Somewhere on Gaia, the leaders of top faction secretly meet.
In a desolate temple ruin, a massive amount of energy swirls, killing anything that's weak.
The source of this energy were 6 people, sitting around a big marble table.
One of them wore a military uniform with medals covering it, he had three bodyguards behind him. One was a giant man with a glowing golden hair, one of them was a silver haired beauty and the last one could be called the god of attractiveness, he had a friendly face with a charismatic smile plastered on it.
The 2nd person was a beautiful woman with green hair and bright red eyes. She had a hourglass body and she was completely naked except a few vines here and there covering the essentials. She, the representative of the nature spirits, had pointed ears and she had 2 elves behind her as a bodyguard. They looked identical while wearing identical slim silver armor with gold trimmings.
The 3rd person was flamboyant looking male with blue tuxedo, he had no visible bodyguards. He was the representative of the First human settlement, The Dynasty. Although he was amongst the strongest people alive, he looked quite at ease.
The 4th person had her face covered in black silken mask but one could guess her beauty with the mischievous blood red eyes she had shown. She had a voluptuous body with the right curves that can make anything capable of feeling lust go crazy but there was a dangerous aura emanating from her that would scare anyone brave enough to confront her. Asmodeus , the representative of the creatures of night, more commonly known as demons, had bodyguards that highlighted the savageness and the repulsiveness of her race, 3 meters tall flesh golems. They had no facial features, but they had extra skulls, bones and organs growing on it's body.
The 5th person was the polar opposite of the previous person, a shining angel. She had lustrous golden hair that reached her waist, emerald green eyes that seemed to emanate kindness and had 4 pairs of white wings on her back. However she had this unsettling aura about her, similar to her sibling race representative. She had 2 bodyguards that had golden halo and 3 pairs of wings. Both of them hid their faces with their helmets and they held spears.
The final person had no bodyguards to speak of but the sheer pressure of his aura was more than enough to match the others. He had 2 red scaled wings on his back and crimson scales around his body. He was the representative of the disaster rankers, the bane of all existence.
All of them stared at each other, waiting for one of them to make a move. About a few seconds that felt like years, the dryad opened her mouth and spoke
"Mother has fallen asleep, even with the surge of energy she got few months ago, it wasn't enough to beat the infection"
"Aww, you must be sad~. How about you visit my chamber sometimes? I can cheer you up~" The demoness says with shining eyes, forcing the dryad to consider all out war with the demons.
"Enough with the jokes, how is the growth of 'that' thing going, Asmodeus?" The general demanded.
The demoness' eyes became serious "Good, but not enough. How about doubling the quota? Earthlings are not as tasty as the original humans, heh~"
The general's stern eyes widened and blazed with wrath as he stood up "Double!? Is 10 million people a month not enough to satisfy your voracity???"
The demoness snickered and then said "Heh, I told you, the quality of Earthlings are not to my, or my kind's liking. Double or nothing, it's you mortals are the ones that's cornered. We demons can escape to our home dimension if things get fishy and it's the same with my sisters here. If you want the demon's support in this war then pay your due."
The general was literally shaking with anger but he forced to swallow all the slurs and the insults he was going to hurl her way. The situation was dire and everyone needed everyone to fight to live.
"My sister is right, you need us and we need you. Although demons are vile creatures, they never go back on their words. As long as you pay the due of course."
"Arghhh, fine" The general yelled out. He hated being powerless and he hated selling people's lives even more. Earthlings or not, they were humans.
The dragonoid opened his mouth, it's voice was harsh and raspy "When is the artificial titan project going going to succeed? I'm getting impatient."
"Relax, it will succeed when it succeeds. Patience is better than creating another titan and losing a disaster." The tuxedo guy speaks.
"Anyways, I wanted to ask you something" The dryad said "Have you located the benefactor of Gaia? I want to thank him for the chance he has given us and there's that"
"Unfortunately no, We lost track of him since he left Division 4. Who could have known a 15 year old could be that sneaky."
Blake stayed quiet throughout the entire exchange. Noelle was sneaking glances at him to gauge his reaction every so often. The handsome guy took notice.
'I will have to speak to him when we get home' he thought.
"Anyways that concludes this meeting. May luck be with all of you"
The last few days were hectic for Aster.
Like a parasite, he absorbed all of the resources from the hound that dared to try swallow him.
For the first day, he tried to behave like a prisoner while getting stronger secretly as there might be a spy that reports everything to the leader or maybe to Blake.
But 2 days ago, while he was ingesting 10 different poison, venom and toxins to level up his resistances, some members threw some girls into the cell that was next to him.
They were pleading to be let go and were crying endlessly but the trashes didn't listen to them. In fact they started to go a step further and traumatize the young girls.
Then Aster realized, these guys simply lacked the braincells necessary to be competent. They are just few psychotic degenerates who use their gang's reputation to do what they want.
Aster then proceeded to get out from his cell and kill these bastards.
Guilt? Those guys are not even worth raging on, using [True sight] he saw their memories, their thoughts, their every dark impulses and their desires.
They did not deserve to live.
They could never change for the better.
They were sick to the core.
They needed to go.
And so over the course of 3 days, Aster proceeded to purge 60% of the total gang members. There were few delusional kids thinking gangs were cool, Aster spared them as they didn't commit the atrocities their seniors did but not before beating them up and scaring them away.
Overnight, Aster gained the reputation of 'Blood Tyrant' and gained the respect and loyalty of the same delusional kids he beat up.
'Hah, these dudes... Adding blood prefix to everything.'
He constantly went into dungeons with Baub and got stronger. The exp of the bloodhound gang members added up.
He also claimed the rewards for the quests he completed.
He was slowly catching up.
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