under the glares of the Hyuugas I am currently at Hinata's birthday party only miss Himawari ( who now insists i call her mother to everyone's dismay) seems to be okay with my crush on her daughter , father-in-law looks at me like some petty theif ...
Hinata-chan ends red like a tomato 🍅 Everytime she looks at me she was steaming when under everyone's gaze i gifted her a scarf i made with mother's help and i placed it on her praising her in the process saying she looked cute🥺. i heard alot of : " tsk sweet talker" , "silver-tongued scum" , " smooth talker" , " he look like a womanizer" , " grrrr how can he say that while putting an innocent face tsk" , " he's charming Hinata-oujo-sama quick do something" , " i should take notes" wispers
except for the last one i don't think they liked my actions....
then as i blushed (totally not acted ) when she asked why i had my fingers wrapped in bandages and i blushed harder saying i made it myself ( once again totally not planed) they cursed me even more...
she got totally red and she melted my heart when she took my hands in hers ( while releasing steam from her head ¿ maybe she could learn boil release?) and thanked me saying it was sweet but i could have just bought her something... and i said i bought her. a present but i wanted to give her something i made with my own hands , and i took out a pair of mittens with a chibi lion head design that i asked izumi's mother to make when I visited her ( totally not a bribe) she's really good at sewing ( totally didn't tell izumi to give a handmade scarf to itachi...).
she loved em and i got cursed at again....
these people really like cursing huh...
those boys that followed their parents to the celebration forgot their boredom and were memorizing my actions o taking notes.
Sasuke has talent for courting women at least the Sasuke from the ilusión Sakura and Naruto are placed in the OG.
will i become a womanizer?
there are lots of beautiful women here...
maybe i should get a second wife? no i don't think so Hinata-chan is enough atleast for now
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