Flipping through the pages of the photo album, Qiao Lan could not believe her eyes. There were dozens of pictures of her father, Su Bai with the woman known as Ke Da Xia.
Looking at this, Qiao Lan felt immense anger and sadness.
Her father had left her and Qiao Qingqing for another woman?
Qiao Lan could not believe it.
She had always thought that her father had left them because her mother was always arguing with him but now Qiao Lan could see that that wasn't the case... but because she didn't know anything about the situation, Qiao Lan went to find someone who could find out for her.
Bursting out of her grandfather's study, Qiao Lan headed upstairs.
Since Kang Jun had announced his marriage, Qiao Lan had been forced to stay in the Qiao Manor but there was another person who was living in the manor with Qiao Lan now and this person was Rong Yue Wan.
However, it felt like Qiao Lan was alone most of the time since Rong Yue Wan seldom left the room that was given to her.
Usually, Qiao Lan would be annoyed about that but truthfully Qiao Lan could not bring herself to interrupt the woman's brooding.
Rong Yue Wan had been in love with Kang Jun like she had never loved anything or anyone ever before. He was her heart, her soul, her everything! Yet, he did not love her back and this destroyed her completely.
Though what did she expect? Kang Jun was a cold man by nature. Only one special woman could melt his heart and that special woman was Lu AnLing and not Rong Yue Wan.
Qiao Lan wished that Rong Yue Wan would learn to understand this already but she knew that the girl was very hard headed. This, however, wasn't a bad thing when it came to plotting against Kang Jun...
However, right now, Qiao Lan could not think of Kang Jun. Her thoughts were instead on Su Bai.
Walking into Rong Yue Wan's room without knocking, Qiao Lan expected to find the girl wallowing in her sadness but instead she found her sitting at the dresser brushing her hair.
"Stop whatever you're doing, I need your help!" Qiao Lan said abruptly.
Hearing this, Rong Yue Wan turned to look at Qiao Lan with disinterest.
Now that Rong Yue Wan knew that Qiao Lan could not help her win Kang Jun's affections, Rong Yue Wan had become much colder. And now, Rong Yue Wan was only acting nice with the girl because she was the daughter of her employer and because Qiao Lan was allowing her to stay at the Qiao Manor.
"What's wrong?" Rong Yue Wan said with fake care in her voice.
Qiao Lan walked over to Rong Yue Wan and then she slammed the photo album on the dressed. The harshness of the sound caused Rong Yue Wan to jump slightly.
"Have you ever seen this before? Maybe with Grandfather?" Qiao Lan asked with interest.
If someone knew about it, it would be either her mother or Rong Yue Wan, but Qiao Lan did not want to show this to her mother in fear that the woman would be hurt, so Rong Yue Wan was her only option.
Looking down, Rong Yue Wan examined the album and then she frowned. "Never. Why?"
Qiao Lan wanted to explain everything but she didn't have any time so instead, she flipped the book open, revealing the pictures of her father and Ke Da Xia.
She then tapped on a picture, specifically putting her finger on the man, and said, "This is my father..."
After saying this, Qiao Lan then tapped on the same picture but this time, she tapped on the woman. "This woman is called Ke Da Xia."
Not understanding what this had to do with her, Rong Yue Wan frowned and said, "Okay... and?"
"And I want you to find out everything you know about this woman." Qiao Lan said with a hiss.
Hearing this, Rong Yue Wan nodded her head.
Truly, Rong Yue Wan was actually not depressed because Kang Jun didn't love her. In fact, because of how Feng Zhengyi had acted with her, Rong Yue Wan had had a lot of hope that she could, with Feng Zhengyi's influence, break up Kang Jun and Lu AnLing and eventually replace her as his wife.
But for now, Rong Yue Wan knew she needed to lay low and plan her moves well...
Rong Yue Wan had actually planned on researching Lu AnLing and all her flaws but sadly, she still had to play the role of someone who was depressed. But now, Qiao Lan had given her the perfect opportunity to do as she pleased.
"Do you want this information by a set date?" Rong Yue Wan said with a low voice.
"No, just as soon as you can..." Qiao Lan said as her gaze began to venture far off into the distance. Then, remembering their encounter with Feng Zhengyi, Qiao Lan frowned and glared slightly at Rong Yue Wan. "And this time, don't hide a scrap of information from me. I mean it."
Hearing this, Rong Yue Wan nodded and then she forcibly changed her demeanour to make it seem as if, with something to do instead of wallowing in her pain, Rong Yue Wan's spirits steadily came back.
"I'll do what I can't." Rong Yue Wan said before grabbing her bags and heading out the door to find her usual source for intel... her uncle.
Rong Yue Wan thought that information on Ke Da Xia would be hard to find considering that she was just a random woman but little did she know that her uncle knew the woman well.
She was, in fact, Kang Liang's mother after all.
However whether or not her uncle could tell her the information she needed to know was a completely different matter entirely.
Rong Yue Wan grabbed her cellphone and the she called her uncle.
As Rong Yue Wan left the Qiao Manor, at the Kang Manor, Kang Jun laid his head on Lu AnLing's shoulder.
"Jun, don't sleep here. You need to go to bed!" Lu AnLing said seriously.
Kang Jun nodded and acknowledged what she was saying but then he turned to her with a groggy expression and said, "Only if you come with me."
Watching this, Elder Kang felt like he was a lightbulb so he quickly stood up. He was about to go to his study but then, Secretary Rong entered the room,
"Sir, I need to go, Yue Wan just called—" Secretary Rong said as he entered the room. Once he was there, his eyes immediately caught the figure of Kang Jun who stuck intimately to Lu AnLing.
This whole time, Lu AnLing had not looked at Secretary Rong. In fact, Lu AnLing had almost completely ignored the man but now, hearing his voice, Lu AnLing looked up to him with a perplexed expression.
"Hello, young master." Secretary Rong said politely. He then turned back to Elder Kang. "I need to go home, Yue Wan suddenly wants to visit. I'll be back"
Elder Kang nodded.
Seeing this, Secretary Rong nodded back. He was about to leave but then, he suddenly heard Kang Jun's voice. This caused him to stop completely.
Kang Jun: "Don't."
Secretary Rong turned to look at Kang Jun who still laid on Lu AnLing's shoulder calmly.
"I'm sorry, young master, but don't what?" Secretary Rong asked politely.
Opening his eyes, Kang Jun sighed and then he stood up to face Secretary Rong.
Secretary Rong was not a short man, but when faced with Kang Jun's stature, the man looked a bit punny.
"Don't come back." Kang Jun said, accentuating every word.
Secretary Rong had lived in the Kang Manor for years. So long, in fact, that Elder Kang sometimes forgot that the man had a home to live in.
And despite having a home of his own, Secretary Rong usually stayed at the Kang Manor but Kang Jun was not Elder Kang, he would not allow this.
"Jun, why are you doing this? First Qiao Lan and now my Secretary? Did I do something to you?" Elder Kang asked with slight worry.
Looking at the situation, Lu AnLing was also slightly confused. She could see that Kang Jun had a problem with Secretary Rong but the girl did not know why...
Hearing his grandfathers words, Kang Jun sighed. "It has nothing to do with you."
Elder Kang: "Then please, let him stay. He's a good man..."
"I refuse." Kang Jun said.
There was no way that Kang Jun would change his mind. Even if Lu AnLing begged him he wouldn't let Secretary Rong stay, because this decision was for the good of their family.
Kang Jun's instincts made him want to protect those he loved and to protect them, he needed to evict the people he couldn't trust from the home his family were forced to temporarily live in until he got custody of Kang Mei Xue.
Who will be a bigger problem? Qiao Lan or Rong Yue Wan?
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