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80% Phoenix In DXD / Chapter 8: Fight vs Tatyana and meeting... apes?

Kapitel 8: Fight vs Tatyana and meeting... apes?

Narrator POV*

In a small yet decorated room, on a bed laid two women spooning, both equally gorgeous. The little spoon was only 5'9 in height and had beautiful long silver hair and the big spoon was a tall woman lying at 6'2, with long black wavy hair that was entwined with the silver hair. when together they looked like they belonged in a panting. Soon the silver haired woman began to stir awake.

"UGH" she slowly opened her eyes revealing something that looked so beautiful yet so chaotic at the same time, Heterochromia eyes that seemed to glow both wisdom and playfulness. The left eye had a heart shaped pupil and was red in the centre and faded to a bright pink around the edges that seemed to glow with endless lust and seduction. The right eye was slitted and a beautiful emerald green in colour that seemed to flourish with life however, what would truly cause the hearts of anyone who witnessed these eyes to freeze is the sclera of the eye. It was black. pure black and yet it seemed to contain a universe in them. Stars constantly exploding and planets colliding, storms raging endlessly and all the elements clashing with a fight for dominance. It seemed like the epitome of chaos itself was contained in the eyes of the young woman. After realising where she was and feeling the strong grip on her waist, she shifted until she was now facing her wife.

She loved to watch her wife's sleeping face, so peaceful and the slight smile on her lips showed just how happy she was. After watching for a few moments, she leaned forward and placed kisses all over the goddess's face before leaning down and placing kisses on her neck causing the beauty to awaken from her nap. "Ngh what happened" the last thing she remembered was kissing her wife and then everything goes blank. "Ahahaha, you don't remember huh?" Luna replied now face to face with those abyss black eyes staring at her in confusion. "We were kissing and then I woke up?"

"You went into a daze that's all" she explained but Tatyana went even more confused. "Why, what did you do" "Fufufu, that's for me to know and you to maybe find out some other time, come we need to have a shower and get dressed before a certain dragon burst through my door" Luna said as she weaselled her way out of Tatyana's death grip and stood up from the bed, showing of her body that screams perfection. She then proceeded to walk towards the bathroom whilst swaying her hips and looking over her shoulder asking "You wanna join". Tatyana didn't need to be asked twice before she appeared right behind Luna watching her perfect heart shaped bubble butt bounce as she walks nearly causing her head to bob along with it.

An hour later, both Luna and Tatyana were seated at a small wooden table with 4 seats, eating a breakfast that Luna had whipped up. There was still no sign of Ophis but Luna just figured she accidentally hit her too hard however, as soon as she had this thought, the door to Ophis's room went flying off its hinges and created a rectangular hole in the wall as the door was lost in the dimensional gap.

Luna was just about to ask what the fuck happened when she felt her vision twist once more and realised Ophis just punched her, sending her in the same state of the door. "What the fuck just happened?" she screamed whilst righting herself in mid-air meanwhile, Tatyana had fallen of her chair by laughing too hard causing Ophis to take note of her for just a second before she shifted her attention back to the stupid bird. She began flying towards the hole Luna's body created and was just about to jump through it when she saw a flash, an impact on her face causing her to grunt in pain, and then her body was also sent flying but instead of going through a wall... She went head first into Tatyana.

Luna saw this the second she teleported into the house and she froze from shock and started sweating. She slowly began to back away trying not to let Tatyana she was there, but before she could make the third step, she heard an ice-cold voice. "Don't even think about running away, little chick" As Luna looked over to Tatyana, she saw something that nearly made her laugh.

Tatyana's eyes were covered by her hair and her lips were curved in a cold yet teasing smile, but what made her nearly laugh was that she had Ophis's head gripped in one of her hands and had her held in the air. Ophis's feet no longer touched the floor and she was gripping Tatyana's wrist, trying to remove her hand from her head, all whilst her legs kicked around in the air. All in all, it was hilarious, like a child being punished and it made Luna's lips curl ever so slightly which Tatyana clearly saw. "Ohh, you find it funny, do you?" she asked with a sunny smile that only caused Luna to sweat harder and just as she was about to reply, Ophis was launched at Luna like a baseball causing them both to break the sound barrier as they went flying.

Luna POV*

"URGGGHH, that hurt" I said, trying to figure out which way I am since she through Ophis at me we fell off the floating island and you can't really tell right from left in the dimensional gap. I heard Ophis groan beside me as we slowly righted ourselves using the floating island we can see in the distance as direction. However, as we looked in the direction of the floating island, we both saw Tatyana emerge, her aura flared and her hair floating eerily behind her. Her eyes were in the shape of crescents as she sported a huge grin on her face, and both me and Ophis glanced at each other, clearly seeing the sweat on each other's faces.

"Fight?" Ophis asked wondering what we were supposed to do but I was actually surprised she actually spoke so it took a few seconds to reply. P-Probably, she seems to be in the mood to kick our asses, and I don't think she will let us off until she's punched us a few times." At my words, Ophis clearly got ready to fight and I did the same. "We're going to have to team up to beat her alright?" I asked to which she surprisingly nodded. I would have thought her dragon pride would cause her to reject but it seems I was wrong until I heard her next words. "Chicken too weak to fight by self, punch her hard enough and get black candy"

Before she said these words, I was just about to launch myself at Tatyana but as I heard them, I tripped over my own feet and went spiralling forward. Her speech was like that of a child but the message was clear. "Hold the fuck on, are you firstly, saying I'm weak even though I kicked your ass over and over again and secondly, saying that the only reason we fought was because you wanted to eat those black holes." I asked clearly dumb struck and it was even worse when she tilted her head and replied a single word "Or?" "I thought we were besties who wanted to bond through fighting, don't tell me you didn't feel good when you were fighting me." At my words she pondered for a while, "Punching chicken made me feel proud, but eating black candy felt better."

These words annoyed me a lot and I don't know why so whilst we were stood side by side, I punched her without even looking. "Stupid lizard". I was about launch at Tatyana once more, who was looking at both of us with nothing but amusement, when Ophis landed next to me again and tried to punch me. Unfortunately for her, I had dropped the limiter on my absolute combat because I knew that without it I would get my ass handed to me by Tatyana twice as fast and hard, so as her punch neared me, I twisted my body in a 360 degrees motion, grabbed her outstretched wrist and then span around dozens of times before letting go, launching her in Tatyana's direction hoping to buy myself some time.

Ophis's instincts that had been honed over the last ten years of fighting allowed her to perform a front flip in mid-air until her foot was above Tatyana's head, where she slammed it down as hard as possible. Whilst this was happening, I vanished from my spot and appeared behind Tatyana, where I aimed to sweep her off her feet and let Ophis land her blow, which Ophis clearly saw. A pity it never worked. All Tatyana did was side step Ophis's foot when it was within inches of landing and the round house kicked her in the stomach causing her to fly away at speed that created several sonic booms. She then flipped over my out stretched foot and landed behind me before she tried to kick me in the face prompting me to duck down. I dropped into a hand stand and tried to horse kick her in the stomach but she caught both my feet and proceeded to hulk smash me several times before tossing me into the floating island like I weighed nothing.

Narrator POV*

After Tatyana threw Luna away, she jumped a few dozen metres backwards and a second later, a pure black energy beam that distorted the surrounding space hit the spot she was once stood. Tatyana was about to step forward and attack Ophis but suddenly felt pressure on her waist and when she looked down, she saw two jade white arms squeezing her tightly. "Ophis" Luna shouted prompting Ophis to look at her questioningly. "Smash" This caused Ophis to grin before she descended with her fist aimed at Tatyana's stomach. As soon as she was close, Luna placed Tatyana in a bear hug and flipped the both of them so they were parallel to the ground before Ophis's fist impacted Tatyana's stomach causing her to grunt in pain. Whilst they were shooting towards the ground, Luna flipped their positions so that she was on top and flapped her wings, speeding up their descent until they impacted the ground with a 'boom'.

(I don't know if there is a ground since it's just a space but I'm going to say there is)

Luna spared no effort jumping out of the crater that was just made and hiding behind Ophis, using her as a shield, since she knew that wouldn't be enough to hurt Tatyana and would probably only increase the strength of her punches. She was however quite happy because she could tell absolute combat had improved her body, forcing her to move faster and be stronger when facing Tatyana and she was filled with anticipation on finding out how much she would improve.

Ophis was confused about why the chicken was acting like she was about to be fried but instantly knew when she saw the dust cloud, caused by the crater, fade away revealing Tatyana in perfect condition yet a crazed grin and her eyes radiating battle lust. Ophis felt conflicted, her mind was warning her, telling her that a predator was watching her like a hawk causing her to tense yet her body was trembling with excitement. Telling her to fight and win, causing her to also show battle lust.

Meanwhile Luna was sweating. She had only seen that battle lust a few times and it never ends well for Tatyana's opponents; it promises pain. She knew she had no choice but to fight and she was also excited to fight, but fighting and getting your ass handed to you by a crazy battle maniac are two entirely different things. She only hopes she makes it out in one piece, which is something, given how she is immortal.

1500 years later -

(I wanted to make it so that it didn't seem as if humans were born at the same time as Ophis and Luna, so the time skip will be how long it takes for God to be born. I don't know if it's enough so let me know and ill change it to a thousand or something.)

Two beings lay unconscious on a bed. Tatyana had left after the pummelling she gave them but not before placing them on a bed. They have been unconscious for a few days now since they have been fighting for over a thousand years straight without rest. Both of them had improved by leaps and bounds since they started fighting. Thanks to her absolute combat, Luna's body has progressed massively and her overall control of her body has become near instantaneous. Ophis's instincts have become exceptionally strong and her fighting ability has also improved drastically. In the anime Ophis never trained, she didn't have to since the only one stronger than her, that was known, was Big Red so she never improved in strength apart from her natural growth. Now however, she has done nothing but fight for over a hundred years, the difference between them is like heaven and hell.

Ophis was the first to stir awake. As she awoke, she glanced around to find herself sharing a bed with the stupid chicken who, even though she won't admit it, she has grown quite fond of over the past millennia. She isn't in love with, nor does she have any sort of romantic feelings for her but she feels like... she enjoys her presence? She has more or less spent her entire life with the bird, who she found out was called Luna not that she would call the stupid chicken that, and she couldn't imagine not being with the bird and arguing as they do. They bonded even more so when they both fought against Tatyana and they became more and more adept at fighting side by side until they could practically guess each other's next move and follow up.

During the 1500 years they fought, space was shattered dozens of times especially since Tatyana uses the space element. This meant that Ophis could enjoy her candy and become more and more whole. Tatyana obviously knew that Ophis needed them to grow more from spectating her fight with Luna, so she used her space elements as much as possible, allowing her to grow. Ophis is now at around 45%, allowing her to show more emotions. She can show a small smile when she is happy or a slight glare when pissed, something Luna saw a lot of in the past hundred years.

As Ophis thought back to the women who beat her over and over, she couldn't help but get annoyed causing her to punch the still sleeping Luna. She became even more annoyed though when Luna unconsciously dodged in her sleep, and then slapped Ophis out of the bed. To say Ophis was pissed would be an understatement, all that fighting and she can't even punch the bird. She quickly gathered a small amount of compressed energy and shot it next to Luna so she wouldn't dodge. As the energy hit the floor it created a small explosion that destroyed the corner of the bed that Luna was on, causing her to faceplant into the floor. Luna shot up and prepared to fight once more, she looked around only to see Ophis with a grin causing her to get annoyed.

"Stupid lizard". Ophis's grin was replaced with a scowl as she exclaimed "Stupid chicken" both of them started raining insults on one another before they both shouted "baaaakkkkkaaaaa" at the same time and turned away with a huff. "Whatever, I want some food" Luna said and began to walk away, this however caused Ophis's eyes to light up so she began to waddle behind Luna. Luna turned and saw this causing her to smirk. "Oh, what do you want stupid lizard, you can't have any of my food, make your own" This caused Ophis's steps to falter before she demanded "Make some for me"

"Ahahaha, what makes you think I will do that Baka lizard"

"Stupid chicken make me food"


"Stupid chicken, Baka bird"

"You Know, the more you insult me the less I want to give you food" At this Ophis frowned before asking through gritted teeth "PLZ make me food" though she whispered the first part. "Heh, I can't hear you little lizard" Ophis was visibly pissed now and her aura began to be released unconsciously, destroying some parts of the house. She was about to start lashing out but Luna clearly saw this and decided to pacify the prideful dragon. "Tch, stop destroying my house Baka lizard. I'll give you this." At these words she pulled out 30cm by 30 cm -square shaped white box that had a note attached to the top. Ophis took the box and read the note;

"Here little Ophis, I'll give you this as thanks for keeping me entertained for a few hundred years and for being besties with my little Luna - Tatyana, the one who kicked your ass.

After reading this, Ophis felt like she was about to blow up from rage and humiliation, especially the last part. Why would she want to be friends with a chicken.

"What does it say" Luna asked whilst putting on an apron and preparing the ingredients. "Nothing Baka chicken" was her reply as she destroyed the paper with her aura before proceeding to open the box. Inside was something she did not expect. Something that shouldn't be possible. A black hole. It was a lot smaller compared to the one's she had eaten before, around the size of a small fist, but it was a lot more powerful, she could tell. It was placed inside a glass box, but said box was also pitch black as all light inside was being absorbed. As Luna looked back and saw the box, she was slack jawed and wondered how the hell her wife had sealed a black hole in a box.

Ophis opened the lid of the box, causing Luna to panic wondering if the house will hold, but thankfully Ophis tipped the box back and swallowed it causing her aura to be released for a few seconds before it was reigned back in. However, she was frozen. She could feel that she was almost twice as complete as before. This black hole was as powerful as almost all the ones she had consumed before. She could feel her emotions a lot more clearly and felt better in general. She was around 85% of a normal person's emotional range now and she felt better than ever, causing her to smile. Not a small one but, a genuine one.

Both of them sat there in silence as Luna had her meal. Ophis examining her new emotions and Luna enjoying her cooking skills. Once Luna had finished her meal, she looked at Ophis and spoke "I'm leaving for a while." Causing Ophis to look at her with shock. "Where?" she asked causing Luna to confess her plans "I'm leaving the dimensional gap to go to earth and see what's there." Ophis pondered these words for a while and asked "earth?" Luna chuckled realised Ophis knows nothing outside of the dimensional gap. "Earth. It's a place outside of here, a very beautiful place, do you want to come?" Ophis thought for a few seconds before deciding to tag along since she wanted to see something outside of the place she was born. After both of them had gotten ready and Luna had gotten changed into what looked like a pure white cultivator's robe, they both left the house and stepped onto the edge of the floating island.

Then Luna willed the dimensional gap to let them out, she wasn't sure how but she knew that it was the only way to leave without a space ability. The dimensional gap was a separate dimension between heaven, hell and earth and exists at the very bottom of them all, so it has no entry or exit point. After she willed for their exit, a portal opened it front of them, though it looked like a crack in the dimension, after they stepped through they both appeared in a bright sky causing Ophis to squint and hiss since her senses are extraordinarily sharp and she is not use to the brightness of the sun. "What's that?" Ophis questioned, pointing at the sun. Luna was fine with the brightness, given her race, she could even look directly at the sun without repercussions. "It's a star called the sun, A huge ball of burning gas that heats up the earth." She knew that Ophis wasn't stupid, on the contrary she was smart, but she was incredibly naïve and more or less believed anything you told her unless she knew otherwise.

Glancing around at the rest of the place, Luna saw that it looked like the same earth she knew, but without any human interference. It was undeveloped like you would expect and filled with nature. Mountains, trees, flowers, animals, insects. All were present and it looked unexpectantly peaceful. Ophis was basically a ball of curiosity, asking question after question and Luna patiently explained since she was the same when she first explored the divine realm.

Soon they saw a pack of 6 wolves that looked to be hunting for food and both Luna and Ophis made their way towards them after Luna explained what they are. When they got close to them the wolves instantly prostrated themselves before the two of them whilst shivering since both of them had a small amount of their aura released, showing their power. The wolves also felt respect for the strange silver furred creature in front of them, confusing them (Luna hid her wings).

"Have you seen any two-legged creatures like myself?" Luna questioned whilst Ophis looked at her as if she was an idiot for talking to a small 'puppy'. However, she was shocked when the 'puppy' began to nod and all though she couldn't understand it, she could tell it was communicating with the Baka bird. "Yes, two leg creature, hunt us, kill brethren, eat us, over there" It spoke to Luna and Luna could tell it hasn't fully developed its intelligence. Soon Luna and Ophis began to walk in the direction where the wolf pointed whilst Ophis continued to stare at Luna.

"What is it?" She asked after 5 minutes of non-stop staring. "Baka bird can speak to dogs?" she questioned with a head tilt. "Yes, I'm a mythical beast and can understand all animals" Ophis was slightly jealous at this and wanted to be able to do the same, though she didn't know whether it was because of the ability itself or the fact that she doesn't like Luna doing something she can't and Luna picked up on this.

"Oya, are you jealous Little lizard, do you want me to be your translator since you can only speak to me?" Her tone of playfulness and her eyes of amusement pissed Ophis off to no end and she was just about to punch her when both of their senses picked up on a cluster of life a head of them and when they arrived, they saw a village of sorts.

A very undeveloped one mind you, there was tents instead of houses, a tiny wooded fence that had holes large enough for a wolf to walk through with ease and the weapons they could see were basically just wooden sticks or clubs that had been sharpened. The clothes they were wearing were just animal pelt that covered the bare minimum and some were even naked. The people wearing said clothes looked like...apes? They were quite small at just over a metre tall, they could be taller but they were hunched over. They had long face's in the shape of an oval with long noses and thick lips and were covered in body hair, including the women. Luna and Ophis were just about to go and get a closer look when they heard an ice-cold voice behind them.

"Who are you?" As they both turned around, they could see a young man who looked around 20. Grey coloured hair that reached his chin and bright blue eyes. Yahweh himself...

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