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79.64% Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills? / Chapter 90: Prelude to the Chunin Exams 1!

Kapitel 90: Prelude to the Chunin Exams 1!


Chapter 86: Prelude to the Chunin Exams 1!

Jutsu of the day:

<Scare the living shit out of people no Jutsu>

Courtesy of Yours Truly .


24th June, Year 78

Location: Hokage's Office



"No means no, Mitsu!" An irate Tsunade-Neechan said as she rubbed her temples.

"Eh come on Neechan! It will be fun! I can make the exams suuuuuuuper interesting." I wasn't fazed at all by her rejection of my request. I was still all smiles. Enough to make Genjutsu flowers bloom around me.

"Sigh… It's inappropriate. You aren't even a Ninja under Konoha to begin with. Not to mention you have some affiliation with 3 Genin teams that will participate, one of them is even your girlfriend.

Which will make the exam unfair for others if you end up blabbering about it. And finally…" She looked weary of my smiling self.

"And finally… If I let you design the exam… I am afraid half the participants will be scarred for life…"

She deadpanned as she accused me that.

How dare she accuse someone as righteous as my wonderful self that! Also… she is so right… Hehe.

But I couldn't let her know that!

"Aww, do you trust me that little Neechan? I mean, I was simply going to make the exams more entertaining… for myself. No one's gonna lose any arms or legs or anything." I said innocently.

"Absolutely NOT!" But Tsunade-neechan wasn't going to budge. What a bummer.

I made a small pout as I inclined my head, putting on my Oscar winning sad act.

Seeing me like that, Tsunade-Neechan shuddered a bit and looked guilty. I knew I had her. So I 'compromised'.

"At least let me watch the exams. You can do that, can't you?" My voice was low, laced with grief. If someone didn't know better, they would think my dog died.

I could see Neechan struggle for a bit before sighing in defeat… Success!

"Fine… You can watch the exams with the other Jonins…" She relented.

I did a mental high-five.

It was never my main purpose to design the exam. I mean, why would I? That's just a bull load of work. With little to no reward, except for watching little Genins cry due to the difficulty.

All I wanted to do was view the first 2 exams, which was hidden from the public view. Only Jonin senseis, examiners and ANBU guards could view it

Not even Elite Jonins, unless they are part of the examiners, can view the exams.

Only the final portion of the exam is available to the public and other Ninjas.

But I wasn't going to miss out on my Hina-bunny completely decimating everyone, now was I? I taught her so well after all!

So I made this drama.

If I simply asked to watch the exams from the start. Tsunade-neechan would've surely said no.

So I started off with an even more impractical request, making my real request seem tame in comparison! That's negotiation one O sixty Nine, baby!

Anyway, I smiled at Neechan to look grateful, which made her return the smile. She was glad I wasn't sad or angry at her.

She seriously thought me as her family and treated me as such. I was her little brother in everything but name at the moment, as we do share blood, even if it's a few generations removed. And my Wood Release reminding her of the Shodaime, helped as well I guess.

Also to the Senju and Uzumaki, family meant everything. And she was part both. Which reflected on her actions.

"Thank you Neechan! I really want to see how my friends fare in the exams."

She laughed at that and opened a can of Sake.

"Are you sure you aren't only looking forward to staring at your little girlfriend? I heard you have been training her." She teased. Other kids would have blushed like a maiden trying to deny it.

But I was a certified shameless individual, with a PhD degree on the subject, "But of course! If I don't stare at my girlfriend, who am I gonna stare at? Naruto? No thank you, I will pick Hina-bunny any day." I said with a smirk, much to her annoyance.

"Sigh… I still can't believe the Hyuga elders didn't make much of a fuss about the possibility of their blood leaving the clan…" She said as she took a sip of sake. She looked melancholic. Probably thinking about her own family.

And I couldn't blame her about the Hyuga thing. After all, the Hyugas not making a fuss about such a matter was actually abnormal.

"Well, let's just say they owed me quite a bit." I answered ambiguously. It was a matter between the elders and myself. Even my future father-in-law appreciated what I did. And the details of the deals will never see the light of day.

"Should've known you had something to do with it…" She sighed.

I didn't answer and only grinned at her.

"By the way, what are you going to do with the Wind Daimyo's proposal? He sent another one after your refusal." She asked in concern.

"Don't worry, I already sent him a counter proposal for my second brother. If he doesn't take it, then he can throw as much of a tantrum as he wants. But then he will find himself in between many nations who for some reason don't want to trade with them…

The land of Wind is already struggling, if he is smart, he won't do anything stupid to make the situation worse.

But as I have investigated, it was my brother who instigated this stupidity. He wants to somehow keep me under some political presence, so that I can't rise above my station.

He even tried to get you under the fold, didn't he?" I asked her with a smile that said, 'I knew everything.'

She shuddered a bit at that.

"Of course you know…" She shook her head, looking a bit guilty.

"Just know, I care about you a lot, Mitsu, and I don't want you to think that I was trying to undermine you when I discussed that offer." She almost pleaded.

"Neechan, I know you won't do something to harm me… And I also know that the only reason you are even considering his offer is because you already see me as a part of your family." I reassured her.

"Mitsu, you know that I can't have children. The Senju will die with me. But if I adopt you in the clan, then you will have a chance to rebuild it. With Danzo and those vermin gone, no one will plot against the Senju again. With you in the lead, the clan will soar higher than ever.

But I know, by doing so, it will take away your chances of being Daimyo. It will also chain you to the village… Not to mention, you will be expected to produce heirs with your chosen wife." She explained herself.

[A/N: CRA isn't canon. It's simply a harem fanfic's common route taken by the authors. And I am not going to put it in this fic.]

I sighed.

I knew, of course I knew.

If it was me a few years ago, I wouldn't have cared much about becoming a Senju and be happy to live any reincarnating Weebs dream, being in a harem of my choice, and produce some baby Senjus.

But I have grown from that... it is mainly due to my growing affection for Hinata.

But it's also because my younger self had no idea about what it would truly mean.

Harems aren't unheard of here, but not something simple either.

Only in a few cases can one man have harems.

First, as concubines, it's only available for Daimyos.

Or to restore one's clan. There is no such thing as CRA in the Naruto world, much to what my old world's fanfics tended to think as a fact.

But to save a clan, the last heir is still allowed to have multiple wives. But that too only when the main wife is unable to produce heirs.

Which is the issue in this case.

Because, if I become the Senju heir, then my wife will be expected to produce Senju heirs.

She will be under pressure to produce heirs. And that will start as soon as she turns a certain age. Sigh, medieval thinking.

And that will cause another issue. As I intend on marrying Hinata, her being the Hyuga heiress, our union will cause a fracture in power balance.

There is a reason, most clans only intermarried or married civilians.

It's not only to protect their bloodlines, but also to keep the power balance intact. Even the Senju, Uzumaki marriage occurred before the village was established. And that was to create an alliance.

So, marriage between clans and clan heads at this point in time is simply impossible.

This will obviously all change in the future. But that's still far from now.

I still didn't have the power to change the laws and outlook of old traditions. Not yet.

Then there is the issue of me becoming the head of a Ninja clan.

I will still be considered a prince and will still have a certain amount of privilege.

But I will ultimately be under Konoha's rule. I will lose the autonomy I currently possess.

I will lose my right in the line of succession of the Land of Fire, and the alliances that I forged will either be dissolved or be transferred to my father, later my brother.

Both of whom will simply fuck it all up. And I can't have that.

So no, I can't be a Senju, no matter how much Tsunade wants me to be.

"You know I can't do that Neechan." I said calmly.

"Sigh… I know that, Mitsu… I just… I can't bear to think that my clan will end with me…" She had tears in her eyes.

I sighed, but there was nothing I could do. I could possibly give someone else the Senju genes and claim him to be of the Senju line, but nearly no one will accept them. They will accept me because of my known ancestry. But others? not so much.

After all, 60% of the villagers were connected to Senjus in some way.

I felt bad for Tsunade-Neechan. I really did. I treated her the same as my blood sister.

But I wasn't going to restrain myself for… wait…

My blood sister…



Tsunade-neechan looked at me in worry.

"Are you alright Mitsu?"

"I am… I simply realized something that was right in front of us the whole time… and could possibly be the solution to your problem." I said with an awkward laugh.

She seemed interested.

"And what would that be?"

"Well, I have 2 siblings!" I stated with excitement.

"You have 3 siblings Mitsu…" She deadpanned.

Oh right, second brother… But he isn't important for this matter.

"Well, it simply means they also have Senju heritage, don't they?"

Tsunade looked unimpressed and said, "Mitsu, I am the head of Medics. And I of course know that they are related to me.

But that doesn't change the point. They don't have <Wood Release>like you do. They won't be accepted. Other clans might simply think that the Kaneko dynasty is out to grab power."

"We don't know that! I mean, I am sure that Yashiro and Masashi don't have the gift! But I think Hakune-neechan might have it! I did feel closer to her after all… It could possibly be due to her having the bloodline limit!" I lied through my teeth.

But Tsunade looked interested.

"Are you sure?" She looked hopeful.

"I will need to test her, of course, she will first need to unlock her chakra. So I will first teach her Chakra manipulation. She is already too old to be a Ninja. But that has nothing to do with her bloodline!

And with this, she can escape from the destiny of just being a trophy wife to some snotty noble!

I have been shielding her for the last few years. But if she can be the heiress to a clan. She will escape that fate altogether. She would love that. She can have her dream of escaping her fate come true!"

Tsunade looked thoughtful.

But she agreed at the end.

"Very well, you should teach her how to unlock her chakra and test her bloodline. If she does have it, then most of our issues will be solved." She smiled.

I smiled in return. It would surely be wonderful if things worked out like that.

After I was done talking with Tsunade-Neechan, I decided to get myself some pizza.

As I strolled to my Pizza Joint with Fuzzy accompanying me, I came face to face with an interesting spectacle…

It was quite familiar, and yet veryyy different.

As in front of me was a very fearful Kankuro on the ground, with Temari on his defense holding her battle fan looking tensed.

While on the other side, my usually very lovable girlfriend was giving them a cold death stare as she twisted Konohamaru's ear.


What the hell was going on?

As I made my way closer, I could see Naruto and Sasuke standing behind my Hina, awkwardly looking at the whole situation.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch! Lady boss! Please let go, it hurts, it hurts!" Konohamaru begged.

"You should have thought about that before starting trouble Konohamaru-kun… I will be talking to your grandfather later about all this, you can be sure of that.

But for now, *looking towards the sand siblings* you three… You already know that you are in someone else's village, and yet dare to try attacking someone? A child at that?" Hina said in a low tone. Her angelic voice was anything but angelic at the moment.

I blinked at that… Was my Hina always so assertive? Damn that's… hot.

I decided to wait a bit more with Fuzzy to see how all this will play out.

"Unno~ Hinata-ch-*shuddering* Sama, there are only 2 of them." Naruto said while shivering. He was so afraid of Hinata, he didn't even try to check his surroundings.

"Shut up dobe… There is one more on that tree over there… Probably their team mate." Sasuke said, still looking at the sand siblings awkwardly.

It was then Kankuro and Temari looked towards the tree to find Gaara standing upside down on a branch and were instantly scared.

"Ga-gaara? How long have you been there?" Temari asked fearfully.

"Shut up! Or I will kill you. Stop disgracing us." Saying so, Gaara turned into sand and appeared before his siblings, before sending killing intent towards my girl and friends… Which didn't bore will with me, but I still kept watching.

I will give him a good spanking soon.

This little bit of killing intent was nothing in front of Hina and the others. And Hina was even able to shield Konohamaru from the intent.

I smiled at that. I have taught them well. I was proud.

Hina didn't back down and simply stared at Gaara with an impassive face.

Gaara was about to ask her name, which was my cue to appear.

Before Gaara could open his mouth, I put my arm around his shoulder as if we were old friends, and said, "Well, if it isn't my dear friend Gaara and his siblings, how yaaa doinnn?"

I grinned at him and then winked at Hina, who instantly turned red. All her bravado from before gone.

"M-Mitsu K-kun?" She squeaked out.

The change made me chuckle.

Gaara was horrified as I had broken past his sand barrier, and quickly ordered his sand to attack me. But the moment his sand was about to touch me, I was no longer there.

He turned around frantically to look for me, and found me squatting down near Kankuro as I poked the downed boy with a stick.

"Ne, ne, are you alright? Hope my girlfriend didn't hit you too hard. She is usually very gentle, you see." I smirked at the horrified face of Kankuro who couldn't even speak.

While Temari found her battle fan missing. Which terrified her further.

Gaara growled and asked, "Who are you? Why is mother so afraid of you?" But he didn't attack. Well, it was probably Shukaku who was refraining from attacking. As it felt my Wood Element Chakra I was releasing.

It can suppress tailed beasts, after all.

"Oh where are my manners? I am Kaneko Mitsu, remember the name." I said with a bright smile that most probably unnerved Kankuro and Temari.

[To be continued]



[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]

LuminouShadow LuminouShadow

Wheew already over 500 stones. Welp I will put another extra chap next week I guess xDDD

next chapter
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