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8.33% Ol' Big Ears / Chapter 3: Day 2x2 - How To Outrun A Bear

Kapitel 3: Day 2x2 - How To Outrun A Bear

"Tell me where they went."

"So that's where you went." Freddy said with a gruff voice. You could see but he was looking close at the watch. "What do you want?" You asked, throat becoming dry. "You will tell me where you got that bow and where you came from. We will talk. You had better wait right there." He said seriously. The watch displayed Freddy moving now. You realize it revealed your location. Parts and Services were displayed in a corner of the screen.

"Shit!" You said. You slam the watch against the side of the table, ending the call just as Freddy was about to say something.

You start to panic, fear setting in. You needed get as far from Parts as possible. Trying to get your other hand free it was clear your hand was not going to get free. It was still stuck between wires and gears. You braced yourself and took a deep breath. This was going to hurt.

With enough force you ripped your arm out of Bonnie scraping and cutting it in the process. You make a mental note to get a tetanus shot later just in case.

"Argh, fuck." You shouted. You inspected your hand and wrist. There were several cuts and scratches, most of which were bleeding. It didn't seem like anything a few bandaids couldn't fix but you were thinking too fast to really tell. You see a cloth for greasing nearby. You grab it and wrap it around your arm tying it into a makeshift bandage. Now to get out. Knocking the chair aside you escape.

Hands trembling you lock the door behind you. Even if Freddy came by you know you can't let him see Bonnie. You try to guess how much time you had. If Freddy was listed as in the raceway he would be here soon.

You looked to the elevator seeing it had been brought up. Hoping that was Freddy you looked around to find another way out. Nearly tripping over parts on the ground you run to a nearby exit sign. It was a maintenance corridor, grey concrete lining the walls. You dart up the stairs.

Running up the stairs you hardly noticed you were running out of breath, adrenaline fully taking over. You dialed the manager, getting the number wrong a few times. 2. 4. 5. In between checks you see the location has been changed and is listed a "Lobby" now. You hear someone pick up.

"It's me (Y/N). I need help now! Freddy's trying to kill me!" You shouted frantically into the watch. You reach the ground floor and stopped to take a breather.

"Freddy is after you? That doesn't seem like him. Are you sure?" A sultry, deep voice answered. That wasn't the guy you spoke to earlier.

You look into the watch seeing two glowing red eyes back. It didn't seem like any of the animatronics from the band. "W-who are you? Where's the manager?"

"He's just out for the moment, sugar. I'm watching over for him. My name is Moon. Now then, where are you?" In-between panic and near-hyperventilation you couldn't make out who or what was speaking to you. It had a deep sensual voice. In your panicked state you just assumed that he meant the manager was dead. Not wanting to deal with another possible hostile animatronic you just shout damnit and hung up.

This place is insane!, you thought.

Remembering your tazer and unsheathe it. A quick test to see if it was working alright you see a cool blue light of electricity form on it. You were still freaking out but at least you were armed.

You try to think of your options. You were in a mall/plex you barely knew the layout of you couldn't really think of a place they wouldn't eventually find you.

Your watch rang, alerting you. A quick peek showed it was Freddy again. "Damn!" You reject the call, now worrying it already gave away your location. You take the watch off and leave it in the stairwell. You enter the ground floor and find yourself near the race course.

You were hyperventilating. You start to calm yourself as you think what to do next. The manager was completely MIA if he was even alive. You hadn't seen any other night guards during your entire time and you started to question if there even were other guards. Then there was at least 4 other animatronics you hadn't seen, possibly hostile or safe ones.

"Okay." You said, taking a deep breath. Freddy must have saw the location and was coming to the race course, probably up the stairwell. You figure to get as far away from the race course as possible and hide out in the other wing of the mall. You start running in the direction of the lobby.

You dash past a bunch of janitor bots and guard bots but they leave you alone. You are thankful they don't seem to care about you. You figure it's because of the lanyard. As you look back you fail notice a bot moving about and slam into him, both of you hitting the ground.

You get up, rubbing your head. It was one of those janitor bots, though dressed like a tourist. "A map." You hear it say. "Huh?" "Free map. Please take one." It was holding a map up.


"Oh, uh, thanks." You take one. You lift the robot back up and it wheels away.

You continue running hoping you didn't lose too much time. You pocket the map and keep running in the direction of the lobby. On the route back there was no sign of Freddy or the creature that was on the manager's line.

You reach the lobby, massive video screens showing off the animatronics. You weren't sure where to go.

Wait! The map!

You check the map. Apparently the restaurant and kitchen were in this way. You noted that as to where to go next. A kitchen would also definitely have stuff to defend yourself with.

Back in the raceway was something stomping up the stairs. In the stairwell was Freddy, even more angry than before. He had searched parts and services but didn't find you. He was going to check the race course next as that's where the watch said you were. Had you been standing in the stairwell still you'd hear his heavy thumping as he went up the stairs, rage starting to build within him.

You continue to run, hardly taking note of the thematic areas you pass before making it to the restaurant. Nearly bumping into a table, you knock over some chairs in the process. This alerted some janitor bots who go to fix them. You hardly register this. You stop to take a breather as you look around. The restaurant lights were completely off with only a few auxiliary lights on.

Thankfully you still had your phone on you. You turn it to flashlight mode and use that to maneuver around. You spot a counter for ordering with the kitchen behind it. Trying to calm yourself further you make for it hoping for some first aid and a good place to hide. The greasy cloth wasn't helping your cuts at all.

Freddy reached the top of the stairwell and looked into the race course. There was no sign of you. He grumbled and dialed the number again. "Where are you now?" He heard a ringing coming from behind him. Following the source of the sound he saw you had ditched the watch. He growled, annoyed he was back to square one. He took your watch with him.

He started to stomp off in the direction of the lobby. He tried to run through where you would be or where would Gregory go if he was running.

"Where are you going?" A voice from within the raceway asked. It was a deep voice that sounded like the speaker was smiling.

Freddy looked up, seeing Moon perched on top of the rocks of the race course looking down at him. He was balancing.

"None of your business. Go back to the daycare, Moon." He said flatly and continued on. Moon jumped off the rocks onto a nearby fake free and slid down the trunk like a firefighter. He jumped in front of Freddy.

"Wow, I thought that person was kidding." He looked Freddy up and down. "You really are acting weird." Moon said slyly. Freddy stopped. "You saw them? Where did they go?" He demanded, attention turned fully to Moon now.

"That guard is called (Y/N), by the way. And I might have seen them." Moon smirked.

"I don't have time for this." Freddy stepped forward. "Tell me where that guard went." Freddy said. He went to grab Moon but the former somersaulted away. Moon didn't say anything but he was alarmed by this action.

"You know that guard thinks you are trying to kill them right?" Moon said, the sly expression fading. His concern was rising.

Freddy sighed, shoulders slumping with him. "I-I'm sorry. It's just that I know that guard knows something about Bonnie. I just want to talk. I-I-..." He admitted, voice getting quieter. If he could cry he would have.

Moon walked forward a bit. He put a hand on Freddy's shoulder. "Look, I'll find (Y/N) and talk to them. Just go to your room and calm down."

Freddy was about to protest but he stopped. He knew Moon was right as he tried to reflect. "Okay, I am sorry."

"It's alright. Just relax."

"Thanks, Moon."

"Don't mention it." Moon smiled and pranced away. Freddy started to return to his room. He looked to your watch and kept it.

You made it to the kitchen. It looked to be about how you expected it. Anti-slip mats everywhere, plates on racks, pots and pans hanging from the ceiling and the familiar scent of cleaning product. It was really dark in here, the only lights coming from over interfaces and the exit signs. Your phone provided additional light.

You figure you had a bunch of time before Freddy would come looking here. First things first were to find a first aid kit. You hadn't noticed it before but your hand really hurt.

You went to the back of the kitchen hoping to find a kit. The back was where all the trash was kept the smell of it hitting you when you entered. It wasn't that bad but it seemed like the staff had forgotten to put away some of it. It doesn't bother you. You've smelt worse on other jobs.

You stop, hearing something from deeper in the kitchen. It sounded like someone eating. You could also catch a few chicken sounds that sounded like someone is strangling a chicken. Lots of bocks and gobbles.

You couldn't help but notice it also sounded slightly robotic. Hoping it was your ears deceiving you and not another animatronic you stay along the wall, turning your phone light off. As you continue down the room it gets louder. Still holding the tazer you prepare for anything. You turn your flashlight back on and turn the corner, ready to attack. At the end of the hallway you spot one of the animatronics eating out of the trash bag, stuffing its face. Next to them you see the first aid kit. You sigh.

You weren't ready to start running again.

Looking closer it looked to be one of the band members, Chica, you think her name was. She was too busy stuffing here face to notice you standing there, let alone the light shining on her.

From the light shone and what you knew she was a chicken animatronic. She had three feathers sticking out of her head with a bowtie wrapped around them. She had mismatched leg warmers that you weren't sure was intentional. Both had vibrant neon patterns. She had the kind of shirt you remember exercises instructors in the 80s wore. It was like a leotard. It was pink and covering her entire torso. Like the other animatronics you had seen she had shoulder pads. On where her ears would be were two relatively large green earrings. From what you could see she even had talons like birds do. She had spiked bracelets on her arms with some kind of hand warmer on giving her palms a green colour.

This was the guitarist from the band.

She eventually noticed you staring at her and looks over her shoulder at you. Seeing the two bright eyes in relative darkness cause you to flinch. "What do you want?" She hisses. Her voice sounded feminine and demanding. Not at all threatening and deep like Roxanne's.


"I-I just need to get to the first aid kit." You stammer. "Hmph. Go ahead, I won't stop you." She says annoyed and goes back to eating. You barely manage to get out thanks in between trembles. She doesn't seem hostile, you think.

With lots of care to avoid Chica you open the wall-mounted kit and get to work on cleaning your cuts. A splash of alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, some gauze and bandaids later it was all covered up, feeling a lot better. You put your tazer back into the sheath but left the case open, just in case.

You hadn't noticed but Chica had stopped eating, her attention turned to you. She looked quizzically at you, mouth full of trash. You notice her staring. It looked like she was expecting you to say something. You just nod awkwardly. It briefly occurs to you she maybe shouldn't be eating trash but that was the least of your concerns now.

She then noticed the state of your hand, blood dripping ever so slightly on your arm. It wasn't the best job but it worked. It was slowly drying.

"Are you okay?" She asks, mouth full of whatever scraps that fit. "Yeah, a bit, I guess." You examine your hand. The pain had subsided and it seemed the bleeding stopped. You make a mental note to check the cuts later. Maybe get a tetanus shot too.

Chica swallows whatever trash she was eating and gets up. Did she have a digestion track? "What happened?" She looked at your bandaged hand and the now discarded bloody cloth.

"I just...cut myself on some wires. It's nothing too bad."

You smile at her.

Though she was one of the animatronics Chica didn't have the same stature as Freddy or Bonnie. She was a white-feathered chicken with a bowtie on her head and two long green earrings on either side of her head. Still 80s themed like Freddy and Bonnie but less of a rocker aesthetic and more of a 80s exercise trainer aesthetic, you noted.

Chica takes a long look at you. "You're new here aren't you?"

You chuckle. "It's obvious huh." You take a deep breath, nerves finally relaxing.

"Well most guards don't like me get-er-Most guards don't get injured." She started to say something then quickly switched it up. Either way you weren't going to press the question. Chica picked up your lanyard, carefully reading it. "(Y/N), huh. You aren't wearing the right outfit."

"Oh, uh, I'm not a guard, just a repairman." Her expression changes, eyes showing interest.

"Oh? Well I'm Chica, guitarist of the Fazbear 4, pleased to meet you." She said cheerily, extending a hand. It seemed a bit greasy from the trash she was shoveling into her mouth.

You let out a breath of relief assured that this animatronic wasn't trying to kill you. You shook her hand. "(Y/N), technician and repairman".

"Well my shoulder and arm are a bit unscrewed. Are you here to fix me?" She flexed her arm showing that it was indeed loose.

You shook your head. "Not necessarily. I probably could though. Not now, I left my toolbox back in the repair shop." You say.

The exhaustion from all that panic and running was starting to wear on you. You were coming off an adrenaline rush. "I, uh, just, you mind?" You motioned if it would be okay to take a seat.

"Sure. My trash though." Chica responded.

You take a seat on the floor back against the wall next to the animatronic chicken and pile of garbage. "Sorry, I'm just getting a little tired." The smell of expired food and leftovers was the least of your concerns.

"Are you going to be sick?" Chica asked, concerned.

"It's alright." You take a breath. "Just...been a long night. First Freddy tries to kill me then I cut myself then some other animatronic takes out the night guy." You sigh.

"Hum, well, Freddy has been acting up all today. Since last night I think. Something's got him distracted."

"Tell me about it. I thought he was supposed to be the leader. Guy even hurt my arm." You say, rubbing it idly.

"Well, I can't blame him. He only ever acts like that he's got Bonnie on the mind."

"Bonnie?" You ask.

"Oh, you won't know him. Bonnie was our bands original bassist way back. He and Freddy were inseparable. They were very close to each other. When Bonnie vanished it really hurt him. Spent months after that searching the mall for any sign of him." Chica paused.

"Just wish I knew what got him so wound up. He doesn't want to talk about it." Chica said, looking up mindlessly.

"It took a lot to get Freddy to move on." She said, quieter.

That had answered any questions you had. You knew exactly what set him off. That bow. It still in your pocket. You thought of your options. You could just say nothing and deal with an angry Freddy who by all accounts would eventually find you. You consider getting Chica's help. But you weren't sure how Chica would react to it.

You decide to gage her response.

"Were you close with Bonnie?" You ask.

"The three of us go way back, even before this plex. Same names, different looks, sort of. I can't really explain it. We've known each other for a long time. We always stuck together, the four of us. I'm sure Bonnie's out there somewhere. It wouldn't be the first time he disappeared."

You sigh. You may as well reveal the whole plan. Chica seemed harmless enough. If you got in trouble you would just say they found Bonnie's corpse or beat it out of you.

"Could this have set him off?" You defeatedly say, pulling out the bow and presenting it to Chica.

She just stared at it for a good minute, processing it. Her reaction was stunned. "Where did you.." As if watching her make some game winning realization her expression changed a few times. "You're going to repair him?" She said very quietly. It was almost a whisper.

You let out a sigh of relief, glad to get it off your chest. You nod.

Outside the kitchen and across the plex, Moon was exploring on his own. He was still searching for you. He didn't want to wake the manager so it was up to him. Moon knew you didn't have your watch so calling you was pointless. He knew you wouldn't have left because the manager has the keys. "Ah well, new worker will turn up eventually. I should check on the manager first." Moon said aloud and skipped in the direction of the daycare.

There was an awkward silence. You could hear the whirring in Chica as she was processing everything. You guess it was how the animatronics displayed shock.

"I'm here to fix him. Or. At least try to."

"Omygodreally?" Chica said excitedly. She picked you up and pulled you into a hug. You were lifted off the ground.

"Ooopleasedopleasedo." She said fawning. You couldn't really get out of it, even if you wanted to. The hug provided a sense of security that you hadn't really felt since the shift started. Your head was on her shoulder as she hugged you tightly. She smelled just like trash but you barely noticed it, her actions having caught you off guard.

After a minute she put you down. She was smiling, her beak curling almost.

"What happened to him?" She asked.

"I don't know yet." You didn't trust her enough to let her in on your developing murder theory. "There was some accident and it damaged him badly." You say.

As if another revolution occurred in Chica she figured something else out. She put her thumb on her chin, still looking at you.

"That's it! He's not trying to kill you! He's just worried. That's why he's has been off. You haven't told Freddy have you?"

"No, I was told not to. He accidentally saw the bow yesterday, and well, freaked out."

"Hmm, maybe it was supposed to be surprise. Nevermind that. You should tell him! It would help him a lot." Chica was beaming.

"Well I'm still not sure if I really fix him yet. He's pretty beat up." You were hesitant.

"Just tell Freddy. Even if you can't it would at least get him some closure."

"Alright. I'll try to find him. Thanks Chica." You lie. You knew you would probably need to tell him soon but still worry about his reaction. You decide to do more work on him first.

"Don't mention it (Y/N)!" Chica responded cheerily. "So that's why." She mumbled.

"If you see him, could you tell him to stop chasing me? It's really bothering me."

"Sure! I'm sure he wasn't trying to harm you."

"I hope so. Alright, I gotta head back down. I'll see you around." Chica nodded in response and resumed her garbage-eating task.

You weren't sure if she should be doing that but she had just helped you immensely so you weren't going to question it.

Now that her attention was fully diverted from you. You just waved bye and left the kitchen.

There was work to do.

next chapter
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