"Huff... huff... huff"
In a forest called Western Woods, a female Arcanine is running away from a team of Outlaws. In her mouth was a sleeping Growlithe.
"Just a few trees more and we'll be there," she told herself.
As she continued to run past the trees she saw a pokemon slightly covering the moon with its silhouette as it falls straight from the sky. She doesn't know why but she leaped, catching it on her back and landing back on the ground, hopefully, her pursuers didn't see her. She continued to run as her tail provides support for the pokemon to not fall. She didn't even look back on what kind of pokemon it is but from the moment she caught it, she knows that she should not leave it behind.
Run and run she did, until she left the forest and saw a town. Quickly entering the town, she went looking for a guildhall. Each town has a guildhall, big or small, for visiting or wandering rescue teams who are up for a job, it is a place for a rescue team to do jobs for rewards, high and low.
When she reached the entrance of the guildhall, she dropped both the sleeping Growlithe and the unconscious pokemon on her back and took a good look at it. Oshawott, that's what she caught.
However, she was mesmerized by what she saw, the Mark of Arceus on its hand, shining twice and then fading.
The howl of one of her pursuers brought her back into reality. She took one last look at her son and licked his head.
"I hope we'll meet once again, Elio," she paused as she bowed towards the Oshawott, "and Warrior of Arceus."
With that goodbye, she used Extremespeed now running towards the south, and roared loudly to get the pursuers' attention.
Unknown to her, the 'unconscious' Oshawott was actually awake the whole time.
"Ouch! My ears!" he cried and tried to cover his ears where it usually was but it was actually at the top of his head. So he had to duck his head just to reach his ears.
A yellow figure ran hurriedly out the guildhall banging the door wide open. When she heard the roar she expected danger, instead, she found two young pokemon; one asleep while the other covering his ears while looking towards the south.
The yellow figure neared the Oshawott.
"What is your name, child?" she asked with her sweet voice but she was unexpectedly met with a shout and a series of rambling.
This Oshawott who was in pain a second ago completely changed. "AHH– oh you're a Cinccino, a shiny one at that. Are you the one who talked? How did you do it? Y'know I met a Meowth who could talk so perfectly in human language. But that's in the past. Wait, can all pokem—"
"Guildmaster!" a cute voice called for Cinccino, cutting the Oshawott's rambling. The owner of the voice ran out the dark hallway showing a vibrant Vulpix, her six tails unrhythmically swaying back and forth behind her.
"I'm fine, deary. Please escort this Oshawott inside."
"Who are they?"
"I'm Daisuke! And he is Elio! Pleased to make your acquaintance!" he bowed to them.
Daisuke POV
I've been turned into an Oshawott. Holy crap! This is awesome! That questionnaire must've brought me here, or rather someone brought me here.
I remember each question I answered, particularly the last one; the bonus question. It was stated that it was from Arceus. Did that mean they're the one who sent me here, or was there someone else?
I continued to think of possible answers to my growing questions until I heard, "What is your name, child?"
Right now I'm being d̶r̶a̶g̶g̶e̶d̶ escorted right through the d̶a̶r̶k̶e̶s̶t̶ p̶i̶t̶s̶ o̶f̶ h̶e̶l̶l̶ unlit hallways of the guildhall by a Vulpix.
"Sooo... What's your name?" I questioned because it's unfair that they know my name while I don't know theirs.
"Hesti." A great name... for someone who looks like a fox.
"What about the Cinccino?"
"What about her?" she looked at me with a sly grin, "Just kidding hihi, her name is Mint, she's the Guildmaster, she's the boss around here. And I'm the assistant!"
"Amazing! Then how does everyone speak human language? *yawn" This is what I'm curious about it's either they know the human language or I'm the one who gained the gift to understand pokemon like Unova's Champion, N. I'm also a bit sleepy.
"What do you mean?" she looked at me with questioning eyes.
762 word count
too fast paced and low on detail for my liking, will be edited in half a year or so.
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
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