOU: Damnit. You got me again.

WES: Ok Umbreon use Quick Attack.

ENDOU: Butterfree use Gust.

Umbreon thanks to Quick Attack hit Butterfree first. Then Butterfree created a small tornado 🌪️ that threw Umbreon in the air

ENDOU: Perfect. Butterfree use Confusion.

WES: Umbreon when you land use Quick Attack.

Then while Umbreon was in the air the Confusion Move of Butterfree finally made Contact. Thanks to it's Compound Eyes Ability, Ubreon's Sand Attack didn't effect Butterfree that much. But to the utter shock of Endou the Confusion Move passed through the opposing Umbreon seemingly doing nothing to it.

ENDOU: Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? How is this possible?

But before he could finish his thoughts his Butterfree was hit by the Quick Attack Move.

At that moment with all those hits and the poison status his Butterfree was inflicted with he decided to take his Pokeball and return Butterfree to it. But that movement of him didn't escape the eyes of Wes. So Wes gave the order that gave despair to Endou's chances for wining this fight.

WES: Umbreon Pursuit.

Then while the red light of the Pokeball hit Butterfree, the Pursuit Move also hit dealing double the damage, finally defeating the Butterfree.

ENDOU: No Butterfree!!!! How could the Confusion Move do nothing to your Umbreon.

WES: Well Umbreon is a Dark type. The Dark type is totally immune to Moves of the Psychic type.

ENDOU: I see. You really are amazing. But I'm not going down with out a fight. FACE MY ACE. PINSIR DESTROY HIM.


WES: Nice Pinsir you got there.

ENDOU: Thanks

WES: Umbreon return.

Wes switched his Umbreon for his Nidoran♂. And took a look at the opposing Pinsir summary.

Pinsir: male LV 14 Ability: Moxie Item: no

Moves: Focus Energy, Vice Grip, Rock Smash (Baby), Hyper Beam (Baby), Bind, Seismic Toss.

"Hyper Beam. Shiiiit. I should be careful even if Pinsir had a very bad SPAtk stat, at this early of a LV, this Move can turn this fight around.

ENDOU: Ok Pinsir use Vice Grip.

WES: Nidoran♂ dodge to the right and use peck.

Nidoran♂ managed to barely dodge Pinsir's Vice Grip Move hiting with the Peck move at the same time.

ENDOU: Pinsir Rock Smash.

WES: Nidoran♂ Sucker Punch.

As Pinsir used an attacking move Nidoran♂ Sucker Punch hit with extreme speed. After that Pinsir's Rock Smash send Nidoran♂ smashing through a tree, getting itself poisoned in the progress.

"Damnit what the heck. Poisoned again. Even Brock felt less Domineering than this. This guy strategy is a pure nightmare and annoying experience to deal with. I need to risk it all with this." These were the thoughts Endo Mamorou made at this moment.


WES: Nidoran♂ Head Smash now.

Then in Pinsir's mouth a ball colored in black purple lights started condensing. Nidoran♂ run straight ahead with brown energy all around it. Then Pinsir realised a beam of pure purple, black light and Nidoran♂ Charged right through it smashing the Pinsir away in a huge explosion of smoke sending all nearby Caterpie, Weadle and Pidgey flying away in total panic. When the clouds of smoke cleared both the Nidoran♂ and the Pinsir where down. Both of them were knocked out.

Meaning this battle ended in a 3:1 victory for Wes.

ENDOU: Nice fight. If you fight like this against Brock then you got yourself a Gym Badge.

WES: Thanks for the praise. It was a good fight. Do you happen to know a place were strong Caterpie can be found.

ENDOU: Ohh. I know just the place. Follow me.

Then Wes followed Endou. Then they reached a clearing with a single huge tree in the middle of it. The many Metapod and Caterpie could be seen.

Caterpie: female LV 6 Ability: Shield Dust Item: no

Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Electroweb (Baby).

"That one is perfect."

(Caterpie's Shield Dust turns into Compound Eyes when it becomes a Butterfree)

Wes threw a Pokeball directly at it catching this Caterpie instantly.

ENDOU: Sweet catch Wes.

WES: Thanks Endou.

ENDOU: Can i ask you something Wes?

WES: Sure go right ahead.

ENDOU: I think i can learn a lot from you. 300 meters from here there is an outpost build by my parents. When they or i, hunt in the forest we use it for our rest. Are you willing to train for some days with me.

" I see. that's a good idea. I can give him some ideas about what Moves his Pokemon can learn thanks to my system. He can also help me rise my Pokémon LV faster since he is the best trainer available here. Also teaching Umbreon Hyper Beam and having my other Pokemon be able, to learn it in the future, can be considered as an extra bonus."

WES: Sure. Why not?

ENDOU: THANK YOU VERY MUCH. With your help i will be able to destroy Brock a lot sooner than i expected to do.

Then both aspiring trainers left for Endou's hunting house with smiles blossoming on their faces.


1: Eevee: female LV 15 Ability: Adaptability Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden-Power-Fire (Baby), Quick Attack.

2: Umbreon: male LV 14 Ability: Synchronize Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Helping Hand, Curse (Baby), Wish (Baby), Sand Attack, Pursuit, Quick Attack.

3: Nindoran: male. LV 12 Ability: Poison Point Item: no

Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy, Double Kick.

4: Bulbasaur: male LV 9. Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Swords Dance (Baby), Seed Bomb (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip.

5: Caterpie: female LV 6 Ability: Shield Dust Item: no

Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Electroweb.

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