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50% Playing With Magic / Chapter 14: Chapter 14- A Firm Handshake

Kapitel 14: Chapter 14- A Firm Handshake

Previously On Playing With Magic

McGonagall regarded me for a long moment, then finally nodded. "Very well, Mr. Grey. This is highly unusual, but I will speak with the other professors. If your performance on Saturday's test is satisfactory, we will consider arranging the rest of the advancement tests."

"Thank you, Professor. I'll see you then," I promised.

With that, I took my leave.


Johnathan Grey


I stepped out of the classroom to find Terry, Micheal and Anthony waiting for me in the corridor.

"Everything alright, John?" Terry asked. The others nodded along, clearly wondering why I had stayed behind.

"Thanks for waiting, guys. It was nothing major, just Professor McGonagall had a few questions she wanted to quiz me on about Transfiguration," I explained, downplaying the discussion about potentially skipping a year.

That seems to settle their curiosity. "Well, as long as everything's good," Terry. "Let's head to lunch; I'm starving."

Lunch was a lively affair, filled with chatter and laughter, a welcome break from morning classes. But I had to cut it short. Considering this was an alternate reality, I would need to make sure Tom didn't change the location of the diadem or unleash the basilisk early.

As soon as I was out of sight, I used the [Invisibility] and [Muffle] spells on myself to render me nearly undetectable as I made my way to the entrance of the Chamber of Secrets.

Once there, I checked the tap with the snake insignia to see if Dumbledore would have at least had the same idea. He didn't. So, I set up my own alert wards. These wards were not ordinary alert wards though. They were designed to be exactly like normal intrusion wards, but the main purpose was to alert me to any attempt to access the Chamber.

With the wards in place, my thoughts turned to the Horcruxes, well, the closest one to me at the moment that is. So I made my way to the tapestry depicting Barnabas the Barmy attempting to teach trolls ballet on the seventh floor. Walking back and forth three times while thinking of a room to practise magic, I felt a small sliver of [Legimence] magic touch my mind before the door appeared, and I let myself in.

Utilising my magic sense I navigated to the Room of Requirement while searching for a similar magical signature to the one I felt attached to Harry's scar. The room, sensing my need, transformed, revealing the Diadem among a treasure trove of forgotten items.

[Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem - Magical Item]

[A Diadem Enchanted by Rowena Ravenclaw, one of the four founders of Hogwarts, which doubles the wearers' thought process speed while also protecting their minds from outside influences to a certain degree.]

[A Horcrux of Tom Riddle, contains a piece of his soul that constantly tries to corrupt the wearer.]

There it was, Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem, bearing the inscription 'Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure.'

As I picked up the Diadem, I could feel the dark magic pulsating through it. I could feel Riddle's magic trying to make its way into my mind with no success, while the original effect was trying to increase my mind's capabilities. Before securing the Diadem in my bag and preparing to leave, though. I had something to do. 

[A firm Handshake (Purple)]

[There is nothing like a firm handshake to make a good first impression, and also one of the best ways to copy others' abilities.]

[Description: This object allows the user to assimilate a being's bloodline and/or innate ability through touch.]

[+Assimilate one being at a time]

[+One Firm Handshake assimilation Slot added to user's status.]

[+Assimilation may take some time based on the user's current capabilities.]

[+Assimilate by touching the physical body or an object containing the soul of the being.]

[Purchased for 14,000 SP]

[Current SP: 11,632] 

There was no way I was going to sit in place for a random period of time just to learn parseltongue, especially if I had to deal with the main cast to do it. Translating each word would have been such a waste of time, genius or not. There's also the fact that I plan to use this ability in other worlds as well, so it's a good investment.

[Parseltongue Obtained - (Wizarding world)]

[The magical ability to communicate with and understand snakes.]

…That was quick. it must be because it's mind and magic-related. Archmage seemed to adapt to that aspect rather quickly. If it was body-related, it would most likely take some time. I'll have to try it with Nymphadora Tonk's metamorph-magus ability to verify.

After that, I used [Superior Wound], [Soul Trap] and [Magicka Drain], along with my perfect magic control and started to get to work on the soul shard on the diadem.

[Superior Wound], which I'm just going to call [Life Drain], allowed me to drain the lifeforce of the soul, basically, a [Vampiric Drain] spell from Skyrim but considering I didn't also turn into a vampire, I'm guessing the Dragon-born learned this spell to make up for that. A tweaked [Soul Trap] spell allowed me to get a grip on the soul so it wouldn't be able to try anything to escape, and [Magicka Drain] quite literally drained it of any magic which it needed to survive. Adding in my precise control and the soul had a slow agonising death if the quiet guttural screams were anything to go by. All that was left was the Diadem in the palm of my hand, uncorrupted.

[Destroyed one of Tom Riddle's Horcrux +15,000 SP]

[Current SP: 26,632]

One down, Now I need to get my hands on Hufflepuff's Cup, Slitherin's Locket, the Gaunts' ring, Riddle's book, Harry's scar and the snake. I might not know where the snake is but I know where the others are, but I'll need to make sure just in case.

When the book gets here next year, I'll turn it into some sort of compass to let me know where all the soul shards are at all times, I'll just need to study a bit more to figure out how to do that. Which reminds me, I need to go find some twins. I might be able to get an idea of how to make the compass from the Marauder's Map.

But before that, it's time to practise some of my more… volatile spells. Might as well make the most of this room while I'm here. 


6 September, 1991

Headmasters Office


In the quiet comfort of the staff conference room, the faculty of Hogwarts gathered around an ancient oak table. It was the end of the first week of term, a tradition for the teachers to come together and discuss the new intake of students, student progress, and any concerns that had arisen.

"With the first week coming to an end, I would like to convene this year's first faculty meeting," Dumbledore began, his eyes twinkling as they met each of his colleagues in turn. "Let's share our observations, focusing on the good as well as the areas for improvement, starting with our senior students and working our way down to the first years."

The conversation that followed started with the day-to-day activities. "There has already been a worrying trend of bullying among the students," Professor McGonagall started. "Particularly, I've noted instances involving Slytherin students targeting others. It's imperative we address this with more significant consequences than in the past. Light punishments haven't deterred this behaviour; it's time we take stronger action."

The room received a few sighs of exasperation, the issue of disciplining bullying always coming up in faculty meetings. 

Professor Snape, ever the defender of his house, responded with pointed observation. "While I do not condone bullying of any form," he began, his voice cool and measured, "it's crucial to acknowledge the full context of these incidents. In the most recent case, it was not a Slytherin, but the student from the opposing party who cast the first spell."

"The boy was getting verbally and physically abused by three others when he was on his own, Severus." She frustratedly pointed out. "What exactly did you want him to do, hmm?"

The staff room was momentarily quiet, having been in this situation many times before and receiving the same response many times before. 

With a sigh of his own, Dumbledore turned to Snape, his expression firm yet kind. "Severus, I trust you'll address this with your house, emphasising the importance of restraint and the consequences of initiating conflicts."

To McGonagall, he added, "And Minerva, please continue to monitor the situation closely. Let us all be vigilant and proactive in our efforts to guide our students toward better choices."

"Now, can we start with the final-year students?"

Teachers shared stories of exceptional talent, surprising improvements, and, as expected, areas where more work was needed for each year.

When the discussion shifted to the first-year students, Professor McGonagall was the first to speak, her voice a blend of pride and concern. "The first years have shown great enthusiasm," she said. "Like you said he would, Mr Grey has demonstrated an exceptional skill in Transfiguration. However, we must ensure he remains engaged and challenged."

Professor Flitwick, ever animated, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Mr. Grey is also quite adept in Charms. His grasp of spellwork is impressive for his age. I have no doubt he has and is attempting spells beyond his year."

Severus Snape, with his characteristic pragmatism, added, "Mr Grey is…highly competent in potions. His ability suggests an innate acute magic sense."

The others in the room regarded him for a moment. Taking in the fact that he had complimented a student not in his house to that degree.

Pomona Sprout highlighted the positive influence of students like Johnathan on their classmates. "It's a shame he wasn't put into my house."

It was at this point that McGonagal segwayed into a new topic, one that caught the attention of everyone in the room. "There's another matter I'd like to discuss regarding Mr Grey. He has requested to take advancement tests," she said.

Dumbledore leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Ah, Johnathan," he mused, a smile playing on his lips. "I am not surprised to hear he has taken to Transfiguration so well. If his academic achievements in the Muggle world are anything to go by, I knew this day would come. It's wonderful to see such enthusiasm for learning."

McGonagall adjusted her glasses, nodding in agreement before adding a crucial detail. "Indeed, Albus, but Johnathan hasn't limited his request to Transfiguration alone. He wishes to take the advancement tests for all first-year subjects."

The room fell silent for a moment as the request sank in, with the rest of the teachers raising a brow. Dumbledore's expression remained thoughtful, the twinkle in his eye suggesting he was aware this was a possibility as well.

"For first and second year," she added.

"...An ambitious endeavour," Dumbledore finally said. "It speaks volumes about his dedication and confidence in his abilities. I take it he has requested to do the exams earlier than yule break. Have you chosen a day for practice tests?"

"He will be taking them tomorrow."

"I-i-is he okay now? He s-s-seemed to have gotten a really bad h-h-headache during my lesson." Professors Quirrell stuttered, as Sevrus eyed him suspiciously from the corner of his eye.

"I saw him walking about, he seemed back to his normal self." 

"Good, let me know the results when it has been marked." He looked around the table, making eye contact with each of his colleagues. "Please lend him a hand with any material he may need for the best possible grade. Within reason of course."

The teachers nodded, understanding the wisdom in Dumbledore's words.

"Speaking of notable first years," Flitwick began, his eyes twinkling behind his spectacles, "Miss Granger has certainly made an impression."

Sprout chimed in, her tone gentle yet firm. "Ah yes, Ms Granger has shown exceptional aptitude for her studies, perhaps one of the brighter students we've had in years. Not quite like Mr Grey but notable all the same."

McGonagall nodded, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Indeed, she does seem to be very studious."

"And mister Potter?" Dumbledore asked.

"He's coming along well," Minerva said. "his curiosity and daring are commendable, though he does seem to find himself in... unusual situations." Her tone suggested mild exasperation, the latter of which Dumbledore found quite amusing.

Snape, however, was less amused. "The boy's 'daring', as you call it, borders on recklessness. Potter, seems to attract trouble, or perhaps it's more accurate to say he seeks it out," he said, his voice carrying a note of disapproval.

"Was it not you who said something about 'students not being properly disciplined' at the start of this meeting?" He said pointedly looking at the Headmistress with raised eyebrows. "How, pray tell, is awarding a child a position on the Quidditch team, a punishment."

The animagus bristled at that, which forced Dumbledore to, once again, intervene. The teachers went on to discuss other first-year students as well, noting both strengths and weaknesses.

As the meeting drew to a close, each teacher left except Snape. Dumbledore watched them go, a gentle smile on his lips and a contemplative look in his eye.

As soon as the other teachers were out of the room, the smile left his face as he turned to the potions master. "You believe Quirrell tried to force his way into younger Johnathans mind as well."

Expecting this, Severus replied, "It is the only logical conclusion. My probe was light, just to gauge his thoughts, his shields were well built. No headache, wince or even acknowledgement of someone trying to get in. He's a natural but untrained."

"Any idea where he learned it? None of his followers have gotten to him, I hope?" Dumbledore asked.

"I'm unaware if any of them have, but from what I got from the other student, he was seen reading a book on mind arts on multiple occasions."

"Keep me updated on Quirrell. He was too quiet in that meeting. Let me know if anything seems out of the ordinary," Dumbledore said, only to receive a raised eyebrow. "More out of the ordinary, that is."


7 September 1991

Hogwarts - Transfiguration Class

Johnathan Grey


The first week of classes passed quickly, despite the ease of class. I made sure to make full use of the [Observe] ability to find as many spell books in the library as possible, and got to reading. You would be surprised how many useless books they had in there. While also making sure to take some with me to History of magic lessons to pass the time.

The events have happened as I expected so far, the flying lesson between Slytherin and Gryffindor had Neville end up with Madam Pomfrey. Harry ended up becoming the new Gryffindor seeker, and all that stuff. So far my being here hasn't changed the timeliness in any way, which is exactly how I want it for now. Making moves in the shadows has its benefits.

I finished the last of my advancement tests well ahead of time, just as I had with the others. Holding my completed test, I approached Professor McGonagall's desk. The classroom was quiet, the other professors had already made brief appearances when the tests for their respective fields had been completed. 

"Professor, I'm done," I announced, presenting my parchment to her.

McGonagall looked up, a hint exasperated. "Mr. Grey, are you certain you wish to hand this in now? You still have a significant amount of the allotted time remaining," she remarked.

"Yes, Professor. I'm done. I've reviewed my answers, and I'm confident there's nothing more I need to add," I replied with a calm smile.

She accepted the parchment, her expression softening. "Very well, then. I'll ensure this is marked with the rest. You'll be informed when the results are ready," she said, offering me a nod of acknowledgement.

"Professor, considering how these exams have gone, is there a chance I could attempt some O.W.L.s now as well?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me. Now that I think about it, I only really need to be here for Riddle's book. The rest of his Horcruxes can be destroyed out of Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall studied me for a moment, "Mr Grey, let's wait for the results of these advancement tests. We can discuss this possibility once we have your test results," she explained.

I nodded. "Of course, Professor. Thank you," I said, turning to leave the classroom. Her words made sense, and I appreciated her willingness to entertain the idea, even if the answer was to wait.

OK, now I can go find Tonks, again. I didn't want to just walk up to her in the Great hall or creep around either. The problem was that she wasn't much of a library person either. But it's the weekend now, I have time to find her.


"A firm, hearty handshake gives a good first impression, and you'll never be forgiven if you don't live up to it."

— P.J. O'Rourke.


Author Here

Nothing like a firm handshake. John's now looking for a metamorph-magus and a map. Some people need to learn how to stay out of other people's minds, it's disrespectful. Good thing John got out of there, and no Quirrell never actually got in.

Question: If Dumbledore has access to a time-turner, why hasn't he gone back to save his sister? It's supposed to be his greatest regret, right?


Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC and original ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners.


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Pat reon (.com) /Lightest_Reader


Thank you for reading.

Until next time.

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