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3.92% Naruto: Secret organization / Chapter 1: Chapter 01: The baby who regretted being born.

Kapitel 1: Chapter 01: The baby who regretted being born.

In a certain village in a certain country, a woman with black hair and black eyes was sitting in an armchair in front of a fireplace while lovingly rubbing her swollen belly.

' Ugh , where am I?'

Without anyone knowing it, an entity that did not belong to that world had begun to inhabit the body of his unborn son.

'What happened? The last thing I remember was crossing the portal with mother and Rosa, did something happen in the process?

Well, first of all, let's see the state of my body. Number one I can't move any part of my body, number two my thoughts feel slow, number three I'm swimming in warm fluid.

Yep , I reincarnated as a baby.

Ha ha ha

Yes of course, that is not possible. Surely there must have been some mistake with the portal and I find myself in a medical pod.'

In this small body within this loving mother, was the soul of a veteran who had traveled the darkest corners of the world seeking to cleanse them, and at the same time had seen the brighter side of humans by trying to protect what was most important to them search for a better future.

This man was Lite, who had just woken up from a long sleep.

'Okay, I've been here for I don't know how long and it's already clear to me that I'm perfectly healthy, nobody came to feed me, or give me injections, or give me pills, I don't feel the need to urinate or defecate either.

Well, that was obvious, he just wanted to avoid reality. The portal was created as safe as possible, after all, it involved the survival of the human race. Of the 2,000,000,000 people who traveled, for me, who was the last to travel, to be the only one who got into trouble would be a very bad joke.

I can also feel that someone is talking to me outside this pool, although I don't understand much of what they are saying, which is imposible. Since the world federation was created, the mandatory use of the earthling language was implemented, a single language for each and every one of us, the inhabitants of the earth. This was in order to close the gap between the existing cultures much more and thus prevent more conflicts. Although many opposed this due to the loss of identity of each culture, when faced with the possibility of another war, however small, they had no choice but to remain silent.

All this in addition to feeling small tremors, as if someone was constantly moving me...

Yep , reincarnated as a baby huh…


Lite couldn't help but feel totally lost, his concern was at the height of the sky and he didn't know what to do.

One moment he walks through the portal and the next he finds himself inside the body of a baby.

His mother and his wife, what happened to them?

And the most important question, how did this happen?

If he manages to solve that question, he will be able to know the status of his mother and Rosa, unfortunately he is just a baby inside the womb of a totally unknown woman.

The worst thing is that he couldn't spend much time thinking. His soul contained a lot of information from his past life, information that his small undeveloped brain could not process at the moment, which caused him to be in a constant cycle of being unconscious and awake, that is at least until a balance is formed between his body and his soul.

And that's how the months passed.

'I've been here for a long time. I'm more and more lucid, but still there's nothing I can do right now. I was thinking of getting information from my parents' conversations, but I don't understand anything they say.

The language is something that is easily learned as long as you have a context to which you can relate the ideas, unfortunately I am locked up here, so my world is this pool of water which, by the way, is quite warm and comfortable.




It's been a considerable time since I've been here, so I managed to calm down and analyze the situation, being unconscious most of the time also helped, otherwise I would have gotten bored quite easily.

What I hate the most are the nights of passion between father and mother.

Hell, I'm still in here, can't you wait until I'm out to start making me some brother or sister? Although I'd rather have a sister, it also makes me angry to think that one day some idiot will come and take her away.

Well, for now we just have to wait until I'm born.'

And so the days continued for Lite, waiting to go out and find the answers to the questions that torment him so much.

< Timeskip no jutsu >

'I don't-know-how many months have passed and I finally feel like I'm going to leave this place. Although it is quite comfortable and warm here, not hearing from my mother and Rose makes me feel very stressed, which is obviously not healthy for a baby's health, as I am already overloading my brain capacities by processing more information that I can in this undeveloped body.

I have come to a few conclusions regarding my current situation, even if I haven't had much time to contemplate.

Number one, fuck all the isekai novels I read in my past life. How the hell can I train my body or think about techniques or whatever if I spend most of my time unconscious? I have already repeated this several times, but my body does not correspond to my soul, meaning that all the information it brought with it is too much for me currently, this has caused me not to be able to think clearly and everything feels blurry. Seriously, what fool thought that when you're reborn then your mind will be immediately the same age you died?

Number two, I feel an energy within what is currently my mother, although my senses are quite numb, I can feel how this energy passes through my body and slowly strengthens me . If it weren't for that growth that I feel in my body, I would have ignored this very important fact. However, that doesn't make me feel good at all. I'm not a doctor. I certainly learned a few things in my days in the underworld to be able to be prepared in any situation, but I'm not someone with advanced knowledge, back on topic, I still know that there is no "energy" within the body of mothers that strengthens babies. I know they say that mothers have superpowers, but this is something else.

Which brings me to my third point, I'm not on earth annymore, that's for sure. If they were other times, I could believe that some supernatural creature was hiding in the middle of society and living with us, but that is totally impossible, of the two billion humans that migrated to the new world, each and every one of them was in the federation registry with all the information that could be collected, which makes it impossible for an entire population of supernatural beings to go undetected, and to say that the descendant is the last person of such a race is equally impossible, the technology is too advanced and it was concluded that there is nothing that can give some kind of special ability to individuals in our universe. I mean , we literally blew a hole so we could travel through space and time, we obviously look for any and all possibilities that might or not exist to survive.

I am in another world, no, calling it that way could indicate that I am on some other planet in my universe, it is more correct to say that I am, precisely, in another universe totally different from mine.

Point four, I'm in danger. This may sound obvious, but if there is a place where people can have much greater power compared to others, this will lead them to arrogance and treat others as lesser beings. Just remembering the idiots on earth who believed themselves to be in a superior position even when their physical and intellectual abilities were below average gives me a headache, I don't want to imagine what will happen when those differences are as tangible as this power that I have noticed .

Number five, this is related to number one and it is not something that affects me directly, but it will serve as a basis for the future, the composition of a living being is made up of its physical body and soul. That is something that many would think is general knowledge, even those who do not believe in the existence of the soul, if they are told that, they will agree with me. The thing is that, precisely because it is made up of two parts, they must be able to fit together, or rather, be compatible. That brings me to the current problem, my soul possessed this child's body, but it came with a lot of information, and obviously, this body only functions like a baby's.

What do I mean? Think for a while, what is the organ of the human body that is in charge of memory and information processing? Obviously the brain, and now all the information of a lifetime has to fit into the brain of a baby, obviously there will be problems, but hey, that allows me to form a hypothesis of how this works, in the first place, my soul came, but I didn't I feel any discrepancy beyond my body, in fact, since I woke up I only feel that it is my body that adapts to the soul, and not the other way around, although I have no way of corroborating this because I only have myself as an example .

Therefore, it is a fact that I reincarnated, which makes me wonder, am I a special case in the sense that I reincarnated or in the sense that I brought back my memories from my past life?

This is very important as it will dictate much of my future behavior, whether intentional or not.

If I am special because of reincarnation then that is where my analysis will end for now, but if this is the norm for everyone and my weirdness lies in the fact that I brought my memories from my past body to this one, then things will get ugly. If this is the case, it means that what makes up the soul and is passed from body to body in the reincarnation cycle is the essence of the living being, a soul can have memories or not, I don't know that, but I'm sure that this information is discarded when forming a new life , otherwise, everyone would have past memories, which obviously does not happen.

The problem is that this means that a soul has no age, it does not age, that means that I am not a middle-aged man in the body of a baby, but a baby with the memories of a middle-aged man. It may seem the same, but nothing is further from reality. In the case of the second, it means that, as a baby, I only have memories that are not intrinsically mine, but Lite's from my past life, as well as his experience and everything He developed, including the will he built, his ideals and much more.

It's hard because I'm using my own point of view to analyze myself, but in short, now it's like someone just watching a movie of someone doing martial arts and expecting to be able to do it perfectly, this is beyond what your body can do, its ideals and everything that conforms to being called Lite are in this state.

And again, this is not a good thing. Forget about being a prodigy with the knowledge of my past life as in the isekais of my old life, I'll be lucky if in this life I even have the will to get out of bed early, although the memories I have and my little analysis of the world current events let me know how dangerous being weak can be, this will only serve as a warning and help, but not as an experience that will give me the necessary impulse to mature.

Hell, I really hope it's the first choice, so I have a solid foundation to survive on.'

While I was having those final thoughts, the time came.

The woman was in a lot of pain and after hours of labor, her child finally came out, like a healthy baby, he cried a lot after a little pat and then he was passed to her.

— Give me my baby, I want to see him.

— Take him, Kokoe, he's a healthy baby.

— Yes, it's beautiful, I would have liked his father to see it, I'm sure he would be very happy.

At these words, the doctor couldn't help but feel sad. The boy's father was nothing more than a talentless genin, a man quite loved among the civilians of the clan, despite not belonging to it, however, in one of the many conflicts between the great nations, although these were small , Rock village shinobis on their way to massacre a civilian village were intercepted by a small patrol group made up of genins that included the father of this baby. He, who had always abhorred this type of practice, decided to go into combat against them, an action that was literally suicidal since the enemy was made up of three chunin and five genin . Kota, as he was called, managed to kill one chunin , severely wound the other, and kill three genin due to a surprise attack, the last three escaping. The rest of his group opposed that confrontation since they had no way to win, so they escaped leaving him alone and went for reinforcements, but when they returned, they only found the civilians praying for the fall of the hero who saved their lives.

His death did not mean much to Konoha , but it gave them much more prestige as they were considered people who protected the weakest.

— Yes, I'm sure it would. Do you already know what you will call him?

— Yes, I'll call him Lite.

— ? Why so?

— Hmm ... You can say it's a feeling, that calling it that's the way it should be, something like that.

— I'm not a mother yet, does everyone have those kinds of feelings?

— I couldn't tell you, but this baby sure looks good with it.

'What do they say? I don't understand anything, and besides that is an experience I don't want to go through again...

Well, I'm finally outside and just as I thought, my body reacts just like a normal baby would, my brain seems to be more developed compared to my body, although it must be due to the amount of information it has been exposed to, adapting to it since I woke up, but I can't coordinate my thoughts with my body. I'll be in instinct mode for a while. '

— What do your parents say about the baby?

— Hmp , if it wasn't for the fact that it's hard to raise a child alone, I wouldn't agree to be with them.

— Come on, it wasn't their fault.

— I know, but if they had supported us from the beginning then Kota…

Kokoe's family was merchant civilians with great wealth. When Kokoe told them that she wanted to marry someone who wasn't from the clan, they went crazy. Maybe they were civilians, but Uchiha blood ran through their veins and they couldn't stand their daughter messing with an ordinary civilian, even if she wanted to marry a poor civilian, it had to be an Uchiha. It was too late when their daughter ran away because of the pregnancy and then they found out about Kota's sacrifice that they regretted treating him like this. As Uchihas, they had high pride, but even so, when they found out that what could have been their son-in-law accomplished such a feat against opponents who obviously outnumbered him in strength and numbers, they couldn't help but respect him, so they went to his funeral. They apologized to their daughter and offered to take care of their grandson, although Kokoe still couldn't forgive them.

When Kota found out that he would be a father, he was very happy and decided to stop being a ninja and dedicate himself to something less dangerous, he was going to do this with the help of Kokoe. Over time she had amassed some money and together they planned to use it to open a business, but her parents refused to give it to her at all costs, forcing Kota to take missions again and finally meet his end.

— But now they are sorry.

— I'm sure it's only because now that Kota's gone he can't give a bad name to a family that doesn't belong to the great Uchiha clan.

— Sigh... Kokoe, I understand that you're upset, but those kinds of feelings won't do the baby any good, also don't say things that you might later regret. You lost Kota, but you can't totally blame your parents, you know that he had the option to escape with his companions, but he decided to stay and save the lives of those civilians. In the end, blaming others for his death is nothing more than not respecting his will to fight for what he believed in.

— I know but…

— You are very tired after the delivery, give me Lite and sleep for a while, I also have to do the necessary checkups.

— Okay…

'WHAT THE HELL? DID I SHE SAY UCHIHA? Well, I never thought that I would die so quickly after being reborn.

Bye world, bye new mother, it was a pleasure to be alive…'

And so, our protagonist fell asleep anguished by the future that awaits him.

SteveOl SteveOl

Second chapter of the day.

I'd apreciate if you share this story with your friends and give me motivation.

The first chapters will be a little heacy, that's beacuse I want to lay a good fundation for the future.


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