In the once-thriving Labyrinth city of Oglinda, a shadow of despair had fallen over its once-peaceful kingdom. For years, the land had been ruled with an iron fist by the merciless Emperor Speculum De Sine III, whose cruelty knew no bounds. The people suffered under his oppressive regime, their spirits crushed beneath the weight of tyranny.
The only beacon of hope in this desolate kingdom had been Queen Seraphina, a woman revered for her wisdom, compassion, and unwavering dedication to her people. She had served as a pillar of strength between the Kingdom of Oglinda and its neighboring ally, the Kingdom of Solethra. Queen Seraphina's diplomacy and grace had held the fragile peace between the two nations together.
But one fateful day, the kingdom was plunged into chaos as news spread like wildfire: "The Tyrant had killed the Queen!" Thousands of unsatisfied citizens erupted in anger, their collective voices rising against Speculum De Sine III, demanding justice for their beloved queen.
Amidst the turmoil, the firstborn son of the tyrant, Regulus Zelgius, stood as an unintended casualty. At just fifteen years old, he found himself ensnared in the treacherous web of his father's tyranny. Regulus had always harbored doubts about his father's ruthless reign, but he never imagined that it would lead to such a tragic turn of events.
As the kingdom plunged further into chaos, Regulus Zelgius embarked on a perilous journey of vengeance. He was determined to unravel the dark secrets behind his father's actions and seek retribution for the death of Queen Seraphina. Along the way, he would encounter allies and enemies, face moral dilemmas, and discover the depths of his own strength and resilience.
In a world where betrayal, intrigue, and power struggles abound, Regulus Zelgius must navigate a treacherous path to confront the tyrant and avenge the fallen queen. "Origin of the hourglass labyrinth" is a tale of revenge, redemption, and the enduring spirit of a kingdom on the brink of ruin.
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