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21.05% New life as Naruto Uzumaki / Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Kapitel 4: Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Sidestep to dodge a fist coming for the head. While using left hand to make the attack destroy opponents balance. And at the same time left leg to kick the stomach.

Dodge dodge dodge.

Naruto and Iruka were fighting. Both of them only using Taijutsu and Taijutsu alone.

Today was the day for team selection. A lot of things had changed in the last few days. Like the fact Naruto had not only mastered tree walking but also water walking as well. And it was also the reason for his rapid improvement, to the point now he could spar with Iruka and not look like a weakling. Though he still won zero Taijutsu matches against Iruka.

"Okay that's enough for now go and get ready for the academy." Iruka said as he took some distance from Naruto. Naruto was full of sweat.

"I know I know. I will scrub myself hard and take a good bath." One of the downsides of working so hard was the fact that he sweated a lot.

Talking about training. In that he was not able to spar with Hinata. Though both of them could talk to eachother, while Hinata not fainting. Because of his encouragement Hinata had also started to train with him in the morning. And Naruto was happy with Hinata trying at least.

Entering his apartment Naruto couldn't help but salivate. His cooking was truly something. The smell of his breakfast made his stomach growl.

'Wait a little longer.' He said to his stomach and went to bathroom.

Sometimes later and a happy Naruto with full stomach left for Ninja academy.

"I wonder who will I be with."

"I hope I will be with Sasuke."

"Hey, I want to be with Sasuke."

While most of them were gossiping Naruto ignored them and started to look for Hinata.

"Hey, Good morning, Hinata?" Naruto greeted her smiling happily.

"Good morning to you too, Naruto kun." She greeted him back.

Before they could start talking the door of the classroom got slammed open. Both Ino and Sakura entered the room.

"Get your large forehead out of my sight."

"Shut up you Ino pig."

Just then they saw Sasuke sitting alone.

""SASUKE!"" Both of them bolted to him. They sat next to him putting him in the middle. Emo Sasuke looked like he was going to snap and punch them anytime.

Naruto looked at it all and felt like smiling in happiness, but decided to do that inside of his mind.

While Hinata felt a little jealous about Naruto looking at Sakura. For her She thought Naruto still liked Sakura and they were just friends. Even then she was grateful to be friends with Naruto.

"Good morning students. Go back to your seats." Iruka entered the classroom at that time. His entry also stopped both Ino and Sakura's bickering, giving Sasuke a little peace. A little peace to think about ways to kill Itachi and how he would laugh while killing Itachi.


"Well what do you think?" Hiruzen said as he was showing the graduating classroom on his crystal ball.

"They are a rowdy bunch, alright." Kakashi commented.

"At least two of mine are peaceful. I just have to make sure the last one doesn't make to much trouble." Asuma said looking at his team. At the same time getting glared by Kurenai because he was smoking.

"I didn't know He was close to Hinata." Kurenai said. She didn't really care much about Naruto. She was one of those who would ignore Naruto.

"They have become good friends. Every day they train together in the morning." Hiruzen said as he took another puff out of his pipe.

"I don't think my team will even work together. They seems more trouble than worth." Kakashi said as he took out his book. Some of the jonins felt their eyes twitch at his action. Female jonins started to glare at him.

"That's something to be expected from the youth." Hiruzen instantly regretted saying that.


"Guy... Inside voice, please." Kakashi said tiredly knowing full well his word would have no effect.

At the end of the meeting both Kakashi and Hiruzen were outside of the office, sitting on a bench at a park.

"You really have to give me that team?" Kakashi asked the Third Hokage.

"There is no one better suited for the job than you." Hiruzen said looking at children playing.

"I know I am not a teacher material. I don't know how to make them work together. From their files it looks more like they will get along like water and oil." Kakashi really did not wish to be a jonin sensei.

"You know why I chose you. You can look after the Fourths legacy as well as help Sasuke after he awakens his Sharingan." Hiruzen said.

"I know about that. But.." Kakashi was hesitant.

"There is no need to hesitate. Let's go we have things to do." With that both of them used Shunshin to leave the place.

"Why are we so far away?" Kakashi questioned as they stood on a rooftop away from Naruto's apartment.

"Naruto has started to take advantage of his Shadow clone jutsu." He said as he made few hand seals.

Kakashi felt his eyebrows rise because of the high level Genjusu Third Hokage used to hide them.

"Most of the time dozens or more shadow clones stay in his apartment." Hiruzen commented as they looked through the window.

"Even without going inside the apartment looks clean and tidy." Kakashi commented.

"That was not the case sometimes ago. But now Naruto is trying very hard to become Hokage." Hiruzen said with a smile.

"Really now." Kakashi said nothing more as he looked through the room as well as the foods in the fridge.

"It seems he even started to change his diet." Kakashi said nothing as he listened to Third Hokage talk.

Sometimes later and visit to all of his students. Kakashi and Hiruzen ended their tour of students house.


Naruto sat on his seat waiting for Kakashi Hatake, his new Jonin sensei. It would be a lie it he said he liked waiting. The current him hated wasting time. And Kakashi was known for wasting time.

'No wonder even with all that talent he is still an Elite Jonin. An Elite Jonin who is known because of the Sharingan no less.'

While Naruto was cursing the two other teammates were also not happy waiting for their jonin Sensei.While Sasuke was on his own world Sakura felt restless. She was looking around.

"Hey Naruto, how did you pass the graduation exam?" She asked demanded him to tell. It was not like Naruto couldn't see, she just wanted to do something and putting the previous Naruto down to feel satisfied was the norm.

'I really don't want to be her simp.' Naruto said in his mind a little annoyed. Though he didn't show any of it.

"I learned a different kind of clone jutsu, and because of that I passed the graduation exam." Sasuke who was curious and Sakura's question now looked at Naruto.

"What kind of clone?" He asked with a frown on his face.

Sakura while decided to shut her mouth to please Sasuke.

"Eh, like this." He decided to make a shadow clone. On the one hand it was a shortcut seal for making multiple shadow clone jutsu. On the other hand he was pretty much neutral toward Sasuke.

'Just don't die because of your chakra amount.' He mused in his mind.

"It's the same but different hand seal." Sakura said and Naruto decided not to correct her. His shadow clone dispelled itself.

"How come you got a new jutsu?" Naruto wondered what kind of sin did he commit that Sakura was going after him. Was it because the previous him praised her, called her beautiful and let her vent on him.

Naruto just shrugged. He was not in the mood to explain anything more to her. Specially one of his shadow clones transformed as bird just told him, Kakashi was standing at the memorial stone.

Sakura just huffed annoyed. But to not show bad side to her Sasuke kun she sat on her seat and acted like a lady... Whatever definition she had of a lady that is.

As time went by Naruto relaxed and started to meditate. While both Sasuke and Sakura had to enjoy eachother's company.

Suddenly the door of the classroom opened, and a white hair Jonin with mask entered the room.

"Hmmm." His one revealed eye looked at all of them. Naruto looking at him with curiosity, Sakura acting cute trying to hide her annoyance and Sasuke slightly glaring at him.

"I will wait to make my judgement. Meet me at the rooftop." After making a single hand seal he vanished from his spot.

All three of them left the classroom running toward the rooftop.

"It didn't take you three much time. Now sit down and introduce yourself." Kakashi said.

'Yeah nothing changed.' Naruto complained.


"So, what do you think after meeting with them?" Hiruzen asked. There were no paperwork on his desk.

"I don't think this team will work." Kakashi said truthfully. He was not optimistic about team 7 working.

"Why so?" Hiruzen took out his smoking pipe.

"Even if they were the same as the papers said the team would still have become a disaster. But now Naruto has changed a lot, a good kind of change. The problem is here that both of his teammates doesn't like him, and he is not even trying to get along with them." Kakashi was right about it all.

"Yes, I can see the changes. He is staying with Iruka most of his time, and now without any doubt having a new friend like Hinata is making Naruto stay away from them." Hiruzen also agreed with Kakashi.

"And the so called rivalry is pretty much dead." Kakashi decided to point that fact to.

"Observe, analyse and then take action. Iruka is trying to put that into Naruto's head." Hiruzen said with a small chuckle.

"Well, that's even better. So, how about you let Tenzo handle Naruto?" Kakashi proposed another idea.

"I can teach Sasuke when he awakens his Sharingan. As for Sakura let Kurenai handle her." He also added.

"And let you slip out off your responsibility." Hiruzen dryly added.

"All three of them are like powderkeg together, waiting to explode. Not to mention the last student of Kurenai is in house arrest." This time both of them were silent thinking about it.

"How about this. Officially Team 7 is your student. But you will only have to look after Sasuke and going on D and C rank missions. Tenzo will train Naruto and Sakura getting trained by Kurenai." Hiruzen said.

"That will be too much. Just let me take care of Tenzo's ANBU team and let him take care of the team. And I can always go once in a while to teach them." Kakashi suggested. This time Kakashi was very happy with his suggestion.

Hiruzen looked thoughtful thinking about the entire thing.

"So, we will do....


"Hey Hinata! Come here." Naruto waved his hands in front of Ichiraku Ramen shop calling Hinata. Hinata saw him waving at her. And even with a small blush she walked toward him.

Both of them entered the Ramen shop together.

"So, Naruto you decided to bring a friend of yours?" Ayame asked with a teasing smile. She looked Hinata up to down. Seeing Hinata's blush she didn't say anything more.

"My name is Hinata Hyuga. Nice to meet you." Even with her blush Hinata introduced herself.

"So, what are your orders." Ayame asked. She did not show her surprise, even though she knew Hinata Hyuga was the clan heir.

"For me two bowls of Miso ramen and Hinata?" Naruto asked her after giving his order.

"I will get the same." Hinata said her shy nature showing.

"Then give us four bowls of Miso Ramen, with extra toppings of course." Naruto said with smile.

"So, are you two in a team together?" Ayame asked as her father was busy making Ramen.

"No, we are in a different team. That reminds me. Hinata how was your team? Did your jonin sensei took any test?" Naruto asked Hinata, he was interested in it.

"They were all very helpful. And our test was to find her using our tracking skills." Hinata said not telling how Kiba was traumatized because of ogling at their jonin sensei. Kurenai had not showed any mercy to Kiba while using her Genjutsu.

"Man I hope our jonin sensei will be like yours." Naruto complained a little.

"Don't worry Naruto kun. I believe you will pass the exam." Hinata encouraged him.

"I know that Hinata. But our jonin sensei is so lazy that I think he will fail us just so he will not have to work. He came three hours late. Not only that he said he will take our exam next day. I feel he doesn't even care about it all." Naruto started to complain about his jonin sensei.

"So who are the jonin sensei of you two?" Ayame suddenly asked.

"Kurenai Yuhi." Hinata said. She knew her for years. Kurenai was like an older sister to her.

"Kakashi Hatake, the scarecrow." Naruto said with a grin.

"Really now!" Ayame just chuckled hearing their answers.

"Your orders are ready." Right then Teuchi came with their orders.

Both of them ate Ramen happily and after that said goodbye to eachother.


"So, that's all." One of Naruto's shadow clone said as it dispelled itself giving the real Naruto all of it's memory.

He now knew every corner of the training grounds. Especially where their exam would be the next day. At first he wanted to make traps, but he was not sure if his other teammates would even listen to him.

And so not to hurt them or kill them by mistake he had to give up on that plan.

"What loots did we get?" Naruto questioned one of his shadow clones.

"Not much really. But the hunt was far better." The shadow clone said as it opened the fridge, which was filled with high quality meat of chakra beasts from the forest of death. He was going to make that place his hunting ground. Because the chakra beasts meat in the supermarket were very expensive.

"Another feast." Naruto grinned. He was doing a lot of exercise everyday and so he was also eating a lot everyday.

"Now I just have to find a way to invite Hinata. Well it will take some time." Like eating ramen. It had taken him some time to convince Hinata.

Another reason was Hinata had a huge appetite and because of her shyness she doesn't eat much. He wanted to see with full stomach and and working hard what kind if changes Hinata would be able to bring.

'I really have to learn chakra sensory jutsu.' He wanted to but he would need some points to get it. And was not the same one as Iruka. He had felt eyes on himself mostly while being in the library.

He was also having less and less things to do. He knew the way to train Wind chakra nature but Hiruzen with his crystal ball was the problem there.

'If only that bastard stops peeking.' Naruto complained as he decided to go to sleep. Even though he was full of energy and ready to run hundreds of time around the village. The mental fatigue of using shadow clones were also something. And so he made a habit of going to bed early.

A/N: It will be great if you help me by donating. But don't worry those chapters will get public release soon.

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